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Jake the Fearless Leader writes...

First thing's first: give credit where credit is due. Congratulations on the completion of Season 1. What an action packed final two episodes! I was very disappointed when CN decided not to air them back to back. I was literally sitting on pins and needles for a week between "Usual Suspects" and "Auld Acquaintance." The revelations, the fight sequences, the plot! Everything was incredible. You and your entire team deserve a pat on the back.

Now, onto Season 2. I'll admit, after the opening segment, I was completely thrown for a loop. I did not expect a time skip like that. A few days, possibly. 5 years, absolutely not. I had believed that it would be way to soon to make that kind of a risky move. So when I saw it happen, I was naturally very worried. Now, three episodes in, I am pleased to say that I have officially been drawn into the new season and am anxious to see where the story goes from here.

I suppose the concern came from my love of all things Dick Grayson. He is my favorite hero of all time. It's been a long time since we've seen a young Dick tackling the streets of Gotham as Robin the Boy Wonder (last series that covered Dick as Robin for an extended period of time was "The Batman"). Seeing him advance to Nightwing so soon made me nervous, seeing as he usually becomes less of a focus whenever Tim Drake comes onto the scene. There were so few Dick moments last season (well, in comparison to the others, at least) that I didn't want to see who I believe is the best DC character get shoved to the sidelines too soon, but seeing as he's Team leader, obviously not gonna happen.

So, onto my question: Were you prepared for the audience's reaction to Season 2? Or has all the negativity towards the time skip surprised you?

Greg responds...

Okay, so (a) I don't agree that Dick got short shrift last season and (b) not that there hasn't been some negativity, but in general it hasn't been that bad, and mostly the response has been positive, particularly among those who were willing to be a little patient and give us a few episodes to show that it was still the show they had come to love.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Rory writes...

Is Apokolips and New Genesis in a dimension connected to all DC Universe's or is their a unique version of the two planets in each universe?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Marty writes...

Hi Greg! Thanks for answering our questions!!

In the comic book world, Superman's ability to freeze things can be fully explained by the "Joule-Thomson effect" in physics - Where the release of highly compressed air through a valve (such as pursed lips) causes it to drop radically in temperature. (Wikipedia!)
With HIS level of muscle strength doing the exhaling, he could freeze things easily.

Also, a major by-product of invulnerability should be that his lungs are alot tougher than normal humans and even other superhumans. So logically, his lungs should be able to COMPRESS and store much more air than normal people because he can handle higher levels of air pressure.

Sometime last year, you said the reason why Superman doesn't have his freeze breath in your show was because it wasn't believable enough.
It's a very fair point and i do respect your opinion, but which part was it exactly that's not believable?

In a way, his freeze breath can be explained by real-world science better than his heat vision. :)

That's my fanboy moment done!!!
Thanks for your time. Your doing a brilliant job.

Greg responds...

Yeah... I'm still not buying it.

I buy heat vision (for Superman, not Superboy) because the guy is solar-powered, and who's to say what Kryptonian eyes are like.

But the ability for a lung to compress air just doesn't play for me. Volume is limited. So being able to take in enough volume of air to create "super-breath" isn't working for me. And the ability for pursed lips to than take this "compressed air" (which again I'm not buying into) and "valve" it into something truly freezing still isn't working for me.

And that's on top of the fact, that it's just too goofy for me visually and conceptually.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, great job so far. Ignore the people who whine or think they know better than you do. The effrontery and rudeness and arrogance of some fans always amaze me. Your show is successful because of the way YOU are writing and plotting and not because what they think something ought to play out. I know I don't want to see something that has been done over and over in comics and in former cartoons. What is the point of that? I like YJ because it offers up something fresh and modern and it is part of the multi-verse? Earth-16? So nothing has to follow anything that is on other earths or continuity, right?

Greg responds...

Right. Thanks. (Though I should point out that I'm not a one-man show here.)

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there! I have two questions, if you don't mind my asking.

1.Why did you decide to call Hawkgirl "Hawkwoman" instead of "Hawkgirl?"
2. I recently learned that in some continuties, Thanagarians' wings are attached to some sort of harness. Are their wings genetic or artifical in this world?

Greg responds...

1. Since both names are legit, we wanted to push the adult characters toward names with "man" and "woman", to save the "boy"s and "girl"s and "lad"s and "kid"s for the Team.

2. Genetic.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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mortaltype writes...

Young Justice Questions - Atlanteans and Fish:

1. In episode 3 of season 2 was Black Manta eating fish (1b: with hollandaise sauce and white wine)?

2. Do Atlanteans (in this continuity/earth 16) generally eat fish?

3. If so, is this something subject to regional variation?

4. What sort of reasoning is there behind the choice to eat/not eat fish?

5. Do Atlanteans supplement their diet with vegetation (i.e. seaweed)?

(Thank you - and the whole team - for this wonderful show. It serves as my weekly bribe for making progress towards completing my dissertation and has honestly helped me through a rough couple of months. By the way, searching the archives for the word 'fish' produces some interesting results.=)

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall.

2. I would think so.

3. Doubtlessly.

4. No different from real life reasons.

5. Of course.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JAC writes...

Mr. Greg,

Quick question after reading some of your responses (which seem to ba all over the place on this issue)...when recreating a charicter that has a firmly established history in the DCu (as apposed to say Lagoon boy, who existed but didnt even have a real name until now), how MUCH of that history - if any - do you feel "obligated" (for lack of a better word) to include "nods" to that history?
For instance...and if this seems like a spoiler question, im sure you can think of another example that isnt...the Clark/Lois relationship is practically written in DC stone (as it should be!)...basically my question is: are you the kind of writer that respects the CHARACHTER when writing them, only what you petsonally like about them from the past, or do you like "leave your own mark" even if that means totally reimagining them?
Using the Clark/Lois idea as a beromiter, where do you stand? (ie, if you would never change anything THAT iconic, where do you draw the line?
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I have no interest in "leaving my own mark" and every interest in trying to get to the core of each individual character and portraying them with (what I see as my version of the) truth.

The trouble, of course, is that most of these characters have decades of continuity, created and supervised by dozens of individuals that weren't always in perfect synch with each other or - frankly - even with the character.

So, yes, Brandon and Phil and I get to make choices about what we believe is "right" for any given character. Keeping what's essential. Leaving out what may not be, and ditching what we flat-out feel doesn't work. There's no doubt that my personal biases come into play. (NO SUPER-COLD BREATH EVER!) But I try to be as objective as possible (given what a subjective topic we're dealing with here) about what plays to the core of each character.

But events in a pre-established comic book continuity, i.e. "a firlmly established history" are more up for grabs. We're in a different parallel universe, and some things did happen... and some did not. And some things that never happened in comic book continuity DID happen on Earth-16. I'd hope the character's responses to any given event would be on target, whether or not the event happened in DC's (many) pre-existing continuities.

Relationships are even more complicated. I'm not going to guarantee any character exists on Earth-16 that hasn't been seen or mentioned in canon. So how can I guarantee a relationship between two characters, when one might not exist? But to use your example, we've seen in the comics that Lois exists. And of course Superman exists. So then the question is what if any relationship do they have and does it match up with continuity. And the answer is... YES. But what does that mean? Superman and Lois have (since 1938) had all sorts of different relationships at all sorts of different stages, ranging from strangers to marriage. And both have, at times, dated other people. So I would try to be true to BOTH characters, but I'm not going to guarantee where they are in their relationship at this moment in time.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is it true that Linda Parks name is written on a list somewhere in one of season one's episodes?

Greg responds...

Does this rumor even exist, or are you starting it here and now?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Celestia writes...

1.-Is there a version of you on earth 16
2.-Is there a an alternate version of every one in real life on earth 16?
2b Is there a version of me on earth 16?
3.-Is there a version of marvel comics (as a coomic book company) on earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. <sigh> I suppose.

2. Not EVERYone.

2b. I don't have a complete list handy.

3. Coomics are very popular on Earth-16.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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People's Choice Awards

Would anyone like to see Young Justice win a People's Choice Award?

Write in your vote for our nomination here: http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/nominations/vote.jsp?pollId=120024

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J the Drafter writes...

Does being Nabu's host prevent someone from sending or recieving thoughts via telepathic link? For example, if Martian Manhunter linked up the Justice League, would Zatara be able to talk to Dr.Fate's teammates?

Greg responds...

Honestly, not sure.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Sarai writes...

Hola Greg,

Alright I went through the archives and I didn't see this question (sorry if I missed it/or if it's a Spoiler request but I don't think so)

1. On Earth 16, does the whole concept of "if an Amazon is bound to a man, she loses her powers" still true?

2. In the comics there's various versions as to why Amazons wear the cuffs/silver bracelets, why do Amazons wear them on Earth 16 (besides using them to dodge bullets and what not...I mean does it have to do with a reminder to be enslaved...or something of the like?)

(sorry if these are questions asked but not responded to but there's over a 1000 of those...and I just finished going through over 200 related Wondy posts...)

Greg responds...



Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Neil Cailey writes...

Hi Greg,

I've finally hunted you down,im a 30 year old weight trainning coach from Manchester England uk and i wanted to say that Young Justice is'nt just a great show it's the best show (animated or not). ALSO ....

Hope you don't pay any attention to all the "where is K.F" and "we dont like the chances in the show comments" Young Justice is the cleverest show i've ever seen i love how your twenty steps ahead of the audicence.

My question is ..... Where do you come up with Robin's fantastic quotes like "feeling the Aster" (oppisite to disaster) "whelmed" and "well get taught" oppiste to distaught)

Thank You
Neil Cailey

Greg responds...

I came up with "whelmed". It's something that's always made me wonder. After that, a number of folks contributed, including our writing staff and even my wife and kids. Try it. It's fun.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Purple writes...

In Season 1's "Infiltrator", I noticed that Miss Martian's eyes glowed red while she lifted Kid Flash out of the pool. So far in Season 2, her eyes are glowing green whenever she uses her powers.

My questions:

1) Does a red glow mean telepathic inexperience?

2) Can her teammates see the colour of the eye glow as well? Or is it used to tell the audience that she's using her powers?

Greg responds...

1. Um... maybe.

2. Yes, they can.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Is Klarion literally Chaos given form, or is he like Dr. Fate in that he's just a host?

Greg responds...

He's a Lord of Chaos. But not the only one. But, yes, he is Chaos personified.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Alex Roggio writes...

The Justice League in the comics seemed more like an American organization while the Justice League you presented in Young Justice is an International organization with U.N. approval that operates all over the world. I like this version of the Justice League, but I wonder why all the members are based in United States.

1. Sure, Wonder Woman is from the Amazons, Superman is from Krypton, Martian Man Hunter is from Mars, Hawkman and Hawkwoman are from God-knows-where, but they are all based in America. Why aren't there any African, European, South American or Asian heroes in the supposedly international Justice League?

2. In a world where there are so many ways to become a superhero, how come China, Russia, Japan, India, Spain, Italy, Egypt and others haven't had superheroes who could join the Justice League? And how come the U.N. accepted them so easily knowing they were ALL American heroes? Having American citizens serving as worldwide policemen must be uncomfortable for most countries.

3. Also, there are a lot of evil villains with different countries of origin that have appeared on the show like Count Vertigo, Vandal Savage, Bane, Ra's Al Ghul and Queen Bee, but you haven't presented any superhero from any other country at all. Why is that? And even if there were one, why isn't there more?

4. One final question concerning the same issue. Why did the Green Lantern Corps choose three American citizens to defend Earth? I'm not trying to disrespect John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan, but there certainly has to be a lot of willful and heroic people across the globe that could do wonders with a Green Lantern ring. Why these three? And why all from USA?

Thank you for giving the time to answer these questions and many others! Love the site. Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. Okay, I think this is simultaneously a legit question and a bit of a specious one. To some extent, you know the answer already. We weren't going to ditch out on the greatest heroes of the DC Universe simply because they're all based in the U.S. (Though if I wanted to nitpick, I could say that Aquaman absolutely is not, and that we haven't established where the Hawks are based on Earth or whether Wonder Woman is currently based in the U.S. or elsewhere.) I'm not saying that DC doesn't have international heroes to choose from, but they aren't the classic ones that we were using to create a pantheon in contrast to our teens. As the series progresses (especially given enough episodes and/or issues), we'll be introducing more heroes from across the globe. As for an in-Universe answer, let's just say that the League was formed by seven American base heroes who came together to face an alien threat on American soil. Currently, America is where most of the heroes live. Just as America is (or at least until very recently was) where most baseball, basketball and (American) football players live. These things spread, but not overnight. And, all things considered - source material, especially - I think our series is more diverse than most.

2a. See the answer(s) to question 1.

2b. Who said they accepted them easily?

3. See above.

4. We haven't seen Kyle on this series. Only Hal, John and Guy. But keep in mind, the Corps didn't pick the Lanterns. The RINGS chose the Lanterns. And proximity was absolutely a factor.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Ashton writes...

Just one question: Why does Bane's pupils dilate when he uses Venom in Drop-Zone, and constrict when he uses it in Usual Suspects? I imagine that the venom formula has changed in the intervening period (because his eyes go bloodshot in Usual Suspect, which doesn't happen in Drop-Zone), but having completely opposite reactions is fairly odd for a chemical that's supposed to have a consistent effect. Was this just a goof or is there a reason for it?

Anyway, just something I noticed. Great job on the series; I'm a constant viewer and a definite fan. Thanks for bringing us such a high quality superhero show!

Greg responds...

1. Less of a goof than an inconsistency - assuming your describing it accurately, as I haven't checked myself. But if you want an in-Universe explanation, let's assume you were seeing two different moments in the overall transformation process.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Joe writes...

Dear Greg.
I am a big fan of your work, in particular Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice, and as an aspiring writer, your technique of plotting, use of foreshadowing and Chekov's Guns are a big influence on me.

Here are a couple of questions:
1. What is your approach to plotting a series?
2. And who are your influences as a writer?

To end this off, I would like to thank you for all of your excellent work in every field you have participated in, and I hope to see further projects from you in the future.


Greg responds...

Both these questions have been ASKED and ANSWERED many times before. Check out the ASK GREG archives.

But thank you for the kind words.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, DC should let you do a Justice League series based on the New 52. I like the way you write and have a healthy respect for all characters and development of them feels more authentic than anything I saw even in the JL/U series. You don't dumb anything down and treat your audience as intelligent by challenging us to think/react. Thank you for such a great show as Young Justice.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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d writes...

Hi Greg!
Thanks for the amazing work on YJ! I was never even into comics before, but after watching episodes with my little brother, I have to admit I'm hooked. So thanks :)

Anyway, just one question: You guys were permitted to continue with Season 2 : Invasion around the beginning of Season 1 I think. So if you hadn't been allowed a Season 2, would Season 1 with a different, finite ending? And once you were granted with S2, did you have to change a lot of plans?

Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to watch the next episode!

Greg responds...

Nothing would have changed. The plan was the plan.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Cathryn writes...

1) How many issues of the Young Justice companion comic will there be? Is it an ongoing, or is there an issue cap?

2) How many issues plots have you got laid out already? (I won't ask you what they are, I'm just curious how far ahead they've been planned.)


Greg responds...

1. It's ongoing, I assume as long as sales hold.

2. I've JUST finished writing the script for issue #25. Turned it in early this morning. I haven't started on 26 yet, though I have many, many, many story ideas to chose from.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

Three questions
1. Does Jaime want to be a dentist?(it's his comic dream job)
2.Since it looks like Jade knew Roy2 was a clone was the flirting just to annoy-a him,b-Artemis,or c-both?
3.Could Red Arrow and Superboy be considred 'brothers' since they were both cloned by the same orginization?

Greg responds...


2. C doesn't cover it.

3. By Dubbilex's definition, yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

Why is Rocket in the Justice League in YJ: Invasion? The conversation between her and Icon in the Season One episode "Usual Suspects" suggested/implied that she was going to stay on The Team.

Greg responds...

Yes, five years ago - at age 15, she was quite happy on the Team. Five years later, at age 20, she was offered a spot in the League and took it. These two things are not incompatible.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Superman was at age 33 when Young Justice started (at 2010), and he officially started his superhero career at age 21, that mean he was born in 1977 on Krypton, correct? Also, assuming this occurred before his superhero career officially started, when did Clark Kent finally found out (or at least, accepted) the truth about his origins?

Greg responds...

On your assumptions: He landed in Kansas in 1978 and to all appearances seemed to be a one-year-old. I won't confirm or deny the year of his actual birth.

As for your question: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Deprive writes...

What was the conversation between Superman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter toward the end of episode 2?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Someone writes...

1. Out of curiosity; if you had to choose out of all ALL the characters who are parents in this show who would win "absolutely worst parent of the year award" in Young Justice?

2. How bad was this parent, Green Goblin bad, Firelord Ozai bad, Fourth kazekage bad or Gendo Ikari bad?

3. Regarding each characters past, a) was there reasons you decided to modify the pasts to make them harsher and realistic or was it a more of story point necessity? b)Out of all of them, who would you consider the most dramatizing?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to you.

2. I don't know who those last three are.

3a. Who are we talking about?

3b. "Dramatizing?"

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi There Greg!!
Here is my question.
I'm guessing that the reason why you guys put WW's age into the 80s was to emphasize
the fact that she's immortal, which was a great move.
I know that Superman is in his 30s on your show, but i've read and seen in multiple portrayals of Superman (like Kingdom Come, DCAU), that while he's not immortal, he has a much, much longer lifespan than normal humans.
Was the reason why you chose not to give him a advanced age, was to emphasize the fact
that inside, he's more human than alien?

Greg responds...

I'm not confirming or denying that Superman has a longer lifespan. Nor am I confirming or denying that Wonder Woman is immortal.

In any case, your premise regarding Wonder Woman is incorrect. She's older because she first came to "Man's World" during World War II.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did cameron's dad frezze himself?

Greg responds...

Huh? When did he do that?

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Jill writes...

Thanks for all the work you and your colleagues put into such a great series!

I was curious if this universe has a system for dealing with the property damage that comes with the existence super powered heroes and villains, it's always something I end up thinking about watching animated series.

In terms of..
a. Is the league expected to help the general public repair neighborhoods and cities?
b. Is money privately and publically budgeted for expected damages in high risk cities? (The typical home areas of all the different heroes.)
c. Has it ever become an image/PR problem for the league? Or does the status quo put lives before property and accept it as an inconvenience/blame the bad guys?

Very excited to see where Invasion is going. :) Unexpected but interesting twist.

Greg responds...

a. "Expected"? That depends on who we're talking about. But I think they do help when they can.

b. Perhaps.

c. Mostly the latter, but things ebb and flow.

I have the feeling there are entire industries on Earth-16 (insurance, certainly) dedicated to this stuff. In fact, I'll make up one such on the spot: LexSure, a division of LexCorp.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Based on Beast Boy's flashback in "Earthlings," I suspect that Queen Bee killed Marie Logan (and presumably tried to kill Garfield as well) as revenge for Miss Martian's deceptive actions in "Usual Suspects." Why wasn't Marie Logan and her son put into protective custody in order to avoid further danger from Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to confirm or deny your hypotheses.

But as for the lack of 'protective custody', it was a combination of M'gann's naivete and Marie's stubborn desire to stay put and run her sanctuary.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Freeman writes...

Hello Greg Weisman, thank you for this interesting opportunity. I'm a big fan of Young Justice and it's great to see another great DC show around. I'm sorry to say this is the first show by you that I've watched (I should fix that). Snappy writing, fun undercurrent of mystery, and from what I understand is a staple of your shows, not assuming your fans are incapable of following an ongoing plot line.

I love the fight scenes in the show. Very fluid animation; and I enjoy in particular when the "normals" get to cut loose and drop some martial arts on each other. I also find it fun when Superboy gets to utterly wail on people.

Anyways, I have a question that has been plaguing me in recent years. I'm not sure if the answer varies from show to show but here it is. How much say do the writers get in the crafting of the action scenes? Do you guys lay down some guidelines for what must happen in a fight or do you ultimately leave it up to the animators and/or artists?

Well, there's my question that quickly devolved into a multi-question, I'm sorry. But, please, keep the awesome coming man! I hope this show keeps on keepin' on! Six seasons and a movie!

Greg responds...

Every series is different. On YJ - and most of the shows I've produced - I make sure that the script spells out the action in real detail - in part to attempt to assure that we're not winding up with an episode that's too long or too short. Having said that, I then am happy to have our board artists, directors and my fellow producer (on YJ that's Brandon Vietti) go to town and PLUS the action and visuals. But I do get approvals on all this to make sure we're staying on point with our story and not doing stuff that's out of character or off-tone for our series. Then you have the timers and, of course, the animators contributing too.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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J writes...

So this Beast Boy's powers are derived from the martian blood in his body and not THE RED-(the energy cast off by animals)?
and regarding the transfusion would that make Gar 1/16 martian or something?

Greg responds...


2. I don't know how to answer this. It seems like an exercise in semantics.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

In one of your post you mentioned that there was a regrastion act on earth 16 and I'm hoping you can explain more about it.

1. What was the name of this law?

2. When was this law created and long did it lasted?

3. Did this law only affected superheroes or anybody with superpowers?

4. Were there any other laws like this that affected superheroes or superhumans?

5. Who passed and replealed this law?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know what you're referring to here. A "regrastion act"? I mean I realize "regrastion" is a typo, but I can't figure out what it's a typo for. So I can't answer any of your questions.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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chlj writes...

First let me say i really enjoyed the first season of young justice and couldn't wait to see the second season of young Justice!!But i wouldn't be honest if i didn't say that i was surprised and shocked at the changes that were made, the time jump of five years, the focus changing from the seven members from the first season and the big shock, Miss Martian and Superboy breaking up!!

Even those i could see that coming not because they weren't a good couple. A lot of things have turned out to be the same as the first young justice comic book series,you changed the way they get there, plus it seems everybody wants superboy to be with wondergirl like in the comics. As for me, i like Miss Martian and Superboy as a couple and hope they get back together in the future but that just me!! That being said, i did enjoy the first two episodes from season two! My Questions,

1.How tall is Miss Martian in her true form?
2.Did Miss Martian have anything do with Superman finally accepting Superboy?? She seemed to know he was coming!!I guess what i'm asking is did she talking to him.

Greg responds...

1. Pretty tall.

2. She was facing Superman and saw that he was heading toward Superboy. So she made herself scarce, so the two of them could talk. For more on the Superman/Superboy relationship - including what role M'gann might have played in it, check out our Young Justice companion comic (issues 20 (on sale now) through 25). This is a major subplot of the story.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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EXALT writes...

Censorship questions!
1)There was some occasion in which you thought you wouldn't be allowed to do something in YJ for censorship reasons, but instead you were allowed to?
2)And some occassion you couldn't do something or had to (at least slightly) alter it for censorship reasons?

Greg responds...

You're asking me or telling me?

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Why did the following villains join The Light?

1. Lex Luthor?

2. Queen Bee?

3. Ocean Master?

4. The Brain?

Greg responds...

They were all invited and liked the idea. Don't overthink it.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

You mentioned that you received a list of pretty much every teen hero in the DC Universe, from which you and the rest of the creative staff picked the show's line-up. Did you ever, upon learning about a character, think "Wow, what a stinker! This guy is crud. Yeah, we're not using him/her." I'm NOT asking you to name specific characters obviously, but did you ever have that reaction at some point in the process?

Greg responds...

No, that's not what I 'mentioned'. I didn't 'receive' a list. I put the list together myself.

I'm making a big point of this, because I see this happen all the time. I write something, however innocuous. And then like a child's game of telephone it moves through the fandom - on one board or another - and soon enough people are posting (with TREMENDOUS CONFIDENCE, mind you) that they know X is going to happen because "GREG SAID SO." When in fact, I never did. (Heck, sometimes I said literally the opposite.) Trust me, I see this over and over and over again. Sometimes, it's amusing, sometimes annoying, sometimes infuriating.

So I think it behooves us all to STICK TO THE FACTS and to KEEP THE FACTS STRAIGHT.

Now, back to your actual question: there are obviously some characters that are more interesting to me than others. Sometimes because I'm more familiar with them. Sometimes because they suit our needs. Sometimes because they're just flat out cool. And there are always going to be others - in a universe as big as DC's - that don't grab me as much. But there's honestly not one character on our teen hero list that I'd rule out absolutely. As I've said before, if we can make Professor Ojo kinda cool, there's little I'd be afraid to take on with this crew of talented folks on YJ.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Starling writes...

Hi Greg, so far the second season is looking good. for this week's episode, I especially loved that part where Adam was acting like a bit of a nutcase to distract the guards. Special thanks to whoever's idea it was to make that Jabberwok reference and I look forward to seeing how the rest of the season turns out. A while ago, I remember finding a question in which you said the Flying Graysons "accident" happened on April 1st, also known as April fools day. Was there any particular reason for this? I ask because it seems like a strange and deliberate choice to me.

Greg responds...

If there was, I can't remember. It may just have fit in correctly on my timeline, which, if anyone is curious is currently 205 pages long. (And I still haven't had time to update it recently.)

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Icon was identified as a type of alien called a Terminan. Beyond that, nothing else is known about him on Earth-16. I wish to ask more about him, but knowing how sensitive your updated guidelines are, I’ll just ask some simple stuff.

a. If Icon has a secret identity, what name is he called by?
b. Being that he is a Terminan, I suspect that Icon must have quite a longevity, but how old is he exactly?
c. Since he currently lives on Earth, what is Icon’s given age under the guise of his secret identity and according to Earth-16’s U.S. government records?
d. What was Icon's purpose for coming to Earth in the first place, assuming there WAS one?
e. In regards to Icon's voice actor, who is well-known in the Final Destination franchise, why was he specifically chosen for this role?

Greg responds...

Icon was not identified as a "Terminan" on our television series. So you don't even know that much about him on Earth-16.

a. Augustus Freeman.

b. Who said he's a "Terminan"?

c. I don't know.

d. Assumes facts not in evidence.

e. I've always admired Tony Todd's voice. But the truth is, voice director Jamie Thomason and I were having lunch at Taste Chicago in Burbank, and we saw him there. That reminded me how I'd always wanted to cast him in something. Then when Icon came up, he seemed perfect. Timing is everything.

Response recorded on October 04, 2012

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Brian writes...

Hey Greg,
i have absolutly fallen in love with Young Justice. Lex Luthor has always been my favorite DC Character and I love the way he is portrayed on your show. So I have a couple of Lex centric questions.
1) In the Young Justice universe is LexCorp one of the world's leading scientific organizations/companies? Similar to Wayne Enterprises and Star Labs
2) In Agendas Lex states "I'm the new chairman of the board for Project Cadmus, was that just to gain Superboy's trust or does the Light consider him the head of that particular project?
3) Again one more Lex type question, was Lex and the Light involved with the founding of Cadmus or did they just take over an existing organization?

Greg responds...

1. We think of Star Labs, differently, but yes, it's similar - theoretically - to Wayne Enterprises.

2. He's definitely the head. It was the word "new" that was bologna.

3. They founded it.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Shellhead writes...

I've noticed Aquaman has yet to use his telepathic power over marine life. Is there a reason you haven't showcased his signature ability or has there simply not been a plot that calls for it yet?
I love the show. It's a worthy successor to JLU. Thanks for all the effort you put into it.

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. You're very welcome.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Connor Felton writes...

Hi Greg! My name is Connor with an O. I wanted to ask, since "Connor/Conner" means "Dog/Wolf lover" in Irish, as Superboy's friendship with Wolf deliberate?

Greg responds...

Wow, I WISH it had been. But, sadly, no. Just a coincidence.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Kandor writes...

About the running gags, I had to ask, how did you come up with them, like the one of the bus.

And thanks for including nightwing, hopefully my classmates now will like him as much as I do.
Greetings from Costa Rica

Greg responds...

The bus just sort of happened. We did an endangered schoolbus on a bridge. Then I think someone did another endangered bus on a bridge. We could have changed it, but instead we decided to run with it and keep it the same Metropolis District School Bus with the same driver and kids - even though we were now in a different city.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg

As someone who is interested in writing episodic stories, I was wondering if you could share your approach on how you write a season for a series like YJ. I remember seeing an image on Brandon Vietti's blog where he had post-it's on a board mapping out all of season 1.

1. Do you start with the season's overall story first, eg. "The Light wants to take control of the Justice League and Red Arrow is the mole who will help them" and then do you just come up with plot points/events that move the story forward and scatter them across episodes?

2. Do you come up character development separately or in tandum with the story? I ask because in my own writing I have growth of some characters mapped out but have struggled to come up with plots to tie that growth in with the overall story arc.

3. If you're able to recall, would you be able to share some of the content on the post-it's from a particular YJ episode?

4. And what are your thoughts on "filler story episodes". My interpretation was "Secrets" and "Performance" were filler, in that they didn't drive the overall season story forward, but did have character development. Do you think it's important in writing for a series to give the audience a break from the story arc at regular intervals?

Thanks for your time Greg on sharing your writing process.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, more or less. (For example, I'm not sure Red Arrow was the FIRST thing we came up with, as your example implies, but it was pretty early on.)

2. In tandom. Though we have a pretty clear idea of who all the leads are when we start.

3. Okay, first, not post-its. INDEX CARDS. Second, that board came down to make room for the Season Two board some time ago. And when I moved offices, even the Season Two board came down. That stuff's all boxed at the moment. But I do have issues #20-25 up on the board now. And since issue #20 has seen print, I'm willing to spoil THAT one here. Now the comic is slightly different. Particularly within this truly jammed-packed six-parter, my index cards literally broke things down page-by-page, and everything is color-coded to make it easier for me to refer to where a particular sub-plot left off:

I'll transcribe it all here, exactly how it's written on the index cards:


"Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble"

PAGE ONE - WHITE - Y0 - Cave - DG's Bday. Z kiss on cheek. KF told Z.
PAGE TWO - YELLOW - Y5 - Blud - DG's Bday. WW, AC call. BK exits bedroom.
PAGE THREE - YELLOW - BK & Gotham Academy Yearbook.
PAGE FOUR - YELLOW - Cave - Splash, Logo, Subtitle. Nw, Sb, MM, Bb, LB, Rob, BBoy, Bg, WG, MD, W. Comp announces Z & Roc.
PAGE FIVE - YELLOW - Leaguers Z, Roc enter "slumming". Nw's ex Z Bday kisses Nw on mouth.
PAGE SIX - YELLOW - Ex Roc kisses Nw on cheek. Rob to join Bm. Roc pix of AE. Nw talks to SB, MM.
PAGE SEVEN - YELLOW - Sb, MM can work together. Nw starts briefing.
BLUE - Metro - Beta - Meg links Con, KB, BG in crowd. Camo'd B-S...
PAGE EIGHT - BLUE - Bored LB at helm. BBoy as warbler is on edge. NH fundraising. QB a threat.
PAGE NINE - WHITE - Y0 - Logan Sanct - GL, Monk watch TV re: RH's impeach. ML tells GL: Meg, Con here.
YELLOW - Y5 - El Paso - Alpha - Nw, WG, S-C.
PAGE TEN - YELLOW - New recruit WG glad to be w/Alpha, recruiting next recruit. Reveal Blue.
PAGE ELEVEN - BLUE - Metro - Beta - Meg alert, longing Con.
WHITE - Y0 - Logan Sanct - Meg, GL, Monk hang; Con w/Sumac.
PAGE TWELVE - WHITE - Meg kisses Con. Reveal Clark, JO interview ML.
PAGE THIRTEEN - WHITE - Intros. ML calls Meg her daughter. Clark & Con meet.
PAGE FOURTEEN - WHITE - JO intro. Clark requested Logan gig. Clark, JO cover impeach. Clark offers ride to get to know kids.
PAGE FIFTEEN - WHITE - Meg turns down ride. Clark may see them in Dhabar.
BLUE - Y5 - Metro - Beta - Clark greets Con.
PAGE SIXTEEN - YELLOW - El Paso - Alpha - DG, CS wait for and discuss Blue/JR.
PAGE SEVENTEEN - YELLOW - Blue into JR. CS greets JR. CS, DG confront JR.
BLUE - Metro - Beta - JO, Meg, Con look no different. Clark linked, spots Dev. Clark to suit up.
PAGE NINETEEN - BLUE - Dev vanishes. Sm vanishes. Con vanishes. Meg reacts.
PAGE TWENTY - GREEN - Br Ship - Orb-One sends First Leader Ks' go ahead to Br. Reveal Br. Logo, Title, Credits.

4. There's no such thing as filler episodes on any series I've ever done. There ARE change of pace stories, but even they wind up playing into the larger tapestry. For example, one could easily view "Targets" as a change of pace, focusing as it does on Red Arrow, Sportsmaster and Cheshire with just a little Aqualad thrown in at the end, but obviously, it wound up being crucial to the season as a whole. Neither "Secrets" nor "Performance" were filler in our minds. Both advanced the overall story, the arcs of multiple characters, the dynamics between those characters AND held clues to what was still to come. They clearly drove the season forward. Having said all that, I do think it helps to have 'breathers' in there, where some plotlines and/or characters are rested, to allow time for growth, to build suspence, to let off-screen events take place, etc., etc.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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nygma619 writes...

Hey Greg, I remember from one of your answers about Artemis that you’d discuss the question on why you made the creative choices with Artemis AFTER season 1 was over. And since I can’t find any question similar to this I’ll get this ball rolling on my 2nd favorite character on the show (Wally’s the first):
1.)What inspired you and your team to take Artemis Crock who was pretty much a villain in the comics and revamp her to being a hero and pretty much filling Arrowette’s place on The Team?
2.)How did you come up with the idea of making Chesire her sister, in this canon since she wasn’t in the comics?
3.)At what age did Sportsmaster start training her daughters?
4.)You can just respond yes or no to this question, but was there a specific incident that caused Artemis to NOT want to follow in her families villainous footsteps and walk a more heroic path?

Greg responds...

1. We liked her parentage and the opportunities that presented in terms of her having secrets to keep and lies to tell.

2. Seemed to fit. Cheshire - in the comics - has always been trying to figure out who her father was. Why not Sportsmaster? And again, it created a very interesting relationship and dynamic between her and Artemis. Plus we knew we wanted to add ethnic diversity to the Team, so by folding the Eurasian Cheshire into the family, it made it natural to make Artemis half-Vietnamese, half-Caucasian, as well.

3. Probably from birth.

4. Yes and no.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

When you organize your list of characters for use on Earth-16, do you categorize them as:

a.) Heroes, Villains, and Antiheroes?


b.) Good, Evil, Neutral Good, and Neutral Evil?

Greg responds...

I really only had two lists that I actually TYPED UP, one for teen heroes and one for possible Light members or allies. But keep in mind, I also have literally decades of DC Comics trivia in my head, plus two complete iterations of WHO'S WHO on my shelves, a DC encyclopedia and e-mail access to the incomparable John Wells, DC expert extraordinaire! Plus, you know, my contacts at DC: Ivan Cohen (formerly), Geoff Johns, Mike Carlin and Sean Ryan - all of whom were VERY helpful. Plus most of the staff -and half the cast - are bigtime geeks also.

Of course, AFTER we went into production, I started new lists of characters that we were actually using. But those are broken down by episode, not by hero and villain.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Blake95 writes...

im just curious, in hindsight, are you happy with the timing of the s1 finale/s2 premiere, coming out in the same month as issue 14-5? im just saying caus we didnt know ocean master and orm were the same but orm was said to be on their side in the finale, and now we learned some cool things about lagoon boy too before his role expanded

another lagoon boy question - when you had him played by yuri lowental in downtime, did you already know you werre going to use him in s2?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not UNhappy with how it turned out.

2. I believe so. That is, we knew we were going to use Lagoon Boy. We didn't make a final decision on Yuri until just before we began auditions for our Season Two cast. That's not meant as a reflection on Yuri AT ALL. We simply didn't discuss who would be playing what until then, at which point Jamie Thomason and Brandon Vietti and I sat down to figure out which characters we'd need to hold auditions for, and which we were already good with, which of course included Yuri.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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J the Drafter writes...

When Wally put the Helmet of Fate on his head, why couldn't he see what was happening in the outside world until Kent showed him? Do all of Nabu's hosts need to learn how to see what's happening to their body?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Rich... writes...

Hey Greg, Not a question but a comment... You and your team are amazing with what you did with Young Justice so far, and I cant wait to see what tricks you guys pull out of your bags next. Also, you "Ask Greg" forum is funny as hell! I love the way you punk people off when they ask you stupid @$$ questions!

Thanks, and may Young Justice live for years to come! Rock on, homie!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm not sure I'm trying to 'punk' anyone though - no matter how frustrated I might sometimes get.

Response recorded on October 01, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Why did you choose the particular six leaguers that you did to tear up Rimbor? Was it a shout out to Bruce Timm's Justice League? Was it because many of them have proteges on the team? Or something else?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"But for example, the six Leaguers chosen to be missing for 16 hours was definitely influenced by the cast of the original Justice League series."

[Response recorded on September 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on October 01, 2012

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