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Imaad R writes...

Hi Greg! I'm such a big fan of you and the spectacular team's take on Spider-Man. I grew up with Spectacular, (and young justice!) and it came back as a big inspiration in my life as an artist and writer after insomniacs fantastic games and rereading the classic comics from when I was a kid. You have created my favorite versions of these characters by modernizing them and giving them that classic feel in ways that blow my mind. Im a pretty classic spidey fan (i love lee/ditko/romita) despite being in my teens and I value cohesion like your take did. I have a question however from an aspiring writer to a professional;
If I think that a version long passed (yours) was the best version of something, what can I do to personally find a way to make my own take, despite having a similar mindset? Should I be afraid to be similar?
I would really value your opinion and again, thanks for your fantastic and inspiring work. Really hoping to see more of your stuff!

Greg responds...

Well, first off, thanks.

Secondly, as a professional, I really wouldn't spend much time (even much idle brain time) adapting something that you don't own, unless you're (a) being paid to do it or (b) you have a reasonable hope of being paid to do it. And even for (b), I wouldn't recommend doing very much work until someone said, "Yes! I love where you're going with this. Let me pay you to go further." Instead, I'd recommend coming up with your own original thing. Blow us away with that. And then maybe will want to trust you to adapt something that is theirs, e.g. Marvel with Spider-Man.

But finally, to get to your question, I guess I wouldn't sweat it too much. If I adapt Lee/Ditko or Lee/Romita comics, I'm still borrowing from what came before. And I'm not stopping there, nor am I shy about "stealing" from any of the source material from any era. Because, that's NOT stealing. It's adapting. I'm sure my adaptation had many similarities with others that came both before or after Spectacular. Of course it did. We're all going back to the same source material. So how could it not?

Response recorded on March 08, 2022

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Family writes...

Why is Desaad supplying Intergang with Apokoliptan and Genesisisan technology?
When Martian Manhunter said that he knows that Batman knows that trauma tends to linger, does that mean that he knows about Batman's past?

Greg responds...

1. Alliances can prove useful.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! First of all, I love Young Justice dearly; it’s such a nostalgic show with an incredible rewatch value too. Needless to say, I’m watching season 4 with the same interest as I did back when I was a kid. Hot me totally hooked up. But I also have 3 questions about the current season:

1. In this week’s episode, Artemis is in the park waiting for her sis, an «international assassin » and her boyfriend asks her « Oh is he a handsome international assassin? » to which she answers « Who says it’s an he? » which is followed up by his « Strangely, I’m even more jealous now ». Is this some kind of confirmation for a bisexual Artemis?

2. For how long did Dick live with Bruce before leaving and getting his own apartment? And does Bruce send him like... monthly support money too or something?

3. Would you say Jason Todd’s death happened before the Chalant break up or after or is it too spoilery of you to tell?

Greg responds...

1. It's not in and of itself, no. Which is not to say she isn't bisexual. Or that she is. The answer to that is NO SPOILERS. But I do think it's a mistake to read too much into a bit of teasing suggestive dialogue between flirtatious significant others.

2. Dick lived at Wayne Manor full-time until he graduated high school. And he still has a bedroom there.

2a. Bruce set up a trust fund for Dick, which he expects Dick to manage.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Do characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam/Captain Marvel have genuine super-speed (e.g. the ability to perform actions at super-speed, superhuman reflexes ... etc.) like the Flashes? Or, do they just fly and run at great speeds?

Greg responds...

Hmm. Good distinction. I'd say they all have super-human reflexes, Superman especially, but not true super-speed like the Flashes have, where they can literally watch the world slow down as they ramp up.

Response recorded on March 07, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Within Earth 16 is it possible for one to be both a metahuman and a proficient magic user? Almost everyone so far seem to be one or the other.

Greg responds...

That's not true at all. The homo magi are a subset of the meta-human population.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Within the universe of Earth 16 can magic users simply cast spells to replicate some of the powers that metahumans and aliens have, even if in a limited capacity? I.e. someone using magic to levitate someone or create fire to achieve the same effects that a telekinetic or a metahuman with fire based powers have.

2. Can human magic users and Martian magic users learn and use each other's magics? Like S’yraa S’mitt using Zatanna's backwards incantations?

Greg responds...

1. In theory.

2. That seems harder, but not necessarily impossible. Every individual's magic has its own signature. So each one's power is largely unique. But with study and effort and aptitude, who knows?

Response recorded on March 04, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How do Garfield's powers register new species for him to shapeshift into? What's stopping him from taking say a Martian's, a Kryptonian's, or a Bioship's form?

2. Is there any particular reason why Martians only have one nation and not hundreds like humans have on Earth?

3. Was Paula Nguyen and/or her family (asking about her family from before she married Crusher) displaced by the US's imperialist actions in Vietnam?

Greg responds...

1. Ask the Monkey God, assuming you believe in the Monkey God.

2. Basically, that's a Martian history question. So aside from the obvious answer, NO SPOILERS, any response would be a complicated socio-political essay, that I'm not prepared to write at this time.

3. Not that I don't believe that the U.S. committed imperialistic actions in Vietnam, cuz I do, I find the way you phrased the question - whether intentionally or not - reductive. The short answer is that her family was displaced by what Americans call the Vietnam War.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1) When did Fire become a superheroine on Earth-16?

2) When did Magog become a superhero on Earth-16?

3) When did Steel become a superhero on Earth-16?

4) When did Wildcat become a superhero on Earth-16?

5) When did Dinah Drake become a superheroine on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. Beatriz da Costa debuted as a heroine during Team Year Six.

2. Team year Six.

3. Team Year Six.

4. 1942.

5. 1964.

Response recorded on March 03, 2022

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Webster, A writes...

Happy to see Black Spider back in action in the latest season of Young Justice. Given how his skill set is so different from the comic Black Spider, who's idea was it to make the show's incarnation Peter Parker's evil twin? With how similar Black Spider is to Spectacular Spider-Man, even sharing the same voice actor, did any of the higher ups attempt to stop the character's creation in fear of upsetting some lawyers?

Greg responds...

1. It was my idea, basically. But I disagree that he's that different from the comic Black Spider. Admittedly, there have been multiple interpretations of that character, even multiple individuals who have used that name. But classically, he was always a Spider-Man pastiche.

2. Nope. The existing DC character seems to have given us cover.

Response recorded on March 02, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

How hard is it to clean up Black Spider's webs?

Greg responds...

What's the rule? After an hour, they just dissolve?

Response recorded on March 02, 2022

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