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Spectacular Spider-Man, The

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Paul writes...

In "Blueprints" and "Identity Crisis", there's something suspicious about the way that Norman acts when interacting with Peter in the latter or talking about him possibly havingan alter-ego in the latter. I thought that those instances implied that he knew Peter's secret, but in "Final Curtain", he doesn't seem to know, which confused me. Does Norman know Peter's secret identity in "Final Curtain", or does he not?

Greg responds...


No comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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wood writes...

holly molly
whats with all these difficult confusing in depth questions all these guys ask.
why can't anyone. (like myself) just say..

greg. man you have done an absolutely AWSOME job on spectacular spider-man season 1 and 2
i loved every single bit of it
you are a big inspirtation to me and where i will be going with my life
thank you so much
fingers crossed for a 3rd season
i realy hope there will be.
thank you


Greg responds...

You're welcome, wood, and thank you.

And, just to be clear, I don't mind in depth questions, but mostly what I'm getting is various versions of (1) "Please provide Season Three Spoilers" or (2) "Can we have team-ups?" or (3) "Has the show gotten a pick-up?"

So one more time...

1. I'm not going to give any spoilers beyond what I've already revealed (Hobgoblin and Scorpion will appear). No matter how one rephrases this question (being extremely specific or ridiculously vague), it still won't change the fact that I'm NOT going to spoil Season Three.

2. As of now, no. We just don't have the rights to any character not firmly part of the Spidey corner of the Marvel Universe. If that changes, I'll let everyone know. I SWEAR!!

3. The moment it does, I PROMISE I'll let you all know. Until then, there's just no point in asking me.

Praise, of course, I'll take any time! So again, thanks, wood.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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adham writes...

will there be any heroes or allies in the spectacular spider-man?

Greg responds...

Please check the archives. I'm tired of answering this question.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

When's the absolute latest you can get a pick-up for season 3? Also, do you have any plans to bring back Norman Osborn in season 3?

Greg responds...

There is no such thing as an "absolute latest" time for a pick-up, unless you're going to add some other criteria, like "What's the absolute latest you can get a pick-up for Season Three and still have new episodes ready to go in September 2010?" Or whatever. But theoretically, Sony could pick up the show three years from now. It's not likely that if they waited that long that they would still pick us up, but nothing "absolute" prevents them from doing that.

As for Norman in Season Three: no comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Well Peter writes...

Do you know if Thor is ever going to be in Spectacular Spiderman. Can it be a Thor cartoon some day?

Greg responds...

Well, no, it's not likely to MORPH into a show about Thor. That's a completely separate license -- and as I've said MANY times before, we currently don't have the rights to ANY other Marvel heroes.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Eric writes...

I want what is best for this series and i just want to let you know that if Gwen Stacy would die that would leave me heart broken. How do you stand if she will die or you will get rid of her so Peter and MJ start up? My stand point is that Peter and Mj never get together and it's only Peter and Gwen together.

Greg responds...

I've reread your question three times, and I'm not sure what you're asking exactly. I'm not sure the word "stand" means what you think it means. But if you're asking what I have planned for Peter, M.J. and Gwen, the answer is no comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Dan writes...

Mr. Weisman,
First of al thanks for what is easily the greatest adaption of Spider-man.I have a couple of questions.
1. Where did the idea come from to have the pumpkin bombs emit screams?
2. Was the final twist in the season 2 finale kept heavily under wraps? For example did Josh Keaton, Steve Blum,etc. know when they recorded "Uncertainty Principle"?

Greg responds...


1. That was Vic Cook's truly brilliant idea.

2. I don't remember who knew what when. The writing staff all knew the truth from day one.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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SPECTACULARspideymanfan writes...

why is it that you didnt use kingpin, dont get me wrong i love tombstone but i heard you wanted to use the kingpin at first.

Greg responds...

Kingpin was not available to us. Check out the Spectacular Spider-Man archives here at ASK GREG for a fuller answer to a question I've covered many times before.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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spideyfan215 writes...

In the spectacular spiderman episode the uncertainty principle was that man-wolf cameo just there for us hardcore fans or did it imply we might see john turn into the man-wolf...also hope we see carnage in pcoming episodes.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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Bianca Louise Lapuz writes...

HI Greg!When will "The Spectacular Spider-Man" show in television??? I'm very excited!!!

Greg responds...

It's showing now on Disney XD.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

in spectacular spiderman i loved what you did with green gobli, lots of mystery...but i was disappointed that he didnt find out spideys true identity and he didnt kill gwen. will norman come back and do that or will you leave that to the not so evil harry osborn green goblin. or are u just gonna leave all that out?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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Denis writes...

I'm from Brazil, and I loved seeing spidey swing on the webs once more in a new version.
The best version. Totaly adapted on this days. E-mails, mobiles, Gps... And... the character is the one that i think that always needed to be... A Teenager with problems ...
I like the fact of every character... harry.. Mj.. flash.. have importants ways to appearance...
I dont want to ask anything just say thanks by this animated series!
I hope Carnage appears!!!!

Greg responds...

Thanks, Denis. Glad you like the show.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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Paul writes...

A few questions about The Spectacular Spiderman:

1) Does Calypso possess powers in this series? It was sort of implied when she came to Kraven's rescue at the end of "Destructive Testing" that she did, but it wasn't made clear.

2) Will the blossoming relationship between Flash and Sha Shan contribute in some way towards the ongoing story of Spiderman/Peter Parker in the long run? It's just that while the Flash/Sha Shan stuff is interesting, I can't see it laying the groundwork for anything really significant to Peter Parker's story, at least not in the same way that exploration of a possible Ned Lee/Betty Brant romance or John Jameson/Ashley Kafka romance might.

3) Will the episodes on the season 1 set feature altered opening credits to correspond with the trend that started in season 2, where the key characters featured in the episodes were shown in the opening credits? Gwen, Harry, MJ and Jonah hardly played pivotal roles in every season 1 episode that they were in the opening credits for, after all.

4) Did Vulture and Silver Sable both escape at the end of "Gangland"? It wasn't really made clear.

5) In "Final Curtain", how could it be that the wine cellar wasn't a secret when Harry's best friend had never seen or heard about it?

Greg responds...

1. Are you saying it was left ambiguous? Hmmmm...

2. Well, it already has, so I think the answer is yes.

3. No.

4. Yes.

5. Pete's not much of a wine drinker, I guess.

Response recorded on June 10, 2009

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lukas harrison writes...

will morbius make an appearance in the show and will black cat ever be shown without her suit?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 10, 2009

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Anton writes...

Question about kingpin. Does fosswells alter ego patch work for him. I thought it was very much implied during the rhino bidding. Also, if your going to use kingpin, is there any chance for us to see Bullseye make an apperance?

Greg responds...


I don't have access to either Kingpin or Bullseye at this time. And, no. Foswell was working for Jonah.

Response recorded on June 09, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Why was the role of Tombstone recast? I know Keith David originally voiced him in the pilot and that Kevin Michael Richardson replaced him.

Greg responds...

Keith went to New York to play Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream. So Kevin stepped in. Both did a great job.

Response recorded on June 09, 2009

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MisterDrBob writes...

Hey Mr. Wiseman,
love the Spectacular Spider-Man and your take on the original Stan Lee stories. I especially love your characterizations of Shocker, Mysterio and Molten Man.
I have two questions. I think the first one was already asked, but I can't find it anywhere. How did you come up with the idea of making Montana the Shocker? Second, is there any significance to the fact that Morris Bench is voiced by Bill Fagerbakke, the voice of Patrick on SpongeBob SquarePants? A reference to mr. F's other watery work?

Greg responds...


If you can't find my answer to your Montana/Shocker question, you haven't looked very hard. Check the Spectacular Spider-Man archives here at ASK GREG or any number of interviews I've done over the last year or so.

Bill is a great actor, who I've worked with many times before on shows like Gargoyles and Starship Troopers, etc.

Response recorded on June 09, 2009

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Spidey on Disney XD

FYI, Disney announced this morning the rollout of SSM Season Two on June 22 with two back-to-back episodes: "Blueprints" and "Destructive Testing."

For times, check local listings.

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Mike again writes...

What are the musical scores playing in the Spectacular Spider-man episode Ganglands? Also what is the opera that is playing?

Greg responds...

The opera is Rigoletto. The rest of the music is by our composers, Lolita Ritmanis, Kris Carter and Michael McQuistion.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Marjorie writes...

Hi Greg,

just read your response concerning other marvel superheroes in Spectacular Spider-Man. Even if we don't see them in the show, I think it's awesome that you give them a nod here, and let us marvel comic geeks imagine what their places would be in the show if time/situations allowed.

Obviously the center of the show is Peter Parker, and that's as it should be. I was just curious, however, if the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Ant-Man and Professor X are there (unseen) within the Spidey universe you've got going on, what is the general public's knowledge about them? Like, the Fantastic Four weren't underground like the X-men. They were an adventuring team that fought crime and didn't have secret identities, living like celebrities. Is it the same way in your verse? Are there strange news reports and sightings of a green giant springing up around the country? Is there public unease concerning people with strange inborn abilities on the rise?

I ask these questions not because I expect these characters to appear in the show, but out of curiosity for the world you're building up. It would be cool if Sally or Flash or somebody said in passing, "Did you hear what the Fantastic Four did yesterday? It was amazing!," I understand why that probably won't happen. It's just nice to know that the possibility of other heroes out there exists, even if it's never realized. Thanks!

Greg responds...

In my mind in the Spec Spidey universe, no one knows anything mutanty about Charles Xavier. He's simply the headmaster of a private school. The Fantastic Four are indeed celebrity super-heroes, the kind that fight COSMIC menaces, like the Skrull. Ant-Man, I'd think is pretty much operating under the radar (pun intended). Hulk is like a myth. Captain America is a memory.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

If the show returns which villains besides Scorpion and the Hobgolbin will appear?

Why can't you use the Kingpin?

Will Peter and Eddie become friends again?

Greg responds...

1. I've already refused to answer this question about a hundred times.

2. I've already answered this question about a hundred times. Check the archive.

3. No comment.

And just so it's clear, I do NOT enjoy answering nearly every post with "NO COMMENT". This isn't fun for me either, gang, but since collectively you all keep insisting on asking for Spoilers that I've already made clear I'm not going to give, you're not leaving me much choice.

It would be LOVELY if you guys reread the guidelines, and checked the questions answered, archives and/or questions waiting to be answered sections before posting a question here. LOVELY. But if you don't, then we all get to enjoy me saying No comment again and again and again and again...

Happy to talk about Season One of Spidey, btw.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, Greg!
Well, you've talked guest heroes before, but what about guest villains? If it's not "No comment" area, could you say whether or not you'd like to use guys like Doctor Doom or Juggernaut, assuming you could get the rights?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to start going through a laundry list of non-Spidey villains (beyond Kingpin) that I might like to use. There are some that seem like natural fits to oppose Spidey, but any character I don't have access to is still a character I don't have access to, so I haven't spent a ton of time coming up with stories that I couldn't use.

And I have barely scratched the surface on SPIDEY VILLAINS as it is. In fact, I know a bunch of fans think I've already introduced too many of Spidey's villains. I don't agree. I enjoyed introducing -- on average -- one per episode first season. And then a handful of additional villains with each following season, while trying to keep ALL the villains (heroes and supporting cast) alive. It's a challenge, of course, but it's a challenge I enjoy. Opening up our little Spidey series to the ENTIRE Marvel Universe never interested me.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Anton writes...

Will you make an adatation of The night Gwen Stacy died, and actually kill off Gwen?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

Regarding Spider-Man villains that appear in the Ultimate universe, will you use their mainstream identities or their Ultimate identities for The Spectacular Spider-Man. The characters I am talking about are as follows:

Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley OR Harry Osborn)

Scorpion (Mac Gargan OR Peter Parker clone)

Carnage (Cletus Kasaday OR Gwen Stacy)

Greg responds...

No comment.

Seriously, guys, how many times do I have to say it?!! I'm not SCOOPING the third season!!

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Here are some questions and comments:

1. In another fact about the Beetle, the other bad guy to fight him was Iron Man. As a member of Egghead's Masters of Evil, he fought the Avengers.

2. Though Mac Gargan was mentioned in "Final Curtin," this might be a hint for his appearance if the third season is confirmed. A reference linking to one your answered questions mentioned the appearance of Hydro-Man. True or False? If a Season Three is announced, will some of the villains you plan to include have their VAs made public?

3. When it came to Molten Man, he first met Spider-Man around the time of his high school graduation. Should the series continue, will you have an episode revolved around that?

Greg responds...


1. I knew that.

2. What's the question, exactly? Voice actors are always listed on the credits. If you're asking if I plan to scoop the third season if and when it's announced, the answer is NO.

3. Around what? Graduation? We will depict the senior class (i.e. Rand and Kong) graduating in Season Three if we get a Season Three. That's a given, since the third season would obviously include the months of April, May and June at least, so I don't feel like I'm spoiling anything. It's not likely that Mark will graduate with Rand's class, since he missed finishing his Senior Year with Eddie's class by being sent to Juvie and then wound up getting sent to Rykers after only a couple months of being back in school. Whatever course work he needed to complete to earn a diploma obviously could not have been completed.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Fred M. writes...

I have watched the first two seasons of Spectacular Spider-man and absolutely love them! I think the thing I appreciate the most is the fact my 3 yr old son and I can watch them with both of us being entertained. We can share that experience and take completely different things from the episode. Kudos for walking that tightrope. With the series moving to Disney XD I have a few questions. 1) How does the ratings thing work? We record and watch every episode that comes on and would LOVE for that to be counted as credit for you guys. I want to do whatever I can to ensure a third and forth season. 2) Is there somewhere or someone we can contact and/or email with our support for this series? I would hate for it to not get picked up. Keep up the good work if you get the opportunity!!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm glad you and your son both enjoy the show. That was the intent, for there to be something for kids and adults without short-changing either demographic.

1. Unless you are a Nielson household, your personal viewing is not specifically counted, but IN THEORY if you and your kid are watching and a bunch of other folks like you are watching with their kids, then the odds are some Nielson family just like yours is mirroring your collective behavior and that DOES count in the ratings. It has to do with statistics, and I don't pretend to understand it really -- or even fully buy into it. But that's how it works. Again, IN THEORY, if you stop viewing the show it suggests that somewhere some Nielson family just like you has also stopped. So DON'T STOP!!!

2. You can try to contact Disney XD through their website or write a letter to them. It can't hurt.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Wolf E. Urameshi writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. First off, let me say that it is an honor to be able to speak to you, regardless of whether my question is accepted or not. I truly wish I were able to meet you someday being a writer myself! If only my living in Puerto Rico were not so bothersome... (why not make a Gathering here? :3)

Anyways, on to my question. We all know the story: for reasons beyond us, Disney canceled the legendary Gargoyles TV show we all know and love, and then we got a certain spin-off fiasco. Then, literally a decade later, we get a gratifying notice: the comics! (which I will definitely buy this summer, hopefully, even if it's only the Clan Building trades.) But now, sadly, Disney's gone EPIC CANCEL on us. Again. Therefore, I must ask this question. Apologies if it has been asked, by the way. Here goes:

Has it crossed your mind to consult other animation companies, such as Viz, Funimation, Man of Action (creators of the excellent Ben 10 series) on acquiring the license off Disney, or perhaps giving the series a new animated show on a different genre, such as anime or CG? Hell, I'm pretty sure people would pack the theater if it were to be turned into an anime or CG, especially given the highly impressionable teenager crowd of today that's into these genres.

If you ask me, Gargoyles is definitely not doing well under Disney's wing- I mean, it was virtually untouched for a whole decade and more and would have been thrown into the dark hell of obscurity were it not for the fans-i.e. us, and I'd like to take the chance to thank the fans for doing everything the fandom has done.

Thank you very much for your time, sir. It has been an incredible privilege that you even read this letter. Greetings from Puerto Rico, God Bless and please keep giving us great stories to enjoy.

Wolf E. Urameshi
Lares, P.R.

PS: Did I mention your Spider-Man series is awesome? If not, there we go. :)

Greg responds...

First off, thanks for all the praise.

You're welcome to organize and hold a Gargoyles Convention in Puerto Rico. I'd be happy to attend too.

The reasons for Gargoyles being cancelled are NOT beyond us. I've laid them out many times, and you can find them by looking through the ASK GREG FAQ. Calling "Goliath Chronicles" a spin-off, isn't really accurate either. It was a third season, rebranded, and with different behind the scenes talent running the production.

And again, to be accurate, Disney didn't cancel the comics. Technically, SLG did, because they could not afford the license under the terms Disney was offering. But sales of the trades will determine whether we'll eventually be back.

And, yes, this question has been asked and answered MANY, MANY times, so check the archives for fuller answers. But briefly, there's no way Disney would release the animation license to another company. And bashing Disney's efforts doesn't further our cause.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Some how I doubt this is your first crossover question, so I'm not going to go all FIRST on this one. Anyway: Which of the villains from Spectuacular Spider-Man do you think would be a good match for the Manhattan Clan, without it being too one sided?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination, Clark.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Matteo Garofalo writes...

1. I am a huge fan of the show and I think that you have created the first truly perfect animated television series (it's not a question, but it's true).
2. I am also a fan of the J. Michael Straczynski run on ASM, will we see some of his villains (like Morlun, Shathra, est.) in any upcoming seasons?
3. Can you add in the Spider-Mobile, for one episode, just for the fun of it?
4. Will we be seeing Iron Patriot any time soon (I'm also a big Norman Osborn fan)?

Greg responds...

1. THANKS! (Uh, which show are we talking about?)

2. No comment.

3. No comment.

4. No comment, but now I'm guessing you were talking about Spectacular Spider-Man, right?

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

In Gangland, when Silvermane is in his exo-suit, what exactly is it he uses against Spidey and the other crimelords? Is it sonics or some kind of energy pulse?

Greg responds...

I think the latter, but that weapon was the brain child of director Jennifer Coyle, so you'd have to ask her to be positive.

Response recorded on June 04, 2009

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Paul writes...

A few questions about The Spectacular Spiderman:

1) Has the real Mysterio even crossed paths with Spidey at all, not counting the pre-Mysterio encounter in "Persona"? Just wondering because of the running gag about Mysterio's robot doppelgangers.

2) In “Persona”, who hired Chameleon and who hired Black Cat?

3) Do you plan on having Felicia Hardy appear out of costume in a future season?

4) Was there any significance to the lone pumpkinhead goon who got away at the beginning of "Final Curtain"?

Greg responds...

1. Define "crossed paths".

2. No comment.

3. Yes.

4. Yeah. He got away with all those weapons loaded in the truck. So even though Spidey webbed up the majority of goons at that heist, the weapons still made it to Gobby's Gob Squads.

Response recorded on June 04, 2009

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Joseph writes...

So, first, gushing praise: I've been a Spidey fan since my dad bought me my first comic, and I'm one of the ones that says that Spectacular Spiderman is the best adaptation to hit the screen (big or little).

Next, a few backstory questions:
1. What happened to Gwen's mother in this continuity? Are the Stacys divorced or separated (as in Ultimate Spiderman) or did something happen to her?

2. Next, kinda wondering how Harry, a rich, not terribly bright kid, ended up being best friends with two geeks, and the circumstances around that. Middle school/high school cliques being practically forces of nature unto themselves, Harry linking himself with the "brains" probably would have upset socially conscious Sally long before the spider bite and complaints about "upset social order" (which was pure gold, by the way).

3. Eddie mentions that his and Peter's fathers were lab partners together. In what field? (And was there anything "funny" about that plane crash?)

4. Where *did* Peter get his costume and equipment from?

And one last question:
Where is a good place to check to find out about the current status of The Spectacular Spider-man and the third season? Keeping an eye out here on new questions is a bit... clunky.

Greg responds...

1. She passed away. I'm actually thinking breast cancer, but don't hold me to that.

2. I think Harry is actually pretty smart, just not on Pete or Gwen's level in science. And certainly his father cares more about grades than football or popularity, and we all know how important Norman's opinion was/is to Harry.

3. No comment.

4. We'll reveal this eventually.

5. Sorry, but I don't know where else to send you. You can try some of the boards like ToonZone or SuperHeroHype, but I lurk there occassionally, and I see a LOT of misinformation. Sometimes it's innocent. Someone presents a theory or opinion. And days or weeks later, someone misremembers it as fact. Other times, I feel like certain people willfully post misinformation for their own reasons.

Response recorded on June 04, 2009

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Spidey Ratings

Folks at Sony are feeling pretty good about Spidey's recent ratings on Disney XD. Here's some info...

Returning to its regular time period, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN "Nature vs. Nurture" delivered a season high 1.71 B6-11 Rtg, up +67% from its season average (1.02).

The 18-episode marathon on 5/25/09 improved significantly over the time period's prior 4 week average… +279% in B6-11 Rtg, +250% in B6-14 and +226% in B9-11.

Second Season episodes will begin airing Monday 06/22/09. Check local listings for times.

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CL writes...

I found out what the ratings were for Spectacular Spider-Man: low. Does this kill the chances of season 3? Does it worry you, or are they expected to increase come the next season?

Greg responds...

Your information has no context. From what I've head, relative to other Disney XD fair, the ratings have been decent.

Obviously, I'd prefer them Spectacular, but since the second season hasn't even aired yet, we are still in wait and see mode.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,
i love your version of spiderman it keeps me entertained and i just can't seem to be patient for the next one. i like yours for various reasons. one of them being of that gwen stacy is the main love interest not mary jane. Which is cool cause it's not like the original but i do know how things can change around. You can make relationship not work(which would be a drag) or even kill her off which brings to my next point, i don't like the original Spiderman story because everyone dies: Gwen Stacy, Mary-Jane, Aunt May, Harry, the Sandman etc. its so DEPRESSING. i just pray that you make a good story and end it good if not great(you have so far). Also just wondering do you have and idea when season 3 will debut?(not in America cause i know season 2 is starting over here)

Greg responds...

I know Aunt May has died at least once, but that wasn't permanent. Even Harry is back. And I don't ever recall Mary Jane or Sandman dying. But maybe I missed that.

As for Season Three, please, please check the archives.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Paul writes...

What are the titles for the second, third and fourth story arcs in The Spectacular Spiderman? I know that the first is Biology 101, and you recently posted the titles for the ones from season 2 (Engineering 101, Human Development 101, Criminology 101, Drama 101). And will you ever revisit certain subjects/modules/courses of study in future seasons (for example, by having a Biology 102)?

Greg responds...

I'm not running out of titles yet.


Biology 101
Economics 101
Chemistry 101
Psychology 101

Engineering 101
Human Development 101
Criminology 101
Drama 101

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Martin writes...

this was buggin me for a while. is Hammerhead's driver someone from the comics?

PS: this is not a question. One of the reasons I want so bad season 3 is to see what you will do with Hobgoblin. You used many of Hobby's aspects for Green Goblin - the whole framing other people thing, Osborn taking the green in small doses so he wont become insane, heading to Carribean (probably???). All of this happens to Roderick in the comics so I'm very curious what you will do with Hobgoblin.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Paul writes...

Is Ben Urich off limits in The Spectacular Spiderman? If so, does that mean that Phil Urich is off limits too?

Greg responds...

Ben is off limits. I'd have to check on Phil, but if I had to guess, it's likely he's off-limits too.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Jim writes...

1. So now that Norman is dead to the world, where does this leave Vulture? Is his place in Ock's organization and his Spider-grudge enough to keep him in the rogues' gallery, or will he figure "mission accomplished" and hang up his wings? Is this topic something that we should expect to see explored next season?

2. Without getting into spoiler territory, was the Tombstone/Venom scene meant to be building to something? I can't decide if it was a one-off and meant only to highlight what Spidey wouldn't do, or whether I should keep that connection in the back of my mind for future use, as an unresolved plotpoint.

Speaking of Venom, it just occurred to me that they are the only ones that would still think Harry is the Goblin. Unless Gobby's identity is public knowledge by now?

3. Someone asked a question earlier, but I didn't think your answer was the most clear (you seemed to be responding only to another part of his question): Was Mysterio ever in jail? Was the Beck who talked to Lee a robot, or was it the real deal, and he escaped at a later point?

4. Was Tinkerer working for Tombstone because he had defected or was he merely lending his services for a fee? If the latter, why would Otto let him give the enemy weapons when he knows a gang war is looming?

5. I had assumed that the money Norman got from Kingsley was being used solely for his getaway to the islands. Someone else thought he had used the entirety of his unmarked account to rig the city for his duel with Spidey. Which is correct? Or is it a combination?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. Though I have my opinion, I'll leave this up to the interpretation of the viewer.

4. Tinkerer is a freelancer.

5. He has the money. How he spends it is his business.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Chirag Rana (Zilla) writes...

Hey Greg I've been the biggest Spectacular Spider-Man Fan. After Season 2 ended I was thinking what could happen. So I'm making a Novel called Spectacular Spider-Man The Big Change. Now I need to get get this approved by you so can make a Comic Novel edition for the fans. i really want to publish this Novel to the world. I'm not really a good artist so can you get somebody to make the Comic Novel Edition. I'll tell the Plot once I'm done with it.

Greg responds...

Hey, have fun with your project, but please do NOT involve me. If you're wondering why I'm passing, please review the guidelines here at ASK GREG once again.

Response recorded on June 02, 2009

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Peter writes...

Will 90's Spiderman Cartoon ever come out on DVD.

Greg responds...

I thought it was.

Response recorded on June 02, 2009

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Paul writes...

Which week in March does “Final Curtain” take place?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Will the couple that Spider-Man saved (and ended up marrying) make further appearances in the series? Do they have any established names and are they going to be Spider-Man's equivalent to the Yuppie Couple?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...


Okay, so, I exist in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe, and I was Norman Osborn's chauffeur at one point. Harry mentioned me as the worst chauffeur ever, and that he thought his dad was going to pop a vessel.

Okay, so later on, Norman went nuts, and became the Green Goblin. He went after the Big Man, tried to kill Otto, and just plain went nuts on people he doesn't like.

Am I still alive in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe? I think that if I had that guy mad at me, it's okay for me to inquire to my present health.

Where am I now in the Spideyverse? ;)


Greg responds...


Dude, could this question be any more self-aggrandizing if you tried?

But somehow I doubt that Goblin ran around avenging every petty annoyance. I mean, hell, I let you live.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Martin writes...

in a previous response, you stated about the Spectacular Spider-Man series, "We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel." it's obvious that you cant reveal the characters, but can you at least tell how many they are? can you reveal the characters? :)

Greg responds...

I don't have the list with me. And even if I did, it's a legal document. It's not my place to go into detail about it.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

How do you decide what villains/characters to include in Spider-Man? Is it a matter of what they can provide to the story, personal preference, or is their a certain formula to balance out well known and not as well known characters?

Greg responds...

It's a very organic process. Basically what feels right, respecting the core of the characters.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Rafael writes...

We are going to see in the Spectacular Spider-man more science fiction elements that exist in the comicbooks like aliens and journeys through time and space. And supernatural elements like travel to other dimensions via magic, and the presence of supernatural creatures like Morbius the vampire and the transformation of Stan Carter into the Sin-eater.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 29, 2009

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Robert Lee writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a huge fan of The Spectacular Spiderman, and by far it is the best Spiderman series that I have seen. I was curious to see if there were any further developments on a season 3 for the show. So I guess my question is:
Will there be a season 3? If so when do u expect it to make its debut?

Greg responds...

Seriously? You didn't see the thirty plus times I've already answered this question or the thirty plus times this question was in the queue ahead of yours. I mean, dude, do you think I'm HIDING a pick-up from you guys?

<sigh> We won't know anything until sometime AFTER the SECOND season starts airing on Disney XD in late june. Figure July or August for news on a pick-up. If it comes, I'd guess ew episodes would probably be held for September 2010.

Response recorded on May 29, 2009

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Bazell writes...

in a previous response, you stated about the Spectacular Spider-Man series, "We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel."
When you were given the list, where there any surprises as to characters you wish/thought you had access to or wondered why he or she was being offered for a Spider-Man series?
Any chance you can divulge the list?

Greg responds...

Kingpin wasn't on the list, which semi-surprised me. Not like I'm unaware of how Miller turned him into Daredevil's arch-nemesis, but still, he was created as a Spidey opponent. There was no one on the list that surprised me. And, no, that's a Sony/Marvel legal document. I can't post it.

Response recorded on May 29, 2009

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Paul writes...

A few questions about changes to and potential changes from the comics in The Spectacular Spiderman:

1) Are Kraven and Chameleon siblings or half-siblings in this series, as they are in the comics?

2) Is Chameleon's surname Kravinoff in this series?

3) Why was the decision made to make Liz Allan and Mark biological siblings in this series?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. We were combining Mark Raxton with Bennett Brant. Bennett was Betty's full sibling and it made the emotional context more intense. So that's the direction we followed.

Response recorded on May 28, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Here's a bunch of things I have to ask you

* I got your Kingpin and Marvel Team-Up response. I'm just wondering that if you plan to break the record of seasons that the 90's series have should "The Spectacular Spider-Man" be popular, you might feature the said heroes then. Any chance you want to break the record if Sony will allow it?

* Though the rights and contracts to Kingpin aren't available is what a know now. Yet I didn't get your answer on the Beetle from the same question though. Of course it could be that he came when other heroes and villains were introduced over time. Right?

* When I first heard Hobie Brown in "Opening Night," I thought it was Greg Cipes voicing him. It turned out to be Charles Duckworth voicing him. Good thing the credits confirmed me on that.

* When Silvermane was featured, Silver Sable (who led the mercenary Wild Pack team in the comics) was featured as his daughter. I guess this was a creative part on your side since his son Joseph Manfredi (known in the comics as Daredevil villain Blackwing) wasn't introduced yet. I did like that you made Silvermane a bit younger than his comics counterpart.

* Doctor Octopus being an OsCorp scientist and the accident that caused his tentacles to be apart of him reminded me of the Ultimate Marvel version of Doctor Octopus (whose tentacles have ends that are made up of nanobots that enable the tentacles to have various lethal accessories transforming the three-pronged 'claws' into flamethrowers, tasers, and machine guns) at the time the Ultimate Marvel version of the Green Goblin came into view. In the Ultimate Marvel Comics, Doctor Octopus blamed the accident on the Ultimate Marvel version of Justin Hammer (who was responsible for creating the Ultimate Marvel versions of Electro and Sandman).

Greg responds...

1. It's not like there's some competition. That was a Spider-Man for it's time. I'm trying to do one for now. And exactly what record are you talking about anyway? How do you measure it? This is silliness, frankly. First of all, it's moot until we get a pick-up. Second of all, it's moot until I have legal access to these other characters. And third, my basic response hasn't changed. I'd like to use Kingpin, and I'd like to do the OCCASIONAL team-up. But I'm not going to change the game plan to break some record that we both know doesn't really -- and shouldn't -- exist.

2. Simply put, Beetle isn't on the approved list. If I had to guess, I'd say he's on the Fantastic Four's list. Or maybe Daredevil's. But he's not on Spidey's.

3. Yep.

4. Thanks.

5. Is there a question here? I was definitely influence at least in part by early issues of Ultimate. But the bigger influence was of course Lee/Ditko.

Response recorded on May 28, 2009

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Paul writes...

Thanks for doing such an amazing job with The Spectacular Spiderman. Both seasons are really enjoyable. I've just got two questions:

1) Why is it that a lot of the background music in season 2 was stuff that had previously been used in season 1? Aside from character themes, nothing seemed to be repeated in season 1, but in season 2, lots of music from previous episodes kept popping up again and again. Was a smaller budget used for the music in the second season?

2) The animation in season 2 seemed to be weaker than season 1 as well. Some episodes looked beautiful, but others seemed a bit choppy and off-model at times, like "First Steps" and "Identity Crisis". Was there a smaller budget for the animation in season 2?

Greg responds...

1. Themes were reused intentionally -- and by the second season we had a LOT more themes to reuse -- but to my knowledge, no actual music was reused, and I attended EVERY music spotting session, muisc preview session and sound mix.

2. No. We've had inconsistent animation here and there both seasons. Both our seasons contain some of our most gorgeous stuff and some of our weakest stuff.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Bazell writes...

This Spider-Man question pertains to the show's relationship to the official "canon" of the long running comic book (now in the early 600s for issue numbers).
When Marvel comics first started getting more popular due to books like Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four, the connections between the books began to take shape along the way, sometimes independant of the individual on-going arcs. In some history channel documentary on comics I saw, Stan Lee talked about the creation of the shared world of many super-hero characters, the "Marvel Universe," began in an issue of Fantastic Four in which Reed was giving some press conference. the artists decided to draw Peter Parker as one of the photographers, clearly representing the Bugle at the event. That was somewhat of a digretion, but an interesting tidbit nonetheless.
Anyway, The Spectacular Spider-Man has clearly not had any interaction with any other Marvel characters for all the obvious reasons, but has also not to my knowledge acknowledged - even peripherally - the existence of other Super-Heroes elsewhere. Is it still safe to assume that the action depicted in the show is in the context of the Marvel Universe's continuity of, say, the mid to late 60s, which comprises a good portion of the storylines from which you are drawing?

Greg responds...

In my mind, yes. But until we get legal permission, I can't acknowledge that in the series itself. I even had to fight to use the phrase "Amazing Spider-Man" in the first episode, as we're not allowed to use that either generally.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Bazell writes...


Spidey's original suspision of Norman as the goblin seemed justified when he saw Osborn come out of the disguised doorway at a time convenient to a quick goblin getaway. However, later Harry reveals that the door just led to a wine cellar. Seeing as how they already seem to reside on a top floor penthouse, how much extra room do the walls have? WAS there a goblin hideaway behind the hidden wine cellar?

Greg responds...


No comment.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Cartoonlover writes...

Do you know what Spectacular Spider-Man's ratings on Disney XD are like? There is no mention anywhere.

Greg responds...

I have a vague idea. Relative to the network's general ratings and given the fact that so far they've only aired reruns, they seem to be respectable, especially after being cumed. I'd like to see them higher, but frankly no matter high they get, it's hard to imagine me NOT feeling that way still.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Spidey writes...

Hey Greg. I love the Spectacular Spider-Man and wanted to know if you have anymore plans for Venom in future seasons.

Greg responds...


And before anyone starts posting a shopping list of characters, let me state that, YES, I have future plans for EVERY SINGLE character already introduced or mentioned, including the dead ones, and for many that have not yet been introduced or mentioned. And NO, I'm not going to reveal them here anytime soon. So there's no need to ask.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Another Spidey question.

Is Midtown High a private school in "Spectacular Spider-Man?" I'm a bit puzzled that Peter and Flash both live in Queens and attend High School in Manhattan.

It's got to be top notch if they can get a major Broadway star like St. John Devereaux to direct the school play.

Obviously, Norman Osborn would send his son to a top notch school, and Liz's parents seem well off enough to do the same. Ditto with Robbie being the Editor-in-Chief of a major metropolitan paper. As well George Stacy as a police captain.

But, considering the Parkers' money problems, if Midtown is a private school, how did they afford to get Peter in there and keep him there?

Greg responds...

M-cubed: Midtown Manhattan Magnet Senior High School. It's a public "magnet" school, with a number of different magnets on campus, including a Science Magnet, a Drama Magnet and a Civics Magnet. Flash is in the latter, though one gets the sense that his football prowess may have had something to do with getting him in.

It is considered one of the best overall programs in the city.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...


*** I'M SERIOUS ***


1. So, I'm curious. When did Norman Osborn start preparing for his stint as the Green Goblin? Before "Survival of the Fittest"? After?

2. I also noticed that on Osborn's laptop monitor when he calls Peter and Harry out onto the balcony, there's a pumpkin bomb.

It seems to me like he's been preparing for this for a while now. Granted, he stole the glider just after Hammerhead threatened him. But, since "Catalysts" and "The Invisible Hand" take place on the same day, and Norman had that Goblin mask, costume and weapons ready to go, it makes me wonder.

So, question 3. Was he always planning to take control of the Big Man's empire? Or did Hammerhead threatening him push him there?


*** I'M SERIOUS ***


Greg responds...


1. Depends what you mean by "preparing". But the main impetus was being kidnapped and attacked by Vulture. He did not enjoy being that vulnerable. There was a line to that effect in "Final Curtain", but it was cut for time.

2. Was there a question here?

3. It wasn't just Hammerhead's single speech.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg.

Big fan of all your work and just wanted to ask some general questions, none of which involve the possible Season 3 of TSS. (We're all hoping the show gets picked up!)

1. I'm very much interested in a career in screen writing, comic writing, and/or video game story writing. What steps did you take or what steps do you recommend for those pursuing this career? I'm an English major with a writing minor and I wondered if college degree played a large role.

2. Can you elaborate on any of the possible restrictions you may face if you persue the death of the Stacy's storyline or the introduction of Carnage? I'm not asking "if" you will develop these storylines in later seasons, but more of what kind of restrictions were you presented with for TSS. We all know how strict FOX was for the mid-90s animated series.

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

1. It helped me -- a lot. Both in terms of the education I received making me a better writer and in terms of the resume thing helping me get my first jobs at both DC Comics (from Dick Giordano) and Disney (from Gary Krisel). So I'm big on education. Beyond that, I've gone into greater detail in the past, so check the ASK GREG archives. But my recommendation is to READ a lot. WRITE a lot. And PROOFREAD a lot.

2. I haven't had any significant restrictions to date. Standards & Practices is NOT the reason those stories you mentioned weren't part of the first two seasons.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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anonymous writes...

Hi, can yu confirm yet if Doctor Octopus will be back in season three? I love what you've done with Doc Ock on this show.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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ChickenChaser writes...

I know this has been asked alot and everytime you say you have answered it by i have searched through the archives again and again and cannot find your response apart from (im not calling you a liar maybe the question was kicked i dunno)

Confused Fan [Shocker Question] writes...
So, Montana was the Shocker.
Does this mean that Montana is Herman Schultz? :S
I think Montanas real name has never been told even in the comics?

Greg responds...
If it makes you happy...

So i have to know, why the combination of these characters, also as this is my sirst comment kudos on the show, i love it, and i discovered it by accident whilst watching the 90's series on youtube i saw a link and thought why not and was pleased to see what a great job you have done. I am very new to the comics and nearly all the stuff i know is from wiki (which i hope i can trust) anyway feel like i should ask some more questions:

2) Who is your fav villian, you probably have answered this but wasnt in first 100 question asked to you (i do have a life honest)

3) when (optimistic) season 3 comes out do you know the gap between release in US and uk (as i live in uk)

ok that will do for now, thanks again for an amazing show which appeals to all ages

Greg responds...

1. I'm just not getting into this again. I know it's in the archives. I'm not calling you a liar either, but look again.

2. I've answered this to. I don't have one. I like 'em all.

3. No idea.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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ChickenChaser writes...

Just another wuick one, Is the thing about harry being framed as the goblin a new idea or has it appeared in comics, i thought this was so funny and was like wtf thats not right and then when it made it look like his mum in the return of the goblin i was so confused so good work.

Greg responds...

You don't know how hard it is to keep an audience guessing -- or at least off-balance -- when they already know the answer. We obviously added a few twists and turns.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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Akif kahn writes...

hi Greg I wached all of taginghe spectacular spiderman episodes 1-26 it left me haning I hope you get a pick up of season 3 I hope so they can add Professor Miles Warren as jackal and Hobgoblin and Scorpion.
best spiderman show ever

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Okay, so, I'm not sure if this'll be approved or not but:
Do you have any plans for anything revolving around the Tablet of Time?

Greg responds...


I thought I was being pretty cool by admitting/teasing that Hobgoblin and Scorpion would appear in Season Three, but it seems to only have encouraged people to demand still more spoilers. And I'm just NOT gonna do it.

Think of it this way. The fact that I'm still adamant about not talking is an indication of how much I still think we'll be back to do a Season Three. So it's good news, right?

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, Greg! I just wanted to say that I'm huge fan of your series, TSSM especially (being a huge fan of Spidey). Just a few questions about villains in Season 3. It's fine if you can't answer any.
1. Do you have plans for Tombstone and Hammerhead? They were kind of cut out of the Goblin Returns arc, after I was expecting huge roles.
2. Is Lizard set to return? Season 2 seemed to set up for this perfectly. Even if not in Season 3, will he ever return?
3. Do you think we'll see Green Goblin again in Season 3? Or will we have to wait a bit longer?
4. Is Molten Man coming back? Your idea of having GG control when he is or is not Molten Man seems to make it a bit harder to have him in there without Norman pulling the strings.
5. Will we be seeing Silvermane come back any time soon? I've got another question here, but it may be risky, so I'll ask separately.
6. Is Walter Hardy ever gonna come back into the spotlight?
7. One character in this show I have to love is Electro. You've simply pulled him off so well. It seems obvious that he'll at least appear, but I was wondering if he would have his own episode in Season 3?


Greg responds...

I'm not commenting on any of this. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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anonymous writes...

Hello. I had some questions regarding a possible third season for "The Spectacular Spider-Man". I read what you said and I know that you can't reveal much about Season Three. But hopefully, these kind of questions won't really go into spoiler territory.

Still, there are SPIDEY SPOILERS in this post for those who haven't seen Season Two yet.


... Seriously.

#1.) Will Peter blame himself, be haunted by or feel guilty for Norman Osborn's "death" next season? He kind of was the one who damaged the Green Goblin's glider and sent him to his explosive demise at that water tower.

#2.) So the Connors are in Florida, huh? Does this mean it'll be harder to bring them back on the show, even though classic Stan Lee stories had Spidey fight the Lizard in Florida before?

#3.) I know you cannot comment on which villains you'll be using next season, new or otherwise. I know it's still questionable if there's a pick-up for a new season or not, but let's say that our prayers are answered and, praise Jeebus [thanks for that, Homer Simpson ;)], there's a new season! You said you cannot use the Owl and possibly not the Beetle either. Does this mean you can or cannot use characters like Boomerang, Jack O'Lantern and Swarm on your show at all, or is this "no comment" territory? I'm merely asking because the three villains I listed are essentially Spider-Man villains, but they were not first introduced in a Spider-Man comic and have fought other heroes as well.

#4.) I agree that Robbie and Mary Jane kind of got underused in season two, but I loved what you did with the Mary Jane/Mark Allan relationship. Is it likely we can see more of Robbie and M.J. next season, if possible? I don't know what you have planned or can reveal, but still...

On a side note, please do not introduce any of the "Clone Saga" or "One More Day"/"Brand New Day" stories on your show. I am still plagued by nightmares from reading those fiascos, and the whole clone mess they did on "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" didn't help me like the clone storys any better either.

Thanks so much for giving us two brilliant seasons of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" and I hope you get many more. This show can't end at just two seesons, Mr. Weisman.


Greg responds...

1. Guilt is one of Pete's go-to emotions.

2. No comment.

3. If and when I get back to Sony, I'd have to find out whether I had access to those characters.

4. I like 'em both too, you know.

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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Matthew Woodley writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, it's a pleasure to ask you some questions. I've been a big fan of Gargoyles since I was a kid and I'm a big fan of the Spectacular Spider-Man in which I believe you're doing a great job at.

Now as for my questions...
1)Is the Green Goblins hatred for Spider-Man the same or at least close to his comic counterpart?

2) How much of Ultimate Spider-Man have you read?

3)Are you more of a supporter for the Gwen an Peter relationship? Or do you believe that a Mary-Jane and Peter relationship can work in some ways?

4) Has Marvel asked you to write for some of their other shows?

5) Is there a chance that you could (Theoretically) fit Brand New Day villains into new seasons?

6)If it comes to it, would you do the One More Day storyline if you got the chance to?

Greg responds...


1. That's a value judgement. And it's a tough one to make because there have been so many different interpretations of GG in the comics by different creators. I think we're on a level with the way Stan Lee handled the character.

2. A goodly amount.

3. Things come in their proper time.

4. Nope. Though I'd love to.

5. If we get more episodes.

6. Probably not. There's not much point in REBOOTING a continuity that we've only just begun.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Sage Vega writes...

Hey Greg, it's me again. to tell you the truth, Venom is my #1 favorite Diabolical villain in the Spider-Man Legacy. Thanks for bringing him in. I was wondering will Venom return in season 2 for some fun revenge on the Web-Slinger?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Ming writes...

About the Spectacular Spider-man cartoon, are you going to incorporate some (if not all) of the characters and storylines from the Spider-man: Brand New Day era into the show?

Greg responds...

There's one that immediately appealed to me. As for the rest, it depends how many episodes we get in the future.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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AJC writes...

Hi Greg!

Big fan of the The Spectacular Spider-man show! I love the animation and the designs (I was weary of the designs at first but I afterwards became accustomed to them. Now I LOVE Cheek's designs!). Your show has actually led me to read some key issues from amazing spider-man and maybe during the summer when I have more free time, I'll begin reading from issue number one. So thank you for that! Even after reading just 2 or 3 random issues, I was absolutely impressed with the characters and plots that you have taken from the comics and shaped it into a modern vision for the show.
(Spoilers SPOILERS spoilers from Season 2)
1)Don't you think it would have been appropriate to show the reactions of the Connors and Gwen after Eddie was carted away for his insanity? Do they not care? :(
2) Wasn't it a little too coincidental for norman to assume his son would be passed out (Even if Norman knew Harry was drinking it) as soon as he got back from fighting spider-man? BTW, loved 'Final Curtain'... Very suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat (Even better than the season one finale)!
3)What was the point of flash and Sha Shan getting together? Other than developing Flash's character, it didn't seem to affect Spider-man/Peter's life?
4)Would you revisit the gang war? I was kinda hoping there would be huger scale of the gang war like accomplices and gangland (I really loved accomplices because of that).
5)When the full season sets come out, will they have the gun fire sounds or lasers? Extra scenes? Any plans for commentaries for the episodes?
6) If you do not get a season 3 (which would be complete blasphemy!!!!!), would you think about doing plans for Spider-man DTV's sooner?
As a fan, I hope that when you DO get a pickup for further seasons, I really hope you get more than 13 episodes per season. This show deserves it!

Greg responds...


1. Of course, they care. But AGAIN, I just don't have room in 19 and a half minutes to show every possible reaction from every relevant character. To put in a Connors and Gwen reaction SOMETHING ELSE would have had to get cut. I feel we showed the MOST important scenes.

2. He didn't assume that. He wasn't planning to frame Harry. But he found Harry passed out beside a vial of Globulin Green, so he took advantage of the opportunity.

3. Actually, it's already had an effect on Peter. Remember Flash slamming Pete against a locker to get his advice on how to win Sha Shan over? Pulling him under the table on Valentine's day to make sure he didn't say anything stupid? And that's just the start.

4. Nothing is over.

5. I don't know.

6. I'm not clear what you're asking. If we don't get a third season, we're not likely to get the opportunity to do Direct to DVDs instead.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Thomas writes...

Spectacular Spider-Man is an amazing show, and you've done what other spidey shows haven't by having some of the story-lines from the comics like Master Planner and Molten Man and such. Are there any other story-lines form the comics that you'd like to use? Or are there some that you've made up that you feel would make the show even more spectacular then it already is?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Mike writes...

I'm sorry if this question has already been asked before but when do you expect to get any news on Season 3? Also how is your "cause" to get Season 3 on production?

Greg responds...

My "cause"? I don't know what you mean.

We'd expect news on Season Three sometime after Season Two begins airing on Disney XD, i.e. NO SOONER than late June. Probably more like July.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Galax writes...

Hi Greg.

Can you tell me, which Animationstudio produced the episodes of the show?
Maybe a name of one or all?

thx a lot.

Greg responds...

Sony TV Animation produced the series. But if you mean what studios animated them, we used Dong Wu, Han Ho & Moi.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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RTS writes...


Hi Greg.

Great work on Season 2, I might not know exactly how the system works, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be renewed. Hopefully by the time you answer this you will have good news to tell about that, but for now, a few questions regarding what's been done so far.

1) In season 2 episode 8, "Accomplices", we see Black Cat spray something onto a window before going through it, we then see the window wobble around or something after she goes into the vent. What did she do to the window, exactly?

2) Was the lead into Hobie Brown first speaking in the role of Puck something you planned well ahead of time, or did Hobie's silence become a running joke before you made that decision?

3) On the subject, any chance that you tried to get Brent Spiner to do the role?

4) In "Growing Pains", I couldn't help noticing that a certain "Greg Weisman" is named on the cast list shown at the end. I was just wondering whether you have ever performed any role in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", since it is mentioned in one of the FAQs that you've taken acting classes in the past.

5) You're the best. (This isn't a question)

Greg responds...


1. First she melted the real glass with acid. Then she replaced it with a reflective "paper" that mimicked the look of the glass. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

2. The former.

3. The role of Hobie? No.

4. Yes, I've been in "Midsummer" as Theseus and in another production as Philostrate.

5. Right back at ya.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Kyle Tonarella writes...

I just want to apologize for asking for the black cat question and say i won't bug you anymore about your season 3 plans. I'll just stop asking season 3 questions and support the show buying the season box set for starters and watching the show disney XD which I've been doing.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Thomas writes...

Alright, you've had Venom in season 1 and 2 or 'The Spectacular Spider-Man, and you gave Cletus Kassidy a cameo in season 2. Does this mean your going to introduce Carnage into the fray, or would that be a bit much for the show?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 19, 2009

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Michael Byrne writes...

Hey, Greg! Just wanted to say that I loved every new episode of Season 2, all the way up to Goblin and Spidey's climactic battle! But...there is something I want to understand about [[spoiler]] Norman. Why did he go to such measures to take over the Big Man's empire after his identity was guessed by Spidey? I mean, Normie has it all: a great tech company, a loyal son, and a home people only dream of renting. Was he trying to protect all that from others by taking command, or was he simply an ungrateful tyrant obsessed with power and money? I mean, I know he cares about his son in little amounts...but I just can't fathom the reasons for why he did what he did.

Either way, it's been a great two seasons so far, and I encourage you to keep the dream of a season 3 alive. This series, simply put, is lightning in a bottle.

Greg responds...


Well, my gut reaction is to say if it isn't clear what kind of guy he is from the episodes themselves (let alone 40+ years of continuity) then nothing I say here is going to matter much. But basically, he wanted MORE.

Response recorded on May 19, 2009

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Tom Daylight writes...

Hi Greg,

Congratulations on putting together the best screen adaptation of Spider-Man of all time. I was particularly impressed with your Green Goblin whodunnit. I wonder if you're going to take a similar approach to the Hobgoblin story?

As far as I can see, there are not only a ton of "red herring" candidates in the source material (in fact Roger Stern said it could have been absolutely anyone other than Peter Parker and Robbie - and indeed he invited his replacement Tom DeFalco to unmask Hobgoblin as anyone he liked, although ironically he'd left the book by the time that happened), there's at least four alternative candidates you could genuinely cast in the role (names and descriptions omitted for the sake of spoiler aversion; I hope you know which I'm referring to). The character who was unmasked and officially was the first Hobgoblin for nine years, the character who was revealed to actually be the original Hobgoblin after all that time (mainly due to some writer switches), the character who took on the Hobgoblin's mantle after believing he'd murdered the first one, and the character who became Hobgoblin in Ultimate Spider-Man.

So the way I see it, the casting of this character won't be as clear-cut as "the guy it technically was in the comics all along", because in reality it was a whole bunch of different characters depending on when you were reading it. And casting Montana as Shocker, Tombstone as the Big Man, etc, suggests to me that you're not afraid of playing against the diehards' expectations. So, presuming there is a season three... will this kind of thing play into your Hobgoblin story, or will you be introducing him more as a viewer-in-on-everything supervillain?

Hey, maybe you could even satisfy that Robbie fan by making him a suspect this time. :)

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 18, 2009

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THE BIG CHEESE writes...

Hi Greg. I have always wondered why did you make the Big Man of Crime Tombstone? Because in the comics, Tombstone was a hitman. Thanks. Please write me back.

Greg responds...

As I've stated (many times) before, our original plan was to use Kingpin, but he turned out to be unavailable to us. Tombstone seemed like a character who would well-fit that roll, and I think that proved true. I'd still like to have a shot at Kingpin some day, but I can hardly regret how things turned out.

Response recorded on May 15, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

"I did read "One More Day" and I read the first year or so of "Brand New Day" before my workload overwhelmed me. It would be pretty hypocritical of me to rant against the resetting of timelines, since in essence that's what I've done on this show. "

How would it be hypocritical? You are starting a new universe from scratch with the benefit of hindsight. Marvel reset an existing universe to a status quo that hadn't existed in two decades.

What are your thoughts on the marriage between Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson? Do you think it was a good idea? Marvel, and a lot of anti-marriage fans seem to be stuck on this Spider-Archie character. It's like they don't want their characters to grow and evolve.

Spider-Man has always seemed to be a story about coming of age and growing up. That seems to be the theme of your show also.

Did Marvel drop the ball and lose sight of who this character is? Because it seems that way to me.

I would have loved to see him as a dad, raising Baby May with Mary Jane, but Marvel chose to have Norman Osborn kidnap or kill that child (they never said what happened) because they felt it would age him.

But what sucks the most is that Stan Lee was the one who married them. It's what he wanted for his characters. What Marvel did to them would be like some future writer of "Gargoyles" deciding that it's boring if Goliath and Elisa get together because the tension there was the core of the relationship and resets their entire relationship back to what it was in the first episode.

Greg responds...


Personally, I like characters who grow and change. My all time favorite episode of The Simpsons, is the one where Lisa is having her fortune told and we flash-forward to her in college, falling in love and NOT getting married.

But when you're working on a commercial property that fundamentally has to work commercially, it can be tough when your series has evolved beyond its original premise, especially when you have MULTIPLE authors who have pushed and pulled the thing in multiple (well-intentioned) directions over the course of 40+ years. (Stan wasn't REALLY the guy who married Pete & M.J., no matter how much he participated in the decision and execution of the wedding itself. His run on the book had long since ended.)

Ttake the argument to it's natural extreme. Let's say, to be generous, that Pete was 15 in 1962. So now in 2009, he's 62-years-old. By all rights, if we really wanted to see him change and grow over time, we wouldn't be reading about Pete and M.J. raising baby May. We'd be reading about Pete and M.J. attending May's wedding and the birth of HER kids. (Or whatever.) And we'd be seeing a 62-year-old Spidey swinging around the city... or seriously considering retirement (or whatever).

Now, me? Yeah, actually, that REALLY interests me. It totally does. But I get why it's a commercial nightmare -- and you must also.

You ask how would it be hypocritical of me to rant against resetting timelines, but the answer is pretty obvious. Sony and Marvel approach me about doing a new Spidey show, and I pitch them a sixteen-year-old Pete in high school in 2008. I'm resetting. (You call it "starting a new universe from scratch", but really, what's the difference?) I could have pitched them: I'd like to see Spider-Man as a grandpa. They wouldn't have bought it and frankly, as much as it interests me, I'm not sure I'd have wanted to do it as a Saturday morning cartoon even if they had said yes.

And bringing up an ensemble show like Gargoyles with (more or less) a single guiding hand is really apples and oranges. I can evolve the premise and the relationships and even age the characters, because I can constantly add younger characters at the other end to maintain commerciality. Best of both worlds.

But with a single character property like Spider-Man, what happens when you've aged him beyond his premise. Do you live with it? Do you try to make it work commercially anyway? Can the premise evolve? Or do you find a way to reset. There's no one right answer, but folks have to bite the bullet and decide. Once a decision is made, then it becomes about execution.


Look at the recent Star Trek movie. They took the continuity and reset it using time travel. The Spidey staff used Mephisto. The concept of the reset/clean slate was surprisingly similar. What remains is execution. Some folks may buy into the Trek reset because of the execution. Some may not. Same with Spidey. And then there are some folks who just don't like the idea of doing a reset AT ALL. That's legit too.

I had the advantage of doing an adaptation for another medium. So I could reset without any continuity excuse. And still, at the end of the day, whether people liked what I did had a lot more to do with execution than themere FACT that I did or didn't reset. Same, I'd guess, goes for One More Day/Brand New Day.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Are there any particular Sagas you're hoping to intergrate with the Spectacular Universe? Like the Clone Saga, Six Arm Saga, Indentity Crisis Saga, or some combination?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

why is Peter not trying to be with Mary Jane? Why is it Gwen? He married Mary Jane in the comics. He was in love with Mary Jane in all the other cartoons. He was with Mary Jane in the movies. Why is she not important here?

And why this stuff with Liz? Gwen/Peter/MJ should be the triangle. Not Liz.

And Mary Jane should be who he loves, not Gwen.

Greg responds...

Well, if you read the original comics, Gwen was his first real love, and his (much later) relationship with Mary Jane was a DIRECT result of their shared grief over her death. Betty was his first girlfriend, and Liz was someone else he was into as well for a considerable period of time. M.J. was always hot, but early on, she was never interested in being a one-man woman. That's just who she was. We're trying to be true to all that, and more. So have a little patience.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Brad writes...

You answered my question about Morbius by saying that you could only confirm plans for Hobgoblin and Scorpion, but I guess what I really wanted to know was if you could actually use him at all? I've heard the 90's show had many problems clearing him for the network, not allowing him to use his fangs or say the word 'blood' (opting instead for suction cups in his hands and a desire for 'plasma'.)

Loved the first two seasons and particularly the framing devices used in the second (nice touch with the Opera), anxiously awaiting a season 3.

Greg responds...

No comment on Morbius. Thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Bazell writes...

Glad this site is back up and running. I hope you got everything done that you needed during the hiatus.
Spectacular Spider-Man has been, well, freakin' spactacular. As a life long Spider-Man fan and current comic book reader, it is with an air of nerdy sophistication that I lend my compliments to all involved in the process.
Now that my nose is sufficiently brown:

I know that translations from one established medium to another require changes and adaptation, not only in terms of style but content as well. I don't pretend to know much about the official process of adapting a story into a new format, but watching many of these television shows and movies that are based on comic book (or novel) storylines that I am intimatly framiliar with often can leave me... wanting. Even in this current show, clearly many alterations of the original storyline have been made. Certainly some of the changes are for the purposes of pacing, keeping episode count down, updating things for modern audiences, etc. But other changes seem unneceassary in terms of such thing to the casual, yet involved, viewer like me. Now understand, I am in no way asking you to justify changes that have been made to a story I already know. If it was the EXACT same story, then I would know what's going to happen at all times. I am confident that changes you and your team have made have been for the purposes of telling the best Spider-Man story you could, so my question is this: what can dictate the changes you make? Also, I assume you must seek some sort of approval from Marvel or Lee/Ditko or someone... is that oversight strict, or are you given certain measures of freedom? Are there any changes you made that you regret? What aspects of the Spider-Man mythos did you consider sacrosanct beyond the obvious necessities about his origin story?

Thank you, as always, for the time you give us fans.

Greg responds...


Marvel approves everything. But I have to say, they've been great partners -- which of course to me means they seem to love what we're doing! ;)

Changes are dictated by all the things you mentioned above, but in adapting the property, we tried to follow what we came to call "The Five Cs": Make it Contemporary, Cohesive, Coherent, Classic and iConic.

When you lay eyes on any character for the first time, especially the villains, you want the viewer to say, "Wow, yes! That IS Doctor Octopus [or whomever]!" He has to be that iconic, that classic. But at the same time we want to make his look contemporary.

The same notion applies to storytelling. Over forty plus years of continuity (with ideas coming from Lee/Ditko, Lee/Romita and everyone since including Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man and the Raimi movies, etc.), there's going to be a ton of interesting characters and story ideas, but there's also going to be considerable duplication, a false start here and there, conflicting interpretations, etc. Having the advantage of hindsight when looking at this wealth of material, we strived to make the show more coherent and cohesive than the original.

This in turn helps it feel more contemporary. Storytelling has changed over the last set of decades, and a modern audience is more sophisticated with more stringent expectations. For example, just having every villain (and your hero) created from random exposures to radiation is a bit tough to swallow... on many levels. So -- as arrogant as I know it sounds -- we try to improve on the origins, by weaving characters and plotlines together, by limiting the sources of where someone can get super-powers, etc. Likewise, we may combine two characters that overlap so much that they fulfill the same function. For example, Bennett Brant + Mark Raxton/Molten Man = Mark Allan/Molten Man, or it did for us, anyway. Doing this made things more coherent and more personal to Spider-Man/Peter.

Having said all that, it was EXTREMELY important to us that the characters remained Classic and Iconic in the writing as well as the visuals. I STUDIED these characters and all the source material intensely. I tried to get down to the core essence of each character, i.e. what made him or her who he or she was to the reader. Flash is a bully, who deep down is actually an honorable guy. He's a guy who starts out as Pete's nemesis (and ironically Spidey's biggest fan) and eventually becomes both a decorated war veteran and one of the few people that Pete can count on. We knew we were starting with High School Flash, but we wanted to plant seeds of the guy we knew he'd become.

On the other hand, I studied Shocker. Great powers. Fun battles. Iconic costume. Secret i.d. = a cypher. Yes, we know his name, but there's nothing about Herman that makes him special. So in an attempt to make our universe more cohesive and coherent, I combined Montana with Shocker. I don't make that decision likely, and I do get that this bothers some folks, but it really felt like it worked in the context of our series, and Marvel agreed.

Another example: The Green Goblin was introduced as a mystery. Stan and Steve kept us guessing as to who was the man behind the mask for years. That mystery seemed FUNDAMENTAL to the character. And yet we knew that the audience knew that Norman Osborn was the Goblin. So how do you create a fundamentally necessary mystery when the audience already knows the answer? The solution was misdirection. Many people still guessed or assumed that Norman was the Goblin, but some people were fooled (at least briefly) and because I was NOT above making Montana into Shocker, seeds of doubt were planted. There's been (thankfully) a lot of positive feedback on our second season finale. And many people said something along the lines of, "Even though I knew it was Norman Osborn, you still kept me guessing." That's exactly what we hoped would happen.

This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other examples. But it should give you something of a window into our very exacting process.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Anonymous writes...


Can we see th Chameleon in season three?

Can we see the Lizard in season three, too?

Will Sandman be back in season three?

Will Rhino return for a third season?

Do you have plans for Doc Ock be in more than one episode for season three?

Is Venom going to be back for season three?

Can Mysterio be back in season three?

~ Thanx

Greg responds...

And again, no comment. NO COMMENT on what's planned for Season Three, beyond the arrival of Hobgoblin and Scorpion. Those are two BIG spoilers. And I'm not giving out any others.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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BackLash writes...

Hello sir,

1. In episode 9 "The Uncertainty Principle, who was that "cheerleader" in the ping wig and green jacket, hanging out with Flash and the "girls"?
2. How come Montana is the Shocker in the show?
3. If there is later seasons, will Bluebird or Prowler make appearances?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... honestly, it's been so long since I saw that episode, it's hard to remember which guy was wearing the pink wig. Was it Rand? Kenny? Hobie? Tiny?

2. I've addressed this. Check the archives.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Branden Harvey writes...

The show is great. I LOVED both seasons (especally Final Curtain). I have a few questions:

1. SPIDEY SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Norman framed Hary in The Uncertainty Principle, how come Harry was switching back and forth between himself and the Goblin persona?

2. SPIDEY SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In First Steps, how was Eddie able to make a web when he didn't have the symbiote on?

3. How long will it take after you get the ok for a third season to produce the season and make it available for television?


Greg responds...


1. Huh?

2. He created a web-shooter, since he had all of Peter's memories.

3. About ten months, give or take.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr.Greg Weisman i want to give some compliments about Spectacular Spider-Man.
Doctor Octopus is one of my favorite Spider-Man Villains(others are Venom,Green Goblin,Lizard And Carnage).I like him very much in your show.In 90's animated series he was good,but later was just henchmen for Kingpin like much villain in 90's show.In your show he is very cool and evil character.In all of his episodes best were Reaction And Shear Strenght(that's my opinion)and there he was 100 percent EVIL(Like he should be).I also liked how in Group Therapy he showed interested in Symbiote,and in Gangland he said that criminal empire should be run like a science.You should make storyline where Dock Ock wants to test Symbionte or Become Monster-Ock(Like one of Spider-Man Games) in Season 3 or 4.Also for some reason i think that he employed Chameleon to steal Symbiote in Persona.
Idea to make episode arcs In Spectacular Spider-Man was brilliant,and Big Three(Venom,Doctor Octopus,Green Goblin)has 2 their own arcs.Venom has Symbiote and Venom arcs.Green Goblin Got First Green Goblin Arc and Return of Goblin Arcs.Doctor Octopus has Master Planner Arc And Gang War Arc.And they are like Main Villains in your show and they done worse things than any other villain.I don't like that some fans are saying that some episodes are fillers,but i don't think that way.Good luck developing storylines in future.
And i have one question.Do you plan to add another crime lord to Spectacular Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

To me, none of our episodes are filler. Certainly, none were INTENDED as filler All serve multiple purposes and hopefully tell a great story. But I'm biased, obviously.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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Sage Vega writes...

Hey Greg, I'm Sage. Here are my questions, I'm a huge fan of thh new spider-man show and I've watched the first season 5 times. I haven't seen the second season yet, but I was wondering... On season 3, could you add the Spot into the frey. Because He's my favorite funny bad guy, Besides he might give Spidey a big headache by goofing around with him a lot.

Greg responds...

I know this must sound obnoxious, but I'm NOT taking requests. Doesn't mean Spot won't appear; doesn't mean he will. (I'm not going to reveal that at this point.) It just means I have an overall plan already, that's been constructed with some intricacy. I can neither pull nor replace a thread without the whole thing unravelling. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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anonmous writes...



**Fine, don't blame me if you get spoiled.**

...Or maybe you can. It's your call.

[EDIT; WHOOPS!! Somehow part 2 got approved before part 1. That was most certainly not my intention. Sorry about that.]

Anyway, hello, sir. Nice to see you're taking questions again.

I've seen all the episodes for season two. It was an excellent season, but to be honest, it was also a disappointing one. I'd like to share my thoughts on this season's episodes, if I may, and tell you what I loved, what I didn't care for, and what episodes I thought were the best/worst of the new season...

Part 1 of reviews

This was one great episode. I loved how this was an introduction to Mysterio that didn't just adapt "The Amazing Spider-Man", vol. 1, #13, which was Mysterio's comic debut. It was good to see the Connors back and that Peter gets a second chance working with them, and thanks to Norman Osborn of all people! Loved Stan Lee's cameo, it was great to see everyone back, and the look of Mysterio was awesome. Also, loved, loved, LOVED the saloon fight with Spider-Man and the army of Mysterio robots. It's good to see that Mysterio is actually a hand-to-hand fighter against Spidey in addition to being the master of illusion. Mysterio never fought Spidey on the Fox Kids Spider-Man series, which I always hated, but here, Mysterio is just great. The gargoyle Homunculi robots that Mysterio used were also great. Can't go wrong with those little critters. The ending with Spidey not recognizing Quentin Beck had me laughing and the Tinkerer appearance was also nice. Great to see Beck escaped going to jail by using a robot double. And Master Planner makes himself known when he talks with Tinkerer on the phone. Very nice. As for Osborn's final scene, never thought I'd think seeing a guy picking the pieces off a cracked egg could be so dang creepy in all my life. So, Osborn's mentoring Peter now, huh? Does Osborn suspect something about Peter and wants to keep a closer eye on him? Hmm...

My only major complaint with "Blueprints" is the voice of Mysterio. We all know Beck is a better sfx maestro than an actor, but come on! His voice is too over the top and way too hammy, even for Mysterio. I was expecting Xander Berkeley to have a voice for Mysterio that was gruffer, kind of like the voice he used for the evil sheriff he played in "Shanghai Noon" or something like that. I hope in season three that Beck takes acting lessons and gives Mysterio a better voice. Just because Mysterio looks a bit silly, wearing a fishbowl helmet and all, it doesn't mean he has to SOUND silly too. This isn't a complaint against you personally, but I think someone should fix this and tell Mr. Berkeley to change Mysterio's voice to make it less cheesy.

"Destructive Testing":
This was a great, GREAT intro for Kraven. This is my favorite version of Kraven to date. The addition of Calypso was also wonderful, as I hated the Mariah Crawford version we got on the 90s series. Debra Whitman pops up, Miles Warren gets some more focus, and Kraven gets an upgrade. Uh...okay, I didn't like the latter being in this episode. It was simply too quick to change Kraven. It's not that I didn't like the idea of it, but I thought this should have been done later in the season or the next season, but still, it was nice to see Miles Warren give Kraven his new powers and lion-like look. I just wish we saw Kraven look human a bit more first. I mean, we barely got a chance to get used to normal-looking Kraven, and then he looks like an animal with his next bout with Spider-Man. And the part where Calypso and Kraven are together at the end just felt...wrong. Granted, it's nice to see Calypso is still with Kraven given his new appearance, but it looks a bit cartoony and is the supervillain version of Beauty and the Beast. I swear, I was expecting Cogsworth and Lumiere to pop up and break into a kiddie song. Still, it was a great episode overall, and another great tease for the Master Planner.

This is my fourth favorite episode of the season. Everyone's wondering whether or not the inmate Cletus with the red hair and Santa hat is really Cletus Kasady/future Carnage, or maybe a relative of Beavis. Regardless, the cameo is nice and this episode is simply wonderful. I didn't buy, though, that Electro was suddenly liking being a villain, but then I didn't get that part of "group Therapy" in season one. In "Group Therapy", Electro wants a cure from Doc Ock when at the dinner table but throughout the episode, he insists people call him Electro? Weird. The reforming Doc Ock was nice and I liked how Dr. Kafka stood up for him, even if she did get zapped down by Electro by intervening. I thought the Sinister Six would attack all at once again, but alas, no such luck. It's also bizarre that Shocker is not included to join the team, but perhaps it's due to Shocker working for Hammerhead/Tombstone. Remember, in "Group Therapy", Montana tells Ock that Mr. H says they're available. Also, I like Mysterio's voice when he talks normal, like when Mysterio talks to Rhino about why Tinkerer couldn't be a member of the Sinister Seven that Master Planner mentions. Once he's fighting AS Mysterio, though, he still hams it up. Oy. Despite this, I especially love the introduction of Blackie Gaxton here. It's nice to see classic Spidey characters introduced, especially for the first time on an animated series. I really hope we have a Doctor Octopus/Gaxton meeting in the future. I loved seeing Peter and everyone from his school ice skating and the team-of-two Sinister Six pairings. Seeing Peter burn his tongue on his hot drink and have him try to quip as Spidey was just priceless. Spidey has some of the funniest lines ever in this episode, and my favorite is when he sees Jameson with the Santa cap on ("Lock your chimneys, folks."). The Rhino and Sandman pairing was my favorite, and Rhino's reaction when he realizes Spidey's tricked him had me rolling ("I hate you...so much."). It was neat to see that Master Planner had Tinkerer free five out of the Six members, though I wished Rhino was arrested rather than Mysterio so we'd see Doc Ock lead the original Sinister Six. The best part was with Tinkerer breaking out Doc Ock with his own tentacles, and Doc Ock screaming "NOOOOOOOO!!" in horror just gave me goosebumps. Finally, the ending was very nice when Peter gave Aunt May her present. Great work.

"Shear Strength":
Another brilliant episode, and we even get a cameo by Morris Bench/future Hydro-Man. Best of all, we learn the voice of Bench is Patrick Star himself, Bill Fagerbakke! PLEASE say he returns to voice Hydr-Man next season!

So Doc Ock is the Master Planner? Wonderful! I don't care how he managed to keep in touch with everyone from Ravencroft, especially since that place needs MUCH better security anyway. This was Doc Ock at his best and much, MUCH better than how he's been portrayed in the comic books in years. Mysterio, you need Doc Ock as your acting coach after his convincing performance in the previous episode. THIS is how you fool people. So Ock wants to gain control over the internet and he's got no problem with abducting Gwen Stacy so that he can force her father into getting him what he wants. I also love the new chip you gave Ock that grants him new control over his arms, though I still feel to this day he should have had complete mental control over his arms anyway once his harness was fused to his skin in "Reaction". Anyway, we get Tinkerer, Vulture, and Electro thrown in for good measure. The fights between Electro and Spider-Man and then Ock's fight with Spider-Man were very well done and exciting. You guys know how to keep a guy hooked with good fight sequences. Best of all, we get to see Spider-Man to reenact the same famous scene where he lifts the debris off of him from "The Amazing Spider-Man", vol. 1, #33. You guys actually improve upon that iconic image when Spidey's own might tears part of his outfit when he's lifting the machinery off of him. My only complaint in the episode is that Doc Ock didn't take Electro with him when he escaped. They have a bit of a mentor/pupil relationship, and Electro himself even says he worshipped Ock in "Reinforcement". Did Doc Ock leave Electro behind because he was upset with him for trashing his lab after he ordered him to stand down, or did he merely not want to risk being caught by Spider-Man by not picking Electro up when he was making his escape? Or maybe he was just so eager to ditch Spider-Man in his ruined lab and leave him to die that he forgot? Whatever the reason, it kind of gave me pause. Thankfully, Spidey took him out when he left with Gwen so we know we'll see more of Electro in the series. In all, it's one of the best episodes of the season -- and the series. It's my third favorite for season two.

"First Steps":
At first I thought, "A solo Sandman story? Why? We could be seeing a new villain introduced instead and we just saw him in 'Reinforcement'." Of course, that was BEFORE I saw this episode, and man, it was a gem. I was pleasantly surprised with this one, with Spider-Man mocking Sandman for still comitting the same petty thefts he did as Flint Marko when he could be using his powers for so much more. It also gives us a great line, where Spidey quotes "With great power comes great..." and Sandman adds "Gullibility!!" before punching him. We also get more out of Hammerhead, which is cool because I love Mr. DiMaggio's scenes where he voices Sandman and Hammerhead together. We also get Sha Shan, and on this series, Sha Shan's voice actress is none other than "X2" co-star Kelly Hu! Sweet! The video segment moments for Flash's birthday party were nice, though I'll never think of the nickname "Flash" Thompson the same ever again. I'm a bit surprised this one got through the censors. Anyway, the best moment at the party, to me, was Rand's reaction with Sally when they were filming. I know you guys mean well, but MAN, I dislike Sally. How this girl will eventually become Bluebird is beyond me at this point. Sandman has some great moments of his own, especially the moment on the beach with the little girl and her sand castle. The ending was nice, though I still cringe at the memories of the sand-giant Sandman from the terrible, terrible "Spider-Man 3" film. However, Sandman's return at the episode's end and Eddie Brock's re-appearance in this episode made it all worth it. And now that Eddie has his symbiote back, we're gonna have a heck of a good time with Venom...

"Growing Pains":
I thought the transformation of John Jameson was kind of quick here, but who cares? This episode is brilliant. Not only do we get John Jameson playing hero (and later villain to Spidey) as Colonel Jupiter, we get Venom! The Venom moments were some of the best I've ever seen, with Venom's framing Spidey while in the black costume were nicely done. I'm a bit surprised that electricity is what stops John Jameson and that he's still a bit insane after what happened to him, but heck, we get a real reason for Jameson to genuinely hate Spider-Man. I assume he'll be bringing in Mac Gargan in the future to get revenge on Spider-Man for what he did to his son. I feel bad for John Jameson and hope he changes back to his own, sane self...even if we all want him to go through the misfortune of becoming Man-Wolf at some point in the future. To top it all off, we get quite possibly the best cliffhanger ending of all, where Venom breaks into the Bugle and announces that Peter is Spider-Man in front of his shocked co-workers!

"Identity Crisis"
Okay, seriously...great, great, GREAT work here, guys. This episode made me wish that this, THIS, was the Venom we got for "Spider-Man 3": ruthless, persistent, vile, and wanting nothing more than Spider-Man dead. I loved everyone's reaction to Ned Lee's question that Peter Parker could be Spider-Man. To me, the Connors and Aunt May had the best reactions, though Norman's simple "No." comment was effective and creepy. Maybe he already knows and won't tell anyone? Anyway, we even get a Quentin Beck cameo in prison during Ned's interview that foreshadows a later episode! Sweet! We also get Flash Thompson helping Spider-Man out and the return of Dr. Connors' gene cleanser. That's the only part of this story I don't buy. THAT is how Venom gets defeated? Granted, I know that Venom's vulnerability to sonic vibrations is how Spidey got rid of the symbiote and that it's unlikely we'll see Venom's weakness to fire animated. But really, what does this do to the symbiote? Does it mean it can't bond to Brock anymore? Does it change it so that it becomes a red symbiote for Carnage? Sigh. Season Three can't come fast enough to show us what the future holds for Eddie Brock and the symbiote. Although, I love how Eddie wanted the symbiote back and it's a bit heartbreaking that he has to hold onto his hatred in order to get the symbiote back because, otherwise, it wouldn't return to him and Eddie would feel that he'd have nothing left. Poor Eddie. Poor, INSANE Eddie, but poor Eddie nonetheless. However, I'm quite sure we haven't seen the last of Eddie Brock as Venom. He's too popular to keep away for long and the "Spectacular" version of Venom is my favorite of all time. Here, he's truly showcased as to why he's one of Spider-Man's most popular, deadliest and greatest enemies that the hero has to face off with. In the end, Peter's secret is safe and Captain Stacy makes his first hint he may know Peter's secret. Oh, man, that was just wonderful! I'm going to bet that, as of now, the only ones who know for sure that Peter is Spider-Man are Captain Stacy and Mary Jane Watson. I'm pretty sure M.J. knows already, like how she knew from nearly the beginning in the comics.

I'll mention the other episodes shortly...



Greg responds...

Again, no new chip in Ock. This is the same chip that fused to his spine from the beginning. It's always given him complete control over his arms. But that doesn't explain what POWERS the arms.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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anonmous writes...




Hello, I said I'd be back.

Here's part two of my episode reviews for season two...

So we get Frederick Foswell as Patch, Black Cat's cameo return, a bidding war between a bunch of supervillains, the introduction of Kingsley, and the debut Silver Sable...and voiced by Nikki Cox, no less! Man, you guys know how to throw a party! I didn't even mind that Silver Sable turned out to be Silvermane's daughter. Seeing Doc Ock at the auction with Vulture, as well as his tentacles around two lovely ladies, was a nice addition and Ock even convinces Rhino to go out and get the chip. I'm just surprised Vulture didn't speak. When we get Kingsley, he acts like Roderick one minute and then his twin brother Daniel the next. I'm guessing he's actually both, since we only have Courtney B. Vance credited as "Kingsley" in the credits. Not only do we get to see Spider-Man fight Hammerhead (finally!!), but we get a brief Rhino/Spidey team-up! Best of all, said chip is a fake and the real one is with Norman Osborn! Osborn's taking a long walk down a dark path now and I love every second of it.

"Probable Cause":
I hate to say it, but this was kind of a filler episode for me. I mean, we've got the Shocker back and the Enforcers. But did the Enforcers really need costumes too like the Shocker? One of the reasons I love the Enforcers in the comics is because they are normal looking foes. They're not supposed to wear super-powered villain costumes. This is why I do not like Montana being the Shocker in this series. Herman Schultz may not be as memorable as Otto Octavius or Norman Osborn in the alter-ego department, but he's the Shocker. He's just a crook who wants to steal cash and keep a professional reputation, but keeps getting foiled by Spider-Man. Having Montana as the Shocker is, no disrespect intented, just wrong in my opinion. To me, it's not the Shocker, it's Montana in a Shocker costume and with Shocker's gauntlets. This isn't as bad as the Rheinholdt Kragov Electro that the Fox Kids Spider-Man show gave us, but any deviation from a classic Spider-Man foe, especially in terms of their alter-egos, doesn't sit well with me. That's just how I roll. Besides, I especially did not care for seeing Fancy Dan as Ricochet. Ricochet was my favorite Spidey identity-turned-Slingers member and seeing someone with the name Ricochet as a villain made me cringe. The episode itself also seems a bit out of place to me. We had the start of the Gang War arc with the bid on the chip, and Gang War's conclusion comes up next. In between that, we get -- Shocker, Ox and Ricochet? That took me out of the story a bit, because it seems a bit out of place in this particular arc. I think, at least, this should have happened before the bidding war, because this is an odd choice for the middle of the Gang War arc, especially since most of the villains involved (Doc Ock, Tombstone, Silvermane, etc.) don't even show up in this episode. Also, we have focus on quite possible the worst villain that Spider-Man has faced on this show: Sally Avril. Seriously? Well, at least she did seem concerned about Peter in the episode when she thought he had died, even if it was for about two micro-seconds. However, I did love what happened with Flash in this episode. I'm really loving how much Flash has grown in this season and how he's been handled. Kudos, all. Stan Carter's dark comments regarding Spidey not going "far enough" against villains was a nice addition. And you have got to love that ending with Harry...

I never thought I'd love the opera so much in my entire life. We get Silvermane making his debut, AND his cyborg armor look to boot. I love the return of Silver Sable, but was disappointed she didn't do as much as she did in "Accomplices". Despite this, I liked how she was trembling when in Hammerhead's presence. It shows that Hammerhead is also growing as a criminal to fear, like the other crime lords here. Doc Ock, in particular, also shines here, and I love, love, LOVE what you've done with him in this episode. Next to "Shear Strength", THIS is the Doc Ock I know and love: brilliant, cold and extremely dangerous. His attack on the defenseless Silvermane and his hatred for Spider-Man during their fight scenes are wonderful to watch, and Peter MacNicol simply cannot appear in enough episodes as the voice of Ock. One moment I loved was when Doc Ock was shouting with rage in his final fight with Spider-Man in the sewers after he was kicked against the pipes. Seeing Ock continue to attack Spidey with just such fury shows just how frustrating and how hateful that Ock finds our heroic Spider-Man.

Please, please, PLEASE say we'll see Doc Ock in multiple episodes next season.

The only Doc Ock complaint is the sudden lack of the new chip. What happened here? Suddenly, Spidey removes the power pack again when Ock's knocked on the ground and Ock's tentacles no longer work. Did I miss something here? When Ock returns for season three, PLEASE say he'll get TOTAL mental control over his tentacles. This is the most annoying method ever for defeating Doc Ock, moreso than Spider-Man firing webs over Doc Ock's goggles/sunglasses. Ock is in serious need of improvement on your show.

However, I'll forgive this incident for the sheer joy for the next two highlights: Spider-Man's rematch with Tombstone, and the reveal of the new Big Man in the finale. The Green Goblin is back in style, just as crazy as ever. If Gobby's maniacal laughter at the finale doesn't give you chills and get you excited for next week's episode, I don't know what will.

In all, this is my second favorite episode for season two. Brilliant work, guys. I applaud you all.

My fifth favorite episode of this series. The introduction of Molten Man is wonderful, we get some great moments for Liz and Mary Jane, and we also get a bit of the Green Goblin. We even get Blackie Gaxton back, to boot! The personalities for the characters really shine here. I really felt bad for Mark here after all that's happened to him. When Liz shouts at Peter and then breaks down crying, you feel sorry for her. I also felt bad for seeing Mary Jane standing by herself when Peter comforts a sobbing Liz. I hope M.J. gets much more focus in season three...or in the current Marvel Comics, but that's another matter.

"Opening Night":
This wasn't a bad episode, it was very entertaining. But it's not one of the better episodes this season, either. I loved seeing all of the imprisoned villains together, especially since we saw Beck with inmates back in "Identity Crisis", hence my forshadowing mention earlier.

[Wait, did I really just say "hence"?!? What am I, a senior citizen?!?]

I loved seeing the Rhino, the Enforcers (thankfully without their costumes), Silvermane, and Molten Man. I especially love what you did with Molten Man here. You sooooo have to bring him back when there's a new third season. However, I didn't care much for the reveal of the imprisoned Quentin Beck as a robot that tranformed into Mysterio, though it does explain why Tinkerer didn't break out Mysterio at the finale of "Reinforcement". Despite this, the Mysterio gargoyles pop up again and are as fun and funny as ever, so I'll forgive it. I won't be so kind, though, on the reveal of Uncle Ben's real killer. Black Cat's father?!? Ugh. No offense, but this brought back bad memories of "Spider-Man 3" for me. We didn't need someone with a name or a history to be the guy who fatally shot Uncle Ben, or someone who felt haunted about doing it. In the comics, it's a nameless burglar. It's more effective. Sometimes, less is more, and it should've been that way here. Granted, it gives a new twist on the Spider-Man/Black Cat relationship, but here, it felt forced and unneeded. Though it's going to be interesting to see what Black Cat does next time she shows up. I did like her characterization here, and I really LOVED what you did with the Green Goblin. At this point, I honestly didn't care if it was Norman or Harry behind that mask: I simply wanted to see more of him. His rhyming, his hacking into the Vault, his fight with Spider-Man...it's just pure brilliance. We also get a great, long overdue moment on this show: Hobie Brown finally speaks!! However, I must applaud you with J. Jonah Jameson. He's just pure gold in this episode. I especially love his scenes in this episode, from his joy in seeing Spider-Man imprisoned to his quip about Mysterio's robots getting their own show. But the best is saved for last, indeed...

"Final Curtain":
Seriously...this is the best season two episode!! Everything here is just brilliant. From Peter's break-up with Liz Allan to the "is he or isn't he" guessing game of the man behind the Green Goblin's mask, this show had more twists and turns than any other episode. I have to admit, I love your portrayal of Donald Menken. Think you can reprise the role next season? Anyway, what's so clever here is that you can totally buy the idea of ANY of the suspects being the Green Goblin, from Donald Menken to Harry Osborn to Norman Osborn. I must admit, I knew Chameleon would appear in season two, but I had no idea how cool and important his role here would be...or the big reveal of Chameleon's REAL first appearance on your show.

On one hand, it could've been Harry. I thought this show was going to have Norman somehow transfer the Goblin personality from Harry into himself with his staff to spare Harry of what he'd done in season one. This would've given Norman the edge he needed over Tombstone and Hammerhead without having to apologize for what had happened to Harry, kind of like a selfish "what was a curse for Harry has been turned into a blessing for me" angle. Given how Harry had acted in "Competition" and "The Invisible Hand", or how he kept blacking out after taking Globulin Green, you could believe that he had with a split personality and was the Green Goblin. Maybe when he was Harry-Goblin, he listened at the door about Hammerhead threatening Osborn with Octavius' knowledge of Osborn co-creating Rhino and Sandman before he entered to tell his dad about his latest accomplishments since he was now a football player and that he had a date to the Fall Formal. Of course, we all know Goblin later traps Octavius and turns him into Doc Ock, even if that wasn't his intention. It also would've explained Harry's angry outburst and attack on his father when he blacked out in "The Uncertainty Principle".

Granted, I knew Norman Osborn would likely be the Goblin this season, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how tricky and how evil he actually was. I mean, you see him break his own son's ankle, for crying out loud! Norman is slimy, unapologetic and cares for no one, not even his own son. He just takes what he wants and doesn't care who he hurts.

My sole problem with this episode is Green Goblin's faked death. It was simply too early to have Norman Osborn believed dead by his son and the public, especially since I simply wanted to see more of him next season. At least we could've had Norman find out Peter's secret identity before episode's end. I mean, Norman goes from wanting to turn Harry into a man he could be proud of and then suddenly leaves New York under the alias of the blond Mr. Roman when everyone thinks he's deceased? I know Osborn's just planning his next move, but I didn't think he'd need to let anyone think he was dead to do it. However, given Harry's own dark turn when he guilts Gwen into sticking around as his girlfriend after previously learning he found out Gwen intended to leave him for Peter, I'm sure Harry's going to go down a dark path of his own that may lead him to the Green Goblin mask one day.

I'm also gonna guess that one of Goblin's "pumpkin head" henchmen is gonna be Hobgoblin or Jack O'Lantern. Maybe it's a currently-unnamed Jason Macendale working for Goblin? And with Tombstone being watched and Hammerhead MIA, maybe Frederick Foswell trades his Patch identity for the position of the new Big Man...

I've also got some guesses as to who the Hobgoblin could be, early as it may be:
- Donald Menken. We thought he could've been Green Goblin, so he might be a Hobgoblin suspect too.
- Chameleon. Heck, we thought he was Norman Osborn on season two and if Harry hadn't realized Chameleon's apology mistake, we wouldn't have even thought he was an imposter.
- Norman Osborn. What better way to have the time to improve his own equipment and costume when everyone thinks you're dead, even your own wife and son?
- Harry Osborn. Hey, he was the Hobgoblin in "Ultimate Spider-Man", so why not here too? And it'd be a great way to have him avenge his thought-dead dad by attacking his own best friend, even if he doesn't know it...yet.
- Ned Lee. He's working on stories of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin for the Bugle. I also buy he's the original Hobgoblin in the comics a lot more than I do that Roderick Kingsley was the real Hobby all along. Speaking of which...
- Roderick Kingsley. The obvious man behind the mask, but given how manipulative he turned out to be and just how long it took us to find out who the original Hobgoblin really was, it may not be so easy for us to think Roderick would don the Goblin mask in season three.
- Emily Osborn. Where DOES she disappear to, anyway? And besides, it'd give her something to do on the show besides silently cut her dinner with a kitchen knife.

For season three, I'm betting we see Venom back, more of Mary Jane, Man-Wolf, the debut of Hydro-Man, and maybe even the origin of Jackal. But these are merely guesses.

Now, I don't want my comments on season two to sound too mean or even make you think I didn't like season two at all. Far from it. I love this show. I just got disappointed with it, is all. Besides, you've got to take the bad comments with the good. If everyone told you how brilliant it was all the time, then you wouldn't learn about what people didn't like about it, or how to improve on your faults and become a better writer out of it from what you've learned. Season two was nowhere near as bad as seasons two, four or five of Fox Kids' "Spider-Man" series, but it wasn't as good as season one of "Spectacular". Regardless of my rants and criticism, I honestly hope you and the rest of the writers and directors return for a season three. "The Spectacular Spider-Man" is my favorite animated series ever, Spider-Man or otherwise. It simply cannot end at season two, but it also can't continue without the current cast and crew. You're what makes this show so great, and you all do brilliant work. I genuinely hope this show gets its planned 65-episode run...and much more.

Thank you so very much for your time, sir. I'm honored to chat with another fellow Spider-Man fan such as you.



Greg responds...


Spidey didn't remove Ock's chip, he removed Ock's power-pack. Ock DOES have total mental control of his tentacles thanks to the chip imbedded in his spine. But something still needs to power the tentacles, and that's the power pack.

And Norman didn't BREAK Harry's ankle, he twisted it. Not that I'm defending the act, just trying to be specific, since this casual misconception seems to have become common currency.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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Patrick writes...

first off spectacular spiderman is AMAZING!!
but on to the point i was curious if u were going to go ahead with a season 3 of the show...
the finale of season 2 had left room for desire...
just curious...
and i was as well as curious how i would read your answer...
so if it couldn't be too much of a hasle could you please e-mail me your answer...
my e-mail is:

feel free to e-mail me...
it is your choice

Greg responds...

I don't e-mail responses directly, because (a) it would defeat the purpose of this forum and (b) if I did it for you, I'd have to do it for everyone and (c) I don't want everyone to have my e-mail address.

And, AGAIN, I'd love to do a Season Three. We are awaiting word as to whether or not we're getting a pick-up.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

To follow up on my Cletus Kasady and Morris Bench question, I was wondering if you plan to include Carnage and Hydro-Man in the third series if you're still in charge? Seeing as Venom's symbiote is still in the sewers, I even assumed that you might plan for Eddie to be incarcerated at Ravencroft and the symbiote spawning an offspring resulting in the creation of Carnage (though I heard Carnage wasn't allowed to kill anyone in the 90's series).

In a follow-up to Man-Wolf in the same question, I was wondering if you would plan for Frank Welker (who did Bronx in "Gargoyles") to voice Man-Wolf if you decide to include John Jameson's Man-Wolf form. I suggested an idea for Frank Welker in the role since Dee Bradley Baker is already providing Lizard's vocal effects.

Greg responds...

Repeating myself, I don't know why I'd recast the role, when I have a perfectly great voice actor already in the part, i.e. Daran Norris. (You didn't "follow up" your Man-Wolf question, you just restated it.)

Otherwise, repeating myself some more, I have ZERO intention of spoiling Season Three plotlines at this stage.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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Tyler writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

My question is: in season 1 of Spectacular Spider-Man, during the Electro and The Lizard episodes, what was the reasoning behind Peter's ring tone being "Little Bunny Fu Fu"? (at least thats what it sounded like to me). It was funny, I was just curious why it was chosen. Thank you for your time.

P.S. Thank you for doing Spectacular Spider-Man. I love twists on the show, it keeps new fans guessing and comic book fans on their toes. This is truly one of the best adaptations I've seen yet. This is what Spider-Man should be. Also, love Gargoyles, fantastic show, hope it comes back in the near future. Thanks again.

Greg responds...

It's "Itsy Bitsy Spider".

Response recorded on May 11, 2009

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Marn Hierogryph writes...

Why couldn't Spider-Man be more like W.I.T.C.H. and less like Gargoyles. The villains were all under developed and the girls were all shallow.

There's background characters than there's main character's who are underused. For example, did we really need Mysterio, Kraven, Colonel Jupiter, and Molten Man? We already had plenty of villains who still needed developing, so adding new ones only made things feel more crowded. Those episodes could have been better used to help the Tombstone gangwar stuff, or the Goblin stuff (even though technically MM was part of the Goblin arc)

Why not just focus on one villain for a certain amount of episodes. Tell a complete story. Finish that villain off and then move to the next one? Why does it have to be "villain of the week?"

I would say having the established characters develop would make it fresh (For example, rather than just have him just pop up for a fight all the time, let Electro be cured, or regain his sanity/goodness and become a hero, or show him confiding in Eddie/Conners about his actions and show conflict) if you just add new characters to keep things fresh, then it's just delaying the inevitable. Plus I'm reminded of that Poochie episode of the Simpson.

The thing with that is we're not getting to read these books, just look at the covers over and over again while they tease us with the content inside them. Sure, the show is giving us new characters, but if all that entails is "Villain shows up, tries to take over the word, fails, tries again next week" then I'd rather stick with a smaller cast who's motives and characterization moves beyond that and have their stories become more complex and intuitive.

I suppose that's the base problem with franchises, introducing things just for the sake of the people who liked it in other mediums, as opposed to what's actually beneficial to the show itself and what would make for ideal storytelling.

I found them both kind of shoehorned in and took away focus from the real villain the arc was about. Instead of Jupiter and Molten Man, we could get more focus on Venom and Goblin, who are severely lacking in terms of characterization and development in the show so far.

For what it's worth, I won't be watching the third season (if there is one) since it's clear now this show isn't what I was hoping for.

Greg responds...

Were there any ACTUAL questions in there, or is this just a single tirade, with some of it phrased as questions?

Look, obviously, I'm sorry the series isn't working for you. But I don't regret any of our choices. Doing ALL our (for example) Electro stories in a row and then writing that character off forever, hardly seems like a sensible solution. That would proclude him interacting with and/or changing because of other characters. Most of the series I do, including Spidey, Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H., are written as tapestries. You can follow individual threads, or you can step back and take in the whole picture with it's (admittedly) cast of thousands. Over time, all characters will get more development. I'd preach patience, but you're clearly out of it with us, and I guess I have to respect that.

Response recorded on May 11, 2009

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Joseph writes...

Hello Greg,
Thank you for the rollercoaster ride that was the second season of the Spectacular Spider-Man. I've got a few things I have to ask you (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

1. In "Final Curtain", Norman Osborn thanks a man called Gargan on the phone. Throughout the show, Norman Osborn has a bald heavy along with Donald Menken. Is he Gargan?
2. Speaking of Donald Menken, is he an actual comics character?
3. Have we ever actually seen the real Mysterio at all this season?
4. Were Vulture and Silver Sable arrested along with the others in "Gangland"?
5. Where did Calypso, Hammerhead and Blackie Gaxton go to after they ran away at the end of their respective episodes?
6. Did Doctor Octopus go back into Ravencroft at the end of "Gangland"?
7. Who will take control of OsCorp considering what happened at the end of "Final Curtain"?
8. In "Blueprints", how was Mysterio able to get people to bow before him?
9. With Mark (now Molten Man) in prison, what's going to happen with MJ's love life?
10. How was the gene clenser actually able to affect Venom?
11. And in a future season, will Black Cat's story continue?

Thanks for continuing one of the best superhero shows ever in such a strong way, and hopefully it'll continue once again!

Joseph, a happy fan.

Greg responds...


1. No.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. No.

5. No comment.

6. Yes.

7. No comment.

8. They weren't bowing. They were collapsing to their knees thanks to a colorless, odorless gas that weakened them.

9. No comment.

10. It wasn't.

11. Duh.

Response recorded on May 11, 2009

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C-Note writes...

Hi Greg,
I know you are probably used to hearing it, but I am a big fan of both Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man. My questions mostly concern Spectacular Spider-Man.
1. How do the overseas ratings effect our chances for a third Spider-Man season?
2. What is the earliest we could possibly know if Spider-Man is picked up again?
3. If picked up, how long would it take to produce a new season?
4. How has the show being transferred to a Disney channel helped or hindered the possibilities of a third season?
5. Will Disney now be handling the DVD releases of Spider-Man?
My last question I ask because I am hoping they will be as I think (or hope) that they would use that as a sort of free advertising for the Gargoyles DVDs (If you like this, buy this other series by creator Greg Weisman, etc.) and possibly give us the season 2 part 2 we have all been waiting for. Anyways, thanks for your time and just know that I, as a dedicated Spider-Man fan who was highly wary of any new incarnation of the character, love what you have been doing on that series so far. Thanks again.

Greg responds...

1. Well, if ratings are high all over the world and those stations want more episodes than perhaps it would encourage Sony International to put more money into the series, so that if for WHATEVER reason, other Sony divisions are less interested, it might help compensate. But we're still waiting for Disney to give us a domestic pick-up sometime after the second season starts airing in June.

2. June at the earliest.

3. About ten months, give or take.

4. Well, we lack continuity, and Disney wants us to prove ourselves all over again, I suppose.

5. No. That's always been Sony Home Entertainment.

Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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THE BIG CHEESE writes...

Hey Greg, um i was wondering is it possible that in the secend season, when spiderman forces the gene clenser down venom's throat did the symbiot servive? I saw the symbiot escape into the sewers. Is it possible that the symbiot will break Brock out of Ravencroft and while doing so, the symbiot reproduces and will bond with Cletus Kasady?

Greg responds...


1. You saw him survive, and you're asking me if he survived?

2. No comment.

(And once again, I reiterate, I'm not going to be giving any specific spoilers away for Season Three, because (a) we don't have a pick-up yet and (2) once we do, I do NOT want to give away my plans!)

Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real? The one that hides your face, or the one that is your face?"
- The Green Goblin

"Final Curtain"




I am not sure how to summarize this episode. It was great. Every question was answered. Everything about the Green Goblin and the Osborns. We know it all.

And I figured the mystery out when "The Uncertainty Principle" was over. I was never convinced it was Harry Osborn. I figured the Norman at OsCorp was the Chameleon committing some industrial espionage. I figured Norman knew his cover was blown and faked the limp and set up Harry. I thought that for over a year.

And yet, this episode kept me guessing. I began to believe I might be wrong. And I am ashamed to admit, I didn't pick up on Chameleon/Norman's apology. But, when I did begin to pick up on Chameleon was when, as Norman, he seemed flustered and confused about what was going on. As Spidey himself said, it's not the voice, it's the words.

But, this was perfect. The Green Goblin... Norman Osborn has always, always been my favorite villain in the "Spider-Man" mythos. My favorite villain in the Marvel Universe. I had waited years and years for that perfect adaptation of him outside the comics.

I didn't like the Norman Osborn in the 90s series, because he was a wimp and a victim of the Kingpin. Osborn should never be a victim. It also created the notion that the Goblin and Osborn were separate personalities, and they even had conversations with each other.

The movie did better, and I enjoyed it. Willem Dafoe was God in that movie. But, as cool as the mirror scene was, I didn't care for the split personality angle either. Also, I didn't like the idea that he as a decent man before his accident.

But, "Spectacular Spider-Man"... this is the Norman Osborn I always wanted. This is the Green Goblin I always wanted. A ruthless, evil, psychotic, Machiavellian, genius. There is no one he wouldn't use. No one he wouldn't stab in the back. And you never knew what he was going to do next.

Greg Weisman and his team brought us the perfect animated sociopath. A man who is truly detestable. A man who'd throw his own son to the wolves. No... not a man. A monster. A goblin.

Of course, I have to tip my hat to Alan Rachins and Steve Blum for bringing him to life. Both of these fine actors gave me chills, and both of them stole the show. I was beyond skeptical when I heard that Norman and the Goblin would have separate voice actors, but at the time I was unaware his identity would be a mystery, but these two won me over big time.

"I protected Harry. If I'd been sent to prison, who'd have made a man out of him?" -- If this line doesn't make you want to punch the man in the face, then you're just not human.

Anyway, the episode ends with Norman Osborn dead to the world, but is in hiding in the Cayman Islands as "Mr. Roman." ... his hair dyed blonde and with a mustache now. He looks the spitting image of "Gargoyles" villain, John Castaway. Actually, Castaway was the new name and identity of Jon Canmore... and he grew a mustache like that. I wonder if this is a nod. Considering Greg, probably.

Speaking of "Gargoyles" nods. The Connors board Flight 1057 to Florida. 1057 is the year Macbeth's alliance with Demona and his reign as King of Scotland ended. Norman boards Flight 994, the year Goliath's clan was massacred.

Peter breaks up with Liz to be with Gwen. Liz puts on a strong front to save her image, but she was heartbroken. A shame, she was a good girlfriend. Peter was a crappy boyfriend.

Gwen on the other hand, as much as she wants to be with Peter, well, Harry shows his devious side and guilts her into staying with him.

Harry, aside the aforementioned devious side has no idea who his father is. No, the little Spawn of Satan (hee hee, literally) thinks daddy was a victim of the Globulin Green as well. Oh, how little he knows.

The action in this episode topped every other action sequence in the series. Vic Cook did terrific job on this one. Everyone involved did great.

And the dialogue was terrific. Not just the lines themselves, but the delivery. Menken's "I have no response to that" floored me. I also loved Goblin's "Menken? Seriously?!" and Spidey's appalled outrage when he learned that Norman had framed his own son.

I do have a few questions though. Was Norman publicly outed as the Green Goblin? Obviously Harry, Peter, Chameleon and, from the sound of things, Gwen know the truth. Does Emily Osborn know? Does the world at large know? Or was that kept underwraps and Norman is just taking advantage of the world thinking he's dead to plan his next move?

I also have to compliment Greg and his team for taking a mystery everyone knew, the identity of the Green Goblin and not only making a mystery out of it, but keeping it going for the span of two seasons. The 90s soon didn't attempt it, well, for half an episode they did, but not seriously. The movies told you he was Norman Osborn from the get go. It's a staple of the "Spider-Man" mythos. And yes, while I wasn't fooled, many, many others were. And I have to compliment that and I have to tip my hat to just how well constructed this mystery really was.

But, all the other clues aside, the big tip off for me personally that it was Norman and not Harry was this. Norman was born and raised in Connecticut. Harry was born and raised in New York City. In "Catalysts," the Goblin tells his Gob Squad that he'll be back "in a New York minute." No actual born and bred New Yorker ever used the phrase "New York minute."

Really, in a way, the more I think about it, the more I believe that Norman Osborn was the lead antagonist of the series from pretty much the get go. We just didn't get 100% confirmation on that until the end. Yeah, Tombstone was the face of the crime element, and it was his plan originally to create supervillains in the first place, but Norman Osborn was the one who seemed to profit off of it. Not to mention that, aside from the Venom arcs, Norman had a hand, either large or subtle, in just about every single arc. Let's see...

Lizard Arc: Norman steals Toomes invention, which was majot pipe laying for what came later. Also, indirectly created his first supervillain when Toomes sought revenge.

Rise of the Supervillains: Norman Osborn becomes involved with the organized crime element, creates two supervillains (three if you count tipping off Big Man to Tri Corp's shipment of the Shocker suit). Gets a taste of the underworld, and, obviously likes it.

Green Goblin arc: This is pretty self explanatory. Like the good corporate shark that he is, he attempts a hostile take over of the Big Man's empire. He, unintentionally creates Dr. Octopus... the webslinger's other big nemesis. And, Norman pretty much ruins his son for the rest of his life here.

Venom arc: Norman was M.I.A.

Master Planner: Not as heavily involved, but he gets his own guy, Miles Warren into ESU. He becomes Peter's mentor, which is a big deal (and frankly, I wish we saw more of), and pipe is laid for later.

Venom Arc II: M.I.A. again, although I do wonder if he suspects Peter is Spider-Man.

Gang War: Norman Osborn set this thing off with his fake auction, raising the tensions, and then when the pot was going from a simmer to a boil, he manipulated Hammerhead into betraying Tombstone. Crippled the Big Man. And Silvermane and Ock are now back in custody. He finally absorbed the underworld into his own personal empire.

Green Goblin Returns: I think this is self explanatory, and I don't need to summarize his actions and their consequences here.

But that all leads into belief that I always had. Norman Osborn is the anti-Peter Parker. And that is especially true in this series. The two biggest threats to the Big Man were men in masks. Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, and both for totally different reasons.

When Peter and Norman put on their masks, they can cut loose. Truly cut loose. Peter is more confident when he's Spidey, and gets to escape the insecurities and personal problems of Peter Parker by becoming someone else. Where as, Norman Osborn, when he puts on his mask, gets to be himself. The Goblin is his face, Norman Osborn is the mask.

It's more than the both of them being trickster figures. It boils down to the psychosis of both of them. Masks are a big part of their lives. Norman collects them for a reason, because his entire public persona is a mask. I doubt even his wife and son know who he really is.

Peter would love to give up being Spider-Man. He's thought about it more than once, especially when he had the gene cleanser. Norman would never give up being the Goblin. He'd rather give up being Norman, and in a way that showed considering he didn't look too broken up about fleeing the country under an alias. He even flirted with the flight attendant.

Greg Weisman has always said that the secret to creating a great villain is to make them a dark mirror to the soul of your hero. The Goblin personifies that quite well. From all that I mentioned above, to little things like Norman being upperclass and Peter being lower class.


All the gushing aside, I write this review with a heavy heart. As of now, there is still no pick-up for a third season, and it just can't end like this. I want more. This show is too good to end now.

But, if this is the end, I want to give kudos to everyone involved. Vic Cook for being an outstanding director. Jennifer Coyle... probably my favorite director of the bunch, her episodes always had outstanding little touches.

Josh Keaton for bringing Peter Parker and Spider-Man to life. Vanessa Marshall for bringing Mary Jane to life, a character who sadly had too little to do, but I hope we see more. Lacey Chabert for helping make Gwen Stacy a character who matters for more than just her infamous death in the comics. Ben Diskin for making me like Venom. Alan Rachins for his devious Norman Osborn. Steve Blum for his deliciously evil Green Goblin. Kevin Michael Richardson for picking up where Keith David left off and making Tombstone a force to be reckoned with. Peter McNicol for his calculating and cruel Dr. Octopus.

But, most of all, my friends the supervising producer and story editor, Greg Weisman; and post production assistant, Jennifer L. Anderson. I loved coming down to the studio while you in were production. I loved giving you instant feedback. Knowing you both has made the experience that has been this show that much richer. I love you both.

I still hold out hope for a third season. Shows this good just can't die like that.




Greg responds...

High praise. Thanks.

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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Martin writes...

Got a few more questions. Any news on the ratings, Greg? also, do you thing the Disney XD schedule is good? I mean repeating the same episodes for weeks? And, do you think a possible season 3 should have more new villains than returning?

Greg responds...

Guys, BEFORE you post questions, how about looking at the queue to see whether or not someone has posted the exact same question... like three questions in a row, okay? As a favor to me, please?

As far as I can tell, Disney XD is introducing one Season One episode a week (after introducing three in the first week). Then they rerun the newly introduced episode alongside any already introduced throughout the week that follows. This gives them a cumed rating score for each episode. You make it sound like they're taking one episode and only one episode and repeating it for weeks. That's just not the case.

As always, if we get a third season, there will be a mix of new and returning villains.

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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