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Andrea L. Marbry writes...

Dear Greg,

Just a few more Max Steel questions.

1) If Mairot was going undercover on Jeff's orders,
how was he going to redeem himself in the eyes
of the man he betrayed into a death-trap,
namely Max? And what effect would this have
on Max's relationship with Jeff? My guess is:
catastrophic collapse! But, the fact that Jeff
made a desperate plea to James Bond, Sr, i.e.,
Charles Marshak, to save his son, suggests that
he didn't know or approve of the WAY Mairot
planned his "defection". Or, was Mairot supposed
to get Max out of the lab BEFORE things got

2) If Dread wasn't getting his N-Tek info from
Mairot, WHERE was he getting it from? I have
an ugly suspicion, cobbled together from the
info on the kidsWB site, plus info from here
and there, that John Dread is actually Marco
Nathanson, who has gone rogue for some reason,
instead of dying in an explosion. After all,
bad guys walk away unscathed from all sorts of
stuff, and the info from the site indicates that
Jeff restored N-Tek to its proper mission after
Nathanson's death, which indicates that Nathanson
was warping N-Tek into ... something else,
perhaps something "dreadful?" Plus, after
"Strangers", Dread's first direct attack on N-Tek
was on its leader, which indicates he knew all
about N-Tek (just was attacking the WRONG member
of the family), possibly indicating a personal
grudge with Jeff.

3) Which brings up, when did N-Tek know about
DREAD? Before or AFTER Jeff's abduction? Was
that your way of introducing DREAD to everyone?

4) Was Max's powers "developed" or "discover-
ed"? Like was the "stealth mode", super-strenght
etc, deliberately designed after Josh's in-
fusion, or was it discovered that Josh had these
new powers "naturally", during tests after his
recovery? I must concur with Maxy Steel that
Josh looks too totally different from Max, indi-
cating that Josh is actually doing some sort of
"morphing", not just disguising himself, since
even at very low power levels, Josh stays in
the form of Max Steel, unless he consicously
transforms. Even when rendered unconscious,
as he was in "Shattered" (how did Mairot knock
him out, by the way?), he stays in Max Steel

5) I also concur with Maxy Steel in wishing to
know more about 'Berto and his family, since in
"Snow-Blind", he'd apparently had left to go
home to Columbia on that vacation, yet had al-
ready returned to Del Oro - just in time to help
save Max's life, and protect him against further
Dread phone calls. So what had happened, and
why? Also, in "Spear-Carriers", what was that
guard doing to 'Berto's wrists, while Breamer
was responding to Max's call? I'd thought that
they were unchaing him, but even with VCR slo-
mo, I'm not sure. Since Breamer treated 'Berto
like a stray puppy rather than a prisoner (no
guard on him on the flight deck, let alone not
locked up someplace), I take it Breamer didn't
want to hurt anyone who wasn't a direct threat.

6) No doubt this'll be cold comfort to you after
the way you was "voted off the island" by WB,
but Pete is becoming a major part of Max Steel's
life. I would like to see those three untold
tales in some form or other, as well as the last
four unproduced Starship Troopers stories, just
for completion and closure. If there's anyway
you can let us know what happened, or was to
happen, I (and a lot of other people) would
really appreciate it. As long as it doesn't
get you in any trouble, of course!

Happy Holidays,
Andrea Marbry

Greg responds...

O.K. First off, keep in mind this is my version of events. This may not reflect what the current creators and execs of the show have planned, if anything.

1. Mairot was supposed to find a way to get Max out, if for some reason Max (and/or Marshak) could not. But Jeff didn't know who the real Mole was, so he had to play concerned father to Marshak and everyone, so that whoever the real Mole was would lower his or her guard.

2. Boy, you stuff a lot into a single question. Well, first off, I was trying to lead people to believe that Dread was Nathanson. But he wasn't. There was no personal grudge against Jeff. Just the practical grudge that Jeff's people were constantly thwarting Dread. As for where the information was coming from, the answer there was from N-Tek's master computer. The mole (in my imagination) was not a person, but they're own computer system. Which was built by Nathanson.

3. I don't remember.

4. By your definition, I guess "discovered". But I must reiterate that his facial design is exactly the same. Body design too. The only changes are his hair color and hair style. His eye color. And his clothing. The rest is in your imagination.

5. Breamer was interested in 'Berto. Thought he had found a kindred spirit. Also didn't perceive him as much of a threat of any kind. But I don't remember the wrist thing you mention. As for 'Berto's family, I think I did a little background work on him, but mostly I was saving it for a chance when we'd do an episode about them. Never got to though. Oh, well.

6. Uh, are we talking Starship or Max here? I always liked Pete.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Maxy Steel writes...

Hey Greg!

1. I noticed that Gregg Rainwater voiced "Jake Nez" in Max Steel, and "Jake MacDonald" in 3x3 eyes. Was there some kind of joke or connection with having the same first name for both characters, or just a really strange fluke?

2. I know that Max doesn't always wear the chest plate. (like how he didn't have it for most of "Scions") I was curious, does that thing do anything interesting? Hold water, contain weapons, possibily a swiss army knife?

3. I know that in "Sacrifices" Rachel and mant of the other agents had pistols or some kind of fire arm. Since this is a kids show, I was kind of surprised by that. So, out of curiosity, do most agents have a weapon at all times? I can see why max wouldn't need one, but others like Rachel, Jake, possibly Berto if he ever left N-tek?

-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Just a fluke. I named Jake Nez. But the Jake MacDonald character was already named when I came onto 3x3. Gregg was just great in GARGOYLES, voicing Coyote Trickster and Natsilane. He's been a favorite of mine ever since, so I try to use him on every project.

2. Don't know. I was not involved in the animation or design. Ask Mattel, I guess.

3. 'Berto maybe not. He doesn't usually go out in the field, and when he does, I'm not sure it occurs to him to grab a piece. Max, no. Rachel, yes, in my mind. But I'm not sure the WB agrees.

By the way, 3x3 Eyes is now available on video. And coming soon to DVD.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, I'll rephrase the questions.

1. In response to a question by Andrea Marbry, you said there were at least three "untold" episodes before "Strangers." I was asking if their scripts were written, and the episodes animated.

2. Put it this way: WHAT are Josh, Rachel, and Berto's middle names?

3. Not to sound snippy or anything, but are you ever at your desk when you answer these questions?

-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. No. (And I didn't say "episodes". I said missions. Or at least I'm fairly certain that's what I said.)

2. I don't remember whether I gave them any, let alone what they were.

3. I'm generally at my Disney Desk, as I am today. Since Max was a Sony show, I don't have my Max files here. Because my Disney show does not yet have a green light, I currently have more time to answer ASK GREG questions here than I do in Beverly Hills. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Matt Clara writes...

Greg, what software is used to model and animate Max Steel? What software do you prefer? How long does it take to produce a single episode, and about how many people work on one? What are the odds you can reply to me in person? emjaysea@worldnet.att.net (I'm 32 years old and only came here looking for this information--I've a great interest in modeling and animation).

Greg responds...

I am ignorant as to what's used to animate Max. LOTS of people work on episodes. Length of time varies, and as it contracts, quality tends to go down.

Unfortunately, Matt, this isn't a great resource for this kind of information. I'm not an animator. I'm a writer, basically.

And I can't start e-mailing you, because everyone would want the same treatment, and (a) I just don't have that kind of time and (b) if everyone was getting personal answers, then this forum would cease to be useful.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Sandrine Matheron writes...

Dear Greg,
Iwanted to know if a video-game on Max Steel is in project.
- If the answer is yes and if it will be on a computer please ask it for Mac too (because usually it's only for Windows and I haven't any)! Please ! ! !
- If the answer is no, can you ask for it ? Please ! ! !
In any case, I'm waiting and wishing that a day I'll have the chance to play on a Max Steel's plateform game. Will I be disapointed or not? Thanks for answering my questions.

Greg responds...

I have no idea. As I've stated over and over, I no longer have any involvement in Max Steel.

If you have questions about the stories in the first thirteen episodes, fire away. Otherwise, I won't be of much help. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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kmcgrath@zambasolutions.com writes...

I came across this page while trying to find out more about the Max Steel series, which Greg was/is an integral part of. The character Josh McGrath is Max Steel, like Bruce Wayne is Batman, Clark Kent is Superman. My four year old son is named Josh McGrath. So, I am after something, anything, that I can purchase that actually says that Josh McGrath is Max Steel. Mattel, which makes the toys, does not have anything - the toy packaging is devoid of anything. The web sites tell the story, but there is nothing else - I can't exactly print a web page image that is good enough to frame. Does Greg know of anything? Thank you for your assistance. - Kevin McGrath

Greg responds...

"the Max Steel series, which Greg was/is an integral part of."

Was, not is.

I'm sorry, I don't know of anything. Good luck.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Me an' my eternal motor mouth...heh.

1. Do you have something like a "bird's-eye" shot of the whole city of Del Oro?

2. What about Josh's suburban home, the layout?

3. And the beach house?

Sorry, it's just...I have to know these things! I go crazy if I don't! Yeah, I'm real weird.
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Do I? No.

2. I'm sure the studio does.

3. Josh's home is the beach house.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Yet another question. I keep coming up with these, don't I?

1. Do Josh, Rachel, and Berto have middle names?

Please answer this one!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

Didn't you JUST ask me this.

And yes, I'm sure they do.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, something I've been wondering for a long time.

1. In Sacrifices, right before Smith collapsed and Psycho nabbed him, what happened? Why did he collapse?
Thanks a billion!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

A sonic pulse was released through Smith's cellphone. It knocked him out, and the Dread operatives pretended he'd had a heart attack.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Hi again! More questions.

1. About what you said about the three untold episodes of Max Steel: Did they get created?

2. Do Rachel, Josh, or Berto have middle names?

3. I agree with Andrea Marbry. There should have more on Berto's past.

4. Do you know much about the upcoming Max Steel video game?

Thank you so much for listening to me blab!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. What did I say? Cuz I don't know what you're referring to.

2. I'm sure they do.

3. 'Kay. If I had done more episodes we would have seen more on his past. We would have met his family eventually.

4. NOTHING. As I've said, all my knowledge is past tense.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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