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Anonymous writes...

In "Rescue Op" Barbara's computer finds a match for something which she considers "intriguing". What was it?

Greg responds...

You're testing my memory. Hold on...

Okay, I'm back. It was the info about Jaqqar Marlo's manner of death. I thought that was fairly obvious from the episode.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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walkie writes...

Hi, wanted to say that I'm a big fan of YJ!

My questions mostly relate to season 3 continuity stuff, specifically the whole Batman reading Slade's micro expressions thing, and more specifically Atremis's knowledge of it.
She said that "we" have known since before they found her, implying that Nightwing/Batman told her what batman had seen. Does that mean that she was aware of the whole anti-light thing too, and if so was she made aware specifically because of that reason? (since she didn't know that Nightwing was talking to Oracle in the first episode, I assume she wasn't aware of it at that time, and since she's never named among the conspirators). Also, if she didn't know, did she just get told that Tara is a mole because Batman saw Slade's micro expressions so without asking why Batman was involved with Tara in the first place? And where was she during the episode where Jefferson basically blew the lid on the whole plot? I assume that if she wasn't already fully aware of the whole plot, she was made so before the full reveal to the rest of the team and league at the end of the season?

Sorry for the long paragraph, I just have been unsure on the depth and duration of Artemis' knowledge of the whole anti-light thing for a while.

Greg responds...

1. No. Artemis didn't know about the Anti-Light. But it's not surprising for her to hear that Batman told Nightwing something useful.

2. No one thought Batman went out of business. The fact that he was on Santa Prisca, investigating the League of Shadows' new base fit with the cover story that he had quit the League.

3. She clearly knew by the time of the big meeting in the Watchtower, where Nightwing officially spilled the beans. Almost everyone knew by then. I'm not sure exactly when she found out, but it was sometime between when Jeff figured it out at the Premiere Building and when Nightwing made it official at the Watchtower.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1) When did Fire become a superheroine on Earth-16?

2) When did Magog become a superhero on Earth-16?

3) When did Steel become a superhero on Earth-16?

4) When did Wildcat become a superhero on Earth-16?

5) When did Dinah Drake become a superheroine on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. Beatriz da Costa debuted as a heroine during Team Year Six.

2. Team year Six.

3. Team Year Six.

4. 1942.

5. 1964.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Why is Barbara going by "Oracle" now?
When Will asks Dick who he's here to recruit this time, who did Dick recruit the other time and for what?
When did John Henry Irons become Steel?
When Jaculi murdered the king and queen was there a control chip on him?
When was Gabrielle Doue hired at the palace?

Greg responds...

1. She has a different role, and the name suited her.

2. No spoilers.

3. Team Year Six.

4. Nope.

5. Team Year Seven.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Paul writes...

Is Looker Scottish or Irish? It sounds as though she has a Celtic accent, but I can't place which one it is (sorry)!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In Outsiders, was it your intention for Khary's voicing of Amistad to be comedic?

Greg responds...

Yes, in that moment. Anyway, it made me laugh.

Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Paul writes...

1. In the latest episode, "Artemis Through the Looking Glass", it appears as though El Dorado has the designation D-07. Since he was never a member of the Team, did he ever have a B-designation?

2. Since Cyborg was never a member of the Team, did he ever have a B-designation?

3. Regarding the D-designations (for the Outsiders), were these created/implemented immediately after that squad was formed (December of Team Year Eight)? Or was it a while before they came up with the idea to have their own group of designations with their own assigned letter?

Greg responds...

1. He did briefly. He also had an A designation for a while before that.

2. He did briefly.

3. Not instantly. D-designations went into service on February 25th of Team Year Nine.

Response recorded on March 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So In Overwhelmed when Robin and Kid Flash are using the word "Ject"(They use this after using ejected,subjected,rejected) would it mean the same as the Latin word ject meaning throw or is there some other Wordplay I am missing.

Greg responds...

I think the connotation is 'nailed'! Or gotcha!

Response recorded on February 28, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

I've got some questions about "Triptych."

What did Shade do to Stagg?
What is the "meta-human fail safe" really for?
What "significant incentive" did Cheshire receive to release Shade?
Did Dr. Stone ever figure out the Reach device?

Greg responds...

1. It seems obvious to me, but I prefer to leave it to your imagination, as the episode did.

2. No spoilers.

3. Nothing. Just because one character says something doesn't mean she's right.

4. It blew up. That made it more difficult to analyze.

Response recorded on February 25, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

Where was the real Orion while M'comm was impersonating him?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Fisher writes...

Is Eduardo Dorado Jr. out to his father? If so, what team year did he come out?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I haven't thought about that, honestly.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Curious Canadian writes...

When episodes from seasons 3 and 4 air on television in Canada (or other non-streaming locations around the world), do you get to decide when commercial breaks are inserted or is that decision made by the broadcaster?

(PSA: I hope all my fellow Canadian Young Justice fans are remembering to support Season 4 on Teletoon every Sunday!)

Greg responds...

I hope so, too.

We have suggested Act Breaks in our scripts, but I doubt anyone is looking at those. I'm not even sure how they could.

We made a decision to present the best possible version of the show for first-run streaming in the U.S., knowing that down the road, things like commercial breaks and/or the series being edited for content and/or for time to fit in a specific time slot (with commercials) could happen.

Response recorded on February 24, 2022

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Family writes...

How long has Iris been hosting the get-togethers of heroes and their kids?
Does Lobo live on Rimbor?
Has he fought the League before?
Did he attend the six Leaguers' trial?
How did Queen Bee know that he failed to kill Forager?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. A while now. It began after the twins were born, more informally.

2. He's more of a nomad.

3. Members of the League.

4. No.

5. The Light has observers.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

I've got some questions about membership.

Are Lia Briggs and Livewire on the Outsiders?
When did Robin and Windfall join the Outsiders?
Is Mist on the Team?

Greg responds...

1. Looker and Livewire are indeed members of the Outsiders.

2. Robin and Windfall joined the Outsiders in Team Year Nine. Though months apart.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Hart?
2. How old is Hauser?
3. How old is Jeremiah?
4. How old is John Smith?
5. How old is Karen?

Greg responds...

1. Hart was born in 1985.

2. Hauser was born in 1974.

3. Jeremiah was born in 1990.

4. I'm not sure how to answer this one. Red Tornado was first built in 1948. The android John Smith body was first constructed - as you saw - in Team Year Zero. If you're asking how old John appears to be, I suppose the answer is subject to interpretation, but I'd say about 35.

5. Which Karen? Karen Beecher and Karen Conlin were both born in 1995. Karen, the genomorph-troll was born in 2009.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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Karrin Blue writes...

Some questions about living arrangements!

1. Does Tara still live at the Premiere Building, and does Gregor live there too, or did they move out after she was put in his custody?
2. Did Paula move out to Star City?
3. If so, has she moved into Artemis and Will's home, or does she live nearby? It seems like she was there rather later
4. Did Artemis move in with Will before or after Jade left?
5. Does the Premiere Building have secret entrances and exits? If it's public record Garfield lives there, or owns the building, then I'd expect paparazzi to always be hanging around the building - and if any of the more distinctive members of the Outsiders were seen leaving the place, it seems like everyone would put together that they live there quickly (and would get suspicious of Team members too)

Greg responds...

1. No. Tara moved in with Gregor. Neither of them currently live at the Premiere Building. Gregor never lived there.

2. I know I've answered this before, but yes.

3. She lives close by, but it's a three bedroom house, with a room each for Artemis, Will and Lian. Paula doesn't live there. When Tara and Violet lived there, they stayed in the living room.

4. After.

5. Does a Zeta-Tube count as a secret entrance? Basically, there are three ways into the two-story penthouse: via Zeta-Tube, via the roof's helipad, or via the elevator from the lobby. On the ground floor, there's the front entrance and a loading dock/rear entrance.

Response recorded on February 23, 2022

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meg writes...

1: was henry heywood high school named after a former hero?
1b: what was his codename if thats the case?
2: Did the original roy never meet his fellow sidekicks before being taken by the light? THe timeline in the young justice wiki said they all debut besides robin after he was taken
3: Why did you decide to have artemis and her family live in gotham? im pretty sure they don't have any gotham tiies in the comics.
4: Dd you decide to make artemis asian before or after you decide chesire was her sister? How did you come up with the idea of them being related?
5: Does kon-el have a meaning in krypton's langue? or is it a translation of connor?
5b: What does it mean if it does have a meaning

Greg responds...

1. It was named after Henry Heywood.

1b. No spoilers. Although, really, you can look this up. We're not being THAT cagey.

2. As stated in the show, he had not met Robin, Aqualad or Kid Flash before he was abducted.

3. They do, actually. But mostly, that's what worked for our needs way back in Season One.

4. We combined two families, making Paula Asian, with two bi-racial daughters.

5. It does have a meaning in Kryptonian.

5b. No spoilers. That is, "Kon" means "Spoilers". "-el" means "No." Kidding, kidding.

Response recorded on February 22, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Did the light pick ultra humanite because he worked with the Brain before and had similar abilities
2 Does the light currently have candidates in place if one of their members gets captured or leaves?
3 Are the heroes aware that the light knows (at least some) of the heroes secret identities
4 Do ultra humanite and deathstroke genuinely agree with the light goals or did they only join for the power and influence they would get from it
5 During young justice season 3 episode 15 when Artemis scanned task force x one of the things that was shown was that black manta was the strategist for the light. Was this an actual role he had when he was still with the light?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure that was all part of the equation.

2. I'm sure everyone has ideas.

3. Yes. For example, Batman is aware that Ra's knows his identity, and has to assume that the Light now knows, as well.

4. Those aren't mutually exclusive considerations.

5. Is that what it said? I don't recall that.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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L writes...

1: Why did you avoid using the classic green oracle face in outsiders?
2: what exactly did Cadmus use to create the 6 type of genomorphs that weren't clones?
3: Who taught kent nelson how to use magic without the helmet? was it nabu?
4: When did shade gain his power?
5: Was shade a foe of the justice society?

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall.

2. Genetic material.

3. He picked a lot of it up by osmosis.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Ali writes...

1:You made clear in the past how you feel about the Speed Force, what is your personal opinion on other cosmic sources of power like the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum, or Elemental Forces such as the Green or the Red? Obviously I am not asking about their status on Earth 16.
2:Can Beast Boy transform into animals not native to the planet he is on? As in could he turn into something like a monkey on Mars or into a Ma'alefa'ak on Earth?

Greg responds...

1. I think it behooves me to keep my thoughts to myself. Despite your caveat, my words would inevitably be taken out of context and dispersed.

2. A monkey wouldn't survive long on M'arzz. So the answer is, yes, theoretically, but no, pragmatically. You've already seen him transform into a Ma'alefa'ak on Earth.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Jay writes...

Is there a reason people wear the same civilian clothes every day? (I know this is for budgetary reasons for most animation but considering how much thought goes into this world, I figured I'd if there's an in-universe reason)

Are people actually wearing the same clothes every day? Or are we, the audience, just seeing a false version of their clothing? If they are wearing the same clothes every day, do they have multiple identical articles of clothing?

Regardless of all of the above, how many Superman t-shirts does Conner have? If it's just the one, how many times a week does he wash it?

Greg responds...

If you'd read our companion comics, you'd know Conner bought many of the exact same black S-Shield t-shirt at Forever Sixteen ten years ago.

Otherwise, no. In theory, people are not wearing the exact same thing every day, sequentially. Ultimately, we just don't have the person-hours to constantly design new civilian clothes for everybody.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Jay writes...

Will Damian Wayne be drawn with Arabic features? He's always drawn and colored as if he's white in other mediums, but has such an important heritage. Wayne Family Adventures is the only one I can think of that shows this accurately.

Greg responds...

Damian al Ghul is biracial. And we've designed him with that in mind.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Who thought of Psimon and Devastation?

Greg responds...

Um... Psimon was the creation of Marv Wolfman and George Perez. And I just looked it up, and Devastation seems to have been created by Eric Luke. But really you don't need to ask that here. You can look that stuff up as easily as I can.

Response recorded on February 17, 2022

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Playdate Questions! writes...

Hello, Greg! I have some questions regarding the super-playdate we saw in the Home Fires episode of YJ: Outsiders.

1. How did Mera, Artur, Lois, Jonny, and co. arrive at the West-Allen home? I believe you answered in a previous question that they used zeta tubes, but how did they get from said-zeta tube to the house? Does Mera know how to drive? Did they Uber? Establishing shots didn't show any parked cars around the house, so I'm curious how everyone arrived.
2. How did Ocean-Master know the playdate would be happening on that day? It's clear from his set-up in the adjacent house that he's been keeping an eye on the West-Allen house for a while, but can the same be said for all the attendees? How did he know the playdate would be at that house instead of, say, Will's?
3. I loved seeing how much resemblance the kids have to their parents (Artur to Orin, Don to Barry, Dawn to Iris and Barry, Jonny to Clark), and it reminded me of a question asked long ago (I believe to Jerome K. Moore, but it might've been Phil Bourassa) about the decision to have Lian have red hair instead of the black despite being a fourth-Vietnamese. Did the character artists decide how much resemblance each youngster would have to their parent, or did you and Brandon have that worked out beforehand? For example, did you plan on Don being an adorable mini-Barry or was that the artist's decision? Moving forward to Phantoms, was the same line of thinking applied to Damian as shown in Episode 5's Tale of Two Sisters?
4. In the episode, Will shows relief when John arrives with Traya as he's another father in a sea of mothers. Is this to imply that Barry, Jeff, Orin, and Clark are often too busy with League business to attend the playdates? Or was that mainly in reference to THAT specific playdate?
5. Was there a reason Mal didn't join Karen at the playdate? This one could very well be a spoiler request, but it did strike me as odd considering Karen's eagerness to join the playdate club.

Anyways, thank you in advance! This was one of my favorite episodes of the season and I'm thoroughly loving Phantoms! I hope you're enjoying your day!

Greg responds...

1. I'm thinking cabs or Uber or Lyft. I'm thinking that now, cuz I never bothered thinking about it before now.

2. If you're eavesdropping, you get intel.

3. It's usually a discussion between Brandon, myself and the character designers.

4a. It might imply that, yes.

4b. At minimum, yes.

5. Let's assume he was otherwise occupied.

Response recorded on February 17, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

I don't exactly know the timeline here so I could be way off, but was it ever considered to have Young Justice: Outsiders air on Adult Swim in the same vein as the 5th season of Samurai Jack?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. If it was, it was never discussed with me. I'm not sure Adult Swim could've - at least back in those days - afforded the show. Also not sure if it fits their brand. But that's not for me to say definitively.

The plan was always, as far as I know, to go the streaming route. We had success on Netflix. Then Warner Bros and DC decided to use YJ to help launch their own streaming service, DC Universe.

Response recorded on February 16, 2022

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