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Zeliard writes...

Future Tense is my favorite episode. The first time I saw it, I didn't had time to think of what just happened, something else always arrived! It's great! In the scene where Goliath appeared from cyber-space with Elisa, Goliath said: "Demona... Angela... Brooklyn..." I was suprised that Goliath said Demona! He said her name first!

Greg responds...


There's a part of Goliath that will always love Demona. And when he saw her fighting for their daughter on the side of the angels for a change, the old feelings must have welled up. Not enough to make him forget Elisa, but enough so that her "death" hurt.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hmm... I should have perhaps placed this question within the same post as the previous one...

Will Samson have a mate and/or children in 2158? Moreover will his attitude towards parentage be human-like (like his mother) or will he follow the older gargoyles ideas on the subject?

Greg responds...

Samson will have a fairly obvious romantic interest. Originally, I definitely wanted him to have kids and a dead mate, but now I'm hemming and hawing. Strangely, I don't want him to be too much like Goliath. And I'm afraid the absent wife and kids might push him to far in that direction.

As for his attitude, I think that inevitably it'll be an amalgam of both views. Biological progeny will matter to him somewhat. But hatchlings being raised communally by the clan will still be very important.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Zorlond writes...

Good evening, Greg. My question is something I know you've skirted before, but the question wasn't very specific. Okay, question is:

In The Green (think that's the name), Jackal's imagining the things he's going to do to the Aztec Clan and the Tourists. One of those things is re-carving Goliath's face to resemble Jackal's. If Jackal had actually done that, would Goliath wake up looking like Jackal? Wake up with his own face? Not wake up at all?

Hopefully this specific question isn't a repeat...

Greg responds...

He probably would not have woken up. It probably would have killed him.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Shauntell writes...

Okay, I just have a couple of questions...
1) In "Mark Of The Panther" what sort of things were going through Goliath's mind after his discussion with Diane and as he was approaching Angela?
You had commented that what Diane said made him realize some things, but what other things would he have thought about on that? Would he and Angela have discussed their problem?
2) In, "Eye Of The Storm" what were the reasons for having Goliath done the Eye of Odin? Was he ever to be a sorceror? If not, why have him use the Eye? What was the significance of that episode?
Well... I think that's it for now. Chow!!

Greg responds...

1. That Angela was his daughter by anyone's definition, including his own. In the interest of trying to make her see the difference between gargoyle and human definitions of parenthood, he had neglected to be any kind of father. A lot of this came out of paranoia involving Demona. If Angela gave him special status as her biological father, she might also grant Demona special status too. Which in fact, she did. Though I don't think it harmed anyone.

2. Sorry, but questions on separate topics must be posted separately.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.did goliath and co ever tell macbeth or demona of what happened on avalon and if so how did they react?

Greg responds...

My guess is that no one filled Macbeth in. If they had, then Macbeth would have reacted differently to Arthur in "Pendragon". It's possible that Angela told Demona about it during her "Reckoning" incarceration. But then again, maybe she didn't. I'm not sure that Angela would feel any value would come out of bringing that up.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

Can you please give us some small tidbit of information on Demona's two great loves?

Greg responds...

Not counting Goliath?

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Zeliard writes...

Naming stuff.

1.What is the real name of the Archmage?

2.Who named Goliath?

3.We know Bruno is the leader of the Commando. Do you have names for the rest of the Commandoes?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know.

2. Prince Malcolm.

3. Nope.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Hudson didn't seem as upset as Goliath had been in the World Tour about Angela recognising Demona as her biological mother. Why was that? (I mean I see Hudson as the bastion of old style Gargoyle tradition. So shouldn't his reaction have been stronger than Goliath's had been?)

Greg responds...

When? Are we talking about "The Reckoning"?

Hudson had the time and the distance to be steadier.

Goliath's head is still pretty messed up regarding Demona. It's much more personal. Much more psychologically dangerous.

Hudson can recognize that in Goliath and choose to act as a balancer. Hudson hopefully is more three dimensional than simply being the 'bastion of old Gargoyle tradition'.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Bryan writes...

Dear Greg,
1) where did you get the idea of gargoyles ?
2)What happened to galiaith's brother; will they ever see each other again?
3)Do the gargoyles find out who Mcbeth is?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. Check the archives.

2. If you mean Coldstone, then yes, I think they will.

3. Questions on separate topics need to be submitted on separate posts.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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*The Bride of Ringo* writes...

Hi again, I think it was 'OnyxStar' who said it originally but I'd like to agree by saying that you're a good man for doing this and that "Ask Greg" is definately keeping the series alive with the fans.

Anyway, the question is:

When Brooklyn returns from his Time Dancing would he still be Second-in-command for Goliath or would that position have been handed to someone else? (I mean since now Brooklyn would be older than Goliath biologically)

~The B of R

Greg responds...

Brooklyn would still be Goliath's second. From Goliath's PoV, Brooklyn was never gone.

And Brooklyn wouldn't be THAT old. Not as old as Hudson, for example.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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