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Anonymous writes...

Is Traci Zatanna`s first protégé?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

On 2016, a fan commented on Twitter “I also wanted to see more of Nightwing and Zatanna " and you replied “who doesn’t ? !” .
1. Were you foreshadowing that we’ll see more of dick and Zee in the show ?
2. What is your opinion today about dick and Zee together as a couple ?

Greg responds...

1. No, I wasn't. But of course, Zatanna got her own arc, and it isn't too big of a stretch to assume you'll see more of Nightwing, too. So NOW I am.

2. As first loves go, I thought they were really great together.

Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Ash writes...

Hi Greg, I'm not anticipating a lot of Wonder focus this season given the arc structure, so thought this would be the best batch to try for now in a way that shouldn't spoil anything upcoming by the time things get answered.

1) You’ve said that Amazons don’t age while they’re on Themyscira before, https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17241 would this apply to non-Amazon women who live there as well?

2) You have given a chronological and biological age for Troia, but only an unspecified (but presumably chronological) age for Diana as of S1 and for Devastation. I was curious if you would give biological ages for Diana and Devastation for the two.

3) You have stated that a part of the reason for the Amazons enhanced abilities (in general, not for the Special Ones), is partly due to the Purple Healing Ray. I was curious if it was technological or mystical in nature?

4) Themyscira is represented as an entity by the UN - but we also see that Atlantis which we know to be composed of several kingdoms/city states and described as a continent is represented as an (apparently) single seat. I was wondering if Themyscira; as represented by the UN, composed of additional islands or settles, and if so if the protection from aging extends to these islands.

Two of those sort of push the limit of being one question, so I'll refrain from asking a fifth. I find the differences that exist within Earth-16s portrayal of its entities (even those not in focus) to be fascinating and was just hoping for a few additional details that I don't think would constitute a spoiler so much as logistics. Thankyou very much for a beautiful world beyond the show.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. At the start of Team Year Ten, Diana is biologically 39 (more or less).

2a. At the start of Team Year, Devastation is biologically 28 (more or less).

3. Have I? Well, in any case, No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

So, just because we're not likely to get to something this season, doesn't mean the questions aren't still spoiler requests.

Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Gwen writes...

Is Cyborg part of the Justice League now? Or is he still affiliated with the Outsiders?

Greg responds...

Cyborg is in the Justice League now.

Response recorded on February 09, 2022

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Lidley writes...

Is YJ's version of Mist based on Nash Nimbus? If not, could you tell us her civilian identity? And going off "Tale of Two Sisters", is she a member of the Team now?

Greg responds...

Mist's real name is Andrea "Andie" Murphy, and, yes, she's now a member of the Team.

Response recorded on February 09, 2022

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Hazel writes...

1. Did Wendy Harris and Marvin White ever clue into the fact that the public hero Superboy was their old classmate?

2. As someone who absolutely adored Kelly Stables' work in W.I.T.C.H., I'm very happy that you roped her in to voice Cissie. Thanks.

3. I noticed that you gave Orphan a Z-designation, but not a B-designation. Was she even a formal member of the team when Season 3 started?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I was very happy, too! Kelly is always great!

3. Nope.

Response recorded on February 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Will was wearing his Red Arrow costume in episode 5 of Phantoms. Was that a one time thing again like in "Private Security" or is he fully back as RA?

Greg responds...

Occasionally, he's back as Red Arrow. But not often.

Response recorded on February 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did the light make klarion one of their inner members. Could he not just have remained a partner/associate of the light and give his seat to somebody more stable and more in line with their goals?

Greg responds...

I think Savage made the choice that was best for the Light, given Klarion's personality and level of power.

Response recorded on February 08, 2022

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Steve writes...

1: Is Zviad Baazovi from markovia? He was a soviet originally in the comics.
2: How many lords of chaos and order are there usually at a time?
3: Why did Wonder Woman return to man's world after returning home following world war 2?
4: Was John smith/red tornado Connor's legal guardian? I remember seeing that here but i couldn't find it in the archives
4b: Did anyone else took over for torando like ma and pa kent?
5: If Tornado was Connor's legal guardian, does Connor view as a father and by extension Traya as a sister?

Greg responds...

1. He's Markovian in YJ.

2. I've never counted.

3. No spoilers.

4. I seem to recall that as well.

4b. Eventually, yes.

5. They're not quite that close. But they are fairly close.

FYI, Conner is spelled with an o and an e.

Response recorded on February 08, 2022

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Liam writes...

1: How was Ocean master/Orm related to Orin/Aquaman? Were they full brothers or half brothers?
2: Who were orm's parents?
3:What's Ra's al ghul ethnicity? It's always been vague in the comics and with most of his designs.
4: What is Sensei"s full name?

Greg responds...

1. Half-brothers.

2. Same mother. Different fathers. Not revealing their names, cuz... Spoilers.

3. Arabic.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 07, 2022

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