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Anonymous writes...

1. How long has Catherine Cobert been the League's Public Affairs Officer?
2. Why haven't we seen her since "Alienated"? With all of the hate that the Justice League had been getting in Season 2, I would think that we would have seen her trying to dispel the comments made by the Reach and Gordon Godfrey in a major way. Doesn't seem like she was doing her job effectively.
3. On another note, why haven't Lois Lane on the show?
4. And what is Lois' relationship to Conner? If they have any at all.

Greg responds...

1. Since just before the Hall of Justice opened.

2. There's only so much available screen time. Take it for granted that she was doing her job.

3. There's only so much available screen time.


Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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Black writes...

Is Wonder Girl attracted to Arsenal? or was that kiss not supposed to mean anything?

Greg responds...

It wasn't supposed to mean much.

Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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BlackSun writes...

Is Shelly Longshadow a widow, or divorced?

Greg responds...

A widow.

Response recorded on July 31, 2013

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A Fan writes...

1. Does Mark Logan exist in Earth-16

2. If so is he Beast Boys father

I say this because Marie had the surname Logan in the credits of Hello Megan! And presumably she wasnt married to a Mr. Logan at that time.

(if she was that counts as question 3, right?)

4. So how many GL's do the Guardians appoint to a Sector?

5. Does the Emotional Spectrum exist in Earth-16? I ask because since the Speed Force and Superman's Ice Breath doesn't, I cant assume.

Greg responds...



3. What was the question?

4. In Universe-16, two.

5. No, you cannot assume. Beyond that SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Dattaboy/J-GL writes...

Hey Greg,
Me again I just want to say you and the crew have done a bang up job with the show this season I really like the story driven arc this season has taken and must say this is your best ensemble show since Gargoyles.

1). When Did Black Manta and Aqualad's mom meet?
2). Did Black Manta ever love her and she him or was it a forced relationship?
3). What did Black Manta have to gain by sending Cal Durahm undercover?
4). Why does Black Manta hold a grudge against all people from Atlantis?
5). When did Black Manta and Aquaman start their rivalry?

Greg responds...

1. About nine months before the birth of Kaldur'ahm.

2. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. But she was not raped, if that's what you're asking.

3. You mean besides the overthrow of Atlantis and the death of Aquaman?


5. Haven't nailed down a specific date for that.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Nemo writes...

With out going into too much detail, in the episode "Intervention" Isis appears as a blue, almost construct-like, figure behind Zatana. Given her function here (and the bird theme of the goddess historically) and one of the more recently revealed powers of The Blue light of hope in the comics, Is she in any way connected to Adara or the Blue Light of the emotional spectrum?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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confused yj fan. writes...

Hey Greg got a ? based on who's a main character on young justice and who's not (at least in season 2).
It's based on one of the answers you gave today on who's a main character and who's not in Season 2:
Here's the question: http://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/latest.php?qid=17951
"So, I'd say the only true leads for the entire season are probably Aqualad, Artemis, Miss Martian, Nightwing and Blue Beetle."

BUT in an interview back in september 2012 with CBR; you stated something that said otherwise:
here's the interview: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=41210
"I think for us, from day one, we have six leads. And that's huge enough. Now, there are other characters, even from Season 1, who will be recurring characters that we put a spotlight on and give some screen time. Those are characters like Red Arrow and Zatanna - even Captain Marvel and Red Tornado. I don't want to knock them and say that they're tertiary characters. They're not. They're important to our larger tapestry. But I think it was important from day one all the way through the end of Season 2 that we have six leads. They've been the same six leads from the beginning.

It all began with Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash. Of course, Robin is now Nightwing. But after that first three, we added in Superboy, and then we added Ms. Martian, and then we added Artemis. And then we stopped. We kept adding characters, but I don't think we kept adding lead characters. We sold the show on those six, and those six are still to us largely the focus of the show.

Now you are right that we've expanded a lot in Season 2. We've added Wonder Girl, Batgirl, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, Lagoon Boy, the new Robin, Impulse...and we're not done adding characters. Some of them will get a spotlight shown on them briefly. Some of them will get a larger role than even that. It will range. But we haven't lost track of our six leads. They've always been the six leads for this show, and that will continue throughout the rest of the series."

Okay I'm confused, are Superboy and Kid Flash leads this season or not? I realize you retconned to a certain degree with Jamie being added in there, in another interview. But is there a specific reason WHY you would claim Conner and Wally are still among the main characters THIS SEASON, when you clearly knew ahead of time what their role was this season? It's also a little silly to claim that when Wally's been absent for 9 episodes straight (something you also knew ahead of time).

I don't mind you lying by omission. I understand that there are certain things the fandom should know and certain things we/they don't need to know. HOWEVER I do find it slightly annoying that you would tell us one thing, then tell us something completely different.
Example, there's been some fans of Kid Flash that have been highly annoyed by his amount of screen time this season. That annoyance is also added on by because he was a lead last year AND because you claimed in the interview the main six would still be the focus this season. I can definitely understand their frustration, at being told something, when that might not be the truth.

So is there a reason you told us that in the interview when you actually knew ahead of time that that wasn't exactly the case? I don't want to make you feel like your the reach ambassador and I'm Godfrey interviewing you claiming you lied (especially when it could be something as simple as you being misquoted), But I'm getting mixed signals on who you were trying to claim was a main character this season and who wasn't.

Greg responds...

You're treating this like it's an exact science, when I specifically said it is not.

Looking at it from one point of view, Superboy and Kid Flash are still leads. We still care about their stories in a fundamental way, and in certain episodes they are very important.

But based on the specific story we were telling and the amount of screentime we had to spare, one could argue that they were "downgraded" to support status. And one could definitely argue that Blue Beetle was raised up to lead.

But the point I was making is that we NEVER lost track of the stories of our six original leads EVER. And I think one can see that is true, certainly by the end of "Endgame".

If screentime is the ONLY criteria, then I suppose I was fudging the truth in that old interview. But it's not. So I wasn't.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did Wally and Artemis adopt the dog in their apartment together, or is it purely just one of theirs?

Greg responds...

They got Bruce together.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Jim writes...

I realize the Light is in this for the long haul, and they seem to be patient enough to wait for many of their plans to come to fruition, but it's been six years, and they appear to have abandoned the idea of "recovering" Conner.

If it's okay to ask, what was their original plan for Project Kr? From hearing the Light talk amongst themselves, it doesn't sound like they ever intended for him to join the good guys, even if that's something they felt they could take advantage of. Conner's stated purpose of "destroy and replace Superman" wouldn't quite work, being that he can't age, nor does he have Superman's signature powerset. Besides, they seem to want the League alive (and they were developing Starro-Tech, so they would have been able to control Clark anyway).

If they didn't know about Conner's unique traits (forever young/no flight), what would they have done with him once they found out?

Would it be safe to assume that Project Kr wasn't THAT integral to their plans, given that things seem to be running smoothly for them?

Greg responds...

You seem to be under the assumption that their plan for Project Kr has changed. It hasn't, not fundamentally. Only the details have changed. Adapt or die, and all that.

Also, I don't think the no-visible-aging thing was part of their plan. That was an accidental side effect of a combination of their growth acceleration process and his Kryptonian DNA.

And, as stated many times before, I'm not interested in hypotheticals.

Finally, no single thread unravels ALL their plans.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Athena Keene writes...

Okay so first off- I LOVE YJ! I won't go into details but the past year I spent as an invalid in bed- the first time I smiled after that was because of YJ. It's the best thing that's happened to me in the longest time. Secondly, (as random as this may sound) Tula is my favorite YJ character. In fact, I love her so much that in [the] Instagram [app] I RP as her in a DCRP group. Okay here are my 3 questions:
1.) If you were to pick a word to describe Tula's personality- what word would it be. (Ex. bubbly, smart, wise, ect.)
2.) After Tula joined the Team, did she have any best friends, (besides Kaldur and Garth). Perhaps she and Artemis were close? [In my head, they are, but- being a hopeless rabid fangirl my mind is not (if ever) close to canon… So, would you consider them close? If so, how close? (Sisters, BFFs?)
3.) Will the details of Tula's death be revealed; if the series ends before the details are- will you tell us anyway because we (the YJ fandom) are just that obsessed? Or will you not specify and make us wait…. (Why??? *starts to sink with her fangirl feels*)

Greg responds...

1. Um, my mind doesn't really work that way. It feels very reductive. Competent, maybe? (Competence to me is very sexy.)



I will say that Tula does have an important role in YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, so you're definitely going to want to pick that up in September.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did dick grayson date Rocket?

Greg responds...

No. He dated Raquel Ervin, though.

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Thomas writes...

Queen Bee's pheremone control...can someone with a particularly strong will overcome it?

Also, seeing as Marie Logan was affected, does that make her Bisexual or a Lesbian...and is Queen Bee Bisexual? Or is she like Marvel's Daken, a asexual sadist?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to set hard and fast rules for something like this.

2a. I think you answered your own question.


2c. I'm not familiar with Daken.

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How long was Wally and Artemis living together before her undercover op.

Greg responds...

Since the start of Sophomore year.

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Roger the Egg writes...

Greetings Mr. Weisman. I enjoy the fact the you gave the lesser used members of the Team some limelight over the past few weeks. But there are a few things I don't understand:

Why was Arsenal put on the Team instead of in therapy? He doesn't have much experience.

If Mongol also comes from a world with a red sun, then does he have the same powers as Superman?

If Superboy's human DNA represses his powers, then why doesn't it repress a weakness to Kryptonite too?

In one episode, Superboy told the Team he had the genetic potential for heat-vision, but in another, he said that he'd never have Superman's powers. Which statement was true?

Why is Jeime's Scarab always suggesting excessive violence in its method of dealing with situaitons?


Greg responds...

1. He has plenty of experience, and your assumption that he isn't ALSO in therapy is just that. An assumption.

2. Not the exact same, no.

3. Life is complicated.

4. Both.

5. Programming.

Response recorded on July 24, 2013

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Got this e-mail from our Young Justice composers:

Dear Greg,

We're excited excited to share the news that our soundtrack to the Warner Bros. Animated Series "Young Justice" was released today by La-La Land Records!

From the LLLR website:
La-La Land Records, DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation present the original soundtrack to the Warner Bros. Animated Television Series YOUNG JUSTICE, as aired on Cartoon Network. Composers Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion & Lolita Ritmanis (BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, BEN 10: ULTIMATE ALIEN, TEEN TITANS, BATMAN BEYOND) fashion an exhilarating superhero score that is every bit as bold, fresh and exciting as this hit animated series. This compilation brings together must-have musical highlights of the show's first season, as well as the second season, YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION. Produced by the composers and mastered by Doug Schwartz, this is dramatic, action-packed music that makes for a thrilling standalone listen! CD booklet features reversible cover art and in-depth, exclusive liner notes by film music writer John Takis that contain comments from the composers and the animation team!

The CD can be ordered at the La-La Land Records website (http://www.lalalandrecords.com/YoungJustice.html) or at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CM9JN7S/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00CM9JN7S&linkCode=as2&tag=dynmusparhomp-20).

Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCuistion and Kristopher Carter

Dynamic Music Partners

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I'm totally crazed, trying to get work done and prep for San Diego Comic-Con, but I'd be remiss if I didn't remind everyone that both the DVD with the final episodes of Young Justice: Invasion and the soundtrack album featuring music from both seasons of YJ are on sale now.

Remember, the best way to show TPTB that you love the show is with your WALLET!! That's not to say you should prioritize YJ merchandise over things like food and shelter, of course. But if you have disposable income and you love the show: PROVE IT! And at the very least, help SPREAD THE WORD!!!

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Scandal Savage writes...

Hey Mr Weisman,I love your show so much! I hoping that you receive this before the show ends, and here's the question: I was wondering, in your comic(issue 21 or 20 I think), Bette Kane was seen at Dick's house, yet he doesn't know his name, why is she there at all in the first place? Just wondering, it's been bugging me. I hope this isn't a spoiler request or something , thanks for taking the time to read this :)

Greg responds...

The reason for her presence had to do with what they had done together the night before.

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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Cole Loniello writes...

Would it be safe to assume that without Impulse's interference in Green and Blue Beetle's attack on Zatanna in "Intervention" that her (possible) death could have been one of the many catalysts that led to the Reach Apocalypse in the future?

Greg responds...

As always, I'm not too interested in hypotheticals.

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man. Both series rock! There's just one thing that always bothered me though. You said once that Miss Martian's age in 2016 is 53 and her approximate human age is 18. I'm sorry but that's wrong. Miss Martian would be the human equivalent of 17 since she is 53 years old. She would not be 18 until she turns 54. 53 divided by 3 would not be 18. It is 17.6666666666. 54 divided by 3 equals 18. Since all martians age once every 3 earth years, then logically all martians would age 4 months every earth year. She would be around 17 years and 8 months. Sorry, it's a little nitpick that's been bugging me.

Greg responds...

Have you ever heard of the concept of ROUNDING?

17.6 rounds up to 18.

We're not talking about birthdays here, we're talking about her biological equivalent to a human being. If she's 17.666666, then that rounds UP to 18. Get it?

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

When Blue Beetle is on the team's mind link, can they hear Khaji Da too?

Greg responds...

Who's Khaji Da?

(I know, I know, I've read the comics too. But it gets old when people try to squeeze in non-Earth-16 continuity.)

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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MarkB writes...

First, a compliment - issue #25 was undoubtedly Young Justice's best. Queen Bee is now officially my favourite YJ villain, the Dick/Barbara scenes were wonderful, and I wish we could see what Kylstar and his new friends are gonna get up to.

Now for my question: you revealed that there was a Captain Marvel story planned for the comic before the shift to YJ: Invasion. In "Misplaced", Cat Grant reports that Captain Marvel recently defeated Ibac and Sabbac. Was this a reference to the planned comic story, or a separate event?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Mark B writes...

In season one, Rocket was almost always surrounded by a pink aura when flying. In season two an aura is never shown, and her force bubbles are a different colour. The design of her inertia belt also changed somewhat between seasons, being wider in season two (and the Legacy character model).

1) Did Rocket upgrade her belt during the time skip, or are the changes purely aesthetic?

2) Do the changes have any bearing on her powers? e.g. can she now make stronger/larger force bubbles than in season one?

Also, thanks for answering my last set of questions. Intervention was one of the shows finest episodes and I eagerly look forward to seeing how you wrap up the season.

Greg responds...

1. Probably the former.

2. Shrug. Probably.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Robby writes...

Hey Greg, this is a question about this weekends episode (Intervention). After Blue and Green are taken off mode, the Team goes into a flashback where its revealed that Zatanna had been working on spells to take the beetles off mode. One of these scenes shows Batgirl and Robin aboard the Watchtower.

My question is, are Tim and Barbara granted Watchtower access or was this just circumstantial because they were showing the glyphs to Z and Dr. Fate? I was just curious since I'm sure the Leaguers could've easily zeta'd to the cave.

As always, GREAT episode, cant wait to see how you close out the season.

Greg responds...

I'd have to rewatch the episode.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm trying my best to be as polite as possible to say what I have to say because I know that this has not always been the case with people on this page. I know you like your show and I don't expect you to agree with me but there are some things I have to get off my chest.

Now that season two is almost over I think I am now is a position to say that I prefer season one to season two. The production quality is still top-notch but you made some creative choices with season two that were bound to alienate me - at least a little.

You went epic. You and Brandon concocted an elaborate twenty-part story that will forever raise the bar of what is possible in the superhero genre on TV. I don't believe there has ever been an animated show with this complex a storyline on American television. But the reason I fell in love with the show was the characters and season two was so scattered that I just didn't find anyone to care about.

You have said that the original six are still the main cast members and I sort of get that. These are the characters that are going to grow and change. Great! But Wally, Artemis, and Kaldur were off-screen for most of the season. The only original team-members who got substantial screen-time were Superboy and Miss Martian. You have in the past claimed that you try to balance the character focus but that's clearly not the case in season two. If Wally had a character arc, I don't know what it could be. And you spent too much time focusing on characters like Arsenal and the runaways who I never grew to care about.

Am I being unfair? Is it right for someone to go to a romantic-comedy and then complain that there weren't enough action scenes? I realize that there is no such thing as an objective critic and I will admit up-front that I am a huge Spitfire fan and that relationship was largely out of focus for most of the season. As a fellow-geek, I really latched on to Wally early on in season one and I loved Artemis's playfulness. I realize that my favorite elements can't be the focus all of the time, but how about some of the time?

One of the downsides of having so much going on is that certain character beats had to be skipped over. For example: Miss Martian, Superboy, and Nightwing had some pretty good reasons to be angry with each other. They all kept secrets that led to Miss Martian frying Aqualad's brain. You dealt with this but in a very truncated form. It would have been much more dramatically satisfying for me to let those feelings play out on-screen instead of only getting to see the tail-end of what was probably a colossal argument. It just didn't get the time it deserved. If only you had had six more episodes…

None of this is to say that I disliked Young Justice: Invasion. It was still a very very good show! I just don't have the crazy mad love for it that I had for season one. I enjoyed M'gann's character arc. I enjoyed the sibling relationship between M'gann and Beast Boy. I did like Blue Beetle, not as much as Wally or Connor, but I liked him. I thought Cassie's enthusiasm was endearing. I also loved her dramatic entrance: leaping over Lobo and then punching him in the gut! And it was definitely cool seeing Mongul, Despero, and Lobo. But do you know what would have been cooler? A few more episodes about Kaldur, Wally, and Artemis.

Now, since we're supposed to ask you questions in this forum, here's one for you. I understand if there is a season three there will be another time jump and presumably another cast change. Let's say Cartoon Network smiles down upon us from on high and grants you ten episodes for season three. Do you really think ten episodes are enough to get your audience to care about a new cast of main characters?

Greg responds...

Mootness and hypotheticallity abounds.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why were Wentworth Miller and Kittie recast?

Greg responds...

They were not available to record.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

In regards to Intervention....

Two simple comments. Summit and Endgame will have to be pretty amazing to top this weeks episode. And thank you for providing an amazing series that has given many people many hours of enjoyment.

One question: what were Zatanna's sp... Just kidding. Saw that asked, like, four dozen times in the queue.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Flydie writes...

1. In what year was Dan Garret born?
2. Was he a member oh the Justice Society?

Greg responds...

1. Don't have access to that information on my phone in the Oakland Airport.

2. No.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a reason why in the episode "Intervention" its ALMOST and all-girl team again? You know, because it's in Bialya? Queen Bee maybe?
And you know, Impulse is there? And so is Tim?
I hope you know what I mean.

Greg responds...

I don't.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to say I love how Jaime was still inside his body, just, you know, not able to talk out loud. Hilarious comments by the way! Like I needed another reason to love him and the show.
Anyway my question is since he tries to tell the scarab not to do things, like when he told it not to kill Impulse and Batgirl, what would he be saying to the scarab during "War"?
Specifically, what did he say to the scarab when he pinned down Wonder Girl?
I'm just curious because she was the only one not knocked out in the end of that episode! :)
Thanks for everything you've done with Young Justice. I cannot be more serious that this show has positively changed my life in many ways.
Thanks again!

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Robin's Girl writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman, first off thank you far all your amazing work on Young Justice! Now for my question. Since Jaime was still conscious within his body while the scarab was on-mode in "Intervention" is it safe to assume he was in his body watching himself ascend to the the title of Ultimate Big Bad in Bart's dystopian future? If so, how did he try to cope with this? Did he try to fight back? Sorry I know that this is beginning to approach spoiler territory, but anyways I just want to thank you and the rest of the Young Justice team for making what has been the most well thought out, fascinating, and entertaining show I have ever watched.

Greg responds...

You're question involves too many hypotheticals.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Craig writes...

Why is it that the blue Scarab only gave Dan Garrett wings and few other things and not the full armor like it does Jaime?

Greg responds...

Relationships evolve.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Does the Green Beetle's scarab have a name like how Jaime's scarab in the Blue Beetle comics was called Khaji Da?

Greg responds...

Please don't mash continuities when asking questions.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Kaley writes...

What was the apparition that appeared behind Zatanna when she was casting the spell to free Jaime and B'arzz?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1) Does the Fortress of Solitude exist in Earth-16, and if so, has Conner been there? Has Batman?

2) Was Joe Chill ever caught?

3) Are the Guardians of the Universe aware of Reach presence on Earth, and if so, how do they feel about it?

4) Does the Speed Force exist?

5) What is the state of Queen Industries?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, as stated in the series.

1a. As of when?

1b. No comment.

2. Spoiler request. No comment.

3. By now you know.

4. Asked and answered.

5. Non-existent.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In "True Colors" Lex said the team took a sample of the additive as "expected". what did he mean by that? Why did he expect them to take it?

Greg responds...

Why wouldn't they take it?

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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June writes...

Is B'arzz's armor-less form his natural one, or a slightly altered one? He looks much smaller and a little more human like than M'gann's natural white martian form. Is he just on the small side?

Greg responds...

He's taller and thinner than J'onn.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I had nothing against La'Gaan personally so I felt for him because he geniunely loved M'gann. But SuperMartian belongs together so it was going to happen eventually. But he's now seeing Wendy or trying to move on?

I think that some couples need time apart to see what else is out there and grow and learn so when they come back together, they are better because of the break. That's what I think of SuperMartian although that wasn't the reason for the break.

1. Do you agree?

2. Is Conner going on a date with Wendy due to not seeing M'gann for weeks?

Greg responds...

1. On a theoretical level, I don't disagree. But I'm not commenting on this vis-a-vis Conner & M'gann.

2. By now you know.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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YOUNG JUSTICE SOUNDTRACK going on sale on July 16th, 2013.

Details here:


Gang, if you want some YJ back, the best way to PROVE IT to the powers that be is with your wallet. And this CD is a great buy, with tons of great content by our terrific composers: Lolita Ritmanis, Kristopher Carter and Michael McCuistion, a.k.a. Dynamic Music Partners!

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Anonymous writes...

I really feel for Lagaan. He was a genuinely interesting character. It's a crying shame he was brought in to be treated like a chump by Miss Martian. She does not deserve either him or Conner. I am zero sympathies for her. No doubt you want to appease the shippers seeing this is the last season but her and Conner of all the couples are the worse in terms of the way they started and why they broke up. Not to mention how quickly she rebounded. It's been a good show with generally good character development and all the couples...I especially loved Zee and Robin and yet you broke them up but it wwas done in an alright way. I didn't mind. Lagaan was the outcast and cared for her and yet its clear he was dragged in to be used as some monkey wrench. He got zero development after a while unlike Beetle and Bart and many of the other new comeres etc. I guess good looks win in the end.

Greg responds...

I don't buy into anything you've said above.

I don't have any problem with how M'gann and Conner got together. I like it.

As for why they broke up, I won't excuse what she did. But I won't consider her beyond redemption either.

Whether or not M'gann and Conner get back together (a) is still unknown and (b) has nothing to do with what shippers do or do not want.

Whether or not they're still attracted to each other and have a connection is obvious.

I feel for Lagaan, as well. But let's be fair. He knew what he was getting into. He knew she was on the rebound. He pursued it anyway. Took his chances and got burned. Ask him if he has any regrets.

M'gann has made all sorts of mistakes, but breaking up with Lagaan (a) wasn't one of them and (b) has nothing to do with "good looks" or the lack thereof.

M'gann considers Lagaan handsome, and her ongoing (if confused) interest in Conner has nothing to do with his looks anymore.

And I don't agree that Lagaan got "zero development". He was a supporting character and got about as much or more screentime as other supporting characters on the Team, e.g. Cassie, Tim and Garfield. Throw in his appearances in our companion comic, and he arguably got considerably more time and development.

But I'm glad you liked Zatanna and Dick.

Response recorded on June 07, 2013

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Paper writes...

What are the translations of Zatanna's spells in Intervention?

Response recorded on June 07, 2013

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Craig writes...

Did Tim Drake ever meet Jason Todd on Earth-16?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 07, 2013

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Patrick Fitzpatrick writes...

Hi Greg! Tim Drake is my favorite character in the DC Universe. I was wondering, could you give us any background information on how Tim became Robin in the Young Justice universe? Is it at all different than his original story in the comics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Angel writes...

Just one question, did "Green Lantern: The animated series" had something to do with the fact that we didn't saw Hal Jordan in Young Justice: Invasion?

Greg responds...

Um, you did. He appeared twice.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

was Eduardo's similarity in design to Spike Spiegel intentional

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Phil and Brandon.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to say first, I love all your shows
How did Mongul acquire the Warwold's key

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Sean writes...

This might be a bit of a stupid question, but im curious when black manta was fighting sportsmaster, he could shoot laser beams from his helmet. So my question is, how does he shoot them? What actviates them? Another question why didnt sportsmaster use a magnetic disk to short out black mantas armour like cheshire?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Maybe he WANTED to pound on him.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did Marie Logan ever find out what M'gann's true form is?
And why didn't she say anything to M'gann how she happens to look like her when she was young?

Greg responds...

1. More or less.

2. When?

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Caroline writes...

Mr. Weisman
I have always loved the justice league and watched all the TV shows, but I am very very new to the comic world so i apologize in advance if my questions seem stupid or obvious!
1. In the comic world, were Artemis and Wally originally paired? If not, what made you decide to make them a couple?
2. Same with Superboy and Megan
3. Same with Robin/Nightwing and Zatarra, though they're not a couple, what was the idea behind the slight romance between them?

Thanks so much:)

Greg responds...

1. No.

1a. They decided and told us. Or that's what it seemed like.

2 and 2a. Ditto.

3. See above.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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ember writes...

Just finished "The Hunt", and it was great. A couple of questions popped into my head while I was watching, so I thought I'd ask.
What is that sound when Tye powers up his astral form? I think I've heard it before but I'm not sure where.
Did Lex Luthor attune the Fatherbox to Superboy's DNA because he was the easiest to lock onto or is it just his twisted way of showing a fatherly protective instinct?
And finally, why were they frozen in those positions? It looked a bit bizarre.

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall. Do you mean the chanting?

2. Yes and yes.

3. Don't overthink it.

Response recorded on June 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is it just me or is Tigress's face a little rearranged/different than Artemis's? I mean with Artemis's hair down she looked different, but when Tigress has her mask off she looks totally different! It could just be the hair and skin color thats making me see this way, but I thought you might have made the charm change her appearance a little, otherwise Tigress would look too close to Artemis.
& by the way, how does Zatanna not know about this? Shouldn't she be suspicious of the specific charm? Sorry but "we have a history" doesn't explain it. Unless you know, Nightwing did a favor for Zatanna ;)
Thank you soo much for these amazing shows & we wont stop fighting to bring back another season!! Definitely not after these recent episodes! You and the other members of the show are too talented!!

Greg responds...

It's a whole different face.

Zatanna trusts Nightwing. She knows he's using it for something. But she trusts it's a good something.

Response recorded on June 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What are Wally and Artemis' majors in college?

Greg responds...

I'd have to do a little research to answer this, but Wally's doing some kind of Physics major. And Artemis is probably double majoring in Human Biology and Comparative literature.

Response recorded on June 03, 2013

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"La-La Land Pictures and Warner Bros. Entertainment present the original soundtrack to the Warner Bros. animated television series Young Justice, currently airing on Cartoon Network. Composers Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCuistion & Kristopher Carter (Batman: The Brave And The Bold, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Teen Titans, Batman Beyond) fashion an exhilarating super hero score that is every bit as bold, fresh and exciting as this hit animated series. This compilation brings together must-have musical highlights of the show's first season, as well as the second season, Young Justice: Invasion. It's dramatic, action-packed music that makes for a thrilling standalone listen!"

Pre-Order NOW:


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Earth-16 Timeline FYI

So I JUST NOW finished updating the EARTH-16 Timeline. It is exactly 250 pages long.

I hadn't had time to update it much during the production of Season Two - or rather, I was pretty inconsistent about updating it. So since we finished, back in October, I tackled a little bit at a time. And I finally finished. It's the final version of the Earth-16 timeline, until or unless we ever get to make more stuff set in that universe.

It includes (as far as I can tell) everything from both television seasons, everything from the 20+ issues of the comic and everything from YJ Legacy. There's a bit of extra backstory in there too, (particularly Golden Age stuff) that I mostly figured out way back before Season One. And I tossed in some of the characters from the five year gap that were basically defined by what we DIDN'T do with them. But mostly I intentionally left out characters we didn't cover yet. We can always add guys like the Question or Gleek later, assuming we ever get a later. But Brandon and I will figure out where they fit on the timeline if and when.

And, no, before anyone asks, I will NOT be posting it. Even Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and DC don't have it. It's just for Brandon and I. But I can refer to it to answer specific questions, as long as I don't deem those questions to be spoilers.

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Brian writes...

Hey Greg,
Loving Young Justice and still hoping for some continuation of the series and their characters.
The other day I realized that not only is Mark Rolston a fantastic person to voice Lex Luthor, but he would also be perfect to play the character in a live action role. This is more a question for him than you but, has he expressed interest in possibly playing the role in a sequel to 2012's Man of Steel?
Thanks so much for all your hard work on Young Justice

Greg responds...

Not to me. But he has my vote.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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irritated West Fan writes...

Is there a specific reason why you decided to make Wally's only suited up appearance this season (so far anyways), being shown up by Impulse? If you weren't going to make Wally important to the plot at all this season then why did you even bother having him appear in Bloodlines to begin with? Yes I know Wally was a Flash once upon a time, just like Garrick, but he could've easily NOT been in the episode and it wouldn't have affected the plot in the slightest.

I suppose it doesn't help that I don't really care much for Bart Allen (never really have); I feel he came in and "replaced" a vastly more interesting character in Wally. His first appearance reaked of "Hey kids, do you like Kid Flash? Well forget about him because here we have the faster, shinier, and "funnier" character in Impulse." A tactic I felt the show was above, until now. You told us Wally hadn't been replaced in the slightest, no offense but when Bart is the one on the team now and Wally is the one benched, I feel it's a little silly to tell us that when the show shows us other wise.

Why is it that Wally is no longer involved in the plot at all? Yes I know he's retired, but Artemis was retired as well. You guys easily could've plotted out some scenario that utilized Wally's scientific mind to help Dick out, something I think is 100% in character for Wally to do that would get Artemis home faster, "The Life" or not.

After all Wally is one of the original 6, and you and Brandon have stressed over and over again in interviews that the main six would still take center stage. Yet as of The Hunt, Wally has only appeared in 1/4 of the season as a minor presence at best. That holds true for the other five, but Jamie and Bart feel more important this season than Wally does.
I feel due to Wally's lack of presence, the show lost that certain something in it's second season, and those that have taken up his screen time are nowhere near as interesting in my opinion. It's gotten to the point where Wally could take up the Flash mantle sometime in the last 3 episodes and I STILL don't think it would be worth his absence.

Just to be clear, I don't think Wally being slower than Bart is bad, I just haven't cared about the way it's been presented. (Ex.: We all know Superman is superior to Batman in strength, but most writers don't go out of their way to beat that point into the ground like you guys did with Wally/Bart). Nor do I think his feelings for Artemis are what defines his importance on the show, like a poster below does.

However I feel like somewhere along the lines of plotting this season (of the original 6) Wally became unimportant to you guys in the grand scheme of things for season 2. Perhaps that's not necessarily true and that he is important to you guys, but I feel that's the way it has come across.

Greg responds...

I don't think Impulse showed Wally up at all. It was Wally and Jay who saved Barry and Bart's lives. Or did you miss that? The fact that we got a little humor out of Wally's frustration and Bart's arrogance doesn't rise to the level you're indicating, at least not in my opinion. Not unless you're looking to see that.

Bart interests me. Wally interests me. We tried to honor both characters. It worked for some. Didn't work for you. I can live with that. But in any case, I don't think Bart REPLACED Wally in Season Two. Wally retired. Bart joined. But so did Arsenal and Guardian and Static. We weren't thinking in terms of a one-for-one replacement. We were trying to honor both speedsters' stories.

And, yes, I suppose we could have plotted anything. We could have plotted that Wally became an out-and-out villain. We could have plotted that he was magically transformed into an anthropomorphic aardvark. None of that felt right. What felt right to us is what we showed you. Now, we would have loved to have had the luxury to give Wally more screen time in Season Two. But there were only so many episodes and so many minutes in each episode. And we had a very specific story to tell. So you get what you get.

You say "you and Brandon have stressed over and over again in interviews that the main six would still take center stage," but I don't think that's an accurate statement. I believe I gave at most two interviews where I said something to that effect. But it's largely been misinterpreted - or rather over-interpreted. The story took center stage in Season Two. (I've stated THAT "over and over" ad nauseum.) That was intentional. You may not like it, but that's what we were doing. What I have been trying to say all along is that we still see our core original six characters as extremely important. Some, in Season Two, got more screen time than others. That was defined by story. Superboy was big in the first half of Season Two, and not so big in the second half. Artemis barely appeared at all until Episode 207, etc. But despite that, we made a real effort to honor the stories of those six. And I believe we did that with Wally. (I'm also not sure why you were writing this before seeing the end of the season.) Now, I'll hazard a guess that you didn't like the way we ended Wally's story either. But we'll never please everyone, obviously. We have to do what we think works and hope that enough of our audience agrees that the series is a success.

As for the notion that Wally became unimportant to us, you've missed the boat entirely. If that's the way it came across to you, I'm sorry. But Wally was always extremely important to us, and his presence even in Season Two is not defined by screen time, but by WHO HE IS. And I think our ending proves that point. Wally West, Kid Flash, is a hero.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Casey writes...

Hi, I love Young Justice and my favorite character is Arsenal.
1. Did he get any therapy after getting discharged from the hospital, or just train nonstop?
2.Was he only on the team for two missions or were there any smaller missions that he went on?
3. Did Luthor and the Light just have him on ice for eight years? Did they control and utilize him for any of their covert missions?

Greg responds...



3. Ice, ice, baby.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Jason Todd Fan writes...

1. How is it possible that Jason Todd be Robin in the five year timeskip with Tim already as Robin in season 2? Its impossible, Dick is 13 in season 1, the minimum age for him to become Nightwing is 17 meaning he just became Nightwing in yj legacy which means jason should be robin in legacy instead of tim as jason becomes robin after dick becomes Nihtwing but it isnt and means jason cant fit in those 5 years of dicks age and tims fast becoming robin. Can you please explain this mess?

2. I heard you had dick grayson be robin in season 1 because you said it be unjust not to have him as robin... and yet its completely unjustified not to have jason todd as robin, you did the thing that you werent goin to do to dick and applied it to jason. Why? Why not have jason as robin in invasion instead of tim?

Greg responds...

1. I love how YOU define for me what the minimum age is. I love how you STATE unequivocally that it's impossible. Anyway, it's not a mess at all. It's all been very carefully worked out on paper. It tracks. Just because I haven't chosen to explain it doesn't mean it's a mess or impossible. And I'm still choosing not to explain it, because (a) I didn't love your tone and (b) it's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. You're choosing to interpret my words the way it suits you. What I said, is that neither Jason nor Tim's origins make any sense without Dick there first. We were starting with the first sidekicks, so we needed to start with Dick. ON TOP OF THAT, Brandon and I also felt a strong affinity to Dick as the original teen sidekick, and felt he should have a place on the Team. But Invasion was taking place five years after the end of Season One. We had to honor and be faithful to that timeline. So we miss Jason and skip right to Tim. But we honor Jason in dialogue and visually. He's still a significant presence. Heck, Brandon directed Red Hood. You know he matters to us.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Purple writes...

In the last YJ comic issue, it appears that Marie was under Queen Bee's pheromone influence. Is Marie bisexual or a lesbian?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,
Just wanted to say, love the show, big fan! I have just one question: in Complications, Cheshire told Artemis that she only wanted vengence for her death, because she was mad Artemis didn't get to babysit her niece, to which Artemis didn't seem shocked. Does this mean Artemis is already aware of Lian and Roy's marriage to her sister? Was anyone in the Team aware of the whole Roy-Cheshire relationship or is it well known by now?

Greg responds...


2. It's well known by now.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Maria E writes...

Do you prefer the longer opening sequence back in most of season one or the shorter one with just the title?

Greg responds...

Well, I prefer the long one - but not at the expense of episodic content.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Josh writes...

Hi Greg, love the show.

I was just wondering if that after season 2 finishes will we be allowed to see the timeline you have been keeping and if we'll be allowed answers to some questions you have deemed spoilers so far e.g. Jason Todd's age

Greg responds...

1. Absolutely not. Only Brandon and I get to see that timeline.

2. Mostly, no. If it's a spoiler, it's a spoiler. And I've already stated my reasons why I'm not going to spoil. Check the archive.

3. As for Jason Todd, I will say that at the end of Season One, he was eleven.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Got a chance to watch Complications, & man that was good! First off, Roy was amazing, loved him surviving the depths of warworld, & saving the runaways in the nick of time. I was kinda freaked out when Lex gave them a 'fatherbox', I guess you guys are going with the idea that New Genesis has mother boxes & Apokalips has father boxes? Anyway, I am further confused by the light's overall plan. Although Gordon going off on the Reach was great. Looking forward to next week!

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it!

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Maff_234 writes...

Hi, my questions are related to the the comic book because is not quite clear what´s going on with Dick Grayson´s sort of "love" life.
It is somehow clear that he is looking for a relationship with B.Gordon so then, 1) why the whole Bette and Zee situation? (issue 20) I´m pretty sure you have your reasons but I really will love to know why, only if it´s possible, of course.
And finally since I became a fan of Dick/Zee as a couple I have to ask 2) around what time did the two broke up and under what circumstances they did and how they feel about it now? And again all this is because the kiss in issue 20 makes things quite confusing.
By the way, sorry if my question has already been asked, but if it is I will happily search for it in the Archive.
After reading the final issue my dream of seeing Dick and Zee together....died mostly because I´m not too fond of Dick/Babs since they are canon in most comic books and animated movies, but in general it is an AWESOME show full of suspense and Lex Luthor. I really enjoy it and thanks for it. Hope we get to see more of it in the future.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what to add beyond what Barbara and Dick discussed at the end of issue #25.

Dick's in love with Barbara, but she doesn't believe he's ready to settle down, and she's probably right. So he had a one-night stand with Bette that might develop into something more. And he's had a relationship with Zatanna that dates back at least to the end of Season One. (And, no, I'm not going to SPOIL the details of that relationship here.)

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Faisal A. writes...

Long time reader, second time poster, ...

So you have commented in the past that at some point the characters take a life of their own and begin to write for themselves and dictate their actions (rather than you, as a writer trying to force it). Building off that premise ...

1) For Young Justice, is there any character that took a story in a direction other than the direction you were initially envisioning? (i.e. maybe you weren't expecting a story arc to go one way but one character's presence just shed a new perspective on the situation that took the arc in a new direction (or at least new side trek) than originally planned) If so, who/how/when?

2) was there any character (of the primary cast anyway) that took longer (even if just by an episode or two) to come in to his (or her) own in terms of taking a life of his own? if so, who?

as a general comment, i really am enjoying all the characters and their design, stories, and growth. so a thank you to you and your team for all the enjoyment i've gotten (and continue to get) out of YJ/YJ:I/YJ comics :)

incidentally, the same is true for Gargoyles and Spec. Spidey (i still watch dvds of those shows - as recently as this morning - and STILL get enjoyment out of them - the same is not true of many other shows)

Greg responds...

1. I'd say that was true of nearly all the major characters, but especially Aqualad, Artemis, Wally, Bart, Superboy and Miss Martian.

2. Not that I recall. Screentime helps, so some of the characters that didn't appear as much may not have grabbed a hold as firmly. But you also need to remember that we had way more stories for EVERY character than we had the opportunity to present in either the comic, t.v. series or video game. So they may be more alive to us than to you guys.

3. Thanks.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Alana writes...

If the glamour charm is Zatanna's, and she came into contact with Artemis for any reason, would she be able to see Artemis under her disguise, seen as it's Zatanna's spell that changed Artemis. Or would she see Tigress like the others can?

Greg responds...

She'd see Tigress. Zatanna's not immune to magic, not even her own.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Who originally came up with the plan for Kaldur to go undercover? Nightwing or was it Kaldur himself?

Greg responds...

Kaldur himself came up with the original notion. But they planned it together.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was just watching Satisfation agian, and my curiosity was peaked. Is there anyway to learn how Crispin felt about playing not only Red Arrow, but Arsenal and Jim Harper as well. I know NOlan voices SUperman and Superman, but it's easy to do 2 characters I've watched Batman enough to see that with the Justice League two part episode A New World. Three Characters, one with a totally different personality from the other.

One other thing, there should be no coinsidence that Jim could be Red's twin, is it possible that Jim is actually a clone of ROy with the real jim harper's memories?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Crispin how it felt, but he's hardly the first voice actor to play three or more characters in an episode.

Jim (Guardian) and Roy (Red Arrow) are both clones of Roy (Arsenal). Jim does not have the memories of the original Jim Harper (i.e. the Golden Age Guardian, Roy's Great-Grandfather), but then again, Jim never thought he was the original Jim Harper. He THOUGHT he was that Jim Harper's grandson and namesake.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is the permanent home for Lian? Are her parents living together now?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Hana writes...

Did Asami run away from her home when the Reach capture her? why did she run away?

Greg responds...

No, she ran away long before the Reach captured her.

As to the why, that's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

So, I just made a connection in my mind from YJ, and I would like to have it confirmed or denied. Was the toxin used on Psimon also used on Ugly and Whisper in Salvage?

Greg responds...

Yes. Although, I tend to think that Sportsmaster used a stronger - less safe - dosage.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

Considering that Arsenal was able to- defeat a cyborg with a laser cannon using only 1 arm, and (albeit with a weaponized prosthetic- that was low on power) avoid a small army of Reach soldiers in a space station the size of a small moon for like a week- would you say Ollie does in fact "train em well"?

Greg responds...

Yes, I would.

I think Ollie's a really good guy. Not perfect, but good. He can be dense sometimes. He's not Batman, but he does very well with what he has. And he feels things intensely. He allows himself that.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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CuriousCat writes...

As I have fallen in love with the Runaways, my questions shall be focused on them.

1) Ethical issues of their treatment at Star Labs- there are consent laws and various other examples of red tape that meant that Star Labs would need parental consent, along with the teens', in order to perform experiments. Was consent given, or did Star Labs keep the teens illegally?

2) How aware was the League/team of what was happening with the teens in Star Labs?

3)Relating to Tye's comment in 'The Hunt' about Nightwing only asking them to join the team then; why didn't Nightwing ask them if they wished to join the team earlier? (I can see some reasons, such as lack of control, but lack of experience shouldn't inhibit them as the team is partly to train teen heroes).

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Consent was provided by Eduardo Dorado Sr., Shelly Longshadow, Virgil's parents and Nate's foster-parents. Asami refused to provide any information about her background, beyond her name and the obvious fact that she was from Japan.

2. Yes. Keep in mind, the kids were being rigorously tested, but they weren't being tortured or experimented upon. It was far from ideal, but all concerned thought it was a necessary evil.

3. Nightwing may very well have asked them to join the Team as a matter of course, when Wilcox felt he had conducted all the necessary tests to make sure their powers weren't a danger to themselves or others (i.e. outside the kids' own control - as Nate/Neutron's had been).

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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K writes...

I loved seeing the closet full of board games at Wayne Manor.

1. Was this in your script, or was it Chris Jones' idea?

2. Did the games belong to Dick, or were they from when Bruce was a kid? Or some combination of the two?

3. Do Bruce, Dick, and Alfred ever have time to play all those board games?

Greg responds...

1. It was in my script.

2. Alfred bought them all.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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JDalCanton writes...

1. Is the reason for Jeff Bennett voicing T.O. Morrow and all his (male) androids a shout out to Star Trek? I know Brent Spiner played Data, his "brothers" and their creator.

2. What made you and your team decide to interpret Mongul and Despero the way they appear in the series? Despero is a galactic gladiator rather than a tyrant and Mongul isn't pure evil or petty as he tends to be portrayed.

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly. Although it probably springs from the same impulse.

2. Despero has been so many things over the years, that we felt we had the freedom to make him what we needed. As for Mongul, my first exposure to the character was his original Wein/Starlin appearances. I believe we were consistent with those.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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TIMEBRO writes...

Hey Greg a timeline question or threerather.

1. You have detailed timelines for Young Justice and Gargoyls, do you do this for everything you do even when you havent built the universe from scratch like in your Captain Atom comics or WITCH?
2. When did you start this trait?
3. You have time and time again noted that YJ has no "canon year" and that 2010 worked for Year Zero as a math thing. So does that mean season two being in 2016 by that reckoning was a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Not everything, no. I have a Captain Atom timeline from way back, but I'm sure it has no relevance to current DC continuity anymore. I don't think I ever did a WITCH timeline in the strictest sense, but I did make an effort to keep track of the backstories, etc.

2. In elementary school.

3. Heh heh heh.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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Cheyenne Barber writes...

Dear Greg Wesiman,

1. I am a super super fan of most of your shows, only being fourteen my favorite is Young Justice by far it has captivated me into the world of DC Comics (I still like Marvel better :) ) in all seriousness what can we do to stop the Weisman curse, because it is there.
2. This is not really a question but still thank you for all the fan service I really do like Blue Beetle randomly taking off his shirt it makes my Saturday Mornings awesomer.

Greg responds...

1. There is no curse. Please DESIST from advancing that rumor. There are specific circumstances behind the success - or lack there of - of every series I've worked on. MOST series don't last forever. I've had good runs of varying length on a number of shows. That's it.

2. You're welcome, I guess.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"The Hunt" was a good episode. Here are my thoughts about the episode and a an unrelated question

Thought #1 - I was happy that the Reach were seemingly exposed for their true intentions. Still, with Godfrey, I 'm still a little unsure. I'd imagine that Godfrey is probably some undercover agent working for Apokolips, but I'm going to wait and see.

Thought #2 - Thanks to Arsenal's behavior, he's off the Team and with the Runaways. I suppose the only good thing he's done is tell the Runaways about what Lex did to him and the true purpose of the rescue mission. I hope he doesn't do anything crazy…

Thought #3 - I'm glad that Nightwing and Miss Martian are dealing with their mistakes and I'm glad that Miss Martian is not angry at Nightwing about the whole undercover assignment that Kaldur and Artemis are doing. Still, I wonder how everyone might react if Nightwing eventually confesses the truth to everyone?

My question - Which possible character(s) from Marvel Comics would be similar (in terms of background, abilities, etc.) to your interpretation of Arsenal (the real Roy Harper) and why?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

Though I'm happy to read your responses to our episodes, and I don't mind answering questions, PLEASE, PLEASE stop giving me essay assignments.

Why would I be able to answer this any better than you?

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Mônica writes...

Artemis seems a little unhappy with her false death, the disguise and all the situation she is in, mainly because she liked the life she had with Wally. Then, if she is so unsatisfied, why did she accept this mission and put all her happiness of a normal life in risk?

I am not complaining. I am loving the episodes, but I wanted to know what she had in mind when she accepted the mission.

Greg responds...

I think she STATES her reasons at various moments in the series. At one point, you literally get to hear her thoughts on the subject. I don't know what else I could add to that.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Fernando writes...

Hi Greg! I was wondering, does the fact that Red Arrow's house (that we see in 'Salvage') looks a lot alike Red Hood's in "Batman: Under the Red Hood" hold any significance, was it a coincidence or is it spoiler territory? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Do you mean Red Arrow's Washington D.C. apartment, which was the same one he was using in "Auld Acquaintance"?

I don't recall if it was reused or not, but if so, I'm sure it was done to save manhours.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Maia writes...

I loved The Hunt! It was so good to see the runaways again, and Arsenal was awesome throughout the episode... though I do have a small problem with the scene with him and Nightwing...

I'm not saying Dick was wrong to take him off the the Team- he and Karen had good points. As much as I love the character, Roy doesn't always hold the Team's best interests at heart, and would have probably been a huge liability if he'd been allowed to stay on the Team in his current mental condition. My problem, however, was with how Dick decided to handle the issue- in front of potential teammates and allies (he ended up alienating the runaways) and basically letting a loose cannon with severe PTSD walk about in the open. Arsenal has serious issues and needs help, and isolation probably isn't going to do him any good. Pardon my rudeness when I say this, but did no one think of giving him counselling or something of the like before letting him join the Team?

Greg responds...

You're assuming that no one thought to counsel him beforehand, but I've already addressed that. Check the archives.

As to Nightwing's timing, I think it's clear he made a mistake. It happens. He's under a lot of pressure, and sometimes people under pressure make the wrong call.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did La'gaan know Jason Todd?
2) Did La'gaan date anyone before M'gann?
3) How did he come up with the name Lagoon Boy?
4) In the comic, YJ#14, Aqualad said that La'gaan, Blubber, etc. were former classmates. But they were a wide range of ages. La'gaan was 12 at the time, was he at the same learning level as Kaldur? Basically what I'm wondering here is if they were actually in the same class or Kaldur just meant they were fellow pupils at the Conservatory.

Greg responds...


2. Ever?

3. His own real first name inspired it. Plus he saw Creature from the Black Lagoon.

4. Fellow pupils, though they may have had a class or two in common.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Liam writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

Sorry to hear about Young Justice not being renewed for a third season. I really enjoyed its entire run, just as I enjoyed the two seasons your previous shows were given. I look forward to the next two we get as well.

I'm kidding, of course; I certainly hope you get more than two seasons in whatever project you work on next. It is frustrating, however, that shows of the caliber that you produce are consistently robbed of a longer run. No matter what happens in the future, I know your fans can rely on you to give us some quality entertainment.

On that note, consider your book bought, by the way. I very much look forward to reading it.

My question to you is this: Have you gotten a chance to see the film Cloud Atlas? I ask mainly because Keith David has a few supporting roles in it, which i found very enjoyable. From my own family and friends' reactions to it, I'd say it is rather a "hate-it-or-love-it" film, but I liked it, and I'd think you might, too.

Thank you, and good luck.

Greg responds...

I didn't see it. I did read the book some time ago. There was a lot I loved about it, but a few things I had problems with. Enough that I didn't run out to see the movie.

Response recorded on May 13, 2013

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thesoufleegirl writes...

Why was Mal living in the Cave? Doesn't he have his own place?

Greg responds...

He didn't at the time Mount Justice was destroyed.

As for why... how about FREE RENT and NO COMMUTE.

Response recorded on May 13, 2013

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June writes...

Jaime's house looks like it's from a nice upper middle class neighborhood. Does his dad still own an auto repair place on earth-16? What does Mrs. Reyes do? Does Milagro exist on earth-16?

I also noticed that Tye lives in an area almost opposite of where Jaime lives. Was this contrast made on purpose?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to go into details about characters we have not yet been introduced to. Let alone whether or not they exist on Earth-16. It's all SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

We did want to contrast Tye and Jaime.

Response recorded on May 13, 2013

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Lindsay writes...

Was that a Stephanie Brown missing poster in #25?

Greg responds...

Maybe. You might have to ask Chris Jones.

Response recorded on May 13, 2013

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KtKd writes...

Hi Greg, I'll get to the point. I was re-watching 'Depths' and wondered:
1-When Superboy told M'gann he didn't tell the League about her abusing her powers because he thought he mattered enought to her to make her stop, and she clearly didn't stop untill what happend to Aqualad. Does it mean she doesn't care that much for him?
1a-Regarding her relationship with Lagoon Boy and her ended relationship with Superboy, I can get that she loves them both but whom is she in-love with?
2-At the end of the episode, when Artemis asked Nightwing about he got the Glamour Charm from Zatanna he answered 'We have a history'...my question, and considering there's only 4 eps left to air (at least while I'm asking this questions) is that ALL that will be told about Dick and Zatanna's relationship during the 5 years gasp?

Last but not least, and I bet you get this one alot (apologies for that) How do you feel about the cancelaton of the show? It's certainly one of the very few good showzs on CN (in my opinion) I can't believe it won't get a 3th Season!

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. No.

1a. I think it's clear she's not "in love" with La'gaan.

2. There's a touch more in the comics, but, yes.

3. Not cancelled. Just not picked up. But obviously, I'm not thrilled. Would have loved to have done more.

Response recorded on May 13, 2013

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sasha fierce writes...

Were Barbara and Dick each others' first kisses?

Greg responds...

For Barbara, yes.

For Dick, well, I guess it depends on how you're defining "first kiss". But Dick and Barbara's kiss in issue #25 of the comic takes place before Dick and Zatanna's kiss in episode 126 of the series. But Zatanna kissed Dick earlier then either of those two kisses in issue #20 of the comic. But it was basically just a peck, so I don't know if you'd count that.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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JIJI writes...

What happened during the time skip with Zatanna and Nightwing?

What history do they have together?

Greg responds...

They dated. They broke up. They stayed friends. Close friends. (Etc.)

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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YJ Fan! writes...

Hi Greg! Love the show -- especially the 2nd Season. So tense, exciting and AWESOME. For my money, it's the best serial drama on TV...

I was wondering how the season might have been different if you had 26 episodes versus the 20 we got. Would we have had more stand-alones like "Secrets" or are there important lost chapters in your timeline that were deemed to simply be less essential than what we saw onscreen? Not to say that the season feels rushed at all -- I love super-compact storytelling with all kinds of criss-crossing plotlines. I just love this season so much that I wish we had a few more adventures to enjoy!

Thanks for all your great work and I can't wait to see what you're working on next. (P.S. I pre-ordered Rain of the Ghosts -- so excited!)

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. And THANKS VERY MUCH for pre-ordering Rain of the Ghosts!!!

I think I've pretty much covered your question already. We NEVER had 26 episodes, so we only built the season for 20. So I can't say for absolute sure what would or wouldn't have been included in the hypothetical situation in which we had six more. But I'm sure it would have allowed for more screen time for characters who got shorter shrift this season. And I'm fairly certain we would have had a Zatanna story and maybe a Red Tornado story.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

First, I find it surprising how Earth-16's Brainiac is neither good nor evil, as opposed to how he is portrayed in the comics and recent television cartoons as an evil character... I guess that means Earth-16's Brainiac had nothing to do with Krypton's destruction after all... What made you decide to make Brainiac so different from all his other counterparts in the DC multiverse.

Second, I felt bad for Superman because he never got the chance to ask Brainiac if anything was collected from Krypton. Do you think Brainiac probably actually DID collect something from Krypton? If so, what are the chances that Brainiac probably preserved the city of Kandor before Krypton's destruction? Would Superman eventually have found out something at some point in time (probably after the events of Season Two)?

Lastly, I'm disappointed that the origin of Superboy's Kryptonian name has not been addressed. Will we find out in the video game, or is this going to be left an open-ended mystery?

Greg responds...

1. I went back to the core of the character's original mission. To collect sample cities from multiple worlds. And I ran with that.

2. I think you should look more carefully at the issues themselves. Beyond that, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

3. Given enough issues and/or episodes, all would have been covered. Unfortunately, we just didn't get them.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is the West maneuver?

Greg responds...

Check out issue #24 of our companion comic. Or try: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/West_Maneuver

The youngjustice.wikia is a GREAT source for info about the show, and certainly would get you an answer faster than waiting from February to May to hear from me.

But I am curious? How did you hear about the West Maneuver without reading issue #24? And if you read issue #24, why did you need to ask the question?

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Paul writes...

In "The Fix", Artemis mentioned that someone once tried to teach her Atlantean. Was it Kaldur, Garth or Tula? Or more than one of the aforementioned trio? Were other members of the Team given some lessons too?

Greg responds...

<sigh> Watch the episode again. She clearly states that she took Atlantean during her Freshman year at college. (I mean, doesn't everybody?)

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In response to an earlier question, you said that Wonder Girl is probably Christian with a "new respect for Amazon Pagan." Just curious, but if her dad is Zeus, wouldn't she believe in the Greek gods? Is Zeus perhaps not actually a god in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

You're assuming she always knew her dad was Zeus. Heck, you're even assuming she knows that now.

Neither are safe assumptions. (Though one is safer than the other.)

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I am kinda confused with this entire plan that Nightwing,Aqualad,Wally,and Artemis has to find out the light's new partner.
1.When did they find out the light had a new partner?
2.Who started the whole plan?
3.how did each person come to be in on the plan?
4. what is the difference with venom and cobra venom?

Greg responds...

You've got the whole thing backwards.

They started out to infiltrate and bring down the LIGHT. Finding the new partner was something that came up along the way.

1. Watch the episodes. Sorry, but I'm tired of reiterating stuff that was 100% clear on the series itself.

2. Aqualad and Nightwing.

3. Watch the episodes.

4. Watch the episodes.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Artemis didn't seemed shocked when Cheshire mentioned Lian Harper. How long has Artemis known about her niece, and who else knows about Lian besides the characters that have already been shown to know?

Greg responds...

I haven't nailed down an exact date when Artemis learned, but she learned AFTER Roy, if that helps.

An ever-widening handful of people know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Bart Allan, Flash's grandson got superspeed does that mean flash's children got powers as well?

Greg responds...

It seems logical. Plus, didn't Bart say he learned a trick or two from his dad?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How did Dick Grayson think up the name Nightwing?

Greg responds...

That's a damn good question. I could write SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. But the truth is, I don't know yet. It's something I'll need to figure out if I ever get to revisit those years.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Paul writes...

How do Jaime Reyes's parents feel about his secret identity as Blue Beetle now that he has gone public as of the end of "Complications"?

Greg responds...

Well, he didn't exactly go public. He opened up his face mask and showed that he was human, but he didn't give his name and social security number or anything. You couldn't even see his hair.

Still, I can't imagine they were pleased, can you?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Paul writes...

How can Sportsmaster look so young for his age? Are the Lazarus pits involved?

Greg responds...

Crusher credits his youthful appearance to good genes and an extensive exercise regimen. Plus he eats right. No pits involved at all. Not even olive.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Was there an element of you fearing that having Donna Troy on the Team in season 2 would be too much like having a female Superboy around?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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