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Matheus Heibel Feitosa writes...

Hi Mr. Greg!
I am a huge fan of your work! And i wanted to ask you something. Well, i'm from Brazil, and in the 3rd season you mentioned Fire, she is a Brazilian hero, so my question is she will appear in the show?
And i have one more question... Can you release the Designation numbers from 27-36?

Thanks for your work creating the BEST super-hero/spy drama ever!
~Matheus Heibel

Greg responds...

1. I hope so, eventually.

2. I could. But Brandon and I decided that Designation numbers are more fun when they are revealed organically in the show, as needed.

Thanks for your kind words and support.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Spectacular Spider-Geek writes...

Hi Greg,

Hope you and your family are staying healthy. I’ve been introducing Spectacular to a lot of my friends and had a couple of questions since rewatching it.

1. What did Ock do to mitigate his powerpack from losing power after his debut episode?

2. In Final Curtain, why does “Chameleon-Norman” need to hire Gargan to find Menken? In the episode, “Chameleon-Norman” is told by the Oscorp employee that the only people that can remove Menken’s address from the Oscorp database would be Norman or Menken. I thought that the real Norman would know where Menken would be since Menken says that Oscorp rented the apartment for him? I’m just confused on why the real Norman wouldn’t know and tell “Chameleon-Norman” where Menken’s location would be in order to lure Spider-Man to Menken.

3. Who came up with the idea to frame Menken? Was it Chameleon or Norman?

My friends are enjoying the show and it’s been a joy to rewatch the show. It still holds up. I’ve been enjoying YJ: Phantoms as well. Finally, I wanted to send my condolences to you for the loss of Dave Schwartz. Hope you are well and stay safe.

Greg responds...

1. Something very smart and clever, I'm sure.

2. It's been a while, but I think the point was to maintain the illusion that Menken was missing and that Norman didn't know where to find him. The real Norman did, of course, know where Menken was.

3. Norman. But it was less a frame than misdirection to lure Spidey into a trap.

Thanks for your kind words. Dave is missed.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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Galvino writes...

In episode 9 of YJ Phantoms, when the new chaos lord (child) is coming to Earth, on screen there are 10 Lords of Chaos and 11 Lords of Order but then after this point, both Chaos and Order respectively only have 8 Lords shown on screen. Was the time the screen showed more than 8 Lords from each side an animation error or are there actually more than 8 Lords from each side?

Greg responds...

There are probably thousands of Chaos Lords and thousands of Lords of Order. How many are gathered at any given moment is variable.

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

why don't we see more about the outsiders as a team and learn more about the members? it's a bit hard to connect to them..it's odd how they're made to be such a big deal in the show when we really only get beast boy's perspective

Greg responds...

Are you talking about Season Four?

They weren't the focus of the season, obviously. Instead we focused on two specific Outsiders (Superboy & Beast Boy), three members of the Team (Nightwing, Tigress and Miss Martian) and three members of the League (Aquaman, Rocket and Zatanna).

I mean the Justice League is also made out "to be such a big deal in the show" and we rarely give them time at all.

It's a show about characters. And different characters get the spotlight in different seasons. It's been that way from the beginning.

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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Kiba writes...

Why did you make the decision that Garfield and Queen Perdita breakup despite most young justice fans like Garfield and Perdita as a couple together?

Greg responds...

We follow where the characters lead us.

Response recorded on August 01, 2022

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Troy writes...

What did people of Queen Perdita's country think of Peridia dating a meta human Garfield before the breakup?

Greg responds...

The response was hardly monolithic. Some thought it was cool. Others thought it was an embarrassment to the Crown. And every reaction in between and more.

Response recorded on July 28, 2022

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YJ Love Nut writes...

Dear Greg, my friend seems to think Vandal is "white" while I'm under the impression that his race is ambiguous or the application of race is beyond such a primordial being. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Greg responds...

He's not white. Not in the sense we understand it today. He was born in the region we currently call Mongolia.

Response recorded on July 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Were Ishtar and Nabu meta-human?
What year did the Starro invasion take place in Babylon?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. @1,800 B.C.E.

Response recorded on July 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How exactly does the chain of command works for the Outsiders? For example, if and when Beast Boy is unable to lead the Outsiders, who is usually the one to step up as the leader of the Outsiders during that time until Beast Boy resumes his leadership duties?

Greg responds...

Wonder Girl. But I'm pretty sure that was made clear in episode 401.

Response recorded on July 27, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Can anyone practice magic or they have to be a Homo Magi?

Greg responds...

I don't know that you have to be, but it certainly helps, especially if you want to get VERY good at it.

Response recorded on July 27, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Atlantis the largest nation on the planet?

Greg responds...

It depends on what you mean. If you go by claimed territory, then yes. If you go by the acreage of the eight city-states themselves, then no.

Response recorded on July 27, 2022

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silversam writes...

Hi Greg, appreciate all the work you’ve done for the show, I’m loving this season. Something I’ve always been obsessed with is the designations. I know you won’t reveal them, but I’d like to ask:
1. Will all of the designations for justice league members who have joined since 3 began (Batwoman, blue devil, hardware, etc) be revealed at some point?
2. Do characters who have joined the outsiders (stargirl, livewire, looker, etc) join the team and/or get B-Designstions before getting D designations?
Thanks again for making this show! Looking forward to the next 13 episodes and hopefully a fifth season.

Greg responds...

1. They'll be revealed organically, I would think. Eventually, I would hope.

2. Any hero who joins the Outsiders at this point, gets a D-designation out of the gate. There's no requirement to join the Team first anymore. It's a choice.

Response recorded on July 27, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Does Atlantis cover two-thirds of the planet?

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean.

There are eight Atlantean city-states in the modern era. Each city-state claims territory, which when added together, encompasses the entire world ocean, which covers about 70 percent of the planet.

Response recorded on July 26, 2022

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Ash writes...

Hi Greg, Excellent finish to the Zatanna arc. I appreciate it a lot as someone who understands the magic principles that I feel shaped the arc ("A Magician performs the real trick while their Assistants occupy the minds of the audience").

There was a few minor things that I was hoping you could provide some clarity on, not necessarily giving spoilers - more a curiousity if some seeming inconsistencies are thought out and intentional.

1) I enjoyed that the sinking of Atlantis lined up to ~9000 BC, as stated by Plato when he first described Atlantis. But, Plato also alleged Atlantis to be at war with Athens (despite us knowing historically that Athens as it was wouldn't have existed then, nor Minoan or Mycenaean Greece). I was curious if some Proto-Minoan state which would eventually become Greece may have existed in that era to survive with the stories of Atlantis?

2) On that train of thought; was curious if this potential society, may have contributed to the Atlantean Language origins?, since Modern Atlantean is based off of Ancient Greek, but Atlantis' sinking and presumably its linguistic drift would have occured long before Ancient Greece became a language.

3) So obviously the 12 000 Years aren't necessarily precise, but taking them as being such, we get the Babylon Events (or rather Vandal's Babylon's rise) as being 7586 years post Atlantis. Assuming it was 9000 BC exactly; that gives us a date of 1414 BC.

You've previously given Ishtar's birth as 1816 BC, indicating a rather long lifespan - presumably immortality. But, Ishtar was first known by history as of around 2400 BC - to be syncretised with Inanna in the Akkadian Empire.

1414 BC is also within the Kassite era of Babylon, far from the most prominent or first Babylon - With Hammurambi's Code (which seems like a good thing for the Lords of Order to lay witness to) being in around 1700s BC.

Question is basically if you had considered these dates and elements, and if you had a reason for the inconsistencies (would love if you'd lay out the reasons, but understand if that would qualify as spoiler, so would be satisfied in knowing if it had been considered or not previously)?

4) These next two are slightly different, but similar wheelhouse in dates and ages. First, Carol Ferris. You've said for her to have been born in 1986 (so 24 for S1 in TY0), while Hal became a Lantern in 2000 - where she'd have been 14. While obviously Hal and Carol aren't necessarily connected in YJ, I was curious if you had been considering these elements when assigning her age? (And ofc, knowing that since its CIT, that you could just as easily change it if it didn't line up to your intents)

5) Similarly, we have Superman and Lois, who are romantically entangled. You've said that Superman joined the Daily Planet when he was 21, so either 1998 or 1999. At this point in time, Lois would have been around 16. Is this something that you'd considered when assigning their ages? (again, knowing full well that you're able to change the ages to suit further elements as desired since they're not established in the show material).

Greg responds...

1. Probably, given the linguistic connections between Ancient Greek and Modern Atlantean.

2. See, you made my case for me.

3. I'm not sure where you're getting your numbers. But they don't match up with my timeline at all.

4. I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you saying Hal's too old for Carol? I mean, obviously, he is in 2000, but not by Team Year Zero.

5. All ages were considered relative to the relevant characters in their lives.

Response recorded on July 26, 2022

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Rove Taylor writes...

Hi Greg, how you feel about people who are fans of young justice not liking Garfield's personality change during the episodes of Phantoms showing Garfield on earth up to episode 13 after Conner sacrifice on mar in episode 4?

Greg responds...

I don't think it's in the show for people to "like" it. We were trying to get an honest depiction of his challenges and how those challenges would play to those around him.

Response recorded on July 26, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Some questions regarding Chaos Lords and their familiars

1. Can a Chaos Lord, in theory make anything in the material world as their familiars? Or does the object and or creature they use need to be special in order to compatible with them? Like was the crystal that became Flaw some way magical itself or was it just a regular piece of crystal? And was the cat that became Teekl something special or was it really just an ordinary cat?

2. Are familiars limited by whatever forms they have or are they generally equally powerful in most cases? Could Teekl say, take the same level of punishment that Flaw could, or is Flaw more durable because he is made of a crystal substance? Seemed like Flaw was impervious to most attacks, whereas Teekl could get knocked around much more easily. Likewise Teekl was killed by Flaw breaking her neck whereas Flaw was much harder for the heroes to put down.

3. When Klarion was using the bus as his anchor, does mean the bus was his familiar at that time? If not, then how was the bus distinct from Teekl?

4. Nabu referred to Klarion and Teekl sharing the 'bond of naming', making Teekl his anchor, but Child only named Flaw after she chose him as his familiar and gave him a name as a 'gift'. So, do Chaos Lords have to name their familiars to make them good anchors?

5. Klarion said that the 'cat', has to look for him. Now Klarion’s inability to explain things clearly in general notwithstanding, what does this mean? Was Flaw looking for Child when they bonded? Or is this more a case of every Chaos Lord is unique in how they chose familiars?

Greg responds...

1. It wasn't a crystal. It was a diamond. And, yes, both the diamond and the two cats were special. They were also ordinary.

2. Flaw is more durable because he wasn't a crystal, he was a diamond, the hardest substance, etc.

3. No. An anchor and a familiar are not equivalent. Nabu's helmet is his anchor. It doesn't have a personality or independent life. A familiar can anchor you to the plane, but it is not merely an anchor.

4. Teekl Two anchored Klarion, but was not merely an anchor. And, yes, naming a familiar has power.

5. More the latter.

Response recorded on July 26, 2022

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Rick writes...

How was the superheroes able to save everybody from getting kill by Child's rampage on earth in young justice phantoms?

Greg responds...

Everybody? Not sure they could or did save EVERYBODY. But they saved many - even most - bodies.

Response recorded on July 22, 2022

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CM3 writes...

1. When Mary faced her demons in the form of Sergeant in Nabu's test, Mary said she could still be a better Hero than Sergeant that she could be just as important and just as powerful, I found this line very ominous, because even while she subdues her demon in that test she's still fixated on being powerful and important to prove that she is someone of value not on being a better person or someone who can help more people. Is this something you have done on purpose to show that she has not yet dealt with her power addiction issues or am I reading too much into it.
2. Also isn't Sergeant and the powers that come with it in a way a part of Mary, trying to renounce it and going cold turkey seems to me not quite the same as say trying to go sober or overcoming a drug addiction, it seems an issue quite similar to dysmorphia. Shouldn't the solution to helping her be confronting and being able to embrace Sergeant and finding a balance instead of while avoiding the issue altogether out of fear. And didn't Black Canary say that if she stopped talking out of fear of making everyone around her go deaf, that wouldn't be a solution. I just can't understand when people like Black Canary and Miss Martian who knows what it's like to do things out of fear, how can they all and much less Zatanna endorse such a solution especially when they already know that is not a solution to begin with. Ofcourse you do deserve the benefit of the doubt since there might have been things that happened offscreen that led to such results being taken. But for me based on that I have seen about Mary and her battle and all the other characters that had to face this same battle it seems too impossible that they will let Mary go forward with her issues with this path especially with Zatanna for example why isn't Mary working with Dinah. I don't mind seeing Mary have this sort of issue but others being okay with Mary taking such an outcome doesn't seem right to me.

I can't thank you enough though for doing such a storyline and clearly you are victorious in getting me to care a lot for a character that I have known for five episodes juggled along with multiple characters, but I am gonna find it a lot harder to comprehend heroes especially those have been under training as part of the Team to end up at this low note in this manner, once again no problem with characters reaching a low point but in this particular manner seems difficult to digest. Also really hoping for a season 5 can't get enough of the show.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think you're reading too much into it.

2. I don't think your parallel quite works. Mary Bromfield wasn't born with the powers of Shazam, not did they come to her naturally. They were gifted to her. A gift very much like a sword with a double edge. Sometimes, you just have to put the sword down to prevent injury. And, yes, there were events and incidents you don't know about - though they are things one might easily imagine - that took place that led to this decision.

Response recorded on July 22, 2022

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Mr. Yeon writes...

Mr. Weisman If nothing went wrong on the trip on Mars and Miss Martian and Superboy got married on Mars and return to Earth safely would have Garfield still breakup with Perdita and if so, why?

Greg responds...

I'm not interested in hypotheticals. If this interests you, more power to you: use your imagination!

Response recorded on July 22, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

In season 4 episode 13 of young justice both Khalid and Traci said Wow in reaction as Zatanna went to talk to Mary. Were they reacting to Zatanna's plan of alternating host bodies since they didnt act surprised when Zatanna put forward the idea to Fate about multiple hosts for Nabu or was the reaction of Wow simply about how Zatanna was dealing with Mary and power stealing habit and how Mary won't be a host for Nabu.

Greg responds...

The former.

Response recorded on July 22, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Is the reason child has such a powerful familiar because she had the support of the other chaos lords?
2 Why did the chaos lords send klarion as their agent of chaos for earth?
3 Can flaw communicate with the child similair to how only klarion is able to understand teekl 1 & 2?
4 In the comics child was a boy. So why did you choose to make them Into a girl for young justice?(I like the change just want to understand)

Greg responds...

1. Didn't hurt. But she also chose something powerful as its base.

2. Their reasoning was... chaotic.

3. Flaw was more primitive, but, yes.

4. We felt Klarion covered a "boy" version. We wanted contrast.

Response recorded on July 22, 2022

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ThunderCrash writes...

After the scouring the archives and re-watching episode s there is still something I am not very clear about,
1. When Billy or Mary or Freddy say Shazam, then is it like they are augmented and via magic become older and their bodies become adult like, or is it like something similar to how it's depicted in Miracle Man where there are separate bodies stored in a different plane of existence and they switch bodies , i.e the 18 yr old Billy body is in a separate place(which lets say is some sort of magical dimension) while he becomes Captain Marvel/Shazam.
2. I ask this because of the test of Mary by Dr Fate where she has to fight Sergeant, was the difference between the two(Mary and Sarge) was just a psychological thing and simply a manifestation of Mary's anxieties and fears. Or is that when Mary or Billy actually transform their superpowered selves are slightly different people with slightly different personalities.

Greg responds...

1. No, there aren't two bodies per character, with one in storage, as in Miracleman. Their bodies are transformed magically when they say, "Shazam!"

2. Billy wasn't actually there. Neither was little Mary. Neither was Sergeant. It was all a manifestation of her mind, but in the Tower of Fate, those manifestations were real - and really dangerous. But it has nothing to do with how her powers normally work.

Response recorded on July 20, 2022

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Fallenlegend writes...

Here are some Shazam/ Marvel family questions now that the we know more about them.
1.- Did Billy Batson became weaker, as in 1/3 weaker, by sharing the power with Mary and Fredy? Or was he given 1/3 of the power from the start?
2-. When you said Captain’s marvel’s speed depended on which season we were talking about, does that mean Captain Marvel became weaker due to sharing the power?
3.- When Billy fought Despero as Captain Marvel, was him losing so easily to Despero in part caused because he had already shared the power of SHAZAM and therefor was weaker at that one? If so I assume Superman would have fared better than him, wouldn’t he? Not an hypotethical, just Here are some Shazam/ Marvel family questions now that the we know more about them.
4.-Assuming he became weaker by sharing the power of Shazam does that mean Captain Marvel is not close to Superman’s or Icon’s power levels anymore?

Greg responds...

1. The former.

2. Yes. Season One, he was at full power. In between S1 and Season Two, he shared his power, permanently. Can't get it back. So from S2 on, he's at 1/3 power.

3. Yes, that's true.

4. Correct.

Response recorded on July 20, 2022

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey GregI’m one of the fans that’s been bugging you about seeing Mary Marvel…I saw the mid season finale of phantoms and just wanted to give you my thoughts on Mary marvel so far.

One one hand, I’m happy you finally got to write her, as she is very under appreciated. And you are a writer I admire, so if anyone is going to give her Justice that’s you.

But still gotta admit, I’m a little nervous about the whole evil Mary marvel arch.

Don’t get me wrong. I am in the minority of fans, but I agree with you that being power hungry it is flaw of hers that goes as early as Fawcett’s Mary Marvel issue #4. A powerless Billy sees losing the power as losing a weight over his shoulders during the fawcett run (other issues) , but Mary, in that issue, just breaks. During new 52 she is the one that gets the more attached to that power too.

Wasn’t a fan of the whole leyline sorcerer thing as sure, the overcoming addiction metaphor is great, but her transforming is kind the point of her character. Just like seeing Sailor moon transform or seeing the witch girls also transform. Just like mAry They are magical girls, so I feel we miss a lot by her abandoning that side

Also I have to say that the whole of her being addicted doesn’t have the same punch as we were told about it’s instead of shown because the time skip. Would have been best seeing her lose herself when she was in the team,

Also With granny being the one that corrupts her in the stingers…makes me ver pay very worried this will be an adaptation of the whole countdown fiasco were she had ugly pink hair, and acted completely out of character.

By the time you red this, Mary might show up again during phantoms, And if she did hope you guys went for the black suit, instead of the ugly pink hair one from apokolips,

Still ! i hope this doesn’t come the wrong way. This wasn’t how I expected to see Mary, but I am a big fans of your writting, so I’ve faith you will avoid the pitfalls of the whole Coundtdpwn Mary Marvel fiasco. Just like you did by adapting the Judas Contract.

Keep the awesome work.

So my question is

What are your thoughts about that ?

Greg responds...

Well, by now, I hope, you've seen the black costume. I'm pretty fond of our version of Mary Bromfield and Sergeant (ahem) Marvel. I haven't read Countdown, so we're not attempting to do a direct adaptation of that. I would've liked to have done more comics that told Mary's story - and that of the rest of the Shazam Family, but it was not to be. Maybe someday in flashbacks.

As to what's next for Mary... well, we'll need to #SaveEarth16 to find out.

Response recorded on July 20, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

What month in 2008 did Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado join the Justice League?

Greg responds...

I have that down for August, 2008.

Response recorded on July 20, 2022

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Keth writes...

After Beast Boy return to earth from mars but before Perdita came to see Garfield at the Hub why did no one on the Outsiders team tell Black Canary about Garfield having problems so she could do therapy sessions with Garfield?

Greg responds...

That's a fair question, but you need to look at it realistically. In point of fact, the changes that came over Garfield were both gradual and easily explained - by him - and easily rationalized by others, even if deep down everyone knew something was really wrong. But he wasn't going on missions, so he wasn't endangering anyone. It was easier - as it is in real life - to NOT deal with such topics if one doesn't have to. This, we learned while making the season, is a very common real world response to psychological trauma. That's why it was so important for Garfield to - by the end of the season - be very public and open about seeking help for his condition. Mental illness is still stigmatized, and that needs to stop.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the mid-season finale of "Young Justice: Phantoms," Connor's ghost/phantom is shown to have three parallel gashes of various sizes on his chest. Assuming he is in the Phantom Zone, is his position and condition meant to be an indirect nod to the "Injustice 2" tie-in comics; in which Superboy had to stay in the Phantom Zone in order to stay alive after being critically injured by Superman and Superboy would need immediate medical attention the minute he gets out of the Phantom Zone?

Greg responds...

I'm completely unfamiliar with Injustice 2, so it has no connection to that. And by now, I would think, you've seen both what caused those gashes and what happened to Conner once he exited the Zone.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Karrin Blue writes...

Happy New Year! Some odds and ends I was wondering about:

1) Since Perdita now has a scar that goes up to her collarbone, where she didn't before, does that mean she's had another heart transplant since we last saw her in season 3?
2) Would Terra's earth powers be able to affect the crystal Flaw is made out of, like Khalid's life powers affected Teekl?
3) How much do Terra's powers work on? That is, we know they work on rock and soil, but what about sand, or natural glasses like obsidian, or materials like jet or coal that started as organic matter? Sorry if this is getting too granular, it's just always something I wonder about when a character has 'earth powers,' since the earth is made up of so much different stuff compared to the other classic elements.
4) Given that the Markovs are very definitely saying Mother of Goat and not Mother of God, does that mean that the Markovs aren't Christian? If so, is whatever religion they follow the dominant one in Markovia?
5) Does the Red Hooded Ninja actually wear that mask and goggles all the time on Infinity Island? What about when he sleeps?

Greg responds...

1. No. She stopped using make-up to cover up the already existing scar, which was from her heart surgery back in S1. She decided, in essence, to represent.

2. That's a good question. I haven't considered it. And it's largely moot now. If it wasn't, I guess I'd discuss that with Brandon.

3. Yeah, another good question. And something else that I'd want to discuss with Brandon before answering definitively.

4. They are Christians. I'm not 100% sure of the denomination. But it's Christian. Mother of Goat seems to be a common Markovian expression, so that one doesn't take the name of the Virgin Mother in vain. It's the equivalent of saying "H-E-Double Hockey-Sticks" or "Gosh darn it!"

5. Only when he's suited up. It's a uniform. It's not glued on.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name and age of Perdita's security guard from "Break my Heart"?

Greg responds...

His name is Denny Nielson, and he was born in 1981.

Response recorded on July 13, 2022

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Keaton writes...

Why did Beast Boy make the choice to breakup with Perdita when she offer help in young justice phantoms episode 13?

Greg responds...

I don't think he made that choice. He just didn't chose to do what he needed to do to stay together with her. It has the same result but isn't quite the same thing.

As for the why, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on July 13, 2022

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Bri writes...

1. Can Orphan read and write?
2. Since Orphan can’t physically speak as her vocal cords are damaged, would she be able to “speak” on a psychic link? Or she won’t be able to since she never learned how to speak?

Greg responds...

1. She's learning. So, yes, basically. Playing a bit of catch-up, but yes.

2. She could speak psychically. She's also learning ASL.

Response recorded on July 13, 2022

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B writes...

Several fans on Youtube got the impression that New Teekl was the same cat as Old Teekl in a time loop. Is that true?

Greg responds...

That's a fascinating idea. But nope.

Response recorded on July 11, 2022

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Claire writes...

1. So...Dr. Fate can send people through time?

2. Why is this not used more often?

3. Has Bart ever asked to be sent back into the future?

Greg responds...

1. That's unclear. He can clearly send people back to their correct time.

2. See above. But also, why would he want to mess with the time stream. That carries all sorts of risks. Leads to Chaos. Etc. And he's not about chaos.

3. To what future?

Response recorded on July 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Since nabu is a special case as he was originaly human. In a unlikely event another lord of order wanted to enter the mortal plane would they also require a human host like nabu does?
2 Why do the other lords of chaos not take on mortal forms to cause more chaos?

Greg responds...

1. They would need some method of anchoring. We've seen Klarion use a familiar and (briefly) a school bus. We've seen Nabu use a helmet and a host. We've seen Child use a familiar.

2. Who says they're not? It's a big universe.

Response recorded on July 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is the hero that accompanies Ice in episode 413 Isis?
What's her real name?
How old is she?
Is she THE Isis from "Intervention"?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Isis. Beyond that, no spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. In a sense.

Response recorded on July 08, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

So how does Vandal Savage leave all his descendants around? Does he have a killer set of bar lines he uses to seduce the ladies? Does he frequently donate his genetic material to banks? Does he marry? Something more...er.....bad....

Or is it a mix of things? As an example of what I mean did he meet Cassandra's mom at a bar and seduced her but married Olympia's mother?

Greg responds...

Vandal has his charms. But keep in mind, he doesn't need to father a ton of first generation children all at once. Even one child every few decades will - over 50,000 years - give him hundreds and hundreds of descendants.

And, while intentionally NOT commenting on your examples, I'm sure it's a mix. But I'm sure it's all consensual.

Response recorded on July 08, 2022

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Jacob Kusnerik writes...

Hey Greg,

LOVING the new Young Justice season! Can't wait to see how it all ends! Episode 13 (most recent as of this writing) was full of twists I didn't expect. Yikes! A little frightened by that stinger though, especially if that's who I think it was. Plus, with you-know-who? Dang! Right in the feels! This will undoubtedly get worse before it gets better, if at all totally. And that ending BEFORE the stinger! MAN!

A few questions I have about Mary though. I know she was Sargent Marvel on the Team for a while before being forced to give it up due to becoming drunk on power. As we've seen, Sargent Marvel is essentially Mary's evil side (like Jekyll and Hyde) that acts like a jerk and thinks she's better than everyone else, perhaps even Billy and Freddy (who I think was also a member for a while too.) Did Mary often times not change back from her other form, perhaps trying to stay Sargent Marvel 24/7, or at least as often as possible, which may have caused others to question? Also, did Mary/Sargeant's attitude cause problems on the Team for a while and rub others (like Conner, Artemis or Kaldur) the wrong way? Perhaps even getting into a fight with the Team before being stopped and Mary going cold turkey? Finally, I have to ask, WHAT caused a girl who's a sister to Billy Batson-one of THE nicest guys in DC and who never had much of a problem- to become so obsessed with power and seemingly being better than everyone through Sargent Marvel? In the comics, her attitude change was largely because she was corrupted by Black Adam's powers, but what about here? Was it being an orphan for perhaps longer than Billy was and not getting what he got sooner? Perhaps she was always secretly jealous he'd gotten a guardian (Dudley) and power by the Wizard before her while she had to scrounge around for so long.

Answer whenever you're able and keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer all your questions, because many are spoilers. But I'm happy to clarify ground that I believe has already been covered.

I wouldn't call Sergeant Marvel evil.

But things did get problematic, and she was beginning to spend less and less time in her Mary Bromfield form. And even as an eleven year old, she was starting to do things more appropriate to Sergeant's 18-year-old body. The feeling among her friends and family was that it had to stop. This didn't happen over night. She promised to cut back - and meant it - but kept backsliding. Eventually, she was convinced to give up being Sergeant cold turkey.

Mary is the one who was adopted right away, as a baby by the Bromfields. It's Billy who was in the orphanage for years before becoming Captain Marvel (now Shazam) and finally being fostered by Uncle Dudley (who is not his actual uncle).

Response recorded on July 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 The heroes have a strict no kill rule so I am a bit confused by how thirteen just killed flaw with no issue.
2 Why did child spend so much effort killing teekl 1 since she knows that klarion can just choose a new familiar. Making her efforts ultimately pointless
3 Did teekl 1 genuinly see klarion as her friend
4 Does every chaos lord take the form of a child
5 Do the other chaos lords have a bad relationship with klarion like the child

Greg responds...

1. There's some question as to whether Flaw was truly alive. And then there's the self-defense rationale.

2. I just answered this. (Everyone, please try to avoid repeating questions.) Getting a new familiar isn't easy.

3. Yes.

4. Every one we've seen so far, I believe.

5. I think every Chaos Lord has a fraught relationship with every other Chaos Lord.

Response recorded on July 08, 2022

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Captain Thunder writes...

Episode 13 wow what a way to kick of the Hiatus, Zatanna is a morally gray character instead of being completely white I like it.
1) So was the inciting incident was Zatanna thinking about Dr.Fate having four hosts instead of one?
2) So Is Granny just waiting for dejected super powered people waiting to temp them to their darker sides acting as a devil on the shoulder, I found this odd.
3) There seems to be a theme of addiction and unhealthy dependence to things, We have seen this theme somewhat hinted with Superboy in season 1.
3.1 And would I be right when talking about Red Arrow at the beginning of Season two was he having a substance abuse problem too?
3.2 Beast Boy coping with depression and sleeping pills.
3.3 Finally Mary who is actively atleast as of episode 13 relapsing, was all this intentional or am I reading too much into this.
4) Now if I recall correctly the Shazam Family was supposed to have an arc in season 2 so my question is was your plan for Mary always to have her be a presence like this in season four or did things change because of season 2. If I were to guess for the last thing and I don't know how right I am was the plan to have her be an active member of team and show her dependence on the power as she was initially part of the team in year 6 but this was later relegated to offscreen development between the 5 year timeskip.
5) Last question which has whatsoever absolutely no relation to the above questions, have you read Multiversity Thunderworld and did you like it, If not I really think you should read it and the rest of Multiversity especially Pax Americana, SOS issues. I think they should be right up your alley. Have a great day.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I didn't find it odd.

3.1. I think so.

3.2. Is there a question here?

3.3. I don't think you're reading too much in.

4. Actually, the Shazam Family was supposed to have an arc in our companion comic. Not Season Two. She was never supposed to be on the Team in S2. She was supposed to be at the wedding shower and in the group of heroes who go after the Reach devices at the end of the season. But in any case, the Comic was cancelled, so we never got back to it, and our timeline moved forward. And we couldn't spare the man-hours to design her for two cameos in S2. But the basics of Mary's predicament in S4 and forward were always part of the overall plan.

5. I have not read any of that.

Response recorded on July 07, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Did klarion genuinely care for teekl 1
2 Since klarion is capable of choosing a New familiar when his old one perishes anyway. Why was klarion so scared fighting child if she could do no permenant damage to him
3 Are there lords of chaos/order on other planets
4 Why can’t child just choose another familiar to return to the mortal plane
5 Does klarion’s familiar have to be a specific cat or was he just being picky when choosing teekl 2

Greg responds...

1. Of course.

2. As I'm sure you've seen by now, finding a new familiar isn't easy. And he was only sometimes scared, anyway.

3. Oh, sure.

4. It's not that easy - and it certainly isn't instantaneous. And now that she's lost, the other Chaos Lords might have something to say about it.

5. Both.

Response recorded on July 07, 2022

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Allen writes...

So...time travel.

It appeared that time travel on Earth-16 operated on the ability to change the past and create a new timeline. We've seen that with Bart, where the timeline changed as a result.

However, with Klarion, we see that his shenanigans throughout the timeline have always been a part of it. The bus was always seen throughout the years and didn't change anything (we know this because we saw the bus all the way in season 1).

This seems to create two types of time travel that cannot co-exist: a) you can change the past and create a whole new timeline and b) you can't change the past and any time travel you do is already part of the timeline.

So my question is, which is it? Can you change the past with time travel or not?

Greg responds...

I don't see these as mutually exclusive at all.

As I've stated before, my preferred style of writing time travel is - as with Gargoyles - to go with the type where TRUE history cannot be changed. But the DC Multiverse just wasn't built that way. So we had to allow for the possibility of new timelines being created. But that's just it. It's a possibility. Not a certainty.

Think of it this way. Anytime you step outside you might accidentally step on a butterfly. But then again, sometimes you might not.

Response recorded on July 07, 2022

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Matt Zimmer writes...

I loved the bit with Klarion as the Catbus. I thought it was funny and creative. And yet I confess to being a little disappointed in learning it was planned out seasons ahead of time. Aside from the fact that perhaps the saga's resident Lord of Chaos should not have his backstory or arc so meticulously planned out ahead of time I was kind of hoping it had been a happy accident.

My question is, when you were writing or planning this show (or any previous show) have you ever come up with a neat script idea on the spot and put it in a current season, and been amazed and pleased to see how well it fits in with everything else? Has there ever been a little bit of Puck or Klarion's unpredictability in writing current scripts or has all of the stuff we've seen since the first season already been decided? I think either way of writing is fine, but I would love to see a script where Greg said "This is awesome and I want to share this as soon as possible." I guess my question is if this has ever happened, and if it has, could you name-drop an example or two?

Greg responds...

It has. Often. We plan a lot, but we always leave ourselves open to ideas that hit us along the way.

The example that immediately comes to mind is (SPOILERS) the revelation that Owen is Puck. We knew there was an interesting backstory to Owen, but didn't know what it was. Then when we were working on "The Mirror" - i.e. the episode that introduced Puck - Lydia Marano, Brynne Chandler Reaves and I separately realized that Owen and Puck were one and the same.

Response recorded on July 06, 2022

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Mali writes...

Hi! My names Mali and I’m a HUGE
fan of young justice! The issue is I’m Canadian and can’t get HBO max. I want with all my heart to watch season 4 and I just want to know how I can steam/watch it. I would love to even buy it on dvd

Greg responds...

I don't know the answer to that. But I'm hoping you can find a way.

Response recorded on July 06, 2022

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Paul writes...

When Troia is helping Diana and Cassie in "Og Htrof Dna Rueqnoc!", she's wearing her Ambassador outfit. Then, in the credits scene, Tempest is wearing his Ambassador outfit. I believe you've previously said that Garth and Tula wore their Atlantean clothes as their outfits when they were on the Team, and this is backed up by Garth wearing his regular outfit when he's standing with Dick, Jeff and Clark (who are all in costume here). So my question is: since Troia wore her normal outfit when she responded to the crisis with Diana and Cassie, then does this mean that she also wore clothing that was reflective of her heritage when she was on the Team? Garth and Tula wore Atlantan garb and I guess Troia wore her Themiscyran garb?

Greg responds...

I'm going to defer answering that until we have a flashback with Troia from that era.

Response recorded on July 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, are you aware that you can have a Muslim character without making their entire identity about being Muslim? You realize we’re regular people, right? Most of us aren’t religious zealots. We don’t think about being Muslim 24/7. It’s just part of our identity. You don’t really need to mention it, just like you have never mentioned the religion of any of the main white characters. Or is it more that you feel the need to remind the audience that you’re so inclusive for including Muslims? Whatever it is, you need to stop. This is clearly a blind spot of yours. And don’t reply that some org you’re working with says you’re fine - they don’t speak for all of us and you can’t hide behind that to dismiss criticism.

Greg responds...

I'm not hiding behind anyone. But I also feel just fine saying that an organization like MPAC likes what we're doing and encouraged same. As did the Muslim writer who wrote the episode and the Muslim actor who performed the role. My point is - and always has been - simply this: JUST BECAUSE YOU PERSONALLY THINK SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK, DOESN'T MEAN THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY AGREES WITH YOU. PERIOD. You don't get to decide for all Muslims what does or doesn't play. I had plenty of Muslim fans thrilled over our depiction of Khalid. Doesn't mean you have to be, but stop trying to tell me that you personally represent an entire religion, when I have a list of people who are also of that faith disagreeing with you.

And, yes, of course, Muslims are regular people. Just like Khalid, for example, who didn't talk about his Muslim identity at all in five out of the six episodes he appeared in this season. So he did talk about it in one episode. One episode that happened to specifically be about a crisis in faith. That doesn't make him a zealot, as you so kindly labeled him. His faith is part of his identity, just as Zatara's Catholic faith is part of his - putting the lie to the notion that we've never addressed the faith of any "white" characters. (Or do you think Zatara is a zealot, as well? Or does he not count because he's not YOUNG?)

In any case, Khalid's faith matters to him. And we're just fine depicting that. For some characters, their faith (whatever it may be) is a big part of their lives. For others, it isn't. That's the way the world works. Why wouldn't our show reflect the world?

Take the excellent ABC sitcom Abbott Elementary, for example, where the character played by Sheryl Lee Ralph (our Amanda Waller) is constantly expressing her faith and her belief in God, even though none of the other characters do. (At least not that I've seen so far.) This is life.

The funny thing is, I had other Muslim viewers tell me I couldn't hide behind MPAC to justify Khalid being a practicing sorcerer. To which my answer was much the same.

And on the other hand, I had some fan write me asking why I had gone into depth on the faith of a Muslim and a Christian and hadn't done the same for a Jew. If I did a Jew next season, I'd have someone else ask me why I hadn't done X religion or Y.

So, yes, for these reasons, I am dismissing your criticism. Not because I'm "hiding" or "blind" but because it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for me to please everyone. So whom should I listen to? One "Anonymous" fan? Or an organization of human beings who are standing up to see that their people are treated well in Hollywood media. What makes you an expert over them? Why would I do what you want? So that I can "hide" behind you instead?

Basically, Brandon and I go with our gut while following the advise of people who work hard to see representation flourish in this industry, which in and of itself we see as important and necessary and as better storytelling. This isn't new territory for me either. I've been doing this kind of thing since Gargoyles.

There's no blind spot. I'm doing this on purpose. And I like it.

Response recorded on June 21, 2022

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Mohamed writes...

Hey, Greg.

Why did you stop casting child actors for the roles of child characters in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

We haven't stopped. Amistad, for example, was played by a child actor. We're just admittedly inconsistent about it, for a variety of factors. Usually, the reason is budgetary. If a child character only has a couple lines, and we think we have someone from the existing cast - in that specific episode - who can cover those lines, we may elect to save some money, so that we can spend it later on another actor. And then once we've cast someone, we rarely recast, unless (a) we have to because the original actor is unavailable or (b) the character has aged so much that the original actor is no longer appropriate.

Response recorded on June 21, 2022

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gen_knight lady writes...

when mary took the power of Khalid and Traci in “Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc!” I got Phobos vibe from her because he did the same thing to Taranee and Cornelia in "v is for victory". Was that intentional? a hint that mary might fall to the dark side? or maybe to show us that she is still obsessed with power?

Greg responds...

Seems likely. Especially now.

Response recorded on June 17, 2022

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Impulse1111 writes...

Young Justice seems to have a lot to do with time travel the last few episodes, I’m loving it. One thing I am wondering is Bart Allen, with time travel being such a big part of his season two character why is he not involved at all it seems?

Greg responds...

Not involved at all, huh?


Well, by now, you know he got very involved. Next time, maybe... patience?

Response recorded on June 17, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

In which year did the Zatara's flashbacks take place?
What mechanical monsters did Superman vanquish in those flashbacks?

Greg responds...

1. Zatara's flashbacks in episode 412 of Young Justice: Phantoms (which, I assume, is what you're referring to) ran from 1998-2009.

2. Dangerous ones.

Response recorded on June 17, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

So, if I understand this correctly, Kalrion went back in time to 2010, and then he took control of the school bus and put the bus and the kids through all kinds of hell since then. Also, were any missing reports put in on those people? Surely, someone must have seen the bus and its occupants disappear on that day and missing reports must have been filed to the police, right?

Greg responds...

There was hardly time to file any missing persons reports. They disappeared and then reappeared seconds later.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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