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Tana writes...

I don't expect a straight foward answer on this...but judging from the fact that Camelot recieves only a half point in the clans contest, you want us to guess where Camelot is (or will be) So here's a question:

Is Camelot still in the same location it was when Arthur first ruled? Or has it moved to a new location?

Greg responds...

Who says Camelot still exists?

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is about your mention once that King Arthur and Griff would visit the South Pole during their quest for Merlin:

1. I understand if you don't want to answer this question, but I'm a bit curious as to why they'd think of looking for Merlin in Antarctica. Back in the 5th century, nobody in Britain would have been aware of Antarctica's existence, so it would be a rather unlikely place for Merlin's Crystal Cave. Why would Arthur and Griff consider it a candidate, then?

2. Was your decision to include the South Pole on Arthur and Griff's itinerary influenced at all by the fact that Antarctica was the only continent that Goliath and Co. never visited on the Avalon World Tour?

Greg responds...

1. Nobody in Britain? Or nobody with normal resources?

2. Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Axem Gold writes...

1) If and when you get to do tose Gargoyle Episodes and Spinoffs do you plan to do crossovers like the following:
Gargoyles: 2158/Timedancer
Dark Ages/Timedancer
Pendragon/Bad Guys

2) Would you still include the Previously On Gargoyles segments when necessary?

Greg responds...

1. 2158(revised) and TimeDancer, definitely.

Dark Ages and TimeDancer, probably.

Pendragon/Bad Guys. Probably, eventually.

Pendragon/Gargoyles. Definitely.

Bad Guys/Gargoyles. Definitely.

New Olympians/Gargoyles. Definitely.

New Olympians/Pendragon/Bad Guys - Eventually.

2. Probably.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Ithica writes...

In your proposed spinoff PENDRAGON, how did you plan to address the Arthur-Gwenyvere-Launcelot love triangle? I doubt you would have completely overlooked it, but some versions of the Arthurian legends say Launcelot and Gwenyvere had an affair, but it would be difficult to present it in a children's show and get it past S&P. How would you ahve approached it, if you were going to approach it at all?

Greg responds...

Well, it wouldn't be a big current issue, since both Lance and Gwen are long dead. But I believe we could have handled it in passing in a straight-forward way. It's such a classic part of Western Culture. It's less problematic than you think. I mean we don't have to SAY that they had sex. Which is not to say they didn't. We simply show them kissing, for example, and we get the idea of betrayal across without doing anything too controversial. Look how we handled the Constantine/Finella/Kenneth triangle.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

One little Arthurian note about your theory that the grave at Glastonbury really contained the bodies of Lancelot and Guinevere rather than Arthur and Guinevere. I noticed that Roger Lancelyn Green went for the same notion himself. (And it's not a bad way of explaining the grave, either, once you a) recall that Lancelot turned monk at Glastonbury after Arthur's passing and so was in the area in his final days, and b) go for the notion of Avalon being a faerie island - as it's portrayed in "Gargoyles" - rather than just an old-fashioned name for Glastonbury).

Greg responds...


You and me should start a R.L. Green fan club.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A comment about your revelation today that Blanchefleur would have been the female companion to Arthur and Griff.

That one, in fact, I'd suspected for some time now (and can share my thoughts with you on how I worked it out after you made the revelation); in fact, that was precisely what led me to suspect Blanchefleur as one of the 8 Arthurian survivors. I'd been wondering who the female companion would be for some time. Now, you'd mentioned that you decided against sending the Magus to accompany Arthur on his adventures in the outside world since that would mean either:

a) they never find Merlin (a let-down)
b) the Magus dies before Arthur finds Merlin (which puts a higher value on Merlin than on the Magus)
c) Arthur has two magic-users accompanying him (not very challenging, in such a case)

From this I figured out that Arthur's female companion could not be a magic-user either. So that ruled out nearly every female character from the legend whom I could imagine as a survivor, since most of them (such as Morgan le Fay) were magic-users. But a female character connected with the Grail could survive to modern times without the use of magic. And as for who that female character was - well, you'd mentioned Roger Lancelyn Green among the Arthurian writers whom you'd read, and Blanchefleur turns up in his version as Percival's queen; thus you'd be aware of her.

So that's how I arrived at my suspicion that Blanchefleur would be Arthur and Griff's female companion, and it seems now that I was correct. Guess that I've got more than a little detective in me.

Greg responds...

Very good. You are dead on.

But you approached it in reverse. I came up with the survivors first. Blanchefleur (translated into the twentieth or twenty-first century) interested me, and I wanted a female in the group.

The whole Magus/Merlin dilemma came later.

Response recorded on August 02, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for answering my questions about Morgana (and correcting me on the "adopted" word; wrong term). At any rate, I thought that I'd ask you a couple more questions about her:

1. In your interpretation of Morgana, what's her motive for hating Arthur? Power hunger and seeing him as an obstacle to her path to rule over Britain, as in Malory, or a vendetta over what Uther did to Gorlois and Igraine, as per many modern versions of the legend?

2. Is Morgana subject to Oberon's non-intervention law, or does that not apply to her since she was raised as a mortal by Gorlois and Igraine?

Greg responds...

1. All of the above, and more.

2. Both.

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

What was the originally intended situation that should have awakened King Arthur had Elisa not interfered? Please be specific if possible (I know that he would have been needed, and that "the world does need a leader", but what would have suddenly caused this need?)

Greg responds...

Not telling.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Another Grail-related question, this one about Percival/Duval. In the traditional legends, Percival is portrayed as a rather naive, guileless fellow, even something of a fool at times, ignorant of the world and its ways. Duval, as the head of the Illuminati Society, would obviously have, by the mere nature of the job, to be a very cunning and duplicitous man, a la Xanatos. When you gave Percival the role of the Illuminati's leader, were you going for a contrast between him as he was in Arthur's time period and the way that he is as Duval now?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to confirm or deny your description of Duval's personality.

But I will acknowledge that time and tide have had their effect on young Percival.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Did Galahad exist in the Gargoyles Universe (at least, in your opinion)? The hints that you've made about the Grail's status in the Gargoyles Universe indicate that it's still on Earth and being guarded by Percival and Blanchefleur at Carbonek (cf. your comments on the 8 Arthurian survivors), which comes closer to the way that the Grail is treated in the pre-Galahad version of the legend, rather than those versions of the Grail story, such as Malory's, where Galahad appears; in the Galahad version of the Grail story, the Grail is taken up to Heaven after Galahad achieves it, never to be seen again. On the other hand, I have read modern day versions of the Grail Quest where Galahad achieves the Grail and yet where the Grail remains on Earth with Percival as its guardian, so Galahad's existence isn't necessarily incompatible with the Grail still being around in modern times. (Of course, since Galahad isn't on the survivors list, I doubt that he'd be that much of an issue in "Pendragon" if you had made it).

Greg responds...

Galahad did exist. He ascended to Heaven after drinking from the Grail. But the Grail didn't go with him. What need does heaven have for things?

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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