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WEISMANSWERS 2009-05 (May)

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Bazell writes...

Glad this site is back up and running. I hope you got everything done that you needed during the hiatus.
Spectacular Spider-Man has been, well, freakin' spactacular. As a life long Spider-Man fan and current comic book reader, it is with an air of nerdy sophistication that I lend my compliments to all involved in the process.
Now that my nose is sufficiently brown:

I know that translations from one established medium to another require changes and adaptation, not only in terms of style but content as well. I don't pretend to know much about the official process of adapting a story into a new format, but watching many of these television shows and movies that are based on comic book (or novel) storylines that I am intimatly framiliar with often can leave me... wanting. Even in this current show, clearly many alterations of the original storyline have been made. Certainly some of the changes are for the purposes of pacing, keeping episode count down, updating things for modern audiences, etc. But other changes seem unneceassary in terms of such thing to the casual, yet involved, viewer like me. Now understand, I am in no way asking you to justify changes that have been made to a story I already know. If it was the EXACT same story, then I would know what's going to happen at all times. I am confident that changes you and your team have made have been for the purposes of telling the best Spider-Man story you could, so my question is this: what can dictate the changes you make? Also, I assume you must seek some sort of approval from Marvel or Lee/Ditko or someone... is that oversight strict, or are you given certain measures of freedom? Are there any changes you made that you regret? What aspects of the Spider-Man mythos did you consider sacrosanct beyond the obvious necessities about his origin story?

Thank you, as always, for the time you give us fans.

Greg responds...


Marvel approves everything. But I have to say, they've been great partners -- which of course to me means they seem to love what we're doing! ;)

Changes are dictated by all the things you mentioned above, but in adapting the property, we tried to follow what we came to call "The Five Cs": Make it Contemporary, Cohesive, Coherent, Classic and iConic.

When you lay eyes on any character for the first time, especially the villains, you want the viewer to say, "Wow, yes! That IS Doctor Octopus [or whomever]!" He has to be that iconic, that classic. But at the same time we want to make his look contemporary.

The same notion applies to storytelling. Over forty plus years of continuity (with ideas coming from Lee/Ditko, Lee/Romita and everyone since including Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man and the Raimi movies, etc.), there's going to be a ton of interesting characters and story ideas, but there's also going to be considerable duplication, a false start here and there, conflicting interpretations, etc. Having the advantage of hindsight when looking at this wealth of material, we strived to make the show more coherent and cohesive than the original.

This in turn helps it feel more contemporary. Storytelling has changed over the last set of decades, and a modern audience is more sophisticated with more stringent expectations. For example, just having every villain (and your hero) created from random exposures to radiation is a bit tough to swallow... on many levels. So -- as arrogant as I know it sounds -- we try to improve on the origins, by weaving characters and plotlines together, by limiting the sources of where someone can get super-powers, etc. Likewise, we may combine two characters that overlap so much that they fulfill the same function. For example, Bennett Brant + Mark Raxton/Molten Man = Mark Allan/Molten Man, or it did for us, anyway. Doing this made things more coherent and more personal to Spider-Man/Peter.

Having said all that, it was EXTREMELY important to us that the characters remained Classic and Iconic in the writing as well as the visuals. I STUDIED these characters and all the source material intensely. I tried to get down to the core essence of each character, i.e. what made him or her who he or she was to the reader. Flash is a bully, who deep down is actually an honorable guy. He's a guy who starts out as Pete's nemesis (and ironically Spidey's biggest fan) and eventually becomes both a decorated war veteran and one of the few people that Pete can count on. We knew we were starting with High School Flash, but we wanted to plant seeds of the guy we knew he'd become.

On the other hand, I studied Shocker. Great powers. Fun battles. Iconic costume. Secret i.d. = a cypher. Yes, we know his name, but there's nothing about Herman that makes him special. So in an attempt to make our universe more cohesive and coherent, I combined Montana with Shocker. I don't make that decision likely, and I do get that this bothers some folks, but it really felt like it worked in the context of our series, and Marvel agreed.

Another example: The Green Goblin was introduced as a mystery. Stan and Steve kept us guessing as to who was the man behind the mask for years. That mystery seemed FUNDAMENTAL to the character. And yet we knew that the audience knew that Norman Osborn was the Goblin. So how do you create a fundamentally necessary mystery when the audience already knows the answer? The solution was misdirection. Many people still guessed or assumed that Norman was the Goblin, but some people were fooled (at least briefly) and because I was NOT above making Montana into Shocker, seeds of doubt were planted. There's been (thankfully) a lot of positive feedback on our second season finale. And many people said something along the lines of, "Even though I knew it was Norman Osborn, you still kept me guessing." That's exactly what we hoped would happen.

This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other examples. But it should give you something of a window into our very exacting process.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

While I was looking in the GargWiki for information about the Olympians, I saw that you wanted to know the Ancient Egyptian name for the Egyptian pantheon.

The word which can be translated as "god" is _netcher_ or _netjer_, feminine _netcheret_ or _netjeret_, plural _netcheru_ or _netjeru_. TCH and TJ are just ways to spell the CH sound at the beginning and end of English "church," without confusing it with the German or Greek CH. As with every Ancient Egyptian word, the vowels were never written down, so the vowels in netjer and netjeru are speculatively added to make N-TJ-R and N-TJ-R-W pronounceable.

Netjeru refers to all the deities, including large numbers of minor deities who are servants to the greater deities, and who are often referred to in English as "demons" or "spirits." Netjeru sometimes also include other beings: deified mortals, the _akhu_ or souls of the dead, and divine beings like Ammut and Apophis that were not worshipped. Netjeru can also include the _bau_, which are "manifestations or emanations" send forth from a deity.

I do not know if netjer was also used to refer to gods of other religions, but I'm guessing it was.

What I have told you comes from Richard Wilkinson's "The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt." In my non-expert opinion this is one of the best books on Egyptian Mythology that I have seen for the non-specialist.

Greg responds...

Wow, that's seriously helpful, both the info and the reference book. I'm definitely buying that book! Thanks.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Anonymous writes...


Can we see th Chameleon in season three?

Can we see the Lizard in season three, too?

Will Sandman be back in season three?

Will Rhino return for a third season?

Do you have plans for Doc Ock be in more than one episode for season three?

Is Venom going to be back for season three?

Can Mysterio be back in season three?

~ Thanx

Greg responds...

And again, no comment. NO COMMENT on what's planned for Season Three, beyond the arrival of Hobgoblin and Scorpion. Those are two BIG spoilers. And I'm not giving out any others.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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BackLash writes...

Hello sir,

1. In episode 9 "The Uncertainty Principle, who was that "cheerleader" in the ping wig and green jacket, hanging out with Flash and the "girls"?
2. How come Montana is the Shocker in the show?
3. If there is later seasons, will Bluebird or Prowler make appearances?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... honestly, it's been so long since I saw that episode, it's hard to remember which guy was wearing the pink wig. Was it Rand? Kenny? Hobie? Tiny?

2. I've addressed this. Check the archives.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on May 14, 2009

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Branden Harvey writes...

The show is great. I LOVED both seasons (especally Final Curtain). I have a few questions:

1. SPIDEY SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Norman framed Hary in The Uncertainty Principle, how come Harry was switching back and forth between himself and the Goblin persona?

2. SPIDEY SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In First Steps, how was Eddie able to make a web when he didn't have the symbiote on?

3. How long will it take after you get the ok for a third season to produce the season and make it available for television?


Greg responds...


1. Huh?

2. He created a web-shooter, since he had all of Peter's memories.

3. About ten months, give or take.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr.Greg Weisman i want to give some compliments about Spectacular Spider-Man.
Doctor Octopus is one of my favorite Spider-Man Villains(others are Venom,Green Goblin,Lizard And Carnage).I like him very much in your show.In 90's animated series he was good,but later was just henchmen for Kingpin like much villain in 90's show.In your show he is very cool and evil character.In all of his episodes best were Reaction And Shear Strenght(that's my opinion)and there he was 100 percent EVIL(Like he should be).I also liked how in Group Therapy he showed interested in Symbiote,and in Gangland he said that criminal empire should be run like a science.You should make storyline where Dock Ock wants to test Symbionte or Become Monster-Ock(Like one of Spider-Man Games) in Season 3 or 4.Also for some reason i think that he employed Chameleon to steal Symbiote in Persona.
Idea to make episode arcs In Spectacular Spider-Man was brilliant,and Big Three(Venom,Doctor Octopus,Green Goblin)has 2 their own arcs.Venom has Symbiote and Venom arcs.Green Goblin Got First Green Goblin Arc and Return of Goblin Arcs.Doctor Octopus has Master Planner Arc And Gang War Arc.And they are like Main Villains in your show and they done worse things than any other villain.I don't like that some fans are saying that some episodes are fillers,but i don't think that way.Good luck developing storylines in future.
And i have one question.Do you plan to add another crime lord to Spectacular Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

To me, none of our episodes are filler. Certainly, none were INTENDED as filler All serve multiple purposes and hopefully tell a great story. But I'm biased, obviously.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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Kyle Tonarella writes...

hey greg not really a queation just wanted to show you a video where the nostalgia critic added lyrics to the gargoyles theme.


Greg responds...

Yeah, I'd seen that. But thanks.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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Sage Vega writes...

Hey Greg, I'm Sage. Here are my questions, I'm a huge fan of thh new spider-man show and I've watched the first season 5 times. I haven't seen the second season yet, but I was wondering... On season 3, could you add the Spot into the frey. Because He's my favorite funny bad guy, Besides he might give Spidey a big headache by goofing around with him a lot.

Greg responds...

I know this must sound obnoxious, but I'm NOT taking requests. Doesn't mean Spot won't appear; doesn't mean he will. (I'm not going to reveal that at this point.) It just means I have an overall plan already, that's been constructed with some intricacy. I can neither pull nor replace a thread without the whole thing unravelling. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 13, 2009

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anonmous writes...



**Fine, don't blame me if you get spoiled.**

...Or maybe you can. It's your call.

[EDIT; WHOOPS!! Somehow part 2 got approved before part 1. That was most certainly not my intention. Sorry about that.]

Anyway, hello, sir. Nice to see you're taking questions again.

I've seen all the episodes for season two. It was an excellent season, but to be honest, it was also a disappointing one. I'd like to share my thoughts on this season's episodes, if I may, and tell you what I loved, what I didn't care for, and what episodes I thought were the best/worst of the new season...

Part 1 of reviews

This was one great episode. I loved how this was an introduction to Mysterio that didn't just adapt "The Amazing Spider-Man", vol. 1, #13, which was Mysterio's comic debut. It was good to see the Connors back and that Peter gets a second chance working with them, and thanks to Norman Osborn of all people! Loved Stan Lee's cameo, it was great to see everyone back, and the look of Mysterio was awesome. Also, loved, loved, LOVED the saloon fight with Spider-Man and the army of Mysterio robots. It's good to see that Mysterio is actually a hand-to-hand fighter against Spidey in addition to being the master of illusion. Mysterio never fought Spidey on the Fox Kids Spider-Man series, which I always hated, but here, Mysterio is just great. The gargoyle Homunculi robots that Mysterio used were also great. Can't go wrong with those little critters. The ending with Spidey not recognizing Quentin Beck had me laughing and the Tinkerer appearance was also nice. Great to see Beck escaped going to jail by using a robot double. And Master Planner makes himself known when he talks with Tinkerer on the phone. Very nice. As for Osborn's final scene, never thought I'd think seeing a guy picking the pieces off a cracked egg could be so dang creepy in all my life. So, Osborn's mentoring Peter now, huh? Does Osborn suspect something about Peter and wants to keep a closer eye on him? Hmm...

My only major complaint with "Blueprints" is the voice of Mysterio. We all know Beck is a better sfx maestro than an actor, but come on! His voice is too over the top and way too hammy, even for Mysterio. I was expecting Xander Berkeley to have a voice for Mysterio that was gruffer, kind of like the voice he used for the evil sheriff he played in "Shanghai Noon" or something like that. I hope in season three that Beck takes acting lessons and gives Mysterio a better voice. Just because Mysterio looks a bit silly, wearing a fishbowl helmet and all, it doesn't mean he has to SOUND silly too. This isn't a complaint against you personally, but I think someone should fix this and tell Mr. Berkeley to change Mysterio's voice to make it less cheesy.

"Destructive Testing":
This was a great, GREAT intro for Kraven. This is my favorite version of Kraven to date. The addition of Calypso was also wonderful, as I hated the Mariah Crawford version we got on the 90s series. Debra Whitman pops up, Miles Warren gets some more focus, and Kraven gets an upgrade. Uh...okay, I didn't like the latter being in this episode. It was simply too quick to change Kraven. It's not that I didn't like the idea of it, but I thought this should have been done later in the season or the next season, but still, it was nice to see Miles Warren give Kraven his new powers and lion-like look. I just wish we saw Kraven look human a bit more first. I mean, we barely got a chance to get used to normal-looking Kraven, and then he looks like an animal with his next bout with Spider-Man. And the part where Calypso and Kraven are together at the end just felt...wrong. Granted, it's nice to see Calypso is still with Kraven given his new appearance, but it looks a bit cartoony and is the supervillain version of Beauty and the Beast. I swear, I was expecting Cogsworth and Lumiere to pop up and break into a kiddie song. Still, it was a great episode overall, and another great tease for the Master Planner.

This is my fourth favorite episode of the season. Everyone's wondering whether or not the inmate Cletus with the red hair and Santa hat is really Cletus Kasady/future Carnage, or maybe a relative of Beavis. Regardless, the cameo is nice and this episode is simply wonderful. I didn't buy, though, that Electro was suddenly liking being a villain, but then I didn't get that part of "group Therapy" in season one. In "Group Therapy", Electro wants a cure from Doc Ock when at the dinner table but throughout the episode, he insists people call him Electro? Weird. The reforming Doc Ock was nice and I liked how Dr. Kafka stood up for him, even if she did get zapped down by Electro by intervening. I thought the Sinister Six would attack all at once again, but alas, no such luck. It's also bizarre that Shocker is not included to join the team, but perhaps it's due to Shocker working for Hammerhead/Tombstone. Remember, in "Group Therapy", Montana tells Ock that Mr. H says they're available. Also, I like Mysterio's voice when he talks normal, like when Mysterio talks to Rhino about why Tinkerer couldn't be a member of the Sinister Seven that Master Planner mentions. Once he's fighting AS Mysterio, though, he still hams it up. Oy. Despite this, I especially love the introduction of Blackie Gaxton here. It's nice to see classic Spidey characters introduced, especially for the first time on an animated series. I really hope we have a Doctor Octopus/Gaxton meeting in the future. I loved seeing Peter and everyone from his school ice skating and the team-of-two Sinister Six pairings. Seeing Peter burn his tongue on his hot drink and have him try to quip as Spidey was just priceless. Spidey has some of the funniest lines ever in this episode, and my favorite is when he sees Jameson with the Santa cap on ("Lock your chimneys, folks."). The Rhino and Sandman pairing was my favorite, and Rhino's reaction when he realizes Spidey's tricked him had me rolling ("I hate you...so much."). It was neat to see that Master Planner had Tinkerer free five out of the Six members, though I wished Rhino was arrested rather than Mysterio so we'd see Doc Ock lead the original Sinister Six. The best part was with Tinkerer breaking out Doc Ock with his own tentacles, and Doc Ock screaming "NOOOOOOOO!!" in horror just gave me goosebumps. Finally, the ending was very nice when Peter gave Aunt May her present. Great work.

"Shear Strength":
Another brilliant episode, and we even get a cameo by Morris Bench/future Hydro-Man. Best of all, we learn the voice of Bench is Patrick Star himself, Bill Fagerbakke! PLEASE say he returns to voice Hydr-Man next season!

So Doc Ock is the Master Planner? Wonderful! I don't care how he managed to keep in touch with everyone from Ravencroft, especially since that place needs MUCH better security anyway. This was Doc Ock at his best and much, MUCH better than how he's been portrayed in the comic books in years. Mysterio, you need Doc Ock as your acting coach after his convincing performance in the previous episode. THIS is how you fool people. So Ock wants to gain control over the internet and he's got no problem with abducting Gwen Stacy so that he can force her father into getting him what he wants. I also love the new chip you gave Ock that grants him new control over his arms, though I still feel to this day he should have had complete mental control over his arms anyway once his harness was fused to his skin in "Reaction". Anyway, we get Tinkerer, Vulture, and Electro thrown in for good measure. The fights between Electro and Spider-Man and then Ock's fight with Spider-Man were very well done and exciting. You guys know how to keep a guy hooked with good fight sequences. Best of all, we get to see Spider-Man to reenact the same famous scene where he lifts the debris off of him from "The Amazing Spider-Man", vol. 1, #33. You guys actually improve upon that iconic image when Spidey's own might tears part of his outfit when he's lifting the machinery off of him. My only complaint in the episode is that Doc Ock didn't take Electro with him when he escaped. They have a bit of a mentor/pupil relationship, and Electro himself even says he worshipped Ock in "Reinforcement". Did Doc Ock leave Electro behind because he was upset with him for trashing his lab after he ordered him to stand down, or did he merely not want to risk being caught by Spider-Man by not picking Electro up when he was making his escape? Or maybe he was just so eager to ditch Spider-Man in his ruined lab and leave him to die that he forgot? Whatever the reason, it kind of gave me pause. Thankfully, Spidey took him out when he left with Gwen so we know we'll see more of Electro in the series. In all, it's one of the best episodes of the season -- and the series. It's my third favorite for season two.

"First Steps":
At first I thought, "A solo Sandman story? Why? We could be seeing a new villain introduced instead and we just saw him in 'Reinforcement'." Of course, that was BEFORE I saw this episode, and man, it was a gem. I was pleasantly surprised with this one, with Spider-Man mocking Sandman for still comitting the same petty thefts he did as Flint Marko when he could be using his powers for so much more. It also gives us a great line, where Spidey quotes "With great power comes great..." and Sandman adds "Gullibility!!" before punching him. We also get more out of Hammerhead, which is cool because I love Mr. DiMaggio's scenes where he voices Sandman and Hammerhead together. We also get Sha Shan, and on this series, Sha Shan's voice actress is none other than "X2" co-star Kelly Hu! Sweet! The video segment moments for Flash's birthday party were nice, though I'll never think of the nickname "Flash" Thompson the same ever again. I'm a bit surprised this one got through the censors. Anyway, the best moment at the party, to me, was Rand's reaction with Sally when they were filming. I know you guys mean well, but MAN, I dislike Sally. How this girl will eventually become Bluebird is beyond me at this point. Sandman has some great moments of his own, especially the moment on the beach with the little girl and her sand castle. The ending was nice, though I still cringe at the memories of the sand-giant Sandman from the terrible, terrible "Spider-Man 3" film. However, Sandman's return at the episode's end and Eddie Brock's re-appearance in this episode made it all worth it. And now that Eddie has his symbiote back, we're gonna have a heck of a good time with Venom...

"Growing Pains":
I thought the transformation of John Jameson was kind of quick here, but who cares? This episode is brilliant. Not only do we get John Jameson playing hero (and later villain to Spidey) as Colonel Jupiter, we get Venom! The Venom moments were some of the best I've ever seen, with Venom's framing Spidey while in the black costume were nicely done. I'm a bit surprised that electricity is what stops John Jameson and that he's still a bit insane after what happened to him, but heck, we get a real reason for Jameson to genuinely hate Spider-Man. I assume he'll be bringing in Mac Gargan in the future to get revenge on Spider-Man for what he did to his son. I feel bad for John Jameson and hope he changes back to his own, sane self...even if we all want him to go through the misfortune of becoming Man-Wolf at some point in the future. To top it all off, we get quite possibly the best cliffhanger ending of all, where Venom breaks into the Bugle and announces that Peter is Spider-Man in front of his shocked co-workers!

"Identity Crisis"
Okay, seriously...great, great, GREAT work here, guys. This episode made me wish that this, THIS, was the Venom we got for "Spider-Man 3": ruthless, persistent, vile, and wanting nothing more than Spider-Man dead. I loved everyone's reaction to Ned Lee's question that Peter Parker could be Spider-Man. To me, the Connors and Aunt May had the best reactions, though Norman's simple "No." comment was effective and creepy. Maybe he already knows and won't tell anyone? Anyway, we even get a Quentin Beck cameo in prison during Ned's interview that foreshadows a later episode! Sweet! We also get Flash Thompson helping Spider-Man out and the return of Dr. Connors' gene cleanser. That's the only part of this story I don't buy. THAT is how Venom gets defeated? Granted, I know that Venom's vulnerability to sonic vibrations is how Spidey got rid of the symbiote and that it's unlikely we'll see Venom's weakness to fire animated. But really, what does this do to the symbiote? Does it mean it can't bond to Brock anymore? Does it change it so that it becomes a red symbiote for Carnage? Sigh. Season Three can't come fast enough to show us what the future holds for Eddie Brock and the symbiote. Although, I love how Eddie wanted the symbiote back and it's a bit heartbreaking that he has to hold onto his hatred in order to get the symbiote back because, otherwise, it wouldn't return to him and Eddie would feel that he'd have nothing left. Poor Eddie. Poor, INSANE Eddie, but poor Eddie nonetheless. However, I'm quite sure we haven't seen the last of Eddie Brock as Venom. He's too popular to keep away for long and the "Spectacular" version of Venom is my favorite of all time. Here, he's truly showcased as to why he's one of Spider-Man's most popular, deadliest and greatest enemies that the hero has to face off with. In the end, Peter's secret is safe and Captain Stacy makes his first hint he may know Peter's secret. Oh, man, that was just wonderful! I'm going to bet that, as of now, the only ones who know for sure that Peter is Spider-Man are Captain Stacy and Mary Jane Watson. I'm pretty sure M.J. knows already, like how she knew from nearly the beginning in the comics.

I'll mention the other episodes shortly...



Greg responds...

Again, no new chip in Ock. This is the same chip that fused to his spine from the beginning. It's always given him complete control over his arms. But that doesn't explain what POWERS the arms.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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anonmous writes...




Hello, I said I'd be back.

Here's part two of my episode reviews for season two...

So we get Frederick Foswell as Patch, Black Cat's cameo return, a bidding war between a bunch of supervillains, the introduction of Kingsley, and the debut Silver Sable...and voiced by Nikki Cox, no less! Man, you guys know how to throw a party! I didn't even mind that Silver Sable turned out to be Silvermane's daughter. Seeing Doc Ock at the auction with Vulture, as well as his tentacles around two lovely ladies, was a nice addition and Ock even convinces Rhino to go out and get the chip. I'm just surprised Vulture didn't speak. When we get Kingsley, he acts like Roderick one minute and then his twin brother Daniel the next. I'm guessing he's actually both, since we only have Courtney B. Vance credited as "Kingsley" in the credits. Not only do we get to see Spider-Man fight Hammerhead (finally!!), but we get a brief Rhino/Spidey team-up! Best of all, said chip is a fake and the real one is with Norman Osborn! Osborn's taking a long walk down a dark path now and I love every second of it.

"Probable Cause":
I hate to say it, but this was kind of a filler episode for me. I mean, we've got the Shocker back and the Enforcers. But did the Enforcers really need costumes too like the Shocker? One of the reasons I love the Enforcers in the comics is because they are normal looking foes. They're not supposed to wear super-powered villain costumes. This is why I do not like Montana being the Shocker in this series. Herman Schultz may not be as memorable as Otto Octavius or Norman Osborn in the alter-ego department, but he's the Shocker. He's just a crook who wants to steal cash and keep a professional reputation, but keeps getting foiled by Spider-Man. Having Montana as the Shocker is, no disrespect intented, just wrong in my opinion. To me, it's not the Shocker, it's Montana in a Shocker costume and with Shocker's gauntlets. This isn't as bad as the Rheinholdt Kragov Electro that the Fox Kids Spider-Man show gave us, but any deviation from a classic Spider-Man foe, especially in terms of their alter-egos, doesn't sit well with me. That's just how I roll. Besides, I especially did not care for seeing Fancy Dan as Ricochet. Ricochet was my favorite Spidey identity-turned-Slingers member and seeing someone with the name Ricochet as a villain made me cringe. The episode itself also seems a bit out of place to me. We had the start of the Gang War arc with the bid on the chip, and Gang War's conclusion comes up next. In between that, we get -- Shocker, Ox and Ricochet? That took me out of the story a bit, because it seems a bit out of place in this particular arc. I think, at least, this should have happened before the bidding war, because this is an odd choice for the middle of the Gang War arc, especially since most of the villains involved (Doc Ock, Tombstone, Silvermane, etc.) don't even show up in this episode. Also, we have focus on quite possible the worst villain that Spider-Man has faced on this show: Sally Avril. Seriously? Well, at least she did seem concerned about Peter in the episode when she thought he had died, even if it was for about two micro-seconds. However, I did love what happened with Flash in this episode. I'm really loving how much Flash has grown in this season and how he's been handled. Kudos, all. Stan Carter's dark comments regarding Spidey not going "far enough" against villains was a nice addition. And you have got to love that ending with Harry...

I never thought I'd love the opera so much in my entire life. We get Silvermane making his debut, AND his cyborg armor look to boot. I love the return of Silver Sable, but was disappointed she didn't do as much as she did in "Accomplices". Despite this, I liked how she was trembling when in Hammerhead's presence. It shows that Hammerhead is also growing as a criminal to fear, like the other crime lords here. Doc Ock, in particular, also shines here, and I love, love, LOVE what you've done with him in this episode. Next to "Shear Strength", THIS is the Doc Ock I know and love: brilliant, cold and extremely dangerous. His attack on the defenseless Silvermane and his hatred for Spider-Man during their fight scenes are wonderful to watch, and Peter MacNicol simply cannot appear in enough episodes as the voice of Ock. One moment I loved was when Doc Ock was shouting with rage in his final fight with Spider-Man in the sewers after he was kicked against the pipes. Seeing Ock continue to attack Spidey with just such fury shows just how frustrating and how hateful that Ock finds our heroic Spider-Man.

Please, please, PLEASE say we'll see Doc Ock in multiple episodes next season.

The only Doc Ock complaint is the sudden lack of the new chip. What happened here? Suddenly, Spidey removes the power pack again when Ock's knocked on the ground and Ock's tentacles no longer work. Did I miss something here? When Ock returns for season three, PLEASE say he'll get TOTAL mental control over his tentacles. This is the most annoying method ever for defeating Doc Ock, moreso than Spider-Man firing webs over Doc Ock's goggles/sunglasses. Ock is in serious need of improvement on your show.

However, I'll forgive this incident for the sheer joy for the next two highlights: Spider-Man's rematch with Tombstone, and the reveal of the new Big Man in the finale. The Green Goblin is back in style, just as crazy as ever. If Gobby's maniacal laughter at the finale doesn't give you chills and get you excited for next week's episode, I don't know what will.

In all, this is my second favorite episode for season two. Brilliant work, guys. I applaud you all.

My fifth favorite episode of this series. The introduction of Molten Man is wonderful, we get some great moments for Liz and Mary Jane, and we also get a bit of the Green Goblin. We even get Blackie Gaxton back, to boot! The personalities for the characters really shine here. I really felt bad for Mark here after all that's happened to him. When Liz shouts at Peter and then breaks down crying, you feel sorry for her. I also felt bad for seeing Mary Jane standing by herself when Peter comforts a sobbing Liz. I hope M.J. gets much more focus in season three...or in the current Marvel Comics, but that's another matter.

"Opening Night":
This wasn't a bad episode, it was very entertaining. But it's not one of the better episodes this season, either. I loved seeing all of the imprisoned villains together, especially since we saw Beck with inmates back in "Identity Crisis", hence my forshadowing mention earlier.

[Wait, did I really just say "hence"?!? What am I, a senior citizen?!?]

I loved seeing the Rhino, the Enforcers (thankfully without their costumes), Silvermane, and Molten Man. I especially love what you did with Molten Man here. You sooooo have to bring him back when there's a new third season. However, I didn't care much for the reveal of the imprisoned Quentin Beck as a robot that tranformed into Mysterio, though it does explain why Tinkerer didn't break out Mysterio at the finale of "Reinforcement". Despite this, the Mysterio gargoyles pop up again and are as fun and funny as ever, so I'll forgive it. I won't be so kind, though, on the reveal of Uncle Ben's real killer. Black Cat's father?!? Ugh. No offense, but this brought back bad memories of "Spider-Man 3" for me. We didn't need someone with a name or a history to be the guy who fatally shot Uncle Ben, or someone who felt haunted about doing it. In the comics, it's a nameless burglar. It's more effective. Sometimes, less is more, and it should've been that way here. Granted, it gives a new twist on the Spider-Man/Black Cat relationship, but here, it felt forced and unneeded. Though it's going to be interesting to see what Black Cat does next time she shows up. I did like her characterization here, and I really LOVED what you did with the Green Goblin. At this point, I honestly didn't care if it was Norman or Harry behind that mask: I simply wanted to see more of him. His rhyming, his hacking into the Vault, his fight with Spider-Man...it's just pure brilliance. We also get a great, long overdue moment on this show: Hobie Brown finally speaks!! However, I must applaud you with J. Jonah Jameson. He's just pure gold in this episode. I especially love his scenes in this episode, from his joy in seeing Spider-Man imprisoned to his quip about Mysterio's robots getting their own show. But the best is saved for last, indeed...

"Final Curtain":
Seriously...this is the best season two episode!! Everything here is just brilliant. From Peter's break-up with Liz Allan to the "is he or isn't he" guessing game of the man behind the Green Goblin's mask, this show had more twists and turns than any other episode. I have to admit, I love your portrayal of Donald Menken. Think you can reprise the role next season? Anyway, what's so clever here is that you can totally buy the idea of ANY of the suspects being the Green Goblin, from Donald Menken to Harry Osborn to Norman Osborn. I must admit, I knew Chameleon would appear in season two, but I had no idea how cool and important his role here would be...or the big reveal of Chameleon's REAL first appearance on your show.

On one hand, it could've been Harry. I thought this show was going to have Norman somehow transfer the Goblin personality from Harry into himself with his staff to spare Harry of what he'd done in season one. This would've given Norman the edge he needed over Tombstone and Hammerhead without having to apologize for what had happened to Harry, kind of like a selfish "what was a curse for Harry has been turned into a blessing for me" angle. Given how Harry had acted in "Competition" and "The Invisible Hand", or how he kept blacking out after taking Globulin Green, you could believe that he had with a split personality and was the Green Goblin. Maybe when he was Harry-Goblin, he listened at the door about Hammerhead threatening Osborn with Octavius' knowledge of Osborn co-creating Rhino and Sandman before he entered to tell his dad about his latest accomplishments since he was now a football player and that he had a date to the Fall Formal. Of course, we all know Goblin later traps Octavius and turns him into Doc Ock, even if that wasn't his intention. It also would've explained Harry's angry outburst and attack on his father when he blacked out in "The Uncertainty Principle".

Granted, I knew Norman Osborn would likely be the Goblin this season, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how tricky and how evil he actually was. I mean, you see him break his own son's ankle, for crying out loud! Norman is slimy, unapologetic and cares for no one, not even his own son. He just takes what he wants and doesn't care who he hurts.

My sole problem with this episode is Green Goblin's faked death. It was simply too early to have Norman Osborn believed dead by his son and the public, especially since I simply wanted to see more of him next season. At least we could've had Norman find out Peter's secret identity before episode's end. I mean, Norman goes from wanting to turn Harry into a man he could be proud of and then suddenly leaves New York under the alias of the blond Mr. Roman when everyone thinks he's deceased? I know Osborn's just planning his next move, but I didn't think he'd need to let anyone think he was dead to do it. However, given Harry's own dark turn when he guilts Gwen into sticking around as his girlfriend after previously learning he found out Gwen intended to leave him for Peter, I'm sure Harry's going to go down a dark path of his own that may lead him to the Green Goblin mask one day.

I'm also gonna guess that one of Goblin's "pumpkin head" henchmen is gonna be Hobgoblin or Jack O'Lantern. Maybe it's a currently-unnamed Jason Macendale working for Goblin? And with Tombstone being watched and Hammerhead MIA, maybe Frederick Foswell trades his Patch identity for the position of the new Big Man...

I've also got some guesses as to who the Hobgoblin could be, early as it may be:
- Donald Menken. We thought he could've been Green Goblin, so he might be a Hobgoblin suspect too.
- Chameleon. Heck, we thought he was Norman Osborn on season two and if Harry hadn't realized Chameleon's apology mistake, we wouldn't have even thought he was an imposter.
- Norman Osborn. What better way to have the time to improve his own equipment and costume when everyone thinks you're dead, even your own wife and son?
- Harry Osborn. Hey, he was the Hobgoblin in "Ultimate Spider-Man", so why not here too? And it'd be a great way to have him avenge his thought-dead dad by attacking his own best friend, even if he doesn't know it...yet.
- Ned Lee. He's working on stories of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin for the Bugle. I also buy he's the original Hobgoblin in the comics a lot more than I do that Roderick Kingsley was the real Hobby all along. Speaking of which...
- Roderick Kingsley. The obvious man behind the mask, but given how manipulative he turned out to be and just how long it took us to find out who the original Hobgoblin really was, it may not be so easy for us to think Roderick would don the Goblin mask in season three.
- Emily Osborn. Where DOES she disappear to, anyway? And besides, it'd give her something to do on the show besides silently cut her dinner with a kitchen knife.

For season three, I'm betting we see Venom back, more of Mary Jane, Man-Wolf, the debut of Hydro-Man, and maybe even the origin of Jackal. But these are merely guesses.

Now, I don't want my comments on season two to sound too mean or even make you think I didn't like season two at all. Far from it. I love this show. I just got disappointed with it, is all. Besides, you've got to take the bad comments with the good. If everyone told you how brilliant it was all the time, then you wouldn't learn about what people didn't like about it, or how to improve on your faults and become a better writer out of it from what you've learned. Season two was nowhere near as bad as seasons two, four or five of Fox Kids' "Spider-Man" series, but it wasn't as good as season one of "Spectacular". Regardless of my rants and criticism, I honestly hope you and the rest of the writers and directors return for a season three. "The Spectacular Spider-Man" is my favorite animated series ever, Spider-Man or otherwise. It simply cannot end at season two, but it also can't continue without the current cast and crew. You're what makes this show so great, and you all do brilliant work. I genuinely hope this show gets its planned 65-episode run...and much more.

Thank you so very much for your time, sir. I'm honored to chat with another fellow Spider-Man fan such as you.



Greg responds...


Spidey didn't remove Ock's chip, he removed Ock's power-pack. Ock DOES have total mental control of his tentacles thanks to the chip imbedded in his spine. But something still needs to power the tentacles, and that's the power pack.

And Norman didn't BREAK Harry's ankle, he twisted it. Not that I'm defending the act, just trying to be specific, since this casual misconception seems to have become common currency.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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Patrick writes...

first off spectacular spiderman is AMAZING!!
but on to the point i was curious if u were going to go ahead with a season 3 of the show...
the finale of season 2 had left room for desire...
just curious...
and i was as well as curious how i would read your answer...
so if it couldn't be too much of a hasle could you please e-mail me your answer...
my e-mail is:

feel free to e-mail me...
it is your choice

Greg responds...

I don't e-mail responses directly, because (a) it would defeat the purpose of this forum and (b) if I did it for you, I'd have to do it for everyone and (c) I don't want everyone to have my e-mail address.

And, AGAIN, I'd love to do a Season Three. We are awaiting word as to whether or not we're getting a pick-up.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

To follow up on my Cletus Kasady and Morris Bench question, I was wondering if you plan to include Carnage and Hydro-Man in the third series if you're still in charge? Seeing as Venom's symbiote is still in the sewers, I even assumed that you might plan for Eddie to be incarcerated at Ravencroft and the symbiote spawning an offspring resulting in the creation of Carnage (though I heard Carnage wasn't allowed to kill anyone in the 90's series).

In a follow-up to Man-Wolf in the same question, I was wondering if you would plan for Frank Welker (who did Bronx in "Gargoyles") to voice Man-Wolf if you decide to include John Jameson's Man-Wolf form. I suggested an idea for Frank Welker in the role since Dee Bradley Baker is already providing Lizard's vocal effects.

Greg responds...

Repeating myself, I don't know why I'd recast the role, when I have a perfectly great voice actor already in the part, i.e. Daran Norris. (You didn't "follow up" your Man-Wolf question, you just restated it.)

Otherwise, repeating myself some more, I have ZERO intention of spoiling Season Three plotlines at this stage.

Response recorded on May 12, 2009

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Tyler writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

My question is: in season 1 of Spectacular Spider-Man, during the Electro and The Lizard episodes, what was the reasoning behind Peter's ring tone being "Little Bunny Fu Fu"? (at least thats what it sounded like to me). It was funny, I was just curious why it was chosen. Thank you for your time.

P.S. Thank you for doing Spectacular Spider-Man. I love twists on the show, it keeps new fans guessing and comic book fans on their toes. This is truly one of the best adaptations I've seen yet. This is what Spider-Man should be. Also, love Gargoyles, fantastic show, hope it comes back in the near future. Thanks again.

Greg responds...

It's "Itsy Bitsy Spider".

Response recorded on May 11, 2009

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Marn Hierogryph writes...

Why couldn't Spider-Man be more like W.I.T.C.H. and less like Gargoyles. The villains were all under developed and the girls were all shallow.

There's background characters than there's main character's who are underused. For example, did we really need Mysterio, Kraven, Colonel Jupiter, and Molten Man? We already had plenty of villains who still needed developing, so adding new ones only made things feel more crowded. Those episodes could have been better used to help the Tombstone gangwar stuff, or the Goblin stuff (even though technically MM was part of the Goblin arc)

Why not just focus on one villain for a certain amount of episodes. Tell a complete story. Finish that villain off and then move to the next one? Why does it have to be "villain of the week?"

I would say having the established characters develop would make it fresh (For example, rather than just have him just pop up for a fight all the time, let Electro be cured, or regain his sanity/goodness and become a hero, or show him confiding in Eddie/Conners about his actions and show conflict) if you just add new characters to keep things fresh, then it's just delaying the inevitable. Plus I'm reminded of that Poochie episode of the Simpson.

The thing with that is we're not getting to read these books, just look at the covers over and over again while they tease us with the content inside them. Sure, the show is giving us new characters, but if all that entails is "Villain shows up, tries to take over the word, fails, tries again next week" then I'd rather stick with a smaller cast who's motives and characterization moves beyond that and have their stories become more complex and intuitive.

I suppose that's the base problem with franchises, introducing things just for the sake of the people who liked it in other mediums, as opposed to what's actually beneficial to the show itself and what would make for ideal storytelling.

I found them both kind of shoehorned in and took away focus from the real villain the arc was about. Instead of Jupiter and Molten Man, we could get more focus on Venom and Goblin, who are severely lacking in terms of characterization and development in the show so far.

For what it's worth, I won't be watching the third season (if there is one) since it's clear now this show isn't what I was hoping for.

Greg responds...

Were there any ACTUAL questions in there, or is this just a single tirade, with some of it phrased as questions?

Look, obviously, I'm sorry the series isn't working for you. But I don't regret any of our choices. Doing ALL our (for example) Electro stories in a row and then writing that character off forever, hardly seems like a sensible solution. That would proclude him interacting with and/or changing because of other characters. Most of the series I do, including Spidey, Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H., are written as tapestries. You can follow individual threads, or you can step back and take in the whole picture with it's (admittedly) cast of thousands. Over time, all characters will get more development. I'd preach patience, but you're clearly out of it with us, and I guess I have to respect that.

Response recorded on May 11, 2009

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Joseph writes...

Hello Greg,
Thank you for the rollercoaster ride that was the second season of the Spectacular Spider-Man. I've got a few things I have to ask you (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

1. In "Final Curtain", Norman Osborn thanks a man called Gargan on the phone. Throughout the show, Norman Osborn has a bald heavy along with Donald Menken. Is he Gargan?
2. Speaking of Donald Menken, is he an actual comics character?
3. Have we ever actually seen the real Mysterio at all this season?
4. Were Vulture and Silver Sable arrested along with the others in "Gangland"?
5. Where did Calypso, Hammerhead and Blackie Gaxton go to after they ran away at the end of their respective episodes?
6. Did Doctor Octopus go back into Ravencroft at the end of "Gangland"?
7. Who will take control of OsCorp considering what happened at the end of "Final Curtain"?
8. In "Blueprints", how was Mysterio able to get people to bow before him?
9. With Mark (now Molten Man) in prison, what's going to happen with MJ's love life?
10. How was the gene clenser actually able to affect Venom?
11. And in a future season, will Black Cat's story continue?

Thanks for continuing one of the best superhero shows ever in such a strong way, and hopefully it'll continue once again!

Joseph, a happy fan.

Greg responds...


1. No.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. No.

5. No comment.

6. Yes.

7. No comment.

8. They weren't bowing. They were collapsing to their knees thanks to a colorless, odorless gas that weakened them.

9. No comment.

10. It wasn't.

11. Duh.

Response recorded on May 11, 2009

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It's the return of the giant invisible flying monkey brain. Damn thing won't leave me alone. Where's Mongo Mingi Mungu when you really need him?

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Matthew writes...

Hey, Mr. Weisman, I have a question.

I know you served as the director for W.I.T.C.H's second and final season. Many people attribute the fact that W.I.T.C.H never really caught on as well as it could have to it's first season, which deviated heavily from the spirit of the source material. As I've heard you made it a big goal to do better with that in the second season, I'd like to ask: if you had been working on W.I.T.C.H from the start (the first season), what would you have done differently? How would the whole Meridian/Phobos/Elyon storyline have gone under your direction?


Greg responds...

I served as Supervisory Producer for the second season of W.I.T.C.H. I was not the director.

Your question is impossible to answer. There are too many "IF"s in that hypothetical. If I had been in charge. If Disney had told me it was a comedy show for the Disney Channel set in a high school with a little magic thrown in and then halfway through production changed their collective mind to make it a fantasy action show with a little comedy for Jetix instead (which is what happened to the Season One producers). Etc.

Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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C-Note writes...

Hi Greg,
I know you are probably used to hearing it, but I am a big fan of both Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man. My questions mostly concern Spectacular Spider-Man.
1. How do the overseas ratings effect our chances for a third Spider-Man season?
2. What is the earliest we could possibly know if Spider-Man is picked up again?
3. If picked up, how long would it take to produce a new season?
4. How has the show being transferred to a Disney channel helped or hindered the possibilities of a third season?
5. Will Disney now be handling the DVD releases of Spider-Man?
My last question I ask because I am hoping they will be as I think (or hope) that they would use that as a sort of free advertising for the Gargoyles DVDs (If you like this, buy this other series by creator Greg Weisman, etc.) and possibly give us the season 2 part 2 we have all been waiting for. Anyways, thanks for your time and just know that I, as a dedicated Spider-Man fan who was highly wary of any new incarnation of the character, love what you have been doing on that series so far. Thanks again.

Greg responds...

1. Well, if ratings are high all over the world and those stations want more episodes than perhaps it would encourage Sony International to put more money into the series, so that if for WHATEVER reason, other Sony divisions are less interested, it might help compensate. But we're still waiting for Disney to give us a domestic pick-up sometime after the second season starts airing in June.

2. June at the earliest.

3. About ten months, give or take.

4. Well, we lack continuity, and Disney wants us to prove ourselves all over again, I suppose.

5. No. That's always been Sony Home Entertainment.

Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Is Una's horn real or just a part of her armor?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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THE BIG CHEESE writes...

Hey Greg, um i was wondering is it possible that in the secend season, when spiderman forces the gene clenser down venom's throat did the symbiot servive? I saw the symbiot escape into the sewers. Is it possible that the symbiot will break Brock out of Ravencroft and while doing so, the symbiot reproduces and will bond with Cletus Kasady?

Greg responds...


1. You saw him survive, and you're asking me if he survived?

2. No comment.

(And once again, I reiterate, I'm not going to be giving any specific spoilers away for Season Three, because (a) we don't have a pick-up yet and (2) once we do, I do NOT want to give away my plans!)

Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real? The one that hides your face, or the one that is your face?"
- The Green Goblin

"Final Curtain"




I am not sure how to summarize this episode. It was great. Every question was answered. Everything about the Green Goblin and the Osborns. We know it all.

And I figured the mystery out when "The Uncertainty Principle" was over. I was never convinced it was Harry Osborn. I figured the Norman at OsCorp was the Chameleon committing some industrial espionage. I figured Norman knew his cover was blown and faked the limp and set up Harry. I thought that for over a year.

And yet, this episode kept me guessing. I began to believe I might be wrong. And I am ashamed to admit, I didn't pick up on Chameleon/Norman's apology. But, when I did begin to pick up on Chameleon was when, as Norman, he seemed flustered and confused about what was going on. As Spidey himself said, it's not the voice, it's the words.

But, this was perfect. The Green Goblin... Norman Osborn has always, always been my favorite villain in the "Spider-Man" mythos. My favorite villain in the Marvel Universe. I had waited years and years for that perfect adaptation of him outside the comics.

I didn't like the Norman Osborn in the 90s series, because he was a wimp and a victim of the Kingpin. Osborn should never be a victim. It also created the notion that the Goblin and Osborn were separate personalities, and they even had conversations with each other.

The movie did better, and I enjoyed it. Willem Dafoe was God in that movie. But, as cool as the mirror scene was, I didn't care for the split personality angle either. Also, I didn't like the idea that he as a decent man before his accident.

But, "Spectacular Spider-Man"... this is the Norman Osborn I always wanted. This is the Green Goblin I always wanted. A ruthless, evil, psychotic, Machiavellian, genius. There is no one he wouldn't use. No one he wouldn't stab in the back. And you never knew what he was going to do next.

Greg Weisman and his team brought us the perfect animated sociopath. A man who is truly detestable. A man who'd throw his own son to the wolves. No... not a man. A monster. A goblin.

Of course, I have to tip my hat to Alan Rachins and Steve Blum for bringing him to life. Both of these fine actors gave me chills, and both of them stole the show. I was beyond skeptical when I heard that Norman and the Goblin would have separate voice actors, but at the time I was unaware his identity would be a mystery, but these two won me over big time.

"I protected Harry. If I'd been sent to prison, who'd have made a man out of him?" -- If this line doesn't make you want to punch the man in the face, then you're just not human.

Anyway, the episode ends with Norman Osborn dead to the world, but is in hiding in the Cayman Islands as "Mr. Roman." ... his hair dyed blonde and with a mustache now. He looks the spitting image of "Gargoyles" villain, John Castaway. Actually, Castaway was the new name and identity of Jon Canmore... and he grew a mustache like that. I wonder if this is a nod. Considering Greg, probably.

Speaking of "Gargoyles" nods. The Connors board Flight 1057 to Florida. 1057 is the year Macbeth's alliance with Demona and his reign as King of Scotland ended. Norman boards Flight 994, the year Goliath's clan was massacred.

Peter breaks up with Liz to be with Gwen. Liz puts on a strong front to save her image, but she was heartbroken. A shame, she was a good girlfriend. Peter was a crappy boyfriend.

Gwen on the other hand, as much as she wants to be with Peter, well, Harry shows his devious side and guilts her into staying with him.

Harry, aside the aforementioned devious side has no idea who his father is. No, the little Spawn of Satan (hee hee, literally) thinks daddy was a victim of the Globulin Green as well. Oh, how little he knows.

The action in this episode topped every other action sequence in the series. Vic Cook did terrific job on this one. Everyone involved did great.

And the dialogue was terrific. Not just the lines themselves, but the delivery. Menken's "I have no response to that" floored me. I also loved Goblin's "Menken? Seriously?!" and Spidey's appalled outrage when he learned that Norman had framed his own son.

I do have a few questions though. Was Norman publicly outed as the Green Goblin? Obviously Harry, Peter, Chameleon and, from the sound of things, Gwen know the truth. Does Emily Osborn know? Does the world at large know? Or was that kept underwraps and Norman is just taking advantage of the world thinking he's dead to plan his next move?

I also have to compliment Greg and his team for taking a mystery everyone knew, the identity of the Green Goblin and not only making a mystery out of it, but keeping it going for the span of two seasons. The 90s soon didn't attempt it, well, for half an episode they did, but not seriously. The movies told you he was Norman Osborn from the get go. It's a staple of the "Spider-Man" mythos. And yes, while I wasn't fooled, many, many others were. And I have to compliment that and I have to tip my hat to just how well constructed this mystery really was.

But, all the other clues aside, the big tip off for me personally that it was Norman and not Harry was this. Norman was born and raised in Connecticut. Harry was born and raised in New York City. In "Catalysts," the Goblin tells his Gob Squad that he'll be back "in a New York minute." No actual born and bred New Yorker ever used the phrase "New York minute."

Really, in a way, the more I think about it, the more I believe that Norman Osborn was the lead antagonist of the series from pretty much the get go. We just didn't get 100% confirmation on that until the end. Yeah, Tombstone was the face of the crime element, and it was his plan originally to create supervillains in the first place, but Norman Osborn was the one who seemed to profit off of it. Not to mention that, aside from the Venom arcs, Norman had a hand, either large or subtle, in just about every single arc. Let's see...

Lizard Arc: Norman steals Toomes invention, which was majot pipe laying for what came later. Also, indirectly created his first supervillain when Toomes sought revenge.

Rise of the Supervillains: Norman Osborn becomes involved with the organized crime element, creates two supervillains (three if you count tipping off Big Man to Tri Corp's shipment of the Shocker suit). Gets a taste of the underworld, and, obviously likes it.

Green Goblin arc: This is pretty self explanatory. Like the good corporate shark that he is, he attempts a hostile take over of the Big Man's empire. He, unintentionally creates Dr. Octopus... the webslinger's other big nemesis. And, Norman pretty much ruins his son for the rest of his life here.

Venom arc: Norman was M.I.A.

Master Planner: Not as heavily involved, but he gets his own guy, Miles Warren into ESU. He becomes Peter's mentor, which is a big deal (and frankly, I wish we saw more of), and pipe is laid for later.

Venom Arc II: M.I.A. again, although I do wonder if he suspects Peter is Spider-Man.

Gang War: Norman Osborn set this thing off with his fake auction, raising the tensions, and then when the pot was going from a simmer to a boil, he manipulated Hammerhead into betraying Tombstone. Crippled the Big Man. And Silvermane and Ock are now back in custody. He finally absorbed the underworld into his own personal empire.

Green Goblin Returns: I think this is self explanatory, and I don't need to summarize his actions and their consequences here.

But that all leads into belief that I always had. Norman Osborn is the anti-Peter Parker. And that is especially true in this series. The two biggest threats to the Big Man were men in masks. Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, and both for totally different reasons.

When Peter and Norman put on their masks, they can cut loose. Truly cut loose. Peter is more confident when he's Spidey, and gets to escape the insecurities and personal problems of Peter Parker by becoming someone else. Where as, Norman Osborn, when he puts on his mask, gets to be himself. The Goblin is his face, Norman Osborn is the mask.

It's more than the both of them being trickster figures. It boils down to the psychosis of both of them. Masks are a big part of their lives. Norman collects them for a reason, because his entire public persona is a mask. I doubt even his wife and son know who he really is.

Peter would love to give up being Spider-Man. He's thought about it more than once, especially when he had the gene cleanser. Norman would never give up being the Goblin. He'd rather give up being Norman, and in a way that showed considering he didn't look too broken up about fleeing the country under an alias. He even flirted with the flight attendant.

Greg Weisman has always said that the secret to creating a great villain is to make them a dark mirror to the soul of your hero. The Goblin personifies that quite well. From all that I mentioned above, to little things like Norman being upperclass and Peter being lower class.


All the gushing aside, I write this review with a heavy heart. As of now, there is still no pick-up for a third season, and it just can't end like this. I want more. This show is too good to end now.

But, if this is the end, I want to give kudos to everyone involved. Vic Cook for being an outstanding director. Jennifer Coyle... probably my favorite director of the bunch, her episodes always had outstanding little touches.

Josh Keaton for bringing Peter Parker and Spider-Man to life. Vanessa Marshall for bringing Mary Jane to life, a character who sadly had too little to do, but I hope we see more. Lacey Chabert for helping make Gwen Stacy a character who matters for more than just her infamous death in the comics. Ben Diskin for making me like Venom. Alan Rachins for his devious Norman Osborn. Steve Blum for his deliciously evil Green Goblin. Kevin Michael Richardson for picking up where Keith David left off and making Tombstone a force to be reckoned with. Peter McNicol for his calculating and cruel Dr. Octopus.

But, most of all, my friends the supervising producer and story editor, Greg Weisman; and post production assistant, Jennifer L. Anderson. I loved coming down to the studio while you in were production. I loved giving you instant feedback. Knowing you both has made the experience that has been this show that much richer. I love you both.

I still hold out hope for a third season. Shows this good just can't die like that.




Greg responds...

High praise. Thanks.

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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Martin writes...

Got a few more questions. Any news on the ratings, Greg? also, do you thing the Disney XD schedule is good? I mean repeating the same episodes for weeks? And, do you think a possible season 3 should have more new villains than returning?

Greg responds...

Guys, BEFORE you post questions, how about looking at the queue to see whether or not someone has posted the exact same question... like three questions in a row, okay? As a favor to me, please?

As far as I can tell, Disney XD is introducing one Season One episode a week (after introducing three in the first week). Then they rerun the newly introduced episode alongside any already introduced throughout the week that follows. This gives them a cumed rating score for each episode. You make it sound like they're taking one episode and only one episode and repeating it for weeks. That's just not the case.

As always, if we get a third season, there will be a mix of new and returning villains.

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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Jay writes...

I would like to ask one simple question. Are the ratings for Spectacular Spiderman doing "Spectacular" enough to have season 3 renewed or at least have hope for it?
Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Once again... we have to see what the ratings are for the Second Season before we find out about a possible third.

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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Bubba writes...

As a hardcore spiderman fan I would like to ask a couple of questions about the show. 1. Do you feel confident that there will be many more seasons to come for "The Spectacular Spiderman" because I think many people believe this to be one of the, if not, greatest adaption of a superhero show? If so, when will you think season 3 will be announced?
2. When is the season 1 boxset of season 1 being released and the price? Also does dvds sale come into play when the programs think about renewing the series for more seasons?

Greg responds...

1. I really am too superstitious to predict. I don't know when (or if) an announcement will come, but I'm pretty sure it won't come until AFTER the second season starts airing on Disney XD in the United States.

2. Sometime this summer. And probably.

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

My mistress with a monster is in love.
Near to her close and consecrated bower,
While she was in her dull and sleeping hour,
A crew of patches, rude mechanicals,
That work for bread upon Athenian stalls,
Were met together to rehearse a play,
Intended for great Theseus' nuptial day.
The shallowest thickskin of that barren sort,
Who Pyramus presented in their sport,
Forsook his scene and entered in a brake.
When I did him at this advantage take,
An ass's nole I fixèd on his head.
Anon his Thisby must be answerèd,
And forth my mimic comes. When they him spy,
As wild geese that the creeping fowler eye,
Or russet-pated choughs, many in sort,
Rising and cawing at the gun's report,
Sever themselves and madly sweep the sky;
So at his sight away his fellows fly,
And at our stamp here o'er and o'er one falls;
He murder cries and help from Athens calls.
Their sense thus weak, lost with their fears thus strong,
Made senseless things begin to do them wrong,
For briers and thorns at their apparel snatch:
Some, sleeves -- some, hats; from yielders all things catch.
I led them on in this distracted fear
And left sweet Pyramus translated there,
When in that moment (so it came to pass)
Titania waked, and straightway loved an ass.

"Opening Night"


Okay, two of my great loves have been combined. Spider-Man and William Shakespeare. And, our first episode personally scripted by Greg Weisman since "Intervention" back in the first season. You know it's a Weisman episode because of all the Shakespeare dialogue. You also know it's a Weisman script because of the cast of thousands. ;)

Okay, a new wing has been built at Ryker's Island called the Vault. Considering all the supervillains running around, it would make sense to finally give them their own wing. Not to mention Norman Osborn gets to make a profit off of it. He cranks 'em out and he locks 'em up. The perfect racket.

So, Norman somehow contacts Spider-Man and wants him to break out of the Vault to test security. And then is conveniently called away by Donald Menken... curious.

Meanwhile, at Midtown High, the production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is about to start, and Peter hasn't shown up to watch Liz. More than that, Harry Osborn, who was cast as Puck is missing also. Curious...

So, Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn are both no where to be seen, and the Green Goblin shows up to destroy Spider-Man. And, with an OsCorp Osberry, he manages to take control of security and free all the criminals and supervillains locked up. Bad news, Spidey, very bad news.

While this is happening, Black Cat breaks in to bust out her father, Walter Hardy aka the Cat Burglar. And, as we find out, the murderer of Uncle Ben...

Okay, I may as well discuss this since I know this is going to probably provide a lot of controversy, but, this is very well done. It achieved what "Spider-Man 3" tried to do, and failed miserably at. Either way, Peter still didn't stop him, he looked the other way, and his Uncle Ben paid with his life. This isn't like the movie where the Burglar was not the real killer and the Sandman was. If they had made that Burglar Flint Marko from the get go, I doubt that would have been as controversial.

Sam Raimi, if you're reading, take notes. Watch this show. This is how you do Spidey.

Okay, back to the episode. Among the prisoners are Montana, Ox, Fancy Dan, Rhino, Molten Man, a Mysterio robot, and Silvermane takes charge. Turns out Quentin Beck is still free after all... which was a big surprise.

Speaking of Mysterio, his Homunculi have really grown on me. They amuse me. I particularly enjoyed Jameson shouting out "I love these guys! They should have their own show!" Hmmm... winged creatures having their own show. I believe Weisman would call this an exercise in self indulgence. ;)

By the way, I enjoyed seeing Montana use a lasso. Yeah, it's dated, I don't want to see him use one again. But as a brief nod to the source material, it was fun.

And only Rhino could call Ox "pip squeak."

Did the Goblin ever bother to deactivate Mark's "curse?"

Well, Walter Hardy turns out to be a semi-decent man, as he wants to pay for his crime, stops the criminals from escaping, and remains behind as a prisoner. Black Cat is not happy about this. Period. Sorry, Cat/Spidey 'shippers. I think the ship has sailed for that now.

Although, on that note, it shouldn't be too hard for Felicia to figure out Spidey's identity now, considering how personally he took Ben Parker's murder. Assuming it even registered for her.

This episode was just beautiful. The action. The drama. The Shakespeare? Oh god, the Shakespeare. We need more of it in animation. You can never have too much Shakespeare.

My favorite moment is hard to pick, but... I loved the Green Goblin reciting Puck's monologue. Hey, the Green Goblin is a trickster, and Puck is the original. Gotta love it. That was a geekgasm.

"Up and down, up and down,
I will lead them up and down:
I am fear'd in field and town:
Goblin, lead them up and down."

Speaking of Puck, Hobie Brown finally speaks. About damn time, too. I loved his Puck costume and Glory's Cobweb costume.

Flash is still not a very good actor. Not a knock at Joshua LeBar, he is fantastic. I really think Flash has grown more this year than anyone else in the cast. Kudos for that.

So, the Goblin loses his temper and attempts to kill Spidey, but is driven off my both him and the Black Cat. Somehow, I don't see Cat doing him any more favors.

I guess we'll see soon if the Goblin messed up by revealing his return too soon. Yes, he nearly nailed Spidey, but he obviously went into that confrontation half-cocked. But, I am sure that next episode the gloves will be off. No matter who is under the mask, his (or her, it could be Emily) last name is Osborn. Spidey knows about that connection and will have to be eliminated.

One more episode to go. Spider-Man versus Green Goblin. I both eagerly anticipate it, and at the same time, I dread it. The show still hasn't been picked up for season three, and I don't want "Final Curtain" to be, well, the final curtain.

So, where was Harry? Who is the Green Goblin? What will happen to Peter and Gwen? If this is indeed the final curtain, then I am sure it will be a very memorable one.


Greg responds...

Actually, Jonah's line wasn't a Gargoyles reference. I really would like to do an "HOMUNCULI" spin-off series. Three little robot monsters on the loose in the world. I think it would be great fun.

(You heard it here first.)

Response recorded on May 07, 2009

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