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1. So...Dr. Fate can send people through time?
2. Why is this not used more often?
3. Has Bart ever asked to be sent back into the future?
1. That's unclear. He can clearly send people back to their correct time.
2. See above. But also, why would he want to mess with the time stream. That carries all sorts of risks. Leads to Chaos. Etc. And he's not about chaos.
3. To what future?
1 Since nabu is a special case as he was originaly human. In a unlikely event another lord of order wanted to enter the mortal plane would they also require a human host like nabu does?
2 Why do the other lords of chaos not take on mortal forms to cause more chaos?
1. They would need some method of anchoring. We've seen Klarion use a familiar and (briefly) a school bus. We've seen Nabu use a helmet and a host. We've seen Child use a familiar.
2. Who says they're not? It's a big universe.
Is the hero that accompanies Ice in episode 413 Isis?
What's her real name?
How old is she?
Is she THE Isis from "Intervention"?
1. Yes.
2. Isis. Beyond that, no spoilers.
3. No spoilers.
4. In a sense.
So how does Vandal Savage leave all his descendants around? Does he have a killer set of bar lines he uses to seduce the ladies? Does he frequently donate his genetic material to banks? Does he marry? Something more...er.....bad....
Or is it a mix of things? As an example of what I mean did he meet Cassandra's mom at a bar and seduced her but married Olympia's mother?
Vandal has his charms. But keep in mind, he doesn't need to father a ton of first generation children all at once. Even one child every few decades will - over 50,000 years - give him hundreds and hundreds of descendants.
And, while intentionally NOT commenting on your examples, I'm sure it's a mix. But I'm sure it's all consensual.
Hey Greg,
LOVING the new Young Justice season! Can't wait to see how it all ends! Episode 13 (most recent as of this writing) was full of twists I didn't expect. Yikes! A little frightened by that stinger though, especially if that's who I think it was. Plus, with you-know-who? Dang! Right in the feels! This will undoubtedly get worse before it gets better, if at all totally. And that ending BEFORE the stinger! MAN!
A few questions I have about Mary though. I know she was Sargent Marvel on the Team for a while before being forced to give it up due to becoming drunk on power. As we've seen, Sargent Marvel is essentially Mary's evil side (like Jekyll and Hyde) that acts like a jerk and thinks she's better than everyone else, perhaps even Billy and Freddy (who I think was also a member for a while too.) Did Mary often times not change back from her other form, perhaps trying to stay Sargent Marvel 24/7, or at least as often as possible, which may have caused others to question? Also, did Mary/Sargeant's attitude cause problems on the Team for a while and rub others (like Conner, Artemis or Kaldur) the wrong way? Perhaps even getting into a fight with the Team before being stopped and Mary going cold turkey? Finally, I have to ask, WHAT caused a girl who's a sister to Billy Batson-one of THE nicest guys in DC and who never had much of a problem- to become so obsessed with power and seemingly being better than everyone through Sargent Marvel? In the comics, her attitude change was largely because she was corrupted by Black Adam's powers, but what about here? Was it being an orphan for perhaps longer than Billy was and not getting what he got sooner? Perhaps she was always secretly jealous he'd gotten a guardian (Dudley) and power by the Wizard before her while she had to scrounge around for so long.
Answer whenever you're able and keep up the good work.
I'm not going to answer all your questions, because many are spoilers. But I'm happy to clarify ground that I believe has already been covered.
I wouldn't call Sergeant Marvel evil.
But things did get problematic, and she was beginning to spend less and less time in her Mary Bromfield form. And even as an eleven year old, she was starting to do things more appropriate to Sergeant's 18-year-old body. The feeling among her friends and family was that it had to stop. This didn't happen over night. She promised to cut back - and meant it - but kept backsliding. Eventually, she was convinced to give up being Sergeant cold turkey.
Mary is the one who was adopted right away, as a baby by the Bromfields. It's Billy who was in the orphanage for years before becoming Captain Marvel (now Shazam) and finally being fostered by Uncle Dudley (who is not his actual uncle).
1 The heroes have a strict no kill rule so I am a bit confused by how thirteen just killed flaw with no issue.
2 Why did child spend so much effort killing teekl 1 since she knows that klarion can just choose a new familiar. Making her efforts ultimately pointless
3 Did teekl 1 genuinly see klarion as her friend
4 Does every chaos lord take the form of a child
5 Do the other chaos lords have a bad relationship with klarion like the child
1. There's some question as to whether Flaw was truly alive. And then there's the self-defense rationale.
2. I just answered this. (Everyone, please try to avoid repeating questions.) Getting a new familiar isn't easy.
3. Yes.
4. Every one we've seen so far, I believe.
5. I think every Chaos Lord has a fraught relationship with every other Chaos Lord.
I had a small thought on Gargoyles 'The Eye of The Beholder'.
The Eye Odin manifested the inside of the wielder's true character. I understand Fox being predatory because she is ambitious and wants the thrill of the moment.
It can be difficult to picture someone like her being self-hating and conflicted. The only thing that comes to my mind is that despite Fox always mocking her father's lesson on living with integrity, it could perhaps be that deep down it did stick with her that it's important to have honor and integrity. Which it's the exact opposite of how she has been running her life. Maybe deep down she regrets disrespecting her father and doing whatever she pleases without considering who gets hurt.
Of course, this is just an analysis. Thanks for your time.
Your analysis is not much different from my own.
Episode 13 wow what a way to kick of the Hiatus, Zatanna is a morally gray character instead of being completely white I like it.
1) So was the inciting incident was Zatanna thinking about Dr.Fate having four hosts instead of one?
2) So Is Granny just waiting for dejected super powered people waiting to temp them to their darker sides acting as a devil on the shoulder, I found this odd.
3) There seems to be a theme of addiction and unhealthy dependence to things, We have seen this theme somewhat hinted with Superboy in season 1.
3.1 And would I be right when talking about Red Arrow at the beginning of Season two was he having a substance abuse problem too?
3.2 Beast Boy coping with depression and sleeping pills.
3.3 Finally Mary who is actively atleast as of episode 13 relapsing, was all this intentional or am I reading too much into this.
4) Now if I recall correctly the Shazam Family was supposed to have an arc in season 2 so my question is was your plan for Mary always to have her be a presence like this in season four or did things change because of season 2. If I were to guess for the last thing and I don't know how right I am was the plan to have her be an active member of team and show her dependence on the power as she was initially part of the team in year 6 but this was later relegated to offscreen development between the 5 year timeskip.
5) Last question which has whatsoever absolutely no relation to the above questions, have you read Multiversity Thunderworld and did you like it, If not I really think you should read it and the rest of Multiversity especially Pax Americana, SOS issues. I think they should be right up your alley. Have a great day.
1. Yes.
2. I didn't find it odd.
3.1. I think so.
3.2. Is there a question here?
3.3. I don't think you're reading too much in.
4. Actually, the Shazam Family was supposed to have an arc in our companion comic. Not Season Two. She was never supposed to be on the Team in S2. She was supposed to be at the wedding shower and in the group of heroes who go after the Reach devices at the end of the season. But in any case, the Comic was cancelled, so we never got back to it, and our timeline moved forward. And we couldn't spare the man-hours to design her for two cameos in S2. But the basics of Mary's predicament in S4 and forward were always part of the overall plan.
5. I have not read any of that.
1 Did klarion genuinely care for teekl 1
2 Since klarion is capable of choosing a New familiar when his old one perishes anyway. Why was klarion so scared fighting child if she could do no permenant damage to him
3 Are there lords of chaos/order on other planets
4 Why canât child just choose another familiar to return to the mortal plane
5 Does klarionâs familiar have to be a specific cat or was he just being picky when choosing teekl 2
1. Of course.
2. As I'm sure you've seen by now, finding a new familiar isn't easy. And he was only sometimes scared, anyway.
3. Oh, sure.
4. It's not that easy - and it certainly isn't instantaneous. And now that she's lost, the other Chaos Lords might have something to say about it.
5. Both.
Did Barbara admire Batman? Her costume really resembles his.
I think that kind of goes without saying. If you don't admire Batman, you're not going to become Batgirl.
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