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Ricky writes...

I know the titles from other sites (Max Steel)

Greg responds...

Oh. How did they know?

Response recorded on February 14, 2002

Bookmark Link

Ricky writes...

Hi again...

Sorry to hear that the Atlantis project was scrapped, that's terrible news...actually a series like that would've been great to see. Too bad!

Why are all the first episodes of Max Steel titled with "S" names? Was it your idea, any humourous reason?

Greg responds...

My idea. No humorous reason.

The reason in my head was always a bit obscure. I was trying to do something that I never quite achieved. Years later, it's even less clear to me now.

But here's a question... since the titles don't appear on the episodes, how do you know them? From this site?

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Blaise writes...

Hi again!

This question actually deals with the credits listing of the series (yeah, I know it seems I have too much time on my hands, but that's beside the point).
Two things about GARGOYLES' credits stood out. The first you already talked about--the writers recieving credit at the beginning of episodes during the first season. The second however I also found to be quite interesting--GARGOYLES actually gave a true cast list. Usually in these Disney shows, when the credits say, "With the Voice Talents of..." they just lump the actors' names together without telling who they played. GARGOYLES was the first Disney animated series I know of (BUZZ LIGHTYEAR did it later) that actually listed both the actors and the characters they played. This enabled me to (when I started taping the episodes and could hit pause) more fully discover just how diverse and talented this cast was. I could recognize names and see if a person played multiple roles, and I was quite pleased.

1) Is there any story behind this, like there was for giving the writers' credit up front?
2) Whatever the case, I'm glad I could know who played who.


Greg responds...

I don't know if this would qualify as a story, but I liked how Batman the animated series listed who played who. It seemed to show more respect for the actors (and as I was a fan of Batman) more respect for the fans who might be VCRing the thing and want to know.

So we followed their lead. And I'm glad we did. I tried to talk SONY into doing that for Starship and/or Max Steel, but they weren't interested.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

Bookmark Link

Ricky writes...

I wonder if you noticed this, in episode 2 of Max Steel, when Rachal and Max were in the dark alley and they encounter 3 dread minnions and Psycho, one scene Max is wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans, he's having fainting spells in this episode remembering how he got his powers, after he regains consciousness he suddenly is wearing his fighting uniform, he didn't power up or anything, then after defeating dread's minnions and Psycho escaping, he's back to wearing the dark shirt and blue jeans again...Can you explain this? Do you know what I'm talking about?

Greg responds...

Well, first off, it's episode THREE: Shadows. Not episode TWO: Sacrifices.

Second off, however, I don't recall there being a mistake here. Are you sure he didn't power up off screen.

At any rate, I can't confirm or deny anything. It's just been too long since I've seen the eps.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

Bookmark Link

Ricky writes...

Thanks for responding to my questions. I've written about four novels, but none of them have been accepted. Maybe it's my style of writting I don't know...but perhaps we can help each other in this matter. Would it be all right if I sent you a story on this web page despite it being against your guidelines...I'd like someone to read it, and since it's about Max Steel I thought you would be the more appropiate person to send it to. Just take a look and if you like it then perhaps we can colabrate on something.

Greg responds...


I appreciate the sincerity of the offer. But I'm afraid I'm not interested for a score of reasons. Here are the main ones:

1. Max Steel generally is a painful topic for me. I'm quite less than anxious to see anyone else's version of that character.

2. I don't know you. You may be a great guy. Or you may be law suit happy. Even if you are the former, if I break my rule for you, than someone else who is law suit happy can claim that sometimes I break my rules and that I must have broken it for him or her.

3. I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for a new collaborator. My brother and I are collaborating on a screenplay. But working with him is like working with my second self. Otherwise, generally, I prefer to gut it out on my own.

Having said all that, I wish you all the best with your work. If writing is your passion, then stick with it.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Andrea L. Marbry writes...

Dear Greg,

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but remember when you said that when Max Steel went off the air, you'd reveal YOUR plans for the show? You might want to start to get your notes together. Even though WB has announced that they've committed to a third season, the fact that Max Steel IS NOT on the WB Fall 2001 schedule, coupled with the fact that they ran the last episode of the second season, "Breakout", BEFORE the May 2001 Sweeps, signifies bad news. If the fat lady isn't singing airas, she's definitely warming up....

Greg responds...

The third season will be on Cartoon Network, or so I'm told.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

Bookmark Link

Yttrium writes...

Can you tell us of any particularly amusing/interesting garg reference in either MAX STEEL or 3X3 EYES?


Greg responds...

I can't think of any in max.

There are quite a few in 3x3, including the use of a lot of garg voice talent. For example, Keith David plays a cop and uses his Morgan voice. He also plays a much more startling character. It's a hoot.

There's a homeless guy who hums the gargoyle theme song. I did that voice.

Someone says, "What could be strong enough to leave claw marks in solid stone?"

And so on...

Nothing that didn't TOTALLY fit the context. We didn't want to abuse 3x3 for the sake of Gargoyles. But where it fit, it fit.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Nathan writes...

I can't find info on psycho anywhere! what made him the way he is (I.E. Cyborg)? I really want to know.

Greg responds...

Never revealed that in my 13. Ask Mattel.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

Bookmark Link

Idle Swimmer writes...

I know Mas Steel is still a sensitive subject for you. (Trust me, I can hear it from your tone when you answer some of the questions.) I swear this will be the last question from me. Did they pull you off the show because of the direction you're taking with the Max/Josh-Laura-Rachel relationship triangle?

Greg responds...

Well, though it was always in the development, they clearly came to feel that they didn't like it. So that was one of the reasons. But not the only one. As we had moved past that triangle by the end of my 13th and final episode.

The new triangle I was planning was a Max-Laura-Josh triangle. Which I was mostly going to play for comedy.

And I don't know whether they would have liked it or not. They booted me without ever discussing what they wanted for the second season. Caught me QUITE off guard.

They've claimed I'm a lousy writer. Maybe I am. Max certainly wasn't my best work. But I blame them and they blame me... Etc. It's all very subjective.

Not fun, huh?

(Can't believe I said all that. No wonder I can't get a job.)

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

Bookmark Link

General writes...

How did Josh McGrath turn into Max Steel exsactly?

Greg responds...

He activated the Max-Probes in his body and clothes.

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Ricky Stewart writes...

Ricky here again,
Max Steel is an **AWESOME** character! I'm almost finished my Max Steel story. Do I have your permission to post it on the internet, or would you like to read it first since you are the creator? Pointers? rickystewart2001@yahoo.ca

Greg responds...

A) I wasn't the creator.

B) I don't read fanfiction EVER.

C) I have nothing to do with Max Steel anymore.

D) I can't give you permission to do anything regarding the character.

E) But I'm glad you like him.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

Bookmark Link

Ricky Stewart writes...

Hi Ricky here,
This is not a request for employment, but a plea for a chance to break into the business. I'm a writer and I'd like to write a novel. Can you help me?
P.S. How did you come up with Max Steel. Awesome character. Sorry you're no longer involved.

Greg responds...

I'd like to write a novel too. Can YOU help ME?

And I didn't come up with Max. Mattel did. I just developed the character.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

I just keep rollin' them out, don't I?

1. From the episode "Scions," who played the voices of Jim and Molly McGrath, and Marco Nathanson?

Thanks for putting up with me, and catch ya later! Luv ya all!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember. They're names would be listed in the credits. If you gave me a list of the actors names, I could tell you who played who.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

Bookmark Link

Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

I was thinking: Im Max Steel and Starship Troopers, you worked with old garg fellows: Michael Reaves, Lygia Marano, Cary Bates... You invited them or was it a case of great professionals hired to work togheter?

Greg responds...

On those shows specifically, I invited them. If you find good writers, you try to work with them over and over.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Maureen writes...

As you may know, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot is currently being re-aired (heh, mostly aired for the first time, 'cause they only showed 6 eps in Fall '99) by Fox. You wrote the second ep, "Out of Whack", with the rather scary subplot of Rusty being afraid he'd get turned to scrap in
"the grinder". You also introduced the Legion Ex Machina, their mole Dr. Gilder/Number Six, and picked a pretty darn cool (and gutsy!) way for Rusty to save the day. Any thoughts on this episode?

Also, are you related to Marlowe Weisman, who also wrote for Big Guy and Rusty?

Nosily yours....

Greg responds...

I know Marlowe, but no, we are not related. I am related to Jon Weisman, my brother, who has also written scripts for Men In Black, Starship Troopers, Max Steel, Hercules and So Weird.

As for "Out of Whack", most of the credit for that episode, and that series, should go to Producer/Story Editor Duane Capizi. The Legion Ex Machina was his idea. And my version of it was very different. Duane rewrote me quite a bit, actually.

But the basic telling of the story is mine. And I thought it was kind of fun. Originally, I was supposed to write a number of Rusty episodes. But then I wound up doing Max Steel instead. Oh, well.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, hi there again...

1. Was Kat a part of your universe?

Catch ya later! Luv ya all!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

No. At least not that I can recall. Again, I only did the first 13 episodes. If the character didn't appear in the first 13 than you gotta figure he or she ain't one of mine.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

Bookmark Link

She Duo Infinity writes...

I have a question regarding Max Steel~ Is Berto hispanic? Right? I am seriously confused, I mean, or is he hawaaian? Also, does Katt *like* Berto? I mean, this is disterbing, and yeah. Anyway, buhbai! Everyone out there, dun dis Max. He's my friend. Anyway, see ya'll around! Dragoness rules!

Greg responds...

'Berto's from Columbia (in my development).

Who is Katt? (Sounds like something from season two, which I have no involvement in (or interest in).)

And do you mean Dragonelle?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

One "Max Steel" question that I've been meaning to ask you for some time, over a matter that genuinely puzzled me. The story of how he became Max Steel was done, not in the very first episode of the series, but in the third one (at least, the third one from the point of view of intended order of release), via a flashback. And that always surprised me a little, since the origin story struck me as something that I would have expected to see in the first episode. It would have been as if "Gargoyles" had opened with Goliath and his clan already being in New York for some time and the story in "Awakening" being done as a flashback in a later episode (and I mean by the story in "Awakening", all of it, including the present-day parts such as the Cyberbiotics raid and the first battle with the Steel Clan). I was wondering why you took that particular route in the series.

Greg responds...

It was largely a decision that came out of the decision that stated NO MULTI-PARTERS. Trying to introduce characters, locations, situations, etc. at the same time that you are introducing the origins of all that stuff is nearly impossible to do in 22 minutes. So we break up the story into two separate stories. And create a bit of intriguing mystery. (Or so I hoped.)

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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SEM writes...

Given what you learned from STARSHIP TROOPERS and MAX STEEL -- if you were told that you could do GARGOYLES again but only if it could be done in 3D Animation would you? Do you think GARGOYLES could even work in 3D?

(I know it's a hypothetical, but this was the main selling point that got VOLTRON back on the air after 10 years as VOLTRON: THE THIRD DIMENSION for 26 episodes.)

BTW for the person who asked what program MAX STEEL is rendered in -- I know Netter Digital (now defunct) used Lightwave, and that Foundation Imaging used Lightwave for season one (as well as for the work they did on STARSHIP TROOPERS). I presume its still being used for the current season but not sure. Lightwave's major competitor is a program called Maya.

Sorry if I wandered too far off topic, Greg, but since I knew this came up thought I'd answer it for the archives.

Greg responds...

Yes, I think Gargoyles could work in 3-D. And if that was my only option for bringing it back, I'd jump at the chance.

If I had multiple options, however, I'd use the animation style that best suited the subject matter of the series.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

Bookmark Link

Idle Swimmer writes...

I was watching the show that day and I figure the facial expression of Josh seemed to be a bit atatic. I mean yeah, the eyeballs roll around, and he sometimes furrow his brows, but it still felt like something is missing. Same thing goes on with other characters like Smith and Nez. Am i over picky or is the facial animation isn't tip top?

Greg responds...

(We're talking about Max Steel, here, folks.)

I think that some of the animation (on the first thirteen episodes, the only ones I've seen) is definitely not that great. Some of it is all right, but none of it is terrific.

I will say, that there's no reason, however, why Josh shouldn't be as good or as awful as Max. They had the exact same facial model.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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psycho,s son the 3rd model writes...

I just bought a max steel toy of bio-constrictor i ve only watched 4max steel eps and well/has he been in the cartoon series?

Greg responds...

You lost me.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

Bookmark Link

Andrea L. Marbry writes...

Dear Greg,

Just a few more Max Steel questions.

1) If Mairot was going undercover on Jeff's orders,
how was he going to redeem himself in the eyes
of the man he betrayed into a death-trap,
namely Max? And what effect would this have
on Max's relationship with Jeff? My guess is:
catastrophic collapse! But, the fact that Jeff
made a desperate plea to James Bond, Sr, i.e.,
Charles Marshak, to save his son, suggests that
he didn't know or approve of the WAY Mairot
planned his "defection". Or, was Mairot supposed
to get Max out of the lab BEFORE things got

2) If Dread wasn't getting his N-Tek info from
Mairot, WHERE was he getting it from? I have
an ugly suspicion, cobbled together from the
info on the kidsWB site, plus info from here
and there, that John Dread is actually Marco
Nathanson, who has gone rogue for some reason,
instead of dying in an explosion. After all,
bad guys walk away unscathed from all sorts of
stuff, and the info from the site indicates that
Jeff restored N-Tek to its proper mission after
Nathanson's death, which indicates that Nathanson
was warping N-Tek into ... something else,
perhaps something "dreadful?" Plus, after
"Strangers", Dread's first direct attack on N-Tek
was on its leader, which indicates he knew all
about N-Tek (just was attacking the WRONG member
of the family), possibly indicating a personal
grudge with Jeff.

3) Which brings up, when did N-Tek know about
DREAD? Before or AFTER Jeff's abduction? Was
that your way of introducing DREAD to everyone?

4) Was Max's powers "developed" or "discover-
ed"? Like was the "stealth mode", super-strenght
etc, deliberately designed after Josh's in-
fusion, or was it discovered that Josh had these
new powers "naturally", during tests after his
recovery? I must concur with Maxy Steel that
Josh looks too totally different from Max, indi-
cating that Josh is actually doing some sort of
"morphing", not just disguising himself, since
even at very low power levels, Josh stays in
the form of Max Steel, unless he consicously
transforms. Even when rendered unconscious,
as he was in "Shattered" (how did Mairot knock
him out, by the way?), he stays in Max Steel

5) I also concur with Maxy Steel in wishing to
know more about 'Berto and his family, since in
"Snow-Blind", he'd apparently had left to go
home to Columbia on that vacation, yet had al-
ready returned to Del Oro - just in time to help
save Max's life, and protect him against further
Dread phone calls. So what had happened, and
why? Also, in "Spear-Carriers", what was that
guard doing to 'Berto's wrists, while Breamer
was responding to Max's call? I'd thought that
they were unchaing him, but even with VCR slo-
mo, I'm not sure. Since Breamer treated 'Berto
like a stray puppy rather than a prisoner (no
guard on him on the flight deck, let alone not
locked up someplace), I take it Breamer didn't
want to hurt anyone who wasn't a direct threat.

6) No doubt this'll be cold comfort to you after
the way you was "voted off the island" by WB,
but Pete is becoming a major part of Max Steel's
life. I would like to see those three untold
tales in some form or other, as well as the last
four unproduced Starship Troopers stories, just
for completion and closure. If there's anyway
you can let us know what happened, or was to
happen, I (and a lot of other people) would
really appreciate it. As long as it doesn't
get you in any trouble, of course!

Happy Holidays,
Andrea Marbry

Greg responds...

O.K. First off, keep in mind this is my version of events. This may not reflect what the current creators and execs of the show have planned, if anything.

1. Mairot was supposed to find a way to get Max out, if for some reason Max (and/or Marshak) could not. But Jeff didn't know who the real Mole was, so he had to play concerned father to Marshak and everyone, so that whoever the real Mole was would lower his or her guard.

2. Boy, you stuff a lot into a single question. Well, first off, I was trying to lead people to believe that Dread was Nathanson. But he wasn't. There was no personal grudge against Jeff. Just the practical grudge that Jeff's people were constantly thwarting Dread. As for where the information was coming from, the answer there was from N-Tek's master computer. The mole (in my imagination) was not a person, but they're own computer system. Which was built by Nathanson.

3. I don't remember.

4. By your definition, I guess "discovered". But I must reiterate that his facial design is exactly the same. Body design too. The only changes are his hair color and hair style. His eye color. And his clothing. The rest is in your imagination.

5. Breamer was interested in 'Berto. Thought he had found a kindred spirit. Also didn't perceive him as much of a threat of any kind. But I don't remember the wrist thing you mention. As for 'Berto's family, I think I did a little background work on him, but mostly I was saving it for a chance when we'd do an episode about them. Never got to though. Oh, well.

6. Uh, are we talking Starship or Max here? I always liked Pete.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Hey Greg!

1. I noticed that Gregg Rainwater voiced "Jake Nez" in Max Steel, and "Jake MacDonald" in 3x3 eyes. Was there some kind of joke or connection with having the same first name for both characters, or just a really strange fluke?

2. I know that Max doesn't always wear the chest plate. (like how he didn't have it for most of "Scions") I was curious, does that thing do anything interesting? Hold water, contain weapons, possibily a swiss army knife?

3. I know that in "Sacrifices" Rachel and mant of the other agents had pistols or some kind of fire arm. Since this is a kids show, I was kind of surprised by that. So, out of curiosity, do most agents have a weapon at all times? I can see why max wouldn't need one, but others like Rachel, Jake, possibly Berto if he ever left N-tek?

-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Just a fluke. I named Jake Nez. But the Jake MacDonald character was already named when I came onto 3x3. Gregg was just great in GARGOYLES, voicing Coyote Trickster and Natsilane. He's been a favorite of mine ever since, so I try to use him on every project.

2. Don't know. I was not involved in the animation or design. Ask Mattel, I guess.

3. 'Berto maybe not. He doesn't usually go out in the field, and when he does, I'm not sure it occurs to him to grab a piece. Max, no. Rachel, yes, in my mind. But I'm not sure the WB agrees.

By the way, 3x3 Eyes is now available on video. And coming soon to DVD.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, I'll rephrase the questions.

1. In response to a question by Andrea Marbry, you said there were at least three "untold" episodes before "Strangers." I was asking if their scripts were written, and the episodes animated.

2. Put it this way: WHAT are Josh, Rachel, and Berto's middle names?

3. Not to sound snippy or anything, but are you ever at your desk when you answer these questions?

-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. No. (And I didn't say "episodes". I said missions. Or at least I'm fairly certain that's what I said.)

2. I don't remember whether I gave them any, let alone what they were.

3. I'm generally at my Disney Desk, as I am today. Since Max was a Sony show, I don't have my Max files here. Because my Disney show does not yet have a green light, I currently have more time to answer ASK GREG questions here than I do in Beverly Hills. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Matt Clara writes...

Greg, what software is used to model and animate Max Steel? What software do you prefer? How long does it take to produce a single episode, and about how many people work on one? What are the odds you can reply to me in person? emjaysea@worldnet.att.net (I'm 32 years old and only came here looking for this information--I've a great interest in modeling and animation).

Greg responds...

I am ignorant as to what's used to animate Max. LOTS of people work on episodes. Length of time varies, and as it contracts, quality tends to go down.

Unfortunately, Matt, this isn't a great resource for this kind of information. I'm not an animator. I'm a writer, basically.

And I can't start e-mailing you, because everyone would want the same treatment, and (a) I just don't have that kind of time and (b) if everyone was getting personal answers, then this forum would cease to be useful.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

Bookmark Link

Sandrine Matheron writes...

Dear Greg,
Iwanted to know if a video-game on Max Steel is in project.
- If the answer is yes and if it will be on a computer please ask it for Mac too (because usually it's only for Windows and I haven't any)! Please ! ! !
- If the answer is no, can you ask for it ? Please ! ! !
In any case, I'm waiting and wishing that a day I'll have the chance to play on a Max Steel's plateform game. Will I be disapointed or not? Thanks for answering my questions.

Greg responds...

I have no idea. As I've stated over and over, I no longer have any involvement in Max Steel.

If you have questions about the stories in the first thirteen episodes, fire away. Otherwise, I won't be of much help. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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kmcgrath@zambasolutions.com writes...

I came across this page while trying to find out more about the Max Steel series, which Greg was/is an integral part of. The character Josh McGrath is Max Steel, like Bruce Wayne is Batman, Clark Kent is Superman. My four year old son is named Josh McGrath. So, I am after something, anything, that I can purchase that actually says that Josh McGrath is Max Steel. Mattel, which makes the toys, does not have anything - the toy packaging is devoid of anything. The web sites tell the story, but there is nothing else - I can't exactly print a web page image that is good enough to frame. Does Greg know of anything? Thank you for your assistance. - Kevin McGrath

Greg responds...

"the Max Steel series, which Greg was/is an integral part of."

Was, not is.

I'm sorry, I don't know of anything. Good luck.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Me an' my eternal motor mouth...heh.

1. Do you have something like a "bird's-eye" shot of the whole city of Del Oro?

2. What about Josh's suburban home, the layout?

3. And the beach house?

Sorry, it's just...I have to know these things! I go crazy if I don't! Yeah, I'm real weird.
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Do I? No.

2. I'm sure the studio does.

3. Josh's home is the beach house.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Yet another question. I keep coming up with these, don't I?

1. Do Josh, Rachel, and Berto have middle names?

Please answer this one!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

Didn't you JUST ask me this.

And yes, I'm sure they do.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, something I've been wondering for a long time.

1. In Sacrifices, right before Smith collapsed and Psycho nabbed him, what happened? Why did he collapse?
Thanks a billion!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

A sonic pulse was released through Smith's cellphone. It knocked him out, and the Dread operatives pretended he'd had a heart attack.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Hi again! More questions.

1. About what you said about the three untold episodes of Max Steel: Did they get created?

2. Do Rachel, Josh, or Berto have middle names?

3. I agree with Andrea Marbry. There should have more on Berto's past.

4. Do you know much about the upcoming Max Steel video game?

Thank you so much for listening to me blab!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. What did I say? Cuz I don't know what you're referring to.

2. I'm sure they do.

3. 'Kay. If I had done more episodes we would have seen more on his past. We would have met his family eventually.

4. NOTHING. As I've said, all my knowledge is past tense.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Paul J Lacayo writes...

Hi Greg. I know you don't do the series anymore, but since you did strangers, sacrifices, and Snow blind, I want to know if you cknow when those episodes will play again.

And do you know when Max Steel videos will come out in stores?


Greg responds...

No and no.

Don't have anything to do with it anymore.


Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Lawrence H.Y.Li writes...

Dear Greg,

I am interested in Max Steel but it is not hot in Hong Kong now. So it is hard for me to find some toys and models.

I like #24915 PSYCHO but can not find any clear pictures and toys in Hong Kong.Even from net.

Would you please kindly send me some pictures of #24915 or some web site that I can find it?

Thank you very much

Lawrence Li

Hong Kong
e-mail: hycoltd@netvigator.com

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I don't have that info.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

Bookmark Link

Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, It's been so long since I posted...for me, anyway. There are a few questions you said I should ask again, beacuse you didn't have the information. So, I'll ask again.

1. How old are some of the frequents (Smith, Mairot, Yevshenko, Smiley, Dread, Vitriol)And a few we've only seen once or twice. (Dragonelle)

2. Is Yevshenko's name really Elena?

3. The WB site said Berto was 18. I thought he looked 16 or 17. You said you thought he's 19, and yet Max refers to him as if he's younger. (the grasshopper comment from Strangers comes to mind here) So, how old is he?

4. About Psycho, I meant how many times he was kinda left hanging with no way out. Like the space thing, or in Shattered, with the fungus.

5. Who did Annabelle's voice? I haven't seen much of gargs.

6. I still think it's DNA resturcturing. *pouts*

7. The time comment didn't make any sense. How about something in terms a non-gargoyle educated person would understand?

FYI, Rachel's authorization code is A057. Yeah, I'm obsessed.
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Still not in my office. Don't have it with me.

2. I believe so. See above.

3. See above, but I think he's eighteen or nineteen. Certainly not younger or older.

4. It's all a matter of degree. There was the space thing, the fungus, the volcano. Those off the top of my head. You can count 'em as well as I can.

5. Annabelle had no voice. She never spoke. (Who did you think did it?)

6. What?

7. What are you referring to?

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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Andrea Marbry @altavista.com writes...

Dear Greg,

On Max Steel, why do Max & Berto wear blue costumes
while the other agents tend toward street clothes?
Also, the first season concentrated on Max's history with
N-Tek, but what was Berto's? Josh mentions that he was
already an agent when he asked his dad for permission to
Why do Max & Berto operate as a team, with Rachel as a
supervisor, whereas other agents operate alone? Is it
due to the Max Probes accident, or are there other N-Tek
Was the first mission/adventure of Team Steel "Strangers",
or was there an earlier, "untold" mission/story that led
Jeff to accept his son as an agent, and to partner him
with Dr. Martinez?
And, finally, what are the heights of Max, Josh, and Berto?
Max does appear to be physically heavier than Josh does?

Greg responds...

Constraints of animation limited our costume options. Rachel appears both in street clothes and in agent gear. Jeff and Mairot wear street clothes, as they aren't field agents, but management.

'Berto was hired on just a few short months before Max.

It was felt that given Max's unique combination of Max-Probes and inexperience, that he needed a unique support staff. But most agents don't operate alone (at least not in my view). Most had partners. Nez had Murtaugh, for example.

There were at least three earlier untold adventures. Though from moment one Team Steel consisted of Max, Rachel and 'Berto. Marshak was added later.

I'm not too good with statistics, sorry, but Max and Josh weigh the same amount (not counting gear).

Response recorded on December 07, 2000

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Sandrine Matheron writes...

Dear Greg,
I like very much the Max Steel series.
1.When will the second season arrive in USA and in France(if possible) ?
2.I don't know if you are concerne about the graphism but in Shadows (I think it's the title of the Paris' episode, in french it's " Paris, ville sombre ") Paris'streets are not well done. They're to american with the hill and the double yellow lines in the middle of the road… (normally there are no hills and there's one white line in the middle…) but the Eiffel Tower's place is beautiful (where was the Seine ?).
Can you answer my questions please ? Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. I believe the second season (which I have nothing to do with) has already begun airing in the US. As for France, I have no idea. Sorry.

2. In general, we felt the animation was very disappointing on all our cities, except maybe Del Oro Bay.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Boy, I have too much free time on my hands.

1. In season one, about how many times did Psycho supposedly die?

2. Has Shannon Kenny (Rachel) done any other roles in other shows you've worked on?

3. Is Berto really 18?

Doomo Arigatou!
-Maxy Steel (who has had too much sugar!)

Greg responds...

1. Gee. Hmm. Twice? Three times. It depends on how you define it. There was only one time when N-Tek really felt pretty sure that Smiley had bought it. That was when Nez sent him flying off into space in "Sabres".

2. No, darn it. I'd love to work with her again, though. She's an amazing actress, with a great voice. She's currently in that Vincent Ventresca Invisible Man series on Sci-Fi (I think).

3. I thought he was nineteen. But I don't remember for sure.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Yeah, I just keep sendin' 'em in. I hope I'm not bothering you to insanity.

1. If L'Etranger is not a robot, and he's not a person in a suit, then is he a cyborg, like Smiley?

2. And wouldn't hair and eye color "naturally" changing be counted as DNA reconstruction?

3. In your world, did Mairot die in "Shattered?"

4. Which voice actor does who in the show, of the characters that show (somewhat) regularly. I already know ones like Max, Rachel, Berto, Smith, Laura, Pete, Smiley, Mairot, and Dread. But what about others, like Sophia, Vitriol, Dragonelle, Woody and Annabelle Barkowski, and L'etranger?

Thank you soooooo much!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. In my development, yes. I can't speak for the new producers.

2. No. I consider it part of the color/light warping abilities of the Max-probes.

3. No.

--Sophia and Dragonelle were voiced by Mia Korf. (She's great. She also did a voice for me [Natsuko] in 3x3 Eyes.)
--Woody was the amazing Jeff Glenn Bennett (voice of Brooklyn, Owen, the Magus, etc.)
--Vitriol was an actor named August Paro, that I had never used before. But I thought he had a great voice.
--Annabelle was done by the same performer who voiced Claw and Nought in Gargoyles.
--L'Étranger was voiced by John DeLancie. Better known as "Q"
in Star Trek.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Hi again, it's Maxy. More questions, once again.
1. There's a Max Steel bible?! I want one!
2. About what year is Max Steel set? Like, is it set in the present, past, future? How far in any of the directions?
3. What are the ages of the frequently seen characters? (Smith, Mairot, Yevshenko)
4. Does Yevshenko have a first name?

Thanks a bunch!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it exists. But I'm not currently at liberty to distribute it to anyone.

2. Somewhere between the present and Max Headroom's "Twenty minutes into the future." Say, twelve minutes.

3. I don't have that info handy.

4. Yes. From memory, I'd say Elena, but I don't want to be held to that. Again, I'm not at my office where I have access to that info.

Ask again another time.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Andrea L. Marbry , marbryalm@AltaVista.com writes...

Dear Greg,
Sorry about the synopsis to the first episode of Max
Steel, Season II [posting it (inadventently), that is].
Hope it doesn't get you into any trouble! But the reason
why I am so fascinated about 'Berto is that my first epi-
sode of the show I saw was "Spear-Carriers", his "trial
of fire", so to speak. I'd noticed that most of the senior
N-TEK personnel, like Rachel & Jeff, are very protective
of him. My question is, given the events of Snow-Blind,
Sphinxes, and especially, Shattered, is it proabable that
'Berto's temporary captivity aboard Breamer's Javelin
was a covert Dread plot to abduct him? If not, what led
Breamer to treat 'Berto with "kid gloves" after capturing
him? And, finally, who responsible for the great music
used on Max Steel?

Looking forward to more of your work,
Andrea Marbry

Greg responds...

That Spear-Carriers episode was supposed to air much earlier in the sequence. I think it was like the sixth show or something (though I'm away from my office and don't have that info handy).

And, no, it wasn't a Dread plot. Breamer was impressed by 'Berto. At least in part because 'Berto pretended to be impressed by Breamer.

I believe the music on Max was by Jim Latham, but I wasn't involved in the post-production of that series, so I'm not sure.

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Yup, Maxy's back! More questions...
1. Where's the Max Steel archive on this site? The part with the episode bios ad stuff.

-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

There isn't one. This is a Gargoyles site. I answer Max questions here occasionally. And there's an archive of those answers here.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

I'm back, thanks so much for answering my questions. I've got a few more.

1. How old is Rachel? One site said she was 26. Is this true? (This same site also said Jake Nez was 32.)

2. Is L'Etranger a robot, or a person in a suit?

3. Why weren't there that many animals in the first season? I counted about four or five.

Muchos gracias, doomo arigatou, thanks a million!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. I'm not at my regular office so I don't have my Max "bible" on hand. Those ages sound about right, but if you want to be sure (at least in terms of what I was thinking) than ask me again later.

2. Neither.

3. I'm surprised we had that many. What animals did we have? A shark. What else? If the scripts didn't call for them, the animators weren't likely to design them.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Just a few quick questions about Max Steel:

1. Why does Max have a uniform like the girl's uniforms, and then Berto's is different? Is it because of Berto's postion at N-tek or something?

2. In your world, what honestly happened to Jim McGrath?

3. Why is it that when Josh becomes Max, his entire DNA structure seems to change? I'm not picking up on that one.

Thannks a million!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. In the original set-up, which I'm not sure we executed consistently, Max was an MX operative. MX-1. Rachel was an Agent/Operative. (I forget her number, but she said it once in a French elevator.) 'Berto was part of the Sci/Tech staff. That should explain the different garb.

2. I don't know whether or not they plan on using my original plans. Since I don't know, I don't want to screw them by giving it away. When and if the series is cancelled, I'll answer that question.

3. Huh? Just his appearance -- and really only his hair and eye color. His clothes have Max-probes in them and change at the same time. But he doesn't change them. His bio-link signals them to change.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Joxter writes...

Max Steel question... You've indicated that one reason all the episode titles started with the letter "s" is because it amused you, but you also indicated that there were other reasons. What were some of the other reasons?

Greg responds...

Nothing that'll ever happen since I didn't work on subsequent seasons.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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marbryalm@altavista.com writes...

Dear Greg,
I see that you're trying to restart your Gargoyles
series elsewhere, with what network, please? And, of course, the best of luck to you. Just for your information,
on Max Steel, Season II, things got off to an explosive start when Dread, who survived the Dread airship crash in
"Shattered" attacked Josh by kidnapping his best civilian
friend Pete, and ran Max thru a gauntlet designed to weaken
and eventually destroy him. But, even cut off from Berto,
who finally tracks him down and re-energizes him with a
portable trans-phasic generator, Max still manages to survive the deathtraps, especially the most vicious one,
where Pete is chained to a time bomb in an old mining
cavern, and rescue his friend. (Laura, by the way, is
spending a year at sea, but has spoken to Josh again,
saying "See you later, (but) NOT goodbye.") After Berto's
save, Max is able to capture Dread and lock him up in a
high-tech castle dungeon. Oh yes, there was a robot dog
in this episode (Berto is developing a pet hobby), that,
as of the second episode, has morphed into an android cat
(that occasionally barks at Max).
Of course, I understand your wish to avoid commenting
on the program since you were invited off of it, but the
above is for folks who don't have access to the second
season yet (like in Canada). However, in your storylines,
is there some reason why Berto rarely, if ever, leaves
N-Tek HQ, and when he does, it's always in a heavily-secure
environ, like Behemoth?

Greg responds...

I never said I was trying to start Gargoyles up "elsewhere". Gargoyles is owned by Disney.


O.K. For starters. Please DON'T feel the need to post synopses of future Max Steel episodes here. If I wanted access to them, I could get them. It just makes me nuts. There are comment rooms for that kinda thing.

As for 'Berto during my seasons, it was his job to "run" Max from his console. The console was either at N-Tek or in Behemoth. We did (under extraordinary circumstances) have him get out from behind the monitor on a couple of occassions. But to make that a consistent thing, would have changed his job description.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "City of Stone Part Three", when Xanatos and Owen are discussing how to find a way of breaking Demona's spell, Owen suggests researching the Grimorum Arcanorum. Xanatos correctly points out that even if they could find a counter-spell in its pages, they wouldn't be able to use it (and it could even be dangerous to do so on account of the "mixing magics is a bad idea" business).

The revelation later on that Owen was really Puck made that suggestion of his a bit puzzling to me. I would have thought that Puck would have already been aware that the Grimorum wasn't an option for the solution without Xanatos needing to tell him that. Or is he less knowledgeable about human magic than about faerie magic?

Greg responds...

There was no pilot movie. There was a pilot episode: "Strangers". And two episodes later there was an origin episode: "Shadows". In any case, I wasn't the one making those decisions then (and certainly not now).

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
I´ve seen the first ep. of "Max Steel" Yesterday. A great show! ( exept from the intro. Well, maybe thats the only paralel between Gargoyles and M.Steel, the intros are verry weird ). But one thing I have to ask you: Was there anny pilot-movie of the show? If not, I think there should be one.
CU, John

Greg responds...

There was no pilot movie. There was a pilot episode: "Strangers". And two episodes later there was an origin episode: "Shadows". In any case, I wasn't the one making those decisions then (and certainly not now).

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Joxter writes...

I know your plans for Max Steel aren't really in effect anymore since other people have taken over the show, but I'm still curious about some of the plans you had about the show, soo...

1-In your plan, would Laura ever have found out Josh and Max were one in the same, or would it be a Peter Parker sort of thing where the dual identity would be the major source of personal stryfe for Josh?

2- In the new episodes, (which you had no part in) Josh has decided that since he hasn't the time to be with Laura, he'll hook up with her as Max. Which strikes me as... Wierd... Did you have any sort of plans along those lines?

Greg responds...

1. No immediate plans for her to find out, but yes eventually, some day... I don't like anything to be static too long.

2. Acutally, that last decision was the last moment of my last episode. And it wasn't that Josh didn't have time to be with Laura. It was that Laura wasn't speaking to Josh.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Andrea Marbry , marbryalm@altavista.com writes...

Dear Greg,
I realize that this may be painful for you to do, and
I'll understand if you decline, considering that you wasn't
allowed to participate in Max Steel Season2. But, please,
check out the first new episode Saturday and comment. Thanx!
I'd especially like to know how it compares with your plans.
Thanks again!

Greg responds...

Too late.


Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Tana writes...

Wow, you've really caught up since I got back to san fran...now I've got a lot of reading to do once I get my computer down here with me. *smiles and crosses out any plans she might have for the next two weekends*

Anyway, I recently got a job at the WB Studio Store and noticed that we carry a children's t-shirt for Max Steel. I was like: Ooo Cool! and I thought that your kids might want one. It's actually a cool design. I get a 20% discount, and the shirt's probably only about 12 bux anyway (I didn't check the price of it) You want I should get some for them? I can either send the shirts, or just bring them to G2001. ^_^

Greg responds...

Tana, that's sweet, but the truth is Max Steel was sort of a negative experience for me. I'm largely proud of the stories we wrote, but it was never the show I hoped it would be. I don't need a lot of reminders. But thanks.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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