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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Lillia writes...

soo, this isn't so much a question as it is me saying sorry about the hiatus, as it seems cartoonnetwork is doing to your show what they did to generator rex. havent heard of that show b4, just blame CN. sorry again for the hiatus, it sucks.

Greg responds...

It is what it is. Onward and upward.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

On this day of this posting (which is the day before my 25th birthday), I woke up early in the morning with the anticipation of watching the newest episode of Young Justice. I do not watch it on TV because I do not have cable. However, I usually watch it after it is posted on the internet; this is the only way I am able to watch the show due to the lack of having cable television, as I mentioned before.

Being that I live in California, the sad news hit me when I looked into the AskGreg website to see if people from the East Coast were asking questions about this week's episode (since they would normally watch it first). Apparently, Young Justice never aired (as indicated by people asking questions about what happened). Cartoon Network threw a bombshell at us by celebrating its 20th anniversary or something and showing completely different cartoons.

I have to say that this was pretty poor timing on Cartoon Network's part. However, I am in no way blaming you, since you'd probably have no idea what the heck just happened. After I found out what Cartoon Network did, naturally, I was extremely disappointed.

The first announcement by Cartoon Network implied that Young Justice: Invasion was been held off until November. At the time, I wasn't worried. I figured since I learned that episode 19 and 20 were the only ones that weren't ready to be aired, I thought in my own mind that perhaps DC Nation was eventually going to do something special and throw some kind of 90-minute or 2-hour season finale for Young Justice: Invasion to compensate for the weeks in which the show was supposed to air.

THEN, sometime after 3 pm, more unfortunate news came in which Cartoon Network made an announcement that DC Nation would resume on JANUARY 2013. While I feel that this was an injustice, I did my best to maintain my cool. I'd imagine, however, that fans of your show throughout the country are probably throwing fits or are crying to their parents (all depending on their ages).

I have waited three months of the summer for Young Justice: Invasion to come back and I was happy that it did. However, after only seeing TWO episodes and having forced to go through ANOTHER hiatus, I feel that we, the fans, should be given some kind of compensation. I REFUSE to wait out another three months, just when the show was about to get exciting and we were about to see some kind of resolution after the "Darkest" episode…

Thanks for hearing me out,

Greg responds...

"Compensation"? Really?

And please do not "REFUSE to wait out another three months". That helps no one. We're coming back, that much I can guarantee. I think you'll like what you see when we do. So hold tight.

Meanwhile, I've convinced Cartoon Network to send a check for twelve cents to every fan of Young Justice: Invasion, who's home address was registered with the United Nations Cartoon Liberation Foundation. The Man from U.N.C.L.F. should be contacting you soon.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Another reason for me to get even more upset: There will be NO new shows until January 2013.... Cartoon Network has made the most heart-breaking screw-up ever!!!! Now we'll never find out what happens on the next episode of Young Justice!

Read this if you don't believe me: http://www.nickandmore.com/2012/10/13/dc-nation-has-been-replaced/

Greg responds...

"Never" does not equate with "January". Please have patience. We're almost there.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Emma writes...

I just wanted to thank you for Young Justice. During the first season, the characters grabbed my heart and wouldn't let go. And, though I was initially surprised at all the change in season 2, I'm so excited for how it is turning out. Every Saturday I wake up early (my mom says that you do in a half an hour what she couldn't throughout my whole life; make me wake up before noon on a weekend ;D )to watch it, and every weekend I love the show more and more. Dick Grayson and Wally West are my favorites, and I love their interactions (be they best bros or fighting.) I'm sorry that Cartoon Network cut Young Justice out - I'm boycotting them until they bring it back. Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know how much I love the show, and that I'm firmly against CN for taking it down. Keep on being awesome.

Greg responds...

We'll try, thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Robert writes...

Hi, Greg

This really isn't a question. More just offering my condolences to you and the whole YJ team. It's obvious that you guys have put forth a lot of effort into creating an absolutely MAGNIFICENT show for people to enjoy...
And yet, for all your hard work and dedication, Cartoon Network decides to pull this kind of nonsense. It's shameful, really.
As of now, there hasn't been any official statement or any sort of explanation as to why the DC Nation block was removed for the foreseeable future. It seems to me that the respectful thing would have been to air previously aired episodes of both YJ and GL -- but to replace these shows with Dragon Riders (or whatever it's called) is just rude: it shows a complete lack of respect for those involved in the making of YJ and GL, as well as those who wake up early every Saturday/Sunday morning to watch. In my case, I was up at around THREE O'CLOCK. Seriously. That's how excited I was. I just couldn't sleep! And it was virtually the same last weekend and the weekend before that.
I really am sorry that CN shows you and others so much disrespect. They owe everyone an explanation and an apology -- especially to you and the whole YJ team.

Greg responds...

Well, technically what's "owed" and what's "politic" are probably two different things. But thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Aubrey writes...

Hey. This isn't really a question so much as an apology.
I know that your ask box is probably getting flooded with angry asks about why the DC Nation block was suddenly pulled, leaving us Young Justice-less. I also know it's not your fault, and I'm sorry that this wonderful, gorgeous show that you guys have worked so hard on and that we love so much has been mysteriously pulled for the month of October.

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all that you and Brandon do, and that I love your show. Thank you so much. :)

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Honeysuckle writes...

Hiya, Greg. I just wanted to tell you that i'm a really big fan of Young Justice and I think what Cartoon Newtwork is doing is really unfair. They shouldn't just change the scheduel last minute like that when fans are waking up just to watch the show. Anyways, I really love and admire you. I hope things get straightened out soon.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry about Cartoon Network pulling this on you. We're still supporting you guys so no worries. Just....try to stop breaking my heart every week.

Greg responds...

What exactly is breaking your heart? The content of the show? Or the lack of content when the show doesn't air?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Catie writes...

Hello, Greg.

I just wanted...to give my condolences. It's not fair, and I'm not sure if it's true that you found out about the cancellation from the fans of Young Justice, but if it is I am extremely sorry!

With love,
Someone who understands it's not your fault.

Greg responds...

Thanks. (But... was someone suggesting it IS my fault?)

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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young justice fan610 writes...

On young justice invasion episode 7 why did night wing keep that picture of him and Artemis all those years and when Artemis and wally kissed at the end night wing looked away does night wing love artemis

Greg responds...

1. Why wouldn't he?

2. Not in the way you're implying.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Ember C. writes...

Hey Greg! First, I'd like to say sorry about what CN did with DC Nation! So rude...! Anyway, my questions:
1. Is there any other network you guys can have air your shows (YJ and Green Lantern) or is it just Cartoon Network?
2. What the heck happened to Tommy Terror!? He went from a blonde, punk version of Superboy... To a snorlax with blonde hair and piercings. Did he take too much cobra venom? Or did he eat too many small children?

Greg responds...

1. Well, there's BOOMERANG. In fact, reruns of YJ:I (specifically "Alienated" and "Salvage") will be airing this weekend and for the foreseeable future.

2. I like your second answer. But mainly, I think when we met him previously, he just wasn't done growing yet.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I was looking forward to seeing a new episode of Young Justice this week for the resolution coming out of last week's episode, and Cartoon Network has the nerve to pull off a last-minute stunt like this?! The reason I'm in a bad mood is because I just found out about this news on worldsfinestonline.com

Greg responds...

Okay. And the reason you posted was...?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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colton writes...

cartoon network better not cancel young justice,or we'll all be feeling the mode.

not crash cn,not crash

Greg responds...

I'm sure we'll be back. Most likely in January.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Erica writes...

So by your update on the status of the airing of "Before the Dawn" I'm guessing that you weren't informed of DC Nation being inexplicably cancelled either?

Greg responds...

Not in advance, no.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Philip Chatham writes...

Hey Greg,

The new episode of YJ did not show today...WHAT UP WITH THAT?

I was SOOO looking forward to seeing what happened after you guys blew up mount justice and kidnapped Beetle, Impulse, and Beast Boy. So tell me...what happened?

Greg responds...

No comment. But I'm told we're back in January.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Peter writes...

hello grieg i would like to ask you just a few questions
1.why did you chose "Spectacular Spider-Man" instead of "Amazing Spider-Man"?
2.it seems like you you building up to the Peter & Mary jane relationship if you don't mind may i please get your thoughts on that?
3.and the origanal con.jupiter suit was built by Tony Stark dose Stark and Earth's mightiest heroes have a place here and is this inline with Chris Yosts Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes? oh and by the way you and chris yost are big time geniuses thank you the both of you.

Greg responds...

1. Actually, that was Marvel's decision. Our original plan was to call it Amazing, but Marvel told us to change it to Spectacular. The reasons for the change were above my paygrade. But I'm not sorry about it. I like the alliteration, and it gave us our great theme song.

2. No, you may not. At least not at this time.

3. We weren't in continuity with any other series, period. We had our own plans for how the rest of the Marvel Universe fit into our Spectacular corner, but since we weren't allowed to use any non-Spidey related characters, those ideas were largely moot. But if you check the archives you can get a taste of them.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At the end of "Performance," Jack Haly suspected two things:

A. He knew Dan Danger was actually Dick Grayson (for certain).

B. He suspects that Dick Grayson might have had something to do with saving the reputation of the circus (but not quite certain)

Judging by this, I'm wondering if Jack Haly somehow knows that Dick Grayson was Robin at that time? If he ever did, and considering the fact that Jack was the closest thing to a grandfather to Dick, how would Jack feel about the fact that Dick Grayson is a superhero?

Greg responds...

I don't know why Jack would have any idea of Robin's involvement. Do you really think Agent Faraday was in the mood to share?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I'm not sure if the comic will eventually answer this question or not, but I wanted to hear your opinion about it.

During the five-year gap, why did Superman chose to specifically call Superboy by the Kryptonian name, Kon-El?

The reason why I asked this particular question is because of this: In the New 52, Superboy's Kryptonian name is not one of honor in the House of El anymore as it was before the events of Flashpoint. In Superboy #6, Superboy had an encounter with Supergirl, and when Supergirl learned he was a clone, she attacked him and called him by his Kryptonian name, which she translates as "Abomination of the House of El." The reason such as translation given is explained Superboy #0, which told the story of a renegade Kryptonian clone named "Kon."

So, while I assume that Superboy's Kryptonian name might be something that honors that House of El on Earth-16, I want to hear your opinion on how Kryptonian naming works on Earth-16.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Depths, Lagoon Boy said that it was his first time fighting alongside Artemis. But in the Young Justice: Legacy game, both of them are on the Team, are they not? I read that Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy are on the Team at the time of Legacy but are on another mission or something. In any case, if L'gaan joined the Team before Artemis and Wally quit, why didn't she go on any missions with him in that time?

Greg responds...

It was a big team, and they only overlapped for a short time - and the luck of the draw had it that they never happened to be on the same squad. There's no story to it. It's just what happened.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.)How old is Adam Strange?
2.)a-Is Felix Faust a normal human?
b-If so,how old is Felix Faust?
3.)How old was Ted Kord when he died?

Thank you so much for your time and keep doing your awesome work!

Greg responds...

1. Adam Strange was 26 at the start of Season Two.

2a. No.

3. 32.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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F.H. writes...

I've seen the novel The Mysteries of Udolpho pop up multiple times in the series (Young Justice), and I've scanned the Wikipedia page (I would read it, but Outlaws of the Marsh isn't something you flick through in an afternoon, and my to-read list is long enough already), and I can't see anything tying it to the plot outside of a girl with a bad father, which would be Artemis, I guess?

1) Is there reason or rhyme to this, or is it just you showing off your literary power level, as you're known to do (which we all love, by the way).

And another question on a similar idea:

2) Where's the Shakespeare, man? Your name on a show promises Shakespeare, and YJ remains bardless. Bring a little of him back from Oregon for the team, wont you?

Greg responds...

1. It's kinda the original gothic novel.

2. Stuff has to fit, you know? If I just wedge it in artificially, how does that help anyone? And I find it hard to believe there have been NO Shakespeare references at all. That seems unlikely.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

If Starro-tech allows The Light to gain access to the memories of the people that are affected by it, then when it was used on the Justice League in Season One, were the secret identities of certain Justice League members compromised and does The Light now know who each of those Justice League members really are?!


Greg responds...

Yeah, pretty much.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Tasha writes...

Do you have a complete list of all the things you have worked on? Also you have a great talent and I hope you keep doing what you do and that you enjoy your work :)

Greg responds...

I think I do.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Bruce Wayne started his crime-fighting career as Batman at age 21 (which is PRETTY young, considering a person of such an age would be just out of college or something), exactly how old was he when Joe Chill killed his parents and how many years did it take for him to learn his skills (ie. Martial arts, detective skills, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Bruce's parents were killed the year he turned eight. Beyond that, you can do the math.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

How was Cadmus able to make a clone of Superman (Superboy) but they didn't take any of his limbs like they did for the original Roy Harper?

Greg responds...

They didn't need an entire limb - not for Superman or Roy.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Superman landed in Kansas in 1978, his appearance appearing to be that of a one-year old at that time, and the fact that his birth date is not revealed, would it be safe to assume that he was placed in suspended animation during his rocket's journey from Krypton to Earth?

Greg responds...

It's never safe to assume anything.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Annonymous writes...

Why do you have to credit the creators of some characters (e.g. Miss Martian, Nightwing, Impulse, Batman) but not others (e.g. Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, Rocket, etc.)? What aspect of the legal rights require you to say that Bob Kane created Batman but not that Dwayne McDuffie and Mark Bright created Rocket?

Greg responds...

I really don't know. Our scripts are submitted to DC legal department. They decide who gets creator credits. They tell us. We put those credits in. It's out of our control, else I'd credit everyone.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Arlo writes...

What are the stories of how you and the other writers came up with and developed the ideas for the Phoenix Gate, the Eye of Odin, and the Grimorum Arcanorum?

If you don't have time to post the full details right now, that's okay (I'm even expecting that to be the answer). But would you consider writing a ramble on it at some point? We have rambles and outlines for nearly every episode of the series, but no background on the creative process that went into designing these three talismans. I would love to hear about everything that went into them at some point.

Greg responds...

You're taxing my now-limited memory, but I don't think there's that much to tell. And frankly, I DO think I've told it all before.

The Grimorum was part of the story development for the pilot, even the development of the original series, I suppose, since we knew there would be a spell cast upon the Gargoyles pretty much from Day One. We just ran with it from there. Tried to keep track of it and its spells, etc.

The Phoenix Gate was created as "Vows" was developed as a story. If you look here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=131 you can see how it came about. And again, we just ran with it from there.

The Eye of Odin was originally developed by the video game people. We then used a version of that as a maguffin in "The Edge" and as a magical talisman in "Eye of the Beholder" and "Eye of the Storm", etc. I've discussed all this before. Search the archives.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello yet again, Mr. Weisman. Today, I'd like to talk about Gargoyles, particularly David Xanatos.

In relation to Xanatos' desire for immortality, I've noticed that, on two seperate occasions, an older, wiser man managed to pierce David's figurative armour through fairly simple methods (the methods themselves being simple, rather than the effect, meaning, or characters being so).

First, Petros, David's father, succeeded in giving his son pause through a few well-chosen words and "a simple American penny". Then, in "The Price", Hudson is able to discern and point out Xanatos' fear of growing old and dying (here, he cracks Xanatos' cool demeanor, but doesn't quite break it), and by the end of the episode, he had managed to escape Xanatos alive, simultaneously posing a question that, like Petros with the penny, gave David pause, and, I think, something to ponder.

Now, my point is that both of the aforementioned characters were, as I said, older and wiser than Xanatos, which makes me think (perhaps incorrectly; you'd know better than I would) that one of Xanatos' flaws is his inability to truly appreciate the values of age and experience, which ties in to his desire to be immortal.

However much he denied it to Hudson, Xanatos IS terrified of growing old and dying. It's something unknowable, uncontrollable, to a point, unpredictable (who knows when and how they're going to die?), and, barring a means of becoming immortal, it's unavoidable. The value of age and experience, as well as the wisdom that comes from it, is something that he, quite simply, does NOT want to learn firsthand. In fact, he even brushes off Hudson's descriptions of the downside to immortality, remarking that death and old age have a price, one too steep for him to pay. It is this unwillingness to accept his own mortality that makes Xanatos vulnerable to the metaphorical defeats he received from Petros and Hudson. The fear of mortality he possesses makes him blind to the wisdom that only comes from the passage, and indeed, the ravages (of which Hudson is all too aware) of time.

1) Do you agree with my assessment of this aspect of Xanatos' personality?

2) Is it possible that as he grows older, Xanatos will learn to appreciate the wisdom that accompanies age?

Whether you agree with my perspective or not, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my post, and have a good day, sir.

Greg responds...

1. I do. Very much so.


Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Taylor writes...

What did Artemis' acceptance letter into Gotham Academy say?

Greg responds...

You know... you could freeze-frame the image on your television set as easily as I could.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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guest writes...

1. So far, all members of the Justice League we've seen operate in the United States. Are any members of the Justice League or the Team active outside the United States?

Greg responds...

Your premise is incorrect, but the answer to your question is yes.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Olga writes...

Hello Greg!
I was wondering what's Mal Duncan role on the Team? Thanks for amazing series, it keeps getting better and better!

Greg responds...

It's stated in "Happy New Year". STATED. OUT LOUD. Not to mention, SHOWN (DEMONSTRATED, CLEARLY REVEALED), as well.

Olga, I don't mean to pick on you per se, but FOLKS, please do not come here to ask questions that the show has ALREADY objectively answered. You're just clogging up the queue and slowing things down for everyone.

And apropos of nothing, I've also noticed that sometimes the questions asked seem only to be asked for the sake of having something to ask. Like people are stopping by the site and TRYING to come up with a question that no one else has asked - even if they have no real interest in the answer - just so they can participate in the... "fun". Even if NOBODY could possibly have any real interest in the answer. Please do not do this.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Michael writes...

Hi, Mr. Weissman, I truly, truly love Young Justice as well as the rest of your work. But I had some questions about Young Justice.

1.) When I was watching "Depths" for the first time, the beat with Nightwing looking at the photograph (of himself and Artemis at School) nearly killed me. When Dick took the photograph in "Homefront" was that included in the episode with the intentional purpose of paying it off in that manner? Or was it just an extraneous element that you took advantage of when developing the storyline for season 2?

2.) Was Jason ever a serious contender for the new Robin in season 2? I ask because I recently saw the episode "Darkest" where a building is destroyed in a manner similar to "A Death in the Family". I loved what you guys did, and I don't mean to imply that "it would have been better if you'd done it this way." But I do think it would have added an interesting layer if Jason Todd had been an unintended casualty of that event. Assuming of course that the network would let you do something that extreme in the first place. So was that idea ever discussed?

Greg responds...

1. I knew I wanted to pay it off.

2. No. By the time we got to that level of specifics, we had already decided (long ago actually) that Jason would already be dead and Tim would already be Robin by the start of Season Two.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Triela D. writes...

One question.

You once answered a question asking, "If the Light knew that Black Manta had a son?", and you stated that they did although it was questionable if Klarion remembered or not.

I've noticed in another episode (Misplaced, I think) that Klarion leaves saying "See ya later armadillos" instead of "See ya later crocodile". So my question is, does Klarion have a bad memory? Or what exactly makes him forget?

Love YJ:I so far, I've really come to enjoy it. :)

Greg responds...

It's not so much that he has a bad memory, but Klarion's mind is... chaotic.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Michael writes...

Re: an earlier question: "I know this series is different considering that this is another Earth, but in the comics the scarab was against causing physical harm to living things, even almost getting Jamie killed sometimes."

I don't know what comics they've been reading, but this is 100% incorrect. The scarab in the comics was created to be a killing machine, and is only tempered to non-lethality by Jaime's influence.

For a question of my own:

In the tie-in comics, it is mentioned that Jaime had met Guy Gardner, Peacemaker and Captain Atom prior to joining the Team. His connections to Guy and Peacemaker are references to his original comics, so I was just wondering why you added Captain Atom to the list, rather than continuing the theme with another hero comics!Jaime encountered early in his career, like say Batman?

Greg responds...

It has to do with the (Earth-16) relationship between Nathaniel and Ted. Plus they're both Charlton characters. Really, the guy I wasn't sure about including was Guy, because - unlike Cap and Peacemaker - he's NOT a Charlton character. But I got a good line of dialogue out of it, and it hooked up with the source comics, so...

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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celestia writes...

Hey Greg! I think you adviced people that wanted to become writters to read great literature and the classics.

Beyond Shakespeare (who is a must read :) ) What kind of literature would you recomend for this purpose?

Greg responds...

Homer, for sure.






Even Hemingway.

The list of authors are probably endless. Personally, I'm a big fan of mysteries/detective stories, and my favorite author in that genre is Ross Macdonald, who I believe transcends the genre. I also like James M. Cain, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Michael Connelly and Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, to name a few.

I'd scarf up myths and legends. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Arthurian, etc., etc., etc. And I wouldn't just limit myself to Western Culture. Chow down on the stories of the far east, of the mid-east, of aboriginal peoples everywhere...


History books. Biographies. Some are deadly dull, but others are fascinating.

Anyway, that should keep you busy for awhile.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Side Trip


So yesterday, I took a brief - about four hours - side trip to an alternate (or parallel) universe. My counterpart in this universe, I assume, changed places with me, as I did not see him there. (And I also didn't see him here when I got back.) As far as I could tell, everything was EXACTLY the same in that universe as in this universe with one exception: the word for "pineapple" over there is "palm-apple". I brought back a 6 oz. can of "Dole's Palm-Apple Juice" as proof of my trip. I noticed no other differences, though of course in only four hours, I hardly had the time for a thorough investigation into every aspect of history, science, entertainment, current events, etc. But if it weren't for the pineapple/palm-apple thing, I'm not sure I would have even noticed the shift.

It makes me wonder if we're shifting all the time. But that the differences between universes are so subtle, we miss it.

Oh, and the juice tasted exactly the same too. And there's no difference visually either. A palm-apple there looks and tastes exactly like a pineapple here. It's just the name.

Weird, huh?

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Beryl writes...

"Darkest" was some episode. I must say, Dick and Wally'a behaviour during the episode has split the fans' opinion of them into two, with the fans defending one and criticising the other. I must congratulate you for the nature of the argument. Both Wally and Dick had valid points and glaring flaws,which just serves to underline how human they are. In the end, I found it difficult to place the blame entirely to either one of them, especially since it's clear that the stress of keeping the secret is getting to both of them in a very bad way.
Bravo, Greg. I think whoever wrote the episode deserves a pat on the back.

Greg responds...

Thanks. And that writer would be my brother Jon Weisman.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did it amuse you that the main villain in season six of Dexter was named Travis Marshall?

Greg responds...

It REALLY did! Or in any case, it freaked me out a little.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

1) Did Dick and Rocket date? (Zatanna seemed to suggest this in issue #20.)

2) Why was everyone so surprised that they were kissing?

3) I thought M'Gann covering Beast Boy's eyes was cute. But I was confused by the expression of amusement on Batgirl's face. What's up with that?

4) What is wrong with Nightwing? Zatanna, Raquelle, even Barbara... They're all awesome! Anyone of them would be entirely worthy of a long term committment. (Maybe Barbara is smiling because she knows better than to become another notch in Dick's belt?)

5) Initially, Superboy and Miss Martian had some difficulty separating their personal and professional relationships. During the five year gap, do you imagine that Wally and Artemis were as successful at checking their relationship at the door as Connor and M'Gann?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I assume you're talking about the Zatanna/Nightwing kiss, right? The reactions varied. Some were surprised, some were not. As to those that were surprised, you don't know WHAT surprised them, the kiss itself or the timing, placement and intensity of said kiss.

3. Read on.

4. Read on.

5. I'm sure there were bumps in the road. But they managed.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

The second season of Young Justice may either conclude or is close to reaching its conclusion by the time you respond to this, but I wanted to ask you this question.

Considering all the individual events that have been happening through out the second season and their seemingly apparent (and somewhat hinted) connection to that state of the world in 2056, would you say that the way that these events connect to Bart's future is almost like that of a spider's web, kind of like threads?


Greg responds...

If you like.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Is Rocket pregnant?

The reason I ask is because I got the vibe that she was having a baby shower before I got any indication that she was having a "bridal shower" (which I, as a guy, know nothing about). I know she's engaged, but is she also pregnant?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure where you got BABY shower out of that at all.

As for whether or not she's pregnant, c'mon: HOW COULD THAT BE ANYTHING BUT A SPOILER REQUEST?

I mean it's a perfect example.

Let's say hypothetically that she isn't, and I tell you that she isn't. Then the next time, if someone asks if another character is pregnant, and I refuse to answer, than I've just given away that that other character IS pregnant.

Having said all that, you might check out our companion comic, especially issue #20, for more clues.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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L'gann writes...

Many people in the Yj fandom dislike Lagoon Bpy. While a majority of the dislike is due to the fact that he 'broke up Supermartian' (as untrue as that is) a lot of it is for his cocky-ness. Was this trait something you put into him because you believed he would be trying to outdo all of Aquaman's previous trainees (eg. Aqualad, Aquagirl, maybe Tempest)? Is his desire to be on alpha, take down Nightwing in a spar, be better than superboy, all a ploy because he is filling the shoes of great people?

Greg responds...

In part.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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russianspy1234 writes...

1. This might be past tense by the time you get to it but: (Do you think it will be / Was it) difficult to give as much character development in Season 2 as you did in Season 1 since there is a much bigger cast?

2. What was the point of the charm allowing Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash to see Artemis's original self? I mean, I know it's a common thing to do in shows, but it seems particularly risky in this case (e.g. someone else could have been there, Aqualad might slip and call her blondie, Zantanna figuring it out, etc) and no reward, since they are all there and can see what she looks like with the charm and should have no need to see her original self.

3. Superboy mentioned that he isn't immortal, but doesn't age externally. Does that mean he is aging internally and will eventually have the problems therein, or just that he can be killed but will never die of old age if he isn't?

Greg responds...


2. It is what it is.

3. Watch "Earthlings" again. He states things very clearly.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Willow Tree writes...

It's seems that many characters from the first season in Young Justice are becoming the things they didn't want to - ex. Artemis is posing as a villain, Robin is using people, M'gann is losing control. Was this planned (most likely, I'm assuming, with your and Brandon's in-depth writing) or just a coincidetial thing?

Greg responds...

Most everything was planned in tremendous detail.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Matthew writes...

This is a question about the Gargoyles episode "Bushido."

In the episode, Taro had ninjas in his employs. Does this mean that ninja clans of feudal Japan survived to modern times in the Gargoyle universe (instead of being wiped out by Oda Nobunaga)? Or were they just martial artists in ninja costumes?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman.

I know you've previously stated that you don't play video games, but I was wondering: what's your opinion on video games as a story-telling medium?

Greg responds...

I'm all for it.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

It says on you wiki page that you came up with the plot for an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Powerless!, but didn't actually write the script itself. My question is how your version of the story would have differed from what we received, though I'm guessing Captain Atom wasn't an arrogant git to people without superpowers.

Greg responds...

My story idea was based on an issue of Captain Atom that I wrote (with Cary Bates) back in the late 80s, where Cap lost his powers and went to Batman for some... career advice. Or that was the jumping off point, anyway. I did have Major Force in the premise I pitched.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Megatron Wolf writes...

Are there any plans at this time to do something for the 20th anniversary? Man asking that makes me feel old.

Greg responds...

If we're talking about Gargoyles - than, yes.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jake writes...

I have a theory as to why M'gann changed her hairstyle between seasons. She based her appearance off of Gar's mother, and my guess is that she changed her hair after Gar's mom was killed so that she would look less like her so it wouldn't be a constant reminder to Gar that his mother is gone. Am I right?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't want to reduce it to one reason.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jake writes...

You said in a previous response that Beast Boy has to have seen and made physical contact with an animal in order to turn into it. So, can he not turn into a dinosaur? Or could he have gone to a museum or something and touched a dinosaur skeleton?

Greg responds...

He can't do dinosaurs.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Stephanie Lemelin voice Tigress as well? Her voice sounds similar but deeper, just making sure.

Greg responds...

She does.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Tim S writes...

First off, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for Spectacular Spider-Man, which is, IMHO, the finest superhro show ever created. Now, for a few questions!

1. Did you have any influence over choosing the art style for the series? Because I absolutely loved it.

2. Do you have a favorite Spidey villan that DIDN'T appear in the show?

That's really all I have to say, other than thanks for working so hard to make such great shows. Looking forward to more Young Justice!

Greg responds...

1. Vic Cook and I both agreed that Sean "Cheeks" Galloway was the guy for us. So did everyone else on the series.

2. I have many.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

Has there ever been an super registration act like in marvel civil war that existed on Earth 16? If so does it still exist or will it exist later on in the future?
Greg responds...
There was something like that in the 50s during the Red Scare.

1.This what my typo was referring to and I was wondering if there was any specific details regarding said law that was passed during the fifties?

2. Such as the law's name and who passed the law?

3. How long did the law last or how long was the law enforced?

4. Who did the law effect did effect just superheroes or anyone with superpower?

5. When did Icicle Sr put himself on ice?

Greg responds...

1. There is, but I'm not going into it here, as that would be a SPOILER REQUEST.

2. See above.

3. See above.

4. See above.

5. Assumes facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Shazam writes...

1. On several occasions there have been cameo's and brief shots of characters that don't properly get introduced till later, some big ones being Icon, Rocket, and the Atom. Other times they make appearances but don't get any screen time afterward such as Blue Devil and Black Lightning. My question is, are all these cameo's created with an idea for them to play a bigger role and it just hasn't happened yet, or are they just for fun for fans that recognize them?
2. Were any of the new members of the team (post 5 year gap) established in their current identities during the first season (pre 5 year gap)?
3. If you had the ability to make the show without any censorship would you make it more mature regarding language, topics discussed, or level of violence? I'm thinking specifically of "Batman:Under the Red Hood" as an example
4. When the Justice League was being controlled by the Light and fighting the Team was the League able to fight at 100% or did being controlled limit the complete use of their abilities?

Greg responds...

1. Those two options aren't mutually exclusive. But there is always a method to our madness, certainly.

2. I'm not sure I understand the question. You saw La'gaan, Gar, Barbara and Karen in Season One. Are you asking if they were already super-heroes back then? Barbara, Karen and Gar were not. As for La'gaan, it depends how you define the term. If you picked up our companion comic, you saw him in action. But he wasn't yet running around the surface world calling himself Lagoon Boy.

3. Nope. Maybe more on-screen nudity. (KIDDING. KIDDING. (mostly))

4. This was covered in the episode itself. Rewatch it.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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salve-sis writes...

You made Jason Todd cannon. *THAT* was just like- my favorite part of the entire series. But Nightwing's character development is a close second.

Nightwing- the same Nightwing who was so convinced that he couldn't be The Batman (and didn't *want* to be) - is now acting so much like his mentor I wanted to cry. He's acting exactly like he did in Failsafe, and that was a simulation (not that that makes what happened in that episode any less traumatic). He was already going through the trauma of actually making those decisions, but he was spared from having to live with the consequences of them. He doesn't have that luxury anymore. Whatever decisions he might have made or will make, he is going to have to live with the end result for the rest of his life. Did you have his whole 'That's not me' line in mind when you guys made this episode?

On a side note, I found it insulting that Nightwing and Aqualad blew up the Cave. I mean, I understand Nightwing's reasoning, but that was NOT his decision (or Aqualad's) to make. That wasn't just a place. That was Super Boy's, Beast Boy's, and M'Gann's home. Seriously, being the leader does not give him the right to make these kind of choices without consulting his team. Of course, the same could be said to faking Artemis's death, but I'm not going to get into that. I still love Nightwing, but I want to slap him for being suck a thoughtless jerk. I feel so conflicted. And I love you for that.

I can't wait to watch more YJ! episodes in the future, and I hope you guys get renewed for a third season. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Motti writes...

When I was young i watched Gargoyles. My reaction? Meh. Fast forward, year 2009. TvTropes recomended The Spectacular Spider-Man as best animated Spidey show. I hate Spider-Man, but hey, let's give a try. My reaction? AWESOME!!! Hm, lets check other stuff this Weisman guy did. And i rewatched Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H. My reaction? THIS WEISMAN GUY IS AWESOME!!! He's funny, creative and his villains are amazing. Hm, he's gonna produce Young Justice. Let's check it when it comes out. My reaction? GREG WEISMAN IS OFFICIALLY DEITY IN MY EYES!!! So thank you, Mr. Weisman for giving human kind such awesome cartoons! And now some questions:
1) If you have a billion dollar budget what movie or show would you create? (Shakespeare excluded. We know you would do Kennet Branagh style, 4 hours long, Hamlet)
2) Did you ever met Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman or Grant Morrison?
3) Did you ever considered writing again comics? P.S. Loved Captain Atom both in YJ and comics
4) Whom do you preffer: DC or Marvel? As world, not as a employer
5) Ever been in Europe?
Also, I'm kinda worried for YJ. It seems TV network can't endure your awesomeness, so they ruin 3rd seasons for your shows. That, and Teen Titans are back and new Batman show is in production. Of course, i could be paranoid. No matter what, your work will be always epic! Once again, thank you Mr. Weisman for your awesome work!
P.S. Steve Blum as Green Goblin and Josh Keaton as Spider-Man? BEST. CHOICES. EVER.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Too many options. Too hypothetical.

2. I met Alan Moore once VERY briefly, in 1985 in San Diego. I've never met Gaiman or Morrison.

3. I'd love to write more comics. No one's asked.

4. ASKED AND ANSWERED. I have no preference. I grew up on both, love both and initially - when I was a kid - didn't even realize there were two different companies.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Ian S. writes...

I'm big fan of your characters drawing pics and I want to know how to draw those characters to be a great cartoonist drawer and something else like you and others as well.

Greg responds...

I can't draw AT ALL. So for artistic advice, I'd recommend asking one of the artists.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jennifer writes...

Hello, Greg :) This isn't a question, I simply wanted to say how great Young Justice is and congrats!
I've enjoyed Young Justice ever since 'Independence Day'. I must be honest though, seeing the characters grown up and distant from eachother saddens me. It's as if they've forgotten the strong bonds they formed as kids, Wally and Dick especially. I miss Season 1 and I wish we had a little more time with the characters young and together before things started to change. I'm not a big fan for change because when you've watched something from the very start or for a very long time, it's hard to see everything change and different before your eyes. I'm mostly refering to the relationships in the show. Wally and Dick had the greastest friendship and I believe they still do. True friends have fights and they work it out in the very end. Though I feel Wally has been too harsh on Dick. Dick is trying his best, he knows of the mistakes he's made, he has no one to help him. I mean, Wally is one of the very few people who knows of Dick's identity and pass. Wally was really the only person Dick felt safe talking to, and Wally putting all this blame on Dick and yelling at him doesn't help. All I ask is that you don't let their friendship die. Friends like that come only once in a life time. To tell you the truth, one of the reasons I enjoyed watching Young Justice was the moments Dick and Wally had. It showed me what true friends looked like and it was Wally and Dick. I miss those moments, don't let their friendship die. Because in our Darkest hours all we need is our best friend. It's when we need them the most.
I don't wish for a response to this, I know you're a busy guy. This isn't criticism or a challenge, just feelings and thoughts from a fellow fan. All I ask is for you to read this. Thank you :)

Greg responds...

We have no intention of letting the friendship between Wally and Dick die. Friends argue sometimes, especially when the stakes are so high, but either character would give his life for his friend, and that hasn't and will never change. (Which I guess is a SPOILER.)

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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shannon writes...

I just saw the young justice episode darkest and i must say it was fantastic, the plot was genius, the wally and dick argument was heartbreaking and the impulse and blue beetle bonding was really sweet.

I have a question, bart must have known what happened in the past to have tried going back in the first place to try and fix the future so he saved the flashes life and i guess he thought he fixed the future, because he seemed surprised and upset when mount justice exploded, did he expect that to happen or was he genuinely shocked mount justice was still obliterated?

Greg responds...

I think he hoped he'd be able to stop it. So maybe "shocked" isn't the right word, so much as "horrified".

Also, keep in mind, he does NOT have an encyclopedic knowledge of what took place in his past. In his post-apocalyptic timeline, many of the records were lost - as were many of the people who might have been able to give him the 411. Of course, he knew Mount Justice was destroyed. But not how - and maybe not even exactly when.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Salieri writes...

Hello, Greg! I've noticed you answer a lot of "would you ever make series X with character Y" with "IT IS NOT UP TO ME". So, I was wondering, have you ever been in a situation where those sort of decisions were up to you? If not, do you ever hope to be in a position where you have full reign over those decisions?

Thanks again for the awesome Young Justice! I wouldn't be this invested if the writing weren't this spectacular!

Greg responds...

No, not really. Maybe the closest I've ever come is making creative decisions on the Gargoyles comic book for SLG. I was pretty much given free reign there. But keep in mind the decision to make and then to stop making the comic was still completely out of my hands.

As for whether or not I'd hope to be in that position, of course. But I doubt it will ever happen. EVER.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Paul writes...

For the cutscenes in the Young Justice: Legacy game, will there be animation just like of the show (to give the cutscenes the exact same look as the cartoon)?

Greg responds...

No, as I understand it, the animation for the cut scenes will match the game, i.e. it'll be CGI.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Cole writes...

Hey Greg

I was wondering, will the show ever go for 1 hour like the justice league series did?, is it possible? 22mins to me is not enough of young justice.

Greg responds...


(But I wouldn't hold my breath.)

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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EMILY writes...

I love the young justice I feel season two is even better than season one even though I don't see some of my favorite characters as much as I would like. This show dose not just jump to a new story every episode or even every season I like how every episode ties into what happens later even if it dose not tie in for a while. So heres my questions...
1. In season two there is a bunch of new characters and while last season with the main six it could have enough development for each character but now with so many new people are they going to have the same chance or are some just going to be more of a minor main character?
2. Mal joined the team in a way, how did he get to be part of it? I love his character by the way he is sort of a gentle giant.
3. Is batgirl a protege of batman? I never really understood because beetle mentions how robin has batman, nightwing and batgirl as mentors, does batgirl have more of a relationship with batman like nightwing has or is it more like robins realationship?

Greg responds...

1. The truth is that the combination of more characters AND fewer episodes means not everyone is going to be... created equal, so to speak. But we'll do our best to characterize everyone and give them screen time. But, yes, some members of the Team in Season Two are supporting characters and not leads.


3. Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin are all protegees of Batman. But Robin also has Nightwing and Batgirl as mentors in addition to Batman. And for that matter Batgirl had Dick.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Feymark writes...

Hey Greg! I have some questions regarding Superboy (both S1 and S2)
1. If Superboy would have stayed in his pod for a longer time or worn the Solar Suit for enough time, would he have ever developed the rest of his powers?
2. Would Superboy have survived the bomb's explosion in 'Darkest' like Superman with little to no injury?
3. In terms of strength (considering that they're both the powerhouses of the team); is Cassie physically stronger than Superboy, or is he?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. I doubt it.

3. He's stronger.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jenna writes...

Hello Greg, I'm a huge fan! First off i'd like to say congrats on such a thrill-packed first episode after the hiatus! One thing I noticed is the beautiful animation! It might have been just because I haven't seen a new episode in such a long time, but did the animation change? Or did you add anything new to the animation?

Greg responds...

Nope. Not really. Some shows come out better than others, but in general we've been pretty lucky.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Kat writes...

First- Invasion is great. It's so much better than I thought. I didn't think I'd like it better than season 1- but I do. A lot more (which is hard to say because season 1- the show in general- is incredible). I love the details you guys put it in, and I'm loving the characters a lot more than I thought I would.

Second- Are you guys working on Season 3 yet or are you waiting for Cartoon Network for a renewal?

Greg responds...

We have a LOT of ideas for Season Three. Beyond that I can't comment.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How do you guys do Dr. Fate's voice? Do you play his voice and the person he is possessing at the same time or is it some sort of echo effect?

Greg responds...

We record Kevin Michael Richardson as Nabu and then whomever plays the host (Jason Spisak/Kid Flash, Khary Payton/Aqualad, Lacey Chabert/Zatanna or Nolan North/Zatara) saying the same lines. Then in post-production, we double-track them, so you here two voices. It's a trick I learned on Gargoyles while doing Anubis & Jackal and Anubis & the Emir. I've always been fond of the effect.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Saw Darkest today, and DAMN. You said it was their darkest hour and you weren't kidding. I mean my reaction to Mount Justice going up was "0_0 ..." And that's a good thing. Gotta say I kinda liked seeing the Terror Twins again, and Icicle still holding a torch for Tuppence even though they never met before now. And Tigress, nice work. Kudos on working her comic book roots into it. And I'm kind of surprised the guys are unsure of Kaldur's allegiance. Granted, I'm an optimist and hope he gets a chance to redeem himself before all is said and done.
Again, excellent work and keep it up! You are my soul source of enjoyment from DC characters right now!

Greg responds...

Um... thanks. But have you tried Green Lantern Animated? I'm really enjoying it myself.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Are Queen Bee's powers natural (in that she was born with them) or was she gain them through artificial means (messing with her DNA)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hey Greg! LOVING the crazy that is season2!
P.S. I went to Stanford too! I stayed in the Okada house. It was painted like the Joker from Dark knight :)
(I'm still in school, so 3/5 of my question will be related to that horrible, but amazing place!)
1) So Artemis is undercover, and died in March. But they were both still attending school (Can we say Stanford yet?) in February. So has Wally taken time off school while this is going on? or is he still sticking it out?

2) I feel like Artemis would get a scholarship since she comes from a poor (ish) family and her parent(s) have been in and out of jail. Would this been correct?

3) If not, how ARE they paying? Are they just 80+ G in debt? or did Batman given them uni. money for saving the world? That'd be sick.

4) Clark told Conner his real name, and seemed pretty open about it. Since Conners only 'real' family is basically CK, and the original 6, do they now know too?

5) Now that Clark & co. have been MIA for a couple weeks, does Conner hang out with Lois? Now that they are both temporarily single, does he just come over Sundays nights for Game of Thrones? 'Happy Birthday' text of his birthday kinda stuff?

THANKS! You and everyone else are awesome!

Greg responds...

1. I think for the time being he's sticking it out, as the routine helps him to stay sane.

2. Probably, yes.

3. It's a private matter, don't you think?

4. One doesn't necessarily follow on the other, so this feels like a SPOILER REQUEST.

5. Anything regarding Lois on Earth-16 is also a SPOILER REQUEST.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Okay who is moderating these? Perfectly normal questions I've asked get deleted and then I see ridiculous grammatical monstrosities approved...?

Greg responds...

Incorrect grammar is not (currently) a criteria for deletion. Plenty of other things are. And you can and should (a) review the rules to see if one of your questions broke one or more of them, or if that provides no clarity, you can (b) go to the Station 8 Comment Room and ASK one of the moderators why your questions were deleted. Be polite, please.

[FYI, if incorrect grammar WAS a criteria for deletion, I could kick this question too, which has multiple grammatical errors in it.]

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Paul writes...

In "Darkest", Impulse lured Blue Beetle into the desert, away from civilians, knowing that Aqualad's attack was coming. This leads to ask: in Impulse's timeline, did Aqualad's team attack Jaime at his home in front of his family, thus exposing his identity as Blue Beetle?

Greg responds...

You're assuming facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anon writes...

Why are Bart's eyes green instead of yellow?

Greg responds...

Are they?

At any rate, why would they be yellow instead of green?

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In regards to Bart Allen's placement in Earth-16's timeline, was the reason you had him living only 40 years in the future instead of the 30th century (like in the comics) was because there are difficulties in imagining what kind of architecture and technology (among other things) would possibly exist in the distant future, or are there other reasons?


Greg responds...

He's the grandson of Barry Allen. What would he be doing a thousand years in the future?

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Kati writes...

Why does Wally where a jacket throughout most of Season 2? Is he an inspiring crime scene investigator?

Greg responds...

Or maybe it's winter.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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KLARION writes...


Greg responds...

Who says you're not in the show more? We both know you're capable of invisibility and stealth. Maybe you've been in every episode.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...


Thank you for Young Justice and the shows that came before it. I'm eager to see what happens next.

I have a couple of questions about the Belle Reve inhibitor collars that made a reappearance this week in Darkest.

1. How finely tuned do the collars need to be? Would a collar prepped for someone with with super-strength work right away on someone similar powers from a completely different source? (e.g. Blockbuster & Superman)

2. Would the collars as they are be able to nullify powers involving magic, such as Captain Marvel or Zatara/Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. Not necessarily. But maybe.

2. They could probably nullify a result of magic, i.e. Captain Marvel's strength. But unless they removed Zatanna's ability to speak, it might be tougher to stop her from, say, creating a mighty wind (or a ythgim dniw).

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Cat writes...

I would just like to comment on how well developed the storyline and characters are becoming in Young Justice. While a great many of the changes I did not see coming, that was the beauty of watching them pan out. I love the development on Miss Martian, Nightwing, Kid Flash, Aqualad etc. I look forward to having a great many of my questions answered, in particular in regards to Kaldur and Kid Flash in the comics/episodes to come.

If there's anything I really miss, it would be the friendship Wally and Richard had in Season 1. However, it's interesting to see that it still withstands, even with all the pressure of Season 2. Their friendship in the older comics, both Flash, Nightwing, Teen Titans etc has made them a favorite of mine and I love the little hints to that friendship that both the comic and the TV show has made. I watch with anticipation each week to see where the plotlines take us. Great job overall to your team Greg!

Greg responds...

Thanks a lot.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Sammy writes...

I just wanted to say I love all th puns on your show! I especially love the Powerpuff Girls pun in "Darkest" or rather, the Rowdeyruff Boy reference xD

Greg responds...

Not that I don't love the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys, but you do realize that that nursery rhyme WAY pre-dates that show, right?

Also, it's not a pun.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Rhian writes...

Greg, I love the show. After the hiatus to come back to this sudden explosion of drama and hunger for the next episode, I have to ask Do you truly hate us? You know making us wait a whole week before the next episode? I love what you've done, Young Justice is one of my favourite shows.

Greg responds...

So if we come back from hiatus with love-inspiring and dramatic episodes, that means I hate you?

I guess that means when we stay on hiatus and/or come back with hate-inspiring and insipid episodes, it must mean I love you.

Gee, now I'm going to have to rethink EVERYTHING!

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Tommy Terror seems to have gotten a LOT bigger in the five years since we've seen them. How did he get so big? Natural progression of his powers or did he get a little chemical assistance?

Greg responds...

Phil Bourassa's decision, so we'll figure out the rest later.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Hannah writes...

Why did Artemis have to become Tigris? If Wally is so worried about her why couldn't Artemis go into hiding?

Greg responds...

How would that have been helpful?

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

from where Captain Marvel got his powers?

Greg responds...

Depends what you mean by "from where".

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

what happened to the real parents of Billy Batson?

Greg responds...

They're dead.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Takeshi writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I really liked Darkest. It had a great plotline and got me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next episode. Anyway, I had a few questions about it.

1. How much control does the Scarab have over Blue Beetle (as shown near the ending)

2. Are the inhibitor collars used to capture the Team the same used in Belle Reve?

3. Did Artemis know about the passage she used to enter the Cave and put the collar on Wolf from when she and Dick used it in Homefront?

4. Why does the Light show their actual faces as opposed to the blurry lighted ones we saw in season 1? ( I had a hunch, but upon further inspection, it turned out to be wrong)

Anyway, I really love Young Justice, and you guys are doing a great job on season 2. Hope things turn out better for the Team in the next episodes. Thanks for answering my questions.

Greg responds...

1. What you see is what you get.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. Not much point in being secretive among those who know the secret.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Yolymar writes...

"Darkest" was such an intense episode. I loved it~

As Tigress, Artemis sounded much more deeper than usual. Was this all Stephanie Lemelin's acting skills or was there some editing done to make her sound that way?

Greg responds...

Both her acting skills, and we pitched her down ever so slightly.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

What an episode "Darkest" has been; I hope the next episode will be as equally impressive! No questions for you today. I'm giving my thoughts this time around. Feel free to respond to my thoughts on each topic if you want to.

My Thoughts on these topics in "Darkest":

A. The Destruction of Mount Justice - So THAT's how it happened! I have to say: up until this episode, I actually thought the U.S. military would have something to do with it, considering how Godfrey is spreading his anti-hero propaganda throughout the second season. Well, I guess I was wrong after all. Also, considering Mount Justice was not repaired prior to 2056, I guessing it's beyond anyone's ability to do so…

B. Distrust Among Our Heroes - Considering what Aqualad and Artemis (disguised as Tigress) were technically "forced" to destroy Mount Justice, I can understand why Wally is on edge about Kaldur being a potential TRIPLE agent and why he's worried about Artemis' well-being. My personal fear is that this could lead to a chain of events in which Nightwing and Wally will lose everyone's trust on the Team and that loss of trust will spread among the other members (thus no more teamwork or cooperation). I guess we'll have to wait and see.

C. About Impulse - For someone who came from 40 years in the future, you'd think that Impulse might have gained access to some kind of information or record about missions that the Team undergoes and find out about Aqualad's and Artemis' undercover assignment. During Impulse's brief fight with Aqualad, I'm surprised that Impulse didn't give any indirect hints to Aqualad at all… Hmmm, I guess that mean Impulse doesn't really know EVERYHING about the state of his future and how it came to be in the first place.

D. It's Time to Reveal the Partner's identity at this point in the show? - I don't know… I'm DEFINITELY sensing some kind of a mislead approaching. After all, it happened in "Revelation," with the Injustice League and The Light. I'm also sensing this is some kind of a pattern that's going on in the series.

E. The Secret History Between Aqualad and The Terror Twins - SO… somehow the Twins escaped Belle Reve… and Aqualad was trying put them back there two years ago (sometime in Year Three: 2013-2014)? Based on the Terror Twins' conversation, it seems to imply that Aqualad tried to do this himself. That sounds impossible and I'd wager Aqualad probably had help in handling that problem.

Thanks for taking the time to reading my thoughts. Again, feel free to response to each one if you want to.


Greg responds...

A. Pretty much.

B. Guess so.

C. Not everything, no.

D. We at least TRY to avoid patterns.

E. A story for another day, I suppose.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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btgr writes...

Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes question:

Why doesn't Blue Beetle fire a warning shot or say something like "Stop or I shoot!" whenever he confronts villains?

Greg responds...

It's situational.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If this isn't too much of a spoiler: What happened to Shimmer because I saw her in one of the capsules with the abductees and lagoon boy in "Darkest"

Greg responds...

How could that NOT be a spoiler?

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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Mirami writes...

The ending to "Darkest" made me cry. Good show, sir and to all others involved in the making of this episode. Good show.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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NuclearBLt writes...

Hi Greg. I have two questions for you.

1. Are there more villains on Earth other than the recurring 50 or so individuals we've seen so far?

2. Several of the villains seem to have broken out of prison at different points in time. Are some of them lacking the ability to escape from their cell?

Greg responds...

1. Of course.

2. Depends on the villain and the cell.

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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