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Nobody here but us chickens.

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Comic Book Update...

(Although as a few of you have probably guessed, I'm not getting my info much in advance of all of you.)

Anyway, I've just gotten word that Gargoyles #6 ("Clan-Building, Chapter Six: Reunion") is going to be a couple weeks late, hitting stores on October 10th, 2007. I apologize for the delay, of course. All I can do is tell you that the work was done some time ago. The delay was not caused by the creative staff, which includes myself as writer, Gordon Purcell as penciller, Dustin Evans as colorist, David Hedgecock as letterer, Greg Guler as cover artist and Stephanie Lostimolo as cover colorist. We got the work done but their were unfortunate approval delays. Personally, I blame Hyena.

Gargoyles #7 has been written and pencilled and is being colored now.

Gargoyles #8 has been written and roughed and is being pencilled now.

Gargoyles #9 is being scripted now.

Bad Guys #1 has been written and roughed and is being pencilled and finished now. (Keep in mind, it's a black and white book.)

Bad Guys #2 has been scripted.

Despite the glitch the basic plan hasn't changed. We still hope to bring you -- between the TWO books -- monthly Gargoyles product. We were hoping to go monthly starting in September, but it's obviously going to be October now. Again, for that I apologize and ask for your patience.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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San Diego Comic-Con

Hey intrepid-ones! I will be attending Comic-Con in San Diego. I'll be in town from Wednesday July 25 - Sunday July 29, 2007...

What follows is my schedule. Please stop by. Say hello. Introduce yourself or reintroduce yourself. Come here me pontificate endlessly (until time runs out). Etc.

*1:30pm - 2:30pm - Gargoyles Signing
SLG Booth - Come purchase Gargoyles Comic Books at the SLG Booth and get them signed by myself and artist David Hedgecock!

FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2007
*12:45pm - 1:45pm - The Spectacular Spider-Man Panel
Rooms 6CDEF - Come hear all we're willing to tell and see the first footage from the new Spider-Man television series coming in early 2008 to the KidsWB.
Also on the panel, Supervising Director/Producer Vic Cook, Character Designer Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Voice of Spider-Man/Peter Parker Josh Keaton, Marvel Exec VP Craig Kyle, Sony Exec Michael Vogel

*2:15pm - 2:55pm - Spider-Man Signing
Marvel Booth - Get free Spider-Man posters and get them signed by myself, Vic, Cheeks and Josh!

*5:30pm - 6:30pm - Gargoyles Signing
SLG Booth - Come purchase Gargoyles Comic Books at the SLG Booth and get them signed by myself and artist David Hedgecock!

*12:00pm - 1:30pm - Spider-Man Signing
Sony Booth - Get free Spider-Man posters and get them signed by myself, Vic, Cheeks and Josh!

*1:30pm - 3:00pm - Gargoyles Signing
SLG Booth - Come purchase Gargoyles Comic Books (including the new issue #5) at the SLG Booth and get them signed by myself and artist David Hedgecock!

*5:00pm - 6:00pm - Gargoyles Signing
SLG Booth - Come purchase Gargoyles Comic Books at the SLG Booth and get them signed by myself and artist David Hedgecock!

*6:30pm - 7:30pm - The Animation Production Process Panel
Rm 3 - What goes into bringing an animated script to screen? Producers Stephanie Graziano (X-Men: The Animated Series), Tad Stones (Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms), and Greg Weisman (Spectacular Spider- Man) take you behind the scenes and into the trenches. Moderated by Shannon Muir (Invader Zim), author of Gardner's Guide to Writing and Producing Animation from GGC, and currently project management coordinator at Animation World Network.

SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2007
*1:30pm - 3:00pm - Gargoyles Signing
SLG Booth - Come purchase Gargoyles Comic Books at the SLG Booth and get them signed by myself and artist David Hedgecock!

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Hey gang,

JUST got back from WONDERCON. Made a few announcements there, that I want to repeat here...


SLG will be releasing a new spin-off of Gargoyles. GARGOYLES: BAD GUYS. This will be a six issue bi-monthly limited series in black and white. I'm writing the title, with art by Karine Charlebois and tones by Stephanie Lostimolo. Covers (as always) by Greg Guler, colored (yes, colored) by Stephanie.

Gargoyles will remain a bi-monthly book (in color). (More on this in a second.) And Bad Guys will come out bi-monthly on the main title's dark months, so for a year you'll have SOME Garg Universe product coming out every month.

Now, I'm sure you have questions... So I'm going to TRY to preempt some of them here:


Fair question. But I personally am NOT behind schedule on the regular book. In fact, I'm way ahead of schedule. Here's where things stand.

Issue #3 is done and has been for weeks. We're simply waiting on Disney to "approve" the issue. There's no mystery or conspiracy here. There's just, I'm guessing, a guy in an office who is swamped with things to approve and isn't making the SLG properties (Gargoyles, Tron, Wonderland, Haunted Mansion) a priority.

Issue #4 is being colored and lettered and should be done within a couple of weeks. Since it doesn't need to go out for two months, that should give Disney plenty of time to approve it.

Issue #5 is being inked.

Issues #6 and #7 have both been scripted and pencilling has started on each.

Issue #1 of Bad Guys has also been scripted.

I will start on issue #8 of Gargoyles next, then #2 of Bad Guys, #9 of Gargoyles and etc.

I'll stay ahead, and hopefully so will everyone else and what that means generally is that barring something totally unforseen, we should be on schedule from here on out.

And, yes, David Hedgecock had delivery issues Gargoyles #2. But this was due to him having to split his time between a day job to pay the bills and his gig on the book. David has now taken the EXTRAORDINARY step of quitting his day job to dedicate his time to Gargoyles. Since we also have fill-in artists on issues #4-6, David is getting right to work on issue #7 and he will no longer be the cause of any delays.

On top of this, Dan Vado has stated that he has every intention of picking up the Gargoyles' license when it comes up for renewal.

I don't want to get complacent, but really this is all good news. It looks like we should be around for a while.

And I actually think that Bad Guys will help us out. We will in essence become a monthly title (at least sort of), which will get readers in the habit of picking up something Gargesque every month. That HABIT should help. At least that's the theory.


The main answer is chronology. I have this timeline. And the Bad Guys story I'll be telling in this six issue mini-series is happening in late '96, early '97. This is the story that NEEDS to be told now. I hope you like it. AND I hope you'll support it. Because if this limited series does well, then GARGOYLES: PENDRAGON is next in line. And after that GARGOYLES: TIMEDANCER. (That's as far out as I've allowed myself to think up to this point.) If the limited series doesn't do well, then it'll be the last one... and I'll eventually incorporate events from Pendragon, etc. into the main Gargoyles book. But I'm hopeful that that won't be necessary. And I hope that those of you who've seen the Gargoyles reel at a Gathering can tell those who have never attended one of our great (www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com) conventions just how cool Bad Guys really is.


Karine is inking Gargoyles #5 now -- which shows what a trooper she is, since she JUST gave birth a few days ago! As soon as she's done with G#5, she'll start on BG#1. Our hope is that Bad Guys #1 can come out in the dark month between either Gargoyles #6 & #7 or -- at the latest -- between #7 and #8. We certainly plan to tease and pimp Bad Guys at the 2007 Gathering in Pigeon Forge!

So, if all goes well...

Gargoyles #3 - March
Gargoyles #4 - May
Gargoyles #5 - July
Gargoyles #6 - September
Bad Guys #1 - October
Gargoyles #7 - November
Bad Guys #2 - December
Gargoyles #8 - January, 2008
Bad Guys #3 - February, 2008
Gargoyles #9 - March, 2008
Bad Guys #4 - April, 2008
Gargoyles #10 - May, 2008
Bad Guys #5 - June, 2008
Gargoyles #11 - July, 2008
Bad Guys #6 - August, 2008
Gargoyles #12 - September, 2008
Pendragon #1 - October, 2008

Is there an element of wishful thinking here? Well... duh. But it's not unrealistic either. This is the plan. I mean to do everything in my power to stick to it, and everyone else involved feels the same way. Can't make ABSOLUTE guarantees of course. But I can promise you that I'm passionate about this project, about making it the best it can be both creatively and financially.


This is largely an economic decision. Printing in multi-color costs WAY more than printing in B&W, and that reduces greatly SLG's profit margin and ability to put out the titles without over-extending their resources.

Creatively, however, I was completely behind the decision. Though I feel strongly that the main GARGOYLES title should be in color, I think the subject matter of Bad Guys can work terrifically in b&w. Again, if you've seen the Bad Guys reel at the Gathering, you'll have some idea of what this book can be -- even without full color. Plus we will have color covers, so you will get a sense of what our characters look like in color.


BUT I'M SURE YOU GUYS WILL. The good news is that I'm getting through the ASK GREG back log at a pretty steady pace. I'm hoping to have the site open for questions shortly. And we'll definitely open it up (at least briefly) when issue #3 hits the stores.



The following press release came out late last week...


Culver Entertainment Widens Renowned Marvel Hero's Web from Blockbuster Films
to No. 1 Rated Saturday Morning Broadcast Kids Network

BURBANK, CA (MARCH 1, 2007) - Spider-Man swings back into television action in early 2008 as an animated series from Culver Entertainment to air on Kids' WB! on The CW, it was announced today by Kids' WB! Senior Vice President and General Manager Betsy McGowen and Sony Pictures Television Co-President Zack Van Amburg.

Tentatively titled "The Amazing Spider-Man," the new series is being produced by Culver Entertainment. Greg Weisman ("Gargoyles", "The Batman") is supervising producer, Victor Cook ("Hellboy: Blood and Iron" and "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command") is producer/supervising director. The series will premiere on Kids' WB! on The CW, the No.1 rated Saturday morning kids broadcast slate.

"The addition of 'Spider-Man' bolsters a lineup that has proved to be the Saturday morning destination for kids seeking action and adventure in the most amped-up ways," McGowen said. "We're ecstatic to welcome 'Spider-Man' to our popular cavalcade of super heroes."

"Spider-Man is such an important brand for Sony Pictures and we're thrilled to keep the momentum going by taking it back to television with an animated series on Kids' WB!," Van Amburg said. "It's also an excellent way to launch Culver Entertainment, our newest television company."

Riding the crest of Sony's anticipated summer blockbuster "Spider-Man 3," the new animated series picks up the original web-slinger's mythology at the beginning of his hero's journey - as a not-so-typical 16-year-old entering his junior year of high school. Having spent the summer engaging common criminals with his new-found powers, Peter Parker must conceal his secret identity while engaging a new level of terror - the multi-leveled pressures of teenage life at home and school while combating bigger, badder super-villains in the real world.

"Our goal is to reinterpret these great characters and concepts for our millennium," Weisman said. "We'll have plenty of resonant material for the Spider-Man fan, while engaging the Spider-Man novice with the same thrills we experienced when we were first exposed to the character. Our stories will appeal on multiple levels with plenty of eye-candy, action, humor and colorful characters for the youngest demographic balanced with extensive character development for 'tweens, teens and adults."

Culver Entertainment is a Sony Pictures Television company. Sony Pictures Television is one of the television industry's leading content providers. It produces and distributes programming in every genre, including series, telefilms, theatrical releases and family entertainment for network and cable television, as well as first-run and off-network series for syndication. With more than 25 programs on the air, SPT boasts a program slate that includes the top-rated daytime dramas and game shows, landmark off-network series, original animated series and critically acclaimed primetime dramas, comedies and telefilms. SPT (www.sonypicturestelevision.com) is a Sony Pictures Entertainment company.

A leader in children's programming, Kids' WB! continues to be a unique destination for kids. Kids' WB!, now airing on The CW Network, has been the broadcast home for such cornerstone hits as the blockbusters "Pokémon" and "Yu-Gi-Oh!," Emmy® Award-winners "Xiaolin Showdown" and "The Batman," culturally diverse series "Jackie Chan Adventures" and "¡Mucha Lucha! Gigante," and breakout hits "Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue!" and "Legion of Super Heroes," among other favorites. Kids and their parents can find more information about Kids' WB! programming online at www.KidsWB.com.

We're still in very early days on Spidey, but I'm tremendously excited about the project. I hope you're looking forward to it, as much as I am.

That's it for now,


Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Hey gang,

In an attempt to get back on a bi-monthly schedule, we've invited a few talented fill-in artists to take on a few issues of the comic.

Clan-Building #3 "Invitation Only" is being penciled by regular series penciler David Hedgecock, with colors by our new regular colorist Dustin Evans.

Clan-Building #4 "Masque" is being penciled by guest artist Nir Paniry. Colorist hasn't been decided yet.

Clan-Building #5 "Bash" is being penciled by fan favorite Karine Charlebois and colored by fan favorite Stephanie Lostimolo.

Clan-Building #6 "Reunion" is being penciled by Gordon Purcell. Colorist hasn't been decided yet.

Clan-Building #7 "The Rock" will be pencilled by David and colored by Dustin. I just finished scripting it, and I'm about to start work on #8.

ALL COVERS are by Greg Guler with colors by Steph.

Clan-Building is currently scheduled to last 12 issues total.

It's all very exciting. I've seen pencils and colors from #3 and pencils and inks of #4 and rough pages of #5. All looking very sweet.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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As many of you already know, the first issue of the new GARGOYLES comic book sold out its print run. There WILL be a second printing... and all the fans who bought copies and/or SPREAD THE WORD deserve a round of applause...


But please, let's not use this as an excuse to be complacent. We now need to sell out this second printing and encourage pre-orders on issue #2. Not to mention the two DVD sets.

This is NOT me asking people who've already bought the book to buy additional copies. This IS me asking people to continue to spread the word. (I can't tell you how many garg fans I just met in Minnesota, who had no idea that the comic was even out.) Contact the ELFQUEST fandom, the STAR TREK fandom the FILL-IN-THE-BLANK fandom. Contact local comic shops. Contact local conventions. Contact any community that might be interested.

Keep the good news rolling in...


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ASK GREG will be open up again today (Thursday, June 22) so that questions and especially G2006 CON JOURNALS can be posted. We'll stay open at least until the end of July.

In addition, Gorebash has been working on the site to allow Todd to answer some frequently asked questions for me by searching the archives. We haven't totally got the new system up and running, but the long awaited upgrade to ASK GREG is on the verge of reality here. REJOICE!!!

This should help us get through the queue MUCH faster.

But another thing that would help is still a bit of common sense on the part of posters. Try to search the FAQ or the ARCHIVES first. Ask your question here in the comment room. (And, gang, be nice to the newbies, ignorant or not.) Keep the queue as clean of garbage as possible.

And POST THOSE CON JOURNALS. Cut and paste them! It's important!!!!!

Also, post comments and questions about the new comic book that hit stores YESTERDAY (Thursday, June 21)!!! Copies of the first issue ("Nightwatch") WILL be available at the Gathering this weekend, but as Marty said, anything that can be done to encourage sales at local stores is essential.

[I realize from VERY recent personal experience that this can be frustrating. A drone at MY local comic shop was very insistent yesterday that the comic wasn't out yet. Do NOT let them tell you that. It IS out! Be persistent, insistent, but unfailingly POLITE, as it won't help the cause to alienate the guy who orders books for the store.]

This isn't simply about you guys buying a bunch of copies yourself. If EVERYONE who normally checks out ASK GREG bought ten copies, our sales would still, frankly, suck. Yes, I hope you guys support the book with cold hard cash (though as always I'd never ask you to spend money you don't have and/or need for food, shelter, education, etc.), but what I'm really COUNTING on you guys to do is spread the word. EVERYWHERE. We need to bring in a much larger crowd than simply the hard core fans. Word of mouth to individuals is great, but try to brainstorm ways to reach a lot of people on the net, at conventions, etc. Look at other rabid fandoms that might like Gargoyles, and LET. THEM. KNOW what they're missing! (Let them know.) BRAINSTORM NEW WAYS. NEW. NEW WAYS.

DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that the book will just be an ongoing thing. If sales on the first couple issues suck then don't assume that there will be an issue #3. (That's how we got into the dilemma we're facing with the DVDs.)


Finally, for those of you attending the Gathering this weekend in Valencia: please come up to me and say hello. Many of you know me already. Some of you have met me briefly. Some of you are strangers. I'll admit in advance that though I am fearless when I'm "On Stage," ironically I get very shy trying to conduct small talk. So be patient with me. It usually takes me two cons to remember names and three to really get to know a person. But keep trying. I have made so many great friends at these conventions, and you could be one of them. I really do want to know you all.

It's a very exciting con this year. We've got so many great guests and events planned. Panels with the creators of Kim Possible, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Ben Ten. Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo, Don Karnage, Darkwing Duck, Pete, Winnie-The-Pooh, Tigger, Bonkers, etc., etc., etc. will be there. Voice directors, background artists, character designers, film editors, music editors, sound effects editors, storyboard artists, and tons of VOICE ACTORS. Nearly the entire writing staff and Voice cast of WITCH will be there. (And I hope you've been watching the episodes of WITCH that I produced which have been airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix blocks.) Frank Paur will talk about Spawn, Iron Man and Dr. Strange. Tad Stones will talk about Hellboy. Keith David, Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman will all BE IN THIS YEAR'S RADIO PLAY!!! Brigitte Bako, the voice of Angela, is attending her first convention EVER!! (So be extra nice to her.) I'm even doing a seminar on time travel.

So stop by, have fun, enjoy... and SPREAD THE WORD. (Have I mentioned that yet? SPREAD THE WORD!!!!)

Gargoyles is BACK!!!!

Greg Weisman

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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