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He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named writes...

One quick question: will there ever be a Gargoyles video game? Or is there one already?

Greg responds...

There was one. (Or two, depending on your definition.)

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named writes...

I just returned from a vacation in Disney Land. (Boy, was it crowded!) So I figured that I could find some Gargoyle merchandise there; those stores have everything Disney. I walked into one, then another...and another...and another...with no luck. Not a single piece of Gargoyles merchandise anywhere in the park!!!
In one store, I asked an employee, "Do you have any Gargoyles stuff?"
He replied, "I...don't know what you mean...I don't know what a Gargoyles is."
It's nice to know that Disney employees know so much about there company's works. (And they use good grammar, too!) I have searched everywhere for Garg stuff, without luck. Where can I find it? Why isn't there any to be found; especially in Disney Land?

Greg responds...

I don't know. It's a source of much frustration to me, believe me.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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JENN writes...

dEAR gERG, 12/27/2000

Is their anyway I can by the series on tape? Look I can't help it I'm a nut for them?

Greg responds...

The first season was released on video, but those tapes may be hard to find now.

You might ask around in the comment room.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Tess writes...

You made mention im a previous answer to a Goliath walkaround character that could be found at DisneyWorld.
I have several questions regarding this:

1. Can the Goliath walkaround character still be found at
2. Are there any other walkaround gargoyles Characters to be
found at either DisneyWorld or DisneyLand?
3. If so, who are they?

Thanks for your time :)

Greg responds...

1. Don't know.

2. Not that I'm aware of.

3. See above.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

That's cool, "matt". You explained yourself to the key...
Greg, I think we all should give "matt" a standing ovation for his loyalty to the Gargoyles series. What do you think everybody, huh? :)

Announcement: If anyone is looking for the entire 78 episodes, there are those on eBay selling them. They come on 5 VHS tapes. I was loyal enough to the series to get all 78 for less than $50. Good quality too.

Greg responds...

Uh, Jim, what's with the matt obsession?

Thanks for the info.

Just want to officially state that I have nothing to do with the sale of these tapes. (Greg protects his butt.)

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Devin Sargent writes...

Hey man, do you have any pictures of the clan in south america. the snake guy and his buddies? If so let me know. Thanks.


Greg responds...

I don't, no. Have you tried one of the many sites dedicated to the show?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

where do i find a gargoyle necklace??? i'm not to familar with "surfing" the web and i have had no luck. please, please reply to my e-mail address at irishluch7@aol cause i won't know how to get back to this site. thanks!

Greg responds...

Sorry, but I don't reply to individual e-mail addresses. No time.

And at any rate, I don't have a clue how to find you a gargoyles necklass. This is not a clearinghouse for garg merchandise.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Would I get sued if I tried to make a Gargoyles computer game for PC and Mac? Or would that be only if I tried to sell it for profit? The game will have decent graphics, sprite animation, sounds, a story, (and possibly some video clips from the show), you know that sort of thing...
But I will be sure to provide credit to the "real" creators of Gargoyles.

Why hasn't anyone done this before, besides Sega Genesis?

Greg responds...

I'm no lawyer, but obviously if you tried to sell it for profit, you'd definitely get a letter from the Mouse. And even if you didn't, but they noticed you and felt you were infringing on a profit center or potential profit center, you might hear from them.

But as I said, I'm no lawyer. I wouldn't presume to advise you.

As for your last question, I don't know.

Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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Eugene Welch writes...

Where can i find good gargoyle art

Greg responds...

The GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles. Check out:


Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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christina writes...

can you send me a good picture of the eye of oden from gargoyles please??

if so
send them to:

Greg responds...

No. I'm not a clearing house. I answer questions here. I don't have stuff like that to send. Sorry.

Did you try asking in the comment room?

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Halverson.heidi@mayo.edu writes...

Are gargoyles still sold in stores, if so where?

Greg responds...

Can you be more specific? I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

But never mind. I don't have any info on that kind of stuff anyway.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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Gabriel writes...


Would you happen to know if there is going to be a DVD edition of GARAGOYLES: THE HEROES AWAKEN. It would amaze me if there isn't since Disney has already put a lot of c**p on DVD that I couldn't believe they did.

Greg responds...

Not that I know of at this time.

Response recorded on November 16, 2000

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insanityinchaos writes...

Well I have been tring very hard as of late tring to get all of gargoyles on tape since disney has not released many on video. Is there any plan to do any dvd's that you know of? I know on dvds added features are a big thing and was wondering if you had been consulted on doing any commentary or anything. I have been watching gargoyles since it first started and I was not happy when it went off usa and I could not get toon disney at the time. So if there were dvd's or even the complete story on video I know atleast for me there is a demand for them.

Greg responds...

No plan that I know of. Sorry. I'd like to see that too.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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Kenneth Kenneth_81@yahoo.com writes...

Is ther a way or place where I can buy all the episodes of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I give up. Is there?

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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puck40 writes...

www.animationondvd.com has a petition for Gargoyles to go onto DVD up there. I wanna see everyone here sign it. :)

That other DVD link that person posted a handful of weeks ago btw was dead so heres for anyone interested!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Jacob writes...

Where Can I Find Pictures(esp.) And Story Snop. OF The Macebeth, Three Weird Sisters(withches), and Spells?

Thank You,

Greg responds...

Don't know. Did you try the comment room?

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Arlo writes...

Hi, sorry to bother you. If you never feel like answering
this at all it's okay. You've probably heard inquiries
such as this more than you'd like to. If you don't want to
read this eaither becasue it's so long that's okay too.
Anyway, Puck, who is, in my opinion the greatest character
ever created, stars in a broadcasting entilted
"The Mirror" I've been searching but haven't found the
episode on a VHS recording. Maybe I just haven't been
trying hard enough. I was just pondering if it is on a
VHS somewhere and if so could you state the title of the
main VHS it may be on or where else I may locate the
performance. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks again and sorry to occupy your time. Also, could
you thank Gore for putting up with this question if he
has? Thanks, have a excellent day!

Greg responds...

You to. And don't apologize.

As far as I know, "The Mirror" is not available on VHS. Only first season episodes.

And thanks for giving me the opportunity to thank Gore for providing us with this site in the first place. And Todd for keeping it running efficiently.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Rick Puck2r@hotmail.com writes...

Is there anyway I can still catch either on vhs or dvd the series? I am a huge fan and got perturbed when it was cancelled.

Greg responds...

VHS tapes exist out there. DVD's do not.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Brian writes...

Hey greg, Dvd Animania has a petion going to put gargoyles on dvd. The site is http://www.wildcoast.org/cgi-bin/petition.pl Everyone sign!

Greg responds...

Cool. Everyone sign!!!

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Klay Menard writes...

Where can I find a good picture of Lexington?

Greg responds...

Did you try asking in the comment room?

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Maximum Cng, llc writes...

This is a serious more business oriented question and I hope it does not break any of the guidelines. In fact I doubt it would be the kind of thing you would post.
I'm the President of a Roleplaying game company and I'm wondering who would I talk to in Disney about getting the License to create and market a Gargoyles roleplaying game book and suplements. I see it as nothing short of a shame that such a well made and loved world is rotting away.

Your the first part of my search for the information we need and hopefully you can help.

Thank you

Malcolm Harris
Maximum CNG, llc


Greg responds...

I don't know who you'd talk to specifically, though God knows I'd love to work on something like that.

My advice is to contact the Walt Disney Company's Consumer Products Division. And ask them to direct you to the proper individual.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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jim tharp, trhunter59 writes...

hello, when then scrolls of merlin are taken from their
original hiding place in the chest a image of merlin apears.How may I find this image? Looks like a ghost or
spirit of merlin. can you help? have seen the episode several times but cannot get the image. thanks.

Greg responds...

I'm not a clearing house for this stuff. Did you ask in the Station Eight Comment or Chat rooms?

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Melody writes...

When "Gargoyles" was canceled I was greatly disappointed because my family does not have cable. Do you know if there are any videos of "Gargoyles" videos available on the market?

Greg responds...

I don't know how easy they'd be to find these days, but the entire first season was at one point available on Home Video.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Bråndeewine writes...

~an afterthought post~
For those who would like to get a copy of the complete set, If you want to e-mail me, [coppertop@espeedaz.net], I can put you in contact with the man who sells them on eBay. They often go for $100.

Greg responds...

You heard it here.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Bråndeewine writes...

Greg, Congrats on finally making it through all of those questions!!! I'm so proud of you! ;oP *chuckles*

Anyway.... I recently aquired a complete set of Gargoyles Episodes, on Ebay. The quality isn't the best (Mono sound?), but just the same, it ~is~ all of the episodes. If you are interested in owning a copy of them, I'll gladly buy you a set, as a gift, and bring it with me to the Gathering in LA. It's the least a fan can do! :oD

Greg responds...

That's sweet. But I have them all. Thanks though.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Razor Dog writes...

Hello, Greg.

Here's my question. Are there any Gargoyles CDs or soundtracks available? It seems that soundtracks for videogames and animated series are just too impossible to find in the U.S. Over in Japan, it's as easy as pie to find CDs for such genres.

Anyway, I love your work and it's a shame the series got cancelled. I was so jaded to find that The Goliath Chronicles croaked and I almost cried, I really did. Gargoyles was the one of the VERY last cartoon series I actually LOVED before I got sucked into the world of anime (mostly Dragon Ball Z). Thanx for all the memories your series gave me to cherish and good luck on the next series- I'm looking forward to it :)

Greg responds...

You're welcome. And no, no CD's or soundtracks that I know of.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Kevin J Mohammed writes...

Is there any way to purchase the complete series on video?

Greg responds...

No. Not currently.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi Greg. Thanks for all the memos you've been posting about the early development of the series--they're a lot of fun to read. I was wondering if you had included any of them in the Gargoyles Encyclopedia you prepared? You seem to be finding these notes sporadically, so my guess is either you didn't include them, or you summarized them into a few facts, like how the series was originally a comedy and Demona's name was Dakota, etc. I think they would be worthy additions (and hey, anything that adds to the volume of a book can only make it better! Well, unless it's assigned reading....) And you also seem to composing the episode summaries and backgrounds as you watch them, but some of the things you mention might also be nice to see in the encyclopedia. Then again, I'm making a lot of assumptions--I don't know how your encylopedia is structured (which is also something I was wondering about, if you can discuss it). Maybe it's a good thing that you haven't found a publisher yet, since it gives you the chance to add to it and make necessary changes (like those in the Future Tense spinoff). Anyways, good luck getting it published. Maybe we should invite some publishers to the Gathering to show them that there's a demand!

Greg responds...

Sounds good to me. Know any?

The Encyclopedia is not a behind the scenes document. It's currently about cannon. And by the way, it needs a major editing job.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Anei writes...

any clue where I can get the Gargoyles genesis ROM? I've searched just about everywhere to no avail. send me a link at SoulofHonor@aol.com

Greg responds...

No. Sorry. I don't know why people think I'm a clearing house for merchandise.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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David writes...

Hi Greg, I am a huge fan of the Gargoyles series. I have, or thought I had all the episodes on tape. Then I checked IMDB and saw that in 1998 there were 4 episodes that I had never heard of. Gargoyles: Brothers Betrayed (1998)
Gargoyles: Deeds of Deception (1998)
Gargoyles: The Force of Goliath (1998)
Gargoyles: The Hunted (1998) (V)
What are these episodes and where can I find them? Also are Pendragon and TGS seperate cartoon series and how do they tie into the Gargoyles lore? Thanks.

Greg responds...

These aren't episodes. These are home video collections of episodes. Each tape or "title" has two episodes from the first season.

I believe "The Hunted" contains "Thrill of the Hunt" and "Temptation".

"Deeds of Deception" and "The Force of Goliath" contain "Deadly Force" & "Enter Macbeth" and "The Edge" & "Long Way to Morning". But I don't remember which contains which pair.

"Brothers Betrayed" definitely includes "Her Brother's Keeper" and "Reawakening".

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Stephanie Stanley stephstan @yahoo.com writes...

We are having a difficult time finding the gargoyles action figures. E-bay has been our only avenue lately. Any suggestions?

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry. You might try attending the Gathering in L.A. this coming June. There always seem to be some action figures available in the dealers room.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Ryan writes...

where can i get tapes for the whole second season of gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Where?

Oh. That wasn't a riddle.

Well, I still don't know. But you might try posting in the comment room and see if anyone there knows.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Kovu@pridelands.org writes...

###please excuse any grammer or spelling errors or just plain spam and nonsence and unclear, jumpy sentences###

Hi Greg,
I was a fan of Gargoyles sometime back when it had first aired up here, I still am. I would watch it over and over again from begining to end if I had whatever station it still airs on. I was drawn to the whole story from the beginning (Like everyone else ;P ) and was really bummed out when it had finally ended (again like everyone else :P ).
I know it probably is personal to ask the questions, I'm about to ask, I dunno; But it's worth the hey.
There were alot of disapointing thoughts floating around my head about why a show with so much praise, and a wide variety of possible story lines and a good audience turn out, would have such a rough ending in it's final season. With trying to make the last season, so I thought I read; something about bumpy talks in just trying to be able to continue on for just that extra year longer with the show??. I Look at the Simpsons and wonder, what's so great about it that's had it survive over a decade on the air (Besides the MILLIONS of viewers. :/ . I started to hate it in the 6th year when I looked at it one day and asked myself.. What kind of messages is this show giving me?.. I looked at Gargoyles and found it to be much more realistic in it's scifi way, but the powering messages I got from it.. It was tremendous and it made me want more... But Yet Gargoyles? and other great shows of the past? :( Only live such short times. -.- I haven't kept up with the show since it had finally ended on Saturday morning television on channel CBS? or NBC, ugh (I can't recall) and I didn't have internet till just the last 2 years and never really realized how far the show had gone despite it's absense from the drawing board. By then the Gargoyle Fandom had gone so deep with people creating fanfics and Picts and websites .. Your Conventions.. that I didn't know where to begin.. So much information and such.. That.. I felt like a stranger. I'm in a location to up in eastern Canada, and it doesn't leave me for any place to go.. Not like I can hop in a car and go to the cons and meet people.. Which made me wonder about rebuilding something, I only seem to hear about that time seems to have forgotten. Maybe because it was forced to be shut down due to legal reasons or something I have no idea.. Which is why I also want to ask for your permission on something.

See.. I remember years ago an online role playing/chatroom type virtual game. Something called, or simular to the name ' Gargoyle's Muck ' Was it shut down for any particular reason?. I'm just wondering because I was kinda wanting to remake a Muck of that same origin, based on the episode 'Future Tense'. If you allow or disallow the making of Mucks or Mu*'s can ya let me know?.. I would like to add, that If needed I would put a Disclaimer in the Login window saying it does not infringe any copyrights.. Which Mucks normally don't do.. There are other Mucks based on other Disney shows or Movies.. ie.. The Lion King Muck for example. They are basically like an open chat room like in the forum or what ever it is you call it here on the station 8 site. I guess you already know -.-

But if you could get back to me on that I'd appriciate it.. Also would there be any harm if you could have your Board posting sensor guy (Gore) to forward your reply to my email account at kovu@pridelands.org instead of pinning it up on the board to the public? or do you not allow that either.. I appoligize if I may end up saying something out of terms which could result in You (Greg) not recieving this.. If it doesn't get through I would like to know so I could remember to not ask again in the future if need be.
And to leave off, I was wondering if there were any future plans for a return to television or the screen or even a rl movie of Gargoyles.. I have no idea if any of these have been asked before.. I appoligize for my ignorance -.- .. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was made into a RL Movie flick, So.. Why no Gargoyles.. I would love to see that.

--- Thankyou.. Sincerly: Cory Pender

Greg responds...

I don't know what a Muck is, let alone why one would be shut down. And I'm afraid I can't GIVE you permission to do anything Gargoyles related, as I don't own it. Disney does. I don't represent Disney. I'm not saying you can't do it. I'm just saying I have no idea.

And, no, I'm afraid we don't give personal direct e-mail responses here. If I sent you one, everyone would want that. And aside from the fact that I don't have the time to personally maintain e-mail correspondence with EVERYONE in the fandom, those personal e-mails would prevent everyone from getting the answers to everyone else's questions.

As to Live-Action movies, I'm going to direct you to the ASK GREG Archive that deals specifically with that topic.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Anonymous writes...


Greg responds...

Elisa was seriously injured in an episode called "Deadly Force" which was at one time available on Video. You'd have to scrounge around to find it now, I think.

I don't think it was ever adapted into the comic.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Siren writes...

Ack! I meant to ask ya at the Gathering and forgot all about it!
Did you happen to see the Disney Quest shirts? The ones with the male, lilac gargoyle. It resembles Goliath, but it's eyes are glowing green, his forehead and chin was larger and his tail is more like the "devil tail". What did you think of them?

Greg responds...

I don't think I saw them.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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jimmy l writes...

how do i/can i purchase the video collection

Greg responds...

At this point, I don't know.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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andy writes...

I was wondering if there is anyway to get a gargoyles screensaver? And if there is where can I get one???

Greg responds...

I have no idea. Try asking in the comment room.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

I remember going through a phase (quite a long one) where I was desperate for a GARGOYLES soundtrack. Carl Johnson's music was one of the main reasons the show hooked me. Obviously, I never got ahold of a soundtrack, as one doesn't exist. Which I find very annoying.

Disney doesn't, to my knowledge, put out soundtracks for any of their cartoons. Why? You know, and I'd think they'd know, that they could make money off it. There are plenty of collectors out there, nostalgic adults, excitable kiddies, or just plain fans. They could even release a "Disney Afternoon Collection" or something. Companies have tried marketing much stupider things. Disney music, in comparison, would be a very safe bet.

What do you think? Is there any reason Disney never explores that market avenue? Any chance they would in the future?

Greg responds...

I know, once, long before Gargoyles came out they DID release a Disney Afternoon album which included themes from DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, Gummi Bears, etc. I don't have any idea how well it sold. I just remember seeing it in the Disney Stores lo those many years ago.

Personally, I think Disney's missing a bet. But a lot has to do with "opportunity costs". A collector's market is great. But it costs money to cut a record that only a few people (relatively speaking) are going to buy. If they don't think they have a MASS market for the music, they'd probably want to spend the money on what they'd view as a bigger opportunity.

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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Demonskrye writes...

Ack, forgot to put my name on the last post. Those questions you got from "Anonymous" about gargoyle-beasts were from me. Anyways, these ones are about merchandise.

1. From what I've seen in your previous comments, especially those regarding the helicopter, you weren't too thrilled with the "Gargoyles" action figure line. Are there any "Gargoyles" related items that were produced which you do like? I just managed to obtain a set of the large Applause figures from a friend of mine. They are really nice likenesses of the characters, although I still need to repaint Demona's hair. (It's black, lest you didn't know.) And I have a soft spot for my Coldstone figure. Pretty nice likeness, good action features, plus it was a gift from the guy who was soon to be my boyfriend at the time.

2. On the flip side, is there any "Gargoyles" item you wish you could have recalled and destroyed? I seldom hear anyone with much good to say about the Macbeth figure. His costume is totaly inaccurate and the stone smashing "thingy" he wields goes against his comment in his first appearence about not stooping so low as to smash the clan while they sleep. I wish the Elisa figure had her regular costume. And while I can live with the "Heroes Awaken" version of "Awakening", I really dislike the box art.

3. In order to end this on a more positive note, is there anything in particular you would have liked to see made? A certain figure? Statues? Art books? Bedsheets?

Thanks as always for your time.

Greg responds...

1. That's not really true. It was very cool to see the gargs "brought to life" as toys. Some of the figures, particularly Brooklyn, were very flawed. But even so, I generally loved the first wave of toys. My disappointment was that they ended up making so few characters. Just taking the Batman approach and remaking multiple versions of everyone. I was VERY glad when they finally made Coldstone. I love that figure. And though the "screen" on his chest obviously doesn't really exist on the show, I thought it was a great idea for a toy. True to the spirit of a very confused character.

2. Recall? No. Fix? Sure.

3. That Lexington doorknob. But seriously, I'd have like to have seen more action figures covering more of our characters. Angela at least. And personally, I'd have liked to have been given the opportunity to write a series of novels.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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My friend and fellow producer Jonathan Klein has just informed me that the TOWER RECORDS OUTLET STORE on Hollywood Blvd (in the mall with the Galaxy Theater, just east of La Brea) has multiple LASER DISK copies of the GARGOYLES animated "movie" available for $7 each.

Now, I never knew they released this on laser disk so I have no idea which of the three versions it is.

It could be the five episodes of the pilot collected together.

It's probably the version of the pilot which we edited for the big screen premiere in Orlando in '94, which was later released on home video.

But it may be the version that somebody edited as a TV movie for syndication.

Or, since it's a Laser Disk, it's possible it contains all three. I don't know. I haven't seen it myself.

But I just thought you'd all want to know.

Bookmark Link

Carla Tompkins-Perry writes...

Where can I but the Gargoyle collections of tv sitcom cartoons, all of them, from beginning on fox to ending on abc.

Greg responds...

When were they on Fox?

And I don't think you can.

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Echoman writes...

Hey Greg,
I have a question. I have been watching Gargoyles for some time now but I can never seem to get to watch all the episodes. Do you have or know of a summery of the plot for the series. I think that would be really helpfull

Greg responds...

I'm sure someone's got it posted somewhere. Try asking in the comment room. If nothing else, you'll get a faster response.

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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TheGremlin writes...

where can you find really good pictures of Desdemona and Iago?

Greg responds...

I don't know. By watching episodes that they're in?

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Ramon A. Morado III writes...

Dear Greg I am a great fan of photography of the hunter for some reason or another it attracts my atention. I have recently been trying to find pictures of the hunter at gargoyle websites, I have found a few but not have been able to get a full body shot. So I was hoping you could tell me where I can find some good hunter photography ?

Greg responds...

No idea. Sorry. Have you asked in the comment room?

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Tweety7126@aol.com writes...

Hello Greg,

Looking for help locating a picture of Goliath in Stone it's for my daughter who collotes the picture but I cant fine one can you help

Greg responds...

Uh, sorry. Have you asked in the comment room?

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Siren (repost by Aris) writes...

1.) What did you think of the action figures that Kenner put out of Gargoyles?
2.) If you could pick one character they didn't make a figure of, who would it be?
3.) What kind of merchandise do you wish they did?

Greg responds...

1. I liked them generally. They weren't perfect, but it's hard to describe to you how cool it feels to see your own characters as action figures.
--Brooklyn was a bit of a letdown. He was supposed to have a special feature inside his jaw, which is why his head and neck are so distorted. But that special feature was too expensive, so all we get is a bad sculpt.
--Broadway looks cool to me with no neck, reminds me of something I once saw in Disney's Haunted Mansion.
--Lex's wings aren't quite right, but if you pose him correctly it's hard to notice.
--I think one of the Goliath's is great.
--And another one made a great Thailog once I applied liquid paper to his hair.
--Demona's great.
--And my wife turned a second Demona into an Angela that's pretty O.K.
--Macbeth's skin color is odd, but otherwise he's pretty cool. --I'm fine with the Steel Clan Robot.
--And Xanatos, once they got the color of his armor right. --Elisa's a little pale, and she's wearing the wrong clothes of course, but I can generally live with that. We kept her too often in the same clothes anyway. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where we varied her wardrobe.
--Hudson works too.
--And I just LOVE Bronx.
--Coldstone is very cool and thematic -- i.e., the screen with the multiple personalities is an interesting addition.
--But all those umpteen variations on the characters were tiresome. I wish they had just made a greater variety of characters.

2. If I could only pick one, it would have to be Angela. I begged them to do her. But they wouldn't because neither Demona or Elisa sold very well. After Angela, the list is fairly endless. I'd start with Talan probably, add in Pack members, etc. Etc. Etc.

3. I'd love it if they had let me write some novels.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Jason Ransleben writes...

Dear Greg, First off I wanted to tell you that Gargoyles is my all time favorite cartoon. I loved the twisting storylines that always kept me guessing what would happen next. Another reason I love the show so much is all the voice talent from actors/actresses that starred in Star Trek shows. I watch the show all the time on toon disney and I know the show was cancelled a while back. This brings me to my question. I was visiting a website called the internet movie database (www.imdb.com) and under Gargoyles it has listed several episodes or movies that were made in 1998 and 1999. I was wondering if you were involved with these and if you know where I could find them? Also I was recently in a blockbuster video and on their preview show they have running in the store there was a segment on gargoyles and it said there are 2 new movies coming out, again are you involved with these and do you know what it is about? Thank you for your time and effort and most of all thank you for creating the gargoyles.

Greg responds...

It sounds like your information is or was innacurate. There haven't been any new episodes since the 96-97 season of Goliath Chronicles. The first season was released on Home Video, but that was also some time ago. A new version of AWAKENING was edited together without my input and placed in a movie syndication package that can occasionally be seen on television. The original 65 episodes air on Toon Disney twice a night. Touchstone is developing a Live-Action Movie. But they don't have a useable script yet.

That's all I know of, and all I think there is to know.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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AA writes...

My boyfriend really likes Gargoyles and wants limited edition art. We went to a gallery in Dowtown Disney and they were out of the art cels. Where do you recommend we look next? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Greg responds...

Sorry, but I don't have a clue. Disney Stores used to carry them. But I haven't seen any there recently.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Because my ramble-replies to "Temptation", "Deadly Force", and "Enter Macbeth" were all lost in the recent crash, I'm sending reconstructed versions in again. This one's for "Temptation".

One thing that I really like about this episode is Demona's development. She's in the wrong, but she's convincingly in the wrong, as she explains why humans will never accept gargoyles. Even Goliath has to admit at the end that what she told Brooklyn about humans is partly (but only partly) true. It's part of what makes her such an effective villain.

At the same time, Elisa shows at the end, by her loyalty to the clan, and her cleverness in finding a way of freeing Goliath from the spell, that not all humans are evil or anti-gargoyle, an important point. (That's why I don't really mind Elisa's means of freeing Goliath, even if it is, as you mentioned, borderline "cheating". The reward that came from showing that some humans could help gargoyles more than outweighed the problem in question). Merely showing Demona to be treacherous and scheming wouldn't be enough to counter her arguments.

And Brooklyn comes across very sympathetically, too. I liked your analysis of his behavior in this episode.

The Cloisters bit is one of my favorite parts, especially where Brooklyn talked about it being so much like "the world that we came from". (And no, I didn't think that that meant that the gargoyles were aliens; I understood that he was talking about medieval Scotland). That part clicked for me because of my (mentioned before) fondness for things relating to the Middle Ages.

And I was amused by your little bit about the motorcycle. Between that and the "garg-chopper" in "Her Brother's Keeper", it's pretty clear that the gargoyles' vehicles never seem to last very long. (Not that that's really surprising; as Goliath pointed out in "Protection", gargoyles supply their own transportation, which makes fancy motorcycles and aircraft for them pretty much redundant).

(I take it that the "Eye of the Storm" "suggested toy" that you eluded to was Goliath in his "Odinic" form?)

Greg responds...

THUNDER STORM GOLIATH, or something like that, yeah. I think they wound up making Hudson or someone else the Thunder Storm Toy. (I remember Brooklyn was ice storm.) Oh, well.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Slash writes...

What channel does the Goliath cronicals air on? How did you get clips?

Greg responds...

I don't have clips. Are you asking me or Gorebash, who runs this site?

I don't know if Goliath Chronicles is airing at all. If so, it's on Disney Channel or Toon Disney. Neither of which I get here at home.

Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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