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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Anonymous writes...

In Depths, Lagoon Boy said that it was his first time fighting alongside Artemis. But in the Young Justice: Legacy game, both of them are on the Team, are they not? I read that Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy are on the Team at the time of Legacy but are on another mission or something. In any case, if L'gaan joined the Team before Artemis and Wally quit, why didn't she go on any missions with him in that time?

Greg responds...

It was a big team, and they only overlapped for a short time - and the luck of the draw had it that they never happened to be on the same squad. There's no story to it. It's just what happened.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.)How old is Adam Strange?
2.)a-Is Felix Faust a normal human?
b-If so,how old is Felix Faust?
3.)How old was Ted Kord when he died?

Thank you so much for your time and keep doing your awesome work!

Greg responds...

1. Adam Strange was 26 at the start of Season Two.

2a. No.

3. 32.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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F.H. writes...

I've seen the novel The Mysteries of Udolpho pop up multiple times in the series (Young Justice), and I've scanned the Wikipedia page (I would read it, but Outlaws of the Marsh isn't something you flick through in an afternoon, and my to-read list is long enough already), and I can't see anything tying it to the plot outside of a girl with a bad father, which would be Artemis, I guess?

1) Is there reason or rhyme to this, or is it just you showing off your literary power level, as you're known to do (which we all love, by the way).

And another question on a similar idea:

2) Where's the Shakespeare, man? Your name on a show promises Shakespeare, and YJ remains bardless. Bring a little of him back from Oregon for the team, wont you?

Greg responds...

1. It's kinda the original gothic novel.

2. Stuff has to fit, you know? If I just wedge it in artificially, how does that help anyone? And I find it hard to believe there have been NO Shakespeare references at all. That seems unlikely.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

If Starro-tech allows The Light to gain access to the memories of the people that are affected by it, then when it was used on the Justice League in Season One, were the secret identities of certain Justice League members compromised and does The Light now know who each of those Justice League members really are?!


Greg responds...

Yeah, pretty much.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Tasha writes...

Do you have a complete list of all the things you have worked on? Also you have a great talent and I hope you keep doing what you do and that you enjoy your work :)

Greg responds...

I think I do.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Bruce Wayne started his crime-fighting career as Batman at age 21 (which is PRETTY young, considering a person of such an age would be just out of college or something), exactly how old was he when Joe Chill killed his parents and how many years did it take for him to learn his skills (ie. Martial arts, detective skills, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Bruce's parents were killed the year he turned eight. Beyond that, you can do the math.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

How was Cadmus able to make a clone of Superman (Superboy) but they didn't take any of his limbs like they did for the original Roy Harper?

Greg responds...

They didn't need an entire limb - not for Superman or Roy.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Superman landed in Kansas in 1978, his appearance appearing to be that of a one-year old at that time, and the fact that his birth date is not revealed, would it be safe to assume that he was placed in suspended animation during his rocket's journey from Krypton to Earth?

Greg responds...

It's never safe to assume anything.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Annonymous writes...

Why do you have to credit the creators of some characters (e.g. Miss Martian, Nightwing, Impulse, Batman) but not others (e.g. Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, Rocket, etc.)? What aspect of the legal rights require you to say that Bob Kane created Batman but not that Dwayne McDuffie and Mark Bright created Rocket?

Greg responds...

I really don't know. Our scripts are submitted to DC legal department. They decide who gets creator credits. They tell us. We put those credits in. It's out of our control, else I'd credit everyone.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Arlo writes...

What are the stories of how you and the other writers came up with and developed the ideas for the Phoenix Gate, the Eye of Odin, and the Grimorum Arcanorum?

If you don't have time to post the full details right now, that's okay (I'm even expecting that to be the answer). But would you consider writing a ramble on it at some point? We have rambles and outlines for nearly every episode of the series, but no background on the creative process that went into designing these three talismans. I would love to hear about everything that went into them at some point.

Greg responds...

You're taxing my now-limited memory, but I don't think there's that much to tell. And frankly, I DO think I've told it all before.

The Grimorum was part of the story development for the pilot, even the development of the original series, I suppose, since we knew there would be a spell cast upon the Gargoyles pretty much from Day One. We just ran with it from there. Tried to keep track of it and its spells, etc.

The Phoenix Gate was created as "Vows" was developed as a story. If you look here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=131 you can see how it came about. And again, we just ran with it from there.

The Eye of Odin was originally developed by the video game people. We then used a version of that as a maguffin in "The Edge" and as a magical talisman in "Eye of the Beholder" and "Eye of the Storm", etc. I've discussed all this before. Search the archives.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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