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Who remembers THIS?

I'm taking my pants off,
Cuz it's that kind of party!
I'm walking a straight line,
And it's luminous!

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Young Justice Character Countback

#325. Lobo's Belt

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Todd Jensen writes...

Not a question, but:

I was reading Thomas Hardy's "Far From the Madding Crowd" yesterday, and one of the chapters involved an architectural gargoyle, which Hardy called throughout a "gurgoyle". This is the first time I've come across that variant spelling for "gargoyle", but I wanted to share it with you. (I don't know whether the variant was Hardy's invention or not, but it most likely stems from "gurgle", linked to many gargoyles functioning as waterspouts.)

Greg responds...

Sounds about right.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Molly Nichols writes...

Why does water taste like nothing?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure that it does. But maybe it's the base that we compare all other tastes to.

Also, I'm not sure you really get the purpose of ASK GREG. I'm not ASK JEEVES.

Response recorded on November 16, 2016

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Pete Green writes...

The Earth revolves at around 1000 MPH
My question
Why isn't it windy all the time?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask someone who knows, but I'd guess it's because our atmosphere is revolving WITH the Earth.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Adrian writes...

which person you would like to talk too, for one day what would you talk about with that person?

Greg responds...

As frequent readers of this site know, I'm not big on hypotheticals or on lists that rank things. It's just not how my brain works. So picking out my number one hypothetical person to talk to, and then figuring out what we'd talk about is (a) not too interesting to me and (b) incredibly difficult for me to get my head around. Sorry.

Response recorded on September 08, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Random question. If the main cast of Gargoyles was in a horror movie, like let say Friday the 13th, what order you think they die in?

Greg responds...

I don't watch horror movies.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Jamey writes...

I have a question: What does John Lasseter think of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

How would I know? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask him?

Response recorded on March 03, 2016

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Otho Fernandes Damasceno writes...

Hey Greg, I have a few personal questions for you, unrelated to your shows:
1)Given the link you provided in this blog, you obiously know about TvTropes, but I would like to know what are your favorite Tropes. (for exemple, my favorite tropes are "Physical god", "Eldritch Abomination" and "Sufficiently advanced aliens")
2)Have you watched Maleficent? What to you think about this movie?
3) What's your opnion about furries in general?
Sorry if I am being annoying, but I am just curious.

Greg responds...

1. I don't have any. I haven't studied the site. I've just looked at my shows there on occasion for fun.

2. Yes, when it first came out. In general, I liked it. A couple of minor complaints, maybe. But nothing that interfered with my overall enjoyment.

3. To each his or her own.

Response recorded on January 21, 2016

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BTW writes...

Hey Greg,

Given the opportunity, have you considered working on anything with the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko?

I think everyone would be very interested in whatever you'd all be able to come up with.

Greg responds...

I hardly think they need my help. They do excellent work without me. I'd be happy to work with them, but we've never even met.

Response recorded on January 21, 2016

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brianna writes...

Where do babies come from?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I understand this is an unusual question, but I'm wondering if you know how to contact Brynne Chandler. My husband and I saw her in the Phoenix Comicon 2014, but didn't get a chance to say thank you or ask for her signature. Do you know if she does any other events?

Thank you for your time, and for creating this website. This is an extraordinary series.


Greg responds...

I know longer have an active email address or other contact info for Brynne. Sorry. Although I've run into her a couple of times, we haven't worked together since 1996.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Jen writes...

Would you be terribly offended/against me using your likeness in a joke article? I'm dressing up as Luna Lovegood and I'm handing out fake copy of the Quibbler.

It's 100% free. I won't be selling this for money!

If you're against it lemme know and I will put something else in.

Greg responds...

Well... a year has passed. This is probably the type of quick yes or no question that would work on twitter, where my handle is @greg_weisman.

Anyway, the answer is probably, "Sure, go ahead." Though please don't put offensive ideas in my mouth, so to speak.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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jaysun dion writes...

can i use your work for a school video

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "use" it, but as long as (a) you're not profiting off it and (b) you don't take credit for something that isn't yours, then I suppose it's probably okay.

Keep in mind that, with the exception of Rain of the Ghosts, any work of mine you've seen is owned by a big corporation, not me. I don't have the right to give you any permissions on material that I don't own.

Response recorded on June 18, 2014

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Kate writes...

What makes the flyweel go on a Vauxhall Astra?

Greg responds...

What's a Vauxhall Astra? For that matter, what's a flywheel?

Response recorded on September 03, 2013

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LEXFAN writes...

can u tell me about the gargoyle fandom and how i can join it i have been a big fan for a long time

Greg responds...

Well, there's no sign-up sheet as far as I know. But you can start by posting/introducing yourself here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Vivienne Delacroix writes...

Hi, Greg. I have just two little questions for you. I believe that Stanley Kubrick was involved in the Gargoyles production. Frankly, I am sure of that, so my questions (I hope not unanswered) are about your relationship with him. How did he contact you, and what part he had in the production? Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

It's amazing you can be so sure about something that is flat out untrue.

I mean think about this... why would a major motion picture director based in England be involved in a Disney television cartoon that aired in syndication?

I'm guessing you're just pulling my leg.

Response recorded on January 13, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

I was wondering, do you know of a way I could contact Victor Cook? I know you worked with him on Spectacular Spidey, and I wanted to ask him a question concerning his latest work, Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated ( which is a show I highly reccomend should you have time). If you can help, I'd appreciate it.

Greg responds...

Well, obviously I know how to contact Vic, but I'm not entirely sure how to put you in touch with him. I also don't want to set a precedent and/or start making a habit of becoming a clearing house for fans to go through me to ask questions of other professionals.

So I think your best bet is to contact him via Warner Bros, where he's working on Mystery Inc.

Response recorded on January 12, 2012

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Masterdramon writes...

Hiya, Greg! Just watched "Terrors" for about the fifth time, and am officially declaring it my favorite episode so far of the first season. Kudos on the beyond-awesome representations of Hugo Strange, Icicle Sr., and the Wall herself.

In any event, however, I'd like to take a moment to return to some of your previous work...or rather, something that it has spawned. Over the past several months, fans of your series have used "Religious Studies 101" as a jumping-off point to start a role-playing community on the social networking site Formspring, with each player taking on an account(s) on behalf of a character from one universe or the other and answering questions from other users accordingly.

While I would not advise you to actually take a look at the site itself (as while the community has produced some really great and enjoyable work, it's still fanfiction, if in a rather unconventional format), I couldn't resist using this opportunity to find out a nice little nugget of info from each of your characters: what they all think about YOU.

...Yep, as silly as it seems, I've spent about six months asking each and every player their answer to the query, "What is your opinion on Greg Weisman?" and recording their responses in the S8 Comment Room. And now that every single response is in (and I've edited the list to avoid any responses that might hint at an outside idea), I'm presenting them all to you now.

I hope that you find the whole of them amusing; I know I did. :D


Goliath: Who?

Elisa Maza: I loved his work on "Captain Atom."

Okay, I admit it, I love comic books.

Hudson: I prefer Celebrity Hockey.

Brooklyn: "Young Justice" kicks ass. I watch it with Gnash, Broadway, Lex, and Angela every week.

Lexington: I don't know how he put up with so many people asking him about my future mate....

Broadway: He writes some of the best shows on TV!

Angela: Oh, he's a magnificent writer! I love how he brings Shakespeare into every one of his shows in many different ways.

Coldstone: Isn't he responsible for that show that Nashville, Brooklyn, Angela, and Lexington always watch?

Coldfire: I watch some of his shows with Nashville, Brooklyn, Lexington, Angela, and Broadway...I enjoy a storyteller who is respectful towards all religious beliefs.

Katana: I do not know him.

Nashville: He's cool.


Fu-Dog: Arrr?

Matt Bluestone: Greg Weisman? Nashville was talking about him just the other day; that and some show called "Young Justice." From what I hear, Weisman is one clever individual.

Officer Morgan Morgan: He's that truck driver Mysterio attacked last year and Spider-man pulled him out of the river, right?

I read about him in the paper...*yawns*

Oh boy...I did NOT get enough sleep last night...

David Xanatos: I would love to acquire him for my Pack Media division.

Owen Burnett: A very talented and creative individual. Mr. Xanatos has charged me with acquiring him for our Pack Media division. Unfortunately, he seems quite personally invested in his current project at Warner Bros. Animation.

Fox: He would have been a great addition to Pack Media Studios.

Alexander Fox Xanatos: Apparently pop was trying to hire him away from Warner Bros. Don't blame him for not leaving, Young Justice is pretty kick-ass. Robin's my fav.

Demona: He is a human.

Thailog: I'm thinking of starting my own studio. I might just hire him.

Shari: Greg Weisman is a storyteller...and a good one. I think we're very much alike. I'd love to meet him and trade stories. Maybe I'll get to meet him if my boss is serious about hiring him to develop a new show.

Brentwood: greg wiseman smart

Doctor Anton Sevarius: The man certainly understands DRAMA!

Sir Peredur fab Ragnal: I like him.

Duval: I don't know him. Edmund Tsabard however, is part of our organization.

Quincy Hemings: I recall ol' Edmund saying a few things 'bout him. He didn't like him much...which means this Greg must be a rather decent guy.

Falstaff: He's a truck driver, right?

Points: My name is Points, he killed my father, prepare to die---Just kidding.

Pistol: ...

Bardolph: *BREATHS FIRE*

Mistress Quickly: Young Justice is entertaining...I like Kid Flash, he amuses me.

Mistress Doll: Ever met Edmund Tsabard? He's far more fun--and interesting--than that stick-in-the-mud Greg Weisman.

Macbeth: A fine bard and storyteller. My old friend, Will, would take to him instantly.

King Arthur Pendragon: I have not met this man, but I have heard nothing but good things.

Sir Griff: I'm having an existential crisis here.

Merlin: Oh yes...I do believe in God. What was your question again?

Lady Blanchefleur: I've heard all about this 'Edmund Tsabard' character he seems to dislike so much.

John Castaway: I believe that I share a name with his younger brother.

Coldsteel: Why should I care?

Coyote 6.0: I do not know him.

Wolf: Hack writer.

Jackal: His shows are so pretentious.

Hyena: That guy thought he was too good to write for our show. What's wrong with simple plots that are all about punching and kicking things? But no...Mr. Stuck Up there has to have "plot twists" and "character development" and all that other high and mighty crap.

Well, Michael Bay is the king of the box office, and no one gives a crap about...err...anyone who ever wins one of those lame awards. So, shows like ours for the win! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Tasmanian Tiger: I hear he sounds just like Osborn's lackey Donald Menken. That could come in handy at some point...

The Director: I am unfamiliar with him. Edmund Tsabard on the other hand is one of our high-priority targets.

Robyn Canmore: His sister has the same name I do.

Dingo: I love that guy!

Matrix: A database search indicates that he is an American Animation Writer. Is often confused for Edmund Tsabard who is wanted by Interpol, and as such Greg Weisman is often detained by airport security.

Yama: He's been to Ishimura once.

Fang: Never met him, but that Edmund Tsabard is a good pal O' mine.

Gunther Sturluson: I don't know any wise man, but a man named Edmund Tsabard passed through here a few years ago. He tried to lock Papa and me in the cave too.

Rory Dugan: Big fan, just wish more of his shows got released on DVD in region 2.

Natsilane: Didn't he live on a street named after our island?

Fara Maku: *Briefly changes back*

I admire my fellow storytellers...

*Transforms back into Panther-Form.*

Travis Marshall: I don't really watch television except for the news.

Doctor Jay Sato: I enjoyed his work on the dub of 3x3 Eyes. I think he's quite talented.

Terry Chung: I love "Young Justice". I hope we get to see more of Hawkgirl; I've always been fond of Hawkgirl.

Amanda Chung: Terry liked...likes Young Justice.

Officer Tri Chung: Used to have a roommate by that name.

Street Thugs: If he comes through our territory, he's going to have to pay the piper.

Talon: He's working with Sevarius!! ARE YOU HELPING HIM?

Delilah: Is this someone I should know about?

Claw: :D

Thug: I like him. He's a good guy, and loves his kids.

Erin: I feel like I know him from somewhere... Didn't we meet him at a truck stop one time, Benny?

Benny: Yeah, Erin...I think we did...

Or maybe we just remember his name from the Young Justice credits..

Zafiro: I do not know this Amigo.

Obsidiana: I refer you to my mate's answer.

Kai: I do not know him, but a dishonorable man by the name of Edmund Tsabard passed through Ishimura a few years back, asking about Paris...

Sora: I do not know him either, but as Kai said, Edmund Tsabard passed through Ishimura some time ago...the beast actually had the nerve to ask me to model for him. Yama decided to introduce the pig to his katana.

The man lives...but is forbidden to enter Ishimura again on pain of death.

Una: He is a human. Hopefully NOT a Quarryman.

Leo: Don't care right now...

Constance: Isn't he a writer?

Staghart: He's the bloody Joss Whedon of Animation, what more needs to be said?

Lunette: Got hooked on Young Justice once it got here.

Old Pog: I have no idea who that is, you young whipper-snapper.

Princess Katharine: I dinnae know him. Should I?

Tom: I dinnae know this man...

Gabriel: I have never left this island, so I do not know this "Wise man."

Ophelia: I don't know, who is he?

Boudicca: *Cocks head quizzically, as if to ask..."Who's that?"*

Lord Oberon: A mortal man. Nothing more. Although I did meet him during the 1,001 years. I had a weakness for comics in the 80s and watched him put his own "Thumbprint" on Watchmen.

Not that he knew who I was.

Lady Titania: He is interesting, as far as humans go.

The Puck: Ah, now there's a storyteller who's been accurate about more things than that Shakespeare fellow ever was.

The Weird Sisters: We will consult the Scrying Cauldron...Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble!

Ah yes, he is a human bard with great potential.

Anubis: He will die.

Odin: A gifted storyteller, but a mortal one...so like most, inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

Coyote the Trickster: An excellent Trickster in his own right...

Raven: I know the street he grew up on quite well. An amusing trickster, for a mortal.

Anansi: I love a good storyteller...

The Banshee: I care not about these mortals!

Lady of the Lake: A mortal bard, much in the vein of Malory or Shakespeare.

I liked W.I.T.C.H.

Nought: ....

Boreas: I have not met any humans other then Elisa Maza and Terry Chung. I'm afraid I do not know enough of this individual to form an opinion.

Taurus: A human writer who is fond of the bastard murderer Theseus. I do not care for him.

Talos: Records indicate that he is a human writer of some note.

Sphinx: That sounds like a human name. Is that a human name?

Kiron: Who is that?

Helios: Taurus isn't too fond of him.

Ekidna: He is a threat to New Olympus, like all humans.

Proteus: I like all humans...they interest me...

The Stone of Destiny: His Destiny is an interesting one...

The Holy Grail: He is worthy to seek the Grail, should he accept the Quest.

The Phoenix: Tssseeeeeeeeeerrrr!!!!!


Spider-Man: Didn't he write that song "The Will To Love?" I love that song. Oh, and "Young Justice" kicks ass too.

Peter Parker: "W.I.T.C.H." was pretty awesome and "Young Justice" kicks ass!

Gwen Stacy: I loved "W.I.T.C.H." I even dressed up as Nerissa for Halloween about two years ago.

Harry Osborn: My dad says real men don't watch cartoons.

Mary Jane Watson: I would voice act in one of his animated series any time. I'm actually just a tad jealous of the talented lady voicing Black Canary in "Young Justice."

Flash Thompson: Hmmm... *remembers watching the second season of W.I.T.C.H.* Um, never heard of him.

Sha Shan Nguyen: "W.I.T.C.H." was a lot of fun, and Flash and I have been waiting for new episodes of "Young Justice" for a while now.

Sally Avril: Never heard of him! Is this some kinda geek thing?

Rand Robertson: S'cool. I like his shows. Sally didn't like watching cartoons, so I have some catching up to do on Young Justice, I only caught the pilot cuz' she was out of town that weekend.



Betty Brant: I don't know about Weisman, but Edmund Tsabard came through New York last month and rocked my world.

Ned Lee: I interviewed him about Young Justice once. He kinda reminds me of one of Betty's friends.

May Parker: Oh, he's that nice man that I met at the play the other evening...

Captain George Stacy: I remember sitting down with Gwen to watch the latest episode of W.I.T.C.H. when she was younger. Things seemed a lot simpler back then.

Doctor Ashley Kafka: His characters are always so fascinatingly complex.

The Green Goblin: He writes the best villains in all of animation. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Norman Osborn: I don't think I've ever heard of him.

Emily Osborn: I do not watch cartoons.

Doctor Octopus: An incompetent hack. Now Edmund Tsabard, there's a real writer!

The Vulture: Didn't he tell me that I'm old once?

Electro: "Young Justice" rocks, just wish Red Arrow appeared more. He's cool!

Sandman: Who's that?

The Rhino: Who cares? I just wanna crush that stupid Web-head!

Kraven the Hunter: He would not survive the Hunt...

Mysterio: He creates awesome animated experiences and doesn't afraid of anything.

The Terrible Tinkerer: Met him once, he tried to buy the license to my Homunculi so he could make a cartoon about them.

The Homunculi: MAMA! MAMA!

Venom: We loved the second season of W.I.T.C.H.

Yeah, we like W.I.T.C.H.! Anybody want to make something of it?

Tombstone: I do not concern myself with second-rate writers.

Hammerhead: Never heard o' him.

Shocker: He works for Osborn, doesn't he?

Silver Sable: I had to spend twelve years of my life managing what remained of my father's business... I did not have time to watch cartoons. And with daddy back in jail, I still don't.

Chameleon (in the guise of Norman Osborn): I've already answered this question, so stop wasting my time. I've got a company to run.

Black Cat: I don't know him, but I have modeled for Edmund Tsabard.

Roderick Kingsley: I have no opinion on Weisman. Edmund Tsabard, on the other hand, designed a cologne for us that he promised would be a true aphrodisiac. He was right, but it was so effective that the F.D.A. refused to approve of it.

Tsabard was fired, and the cologne is only available in Thailand now.

The Hobgoblin: What kind of man is too shallow to admit to enjoying a well produced cartoon every now and then? I rather enjoy the subplot in "Young Justice" with the Light. Mysterious individuals hiding their identities and working towards their goals is a concept I find appealing.

Colonel Nick Fury: Never met him, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has been trying to take down Edmund Tsabard for years.

Jessica Drew: Captain Atom was a great comic.

Thor: He would be a worthy addition to the Warriors Three. They would have to change their team name, though. I'm working on a concept I like to call the "Warriors Four".

Loki: I would have loved to see his take on me.

Doctor Doom: He helped create "Max Steel," so Doom will...admit that he is a "cool guy."

General Thunderbolt Ross: He's a fine writer but personally, I prefer that Peter David fella.

Deadpool: Greg Weisman? Didn't I run trucks with him? No, that guy called himself Edmund...or Eddie...or Ed. No, he is vengeance, he is the night, he is GREG WEISMAN! No, he was sent to Earth from his dying world, and under the yellow Sun he has powers beyond any mortal man. No, wait, does he have radioactive blood? Can he swing from a web? He does whatever a spider can. He's Greg Weisman! No, that's not right. Oh wait! He did that show about those guys with wings that saved people! I liked that show...why did they ever cancel it?


Behemoth: Who?

Montmarte: I have never heard of this Monsieur Weisman.

Montparnasse: Hmmm...I am not certain...the name seems familiar...

Would you pass me that Case of Self-Indulgence please? I think that it would go perfectly in this soup...

Angelique: I do not know many humans...and the last one I met...a man named Edmund Tsabard...made me very uncomfortable...

Left Bank: *HAPPY BARK*!!!

Diabolique: He is a human.

Thomeheb: I prefer Edmund Tsabard...He just has that...Down home touch that reminds me of Gay Paree!

Count Dracula (from Stoker's "Dracula"): Another mortal author who seeks to disseminate my secrets to the masses.

Maleficent (from "Sleeping Beauty"): I like Walt Disney better.

Dr. Facilier (from "The Princess and the Frog"): Man keeps gettin' the shaft.

Don Karnage (from "Tale Spin"): His cartoons are most amusing to me.

Sarah Williams (from "Labyrinth"): I like some of his stuff, moreso when I was younger. I'm more of a Henson girl though.

Jareth the Goblin King (from "Labyrinth"): A decent storyteller, not quite on par with the mortal Jim Henson.

Buffy Summers (from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"): I did use to watch W.I.T.C.H. with Dawn.

The Doctor (from "Doctor Who"): Never met him personally, but heard good things. If you think what he's done is impressive, you wait until you see what he's going to do.

Kim Possible (from...well, "Kim Possible"): I loved watching W.I.T.C.H.

Avatar Aang (from "Avatar: The Last Airbender"): I've heard good things about him.

Gwen Tennyson (from "Ben 10"): I liked W.I.T.C.H., especially Will.

Aquaman (from "Batman: Brave and the Bold"): Certain projects shall be seen through or the Brothers Warner and I shall have "words".

Death (from Neil Gaiman's "Sandman"): I loved W.I.T.C.H. Too bad it seems that all the shows he does get cancelled too soon. Gives me a bad feeling about Young Justice; I like Miss Martian on that show.

The Spectacular Spider-Pony (SpecSpidey's Peter Parker crossed with a pony from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"): My cutie mark is him and Lauren Faust bro-fisting.

Greg responds...

Uh, wow. Some of these go over my head, but...


Response recorded on November 29, 2011

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Big Jon writes...

Would you be offended if I gave a tattoo of Goliath to a client of mine as long as I post the tat when its done

Greg responds...

Go for it!

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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PinkiePie writes...

Hey greg I would like to ask your opinion on this articles I wrote (regarding story telling) and if possible some feedback thanks!

1.-http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SoYouWantTo/DevelopCharacterPersonality That one is an analysis about developing a character pesonality. For a story teller of your caliber it won't be anything new of course.

2.-http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/Escapism This one tries to explain the concept of Escapism. I am sure that's something you master a lot.

Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time these days to read and give feedback.

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Wing writes...
Can you define your idea of true sentience?
Greg responds...
Probably not. But I'd start with Descarte...
If you can say "I think therefore I am" and grapple with its meaning, as opposed to its mere pronunciation...
Well, that's a starting point.

I wont say it isnt painful to read people that still thinks positivly about Descarte and his ideas toward other forms of life. Animals may not think the way we humans do, but they still do. Descarte also said that animals seemed to suffer pain, but they didnt. You agree on that too?

Im sorry, but it was painfull to read this considering what gargoyles represented for me when I was growing up.

Greg responds...

Okay, stand down on the pain.

You're taking an off-hand comment too seriously. I NEVER said I thought animals don't suffer pain. That's patently ridiculous. I wasn't endorsing even a fraction of Descartes philosophy, just GIVING AN EXAMPLE.

But thanks for interpreting it in the worst possible way.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #8 ("Downtime") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #8 ("Downtime") Credits


Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman
Written By
Kevin Hopps
Directed By
Jay Oliva
Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme Written And Performed By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis Crock
Jesse McCartney as Dick Grayson
Danica McKellar as M’gann M’orzz
Nolan North as Superboy, Superman
Khary Payton as Kaldur’ahm, Black Manta
Jason Spisak as Wally West
Starring The Voices Of
Jeff Glenn Bennett as Vulko, Alfred Pennyworth
George Eads as Barry Allen
Bruce Greenwood as Bruce Wayne
Kelly Hu as Paula Crock
Phil LaMarr as King Orin
Yuri Lowenthal as Garth
Roger Craig Smith as Prince Orm
Kath Soucie as Queen Mera, Joan Garrick
Cree Summer as Tula, Mary West
James Arnold Taylor as Topo

NOTE: Though uncredited, Kath Soucie also was the voice of Lori Lemaris; Yuri Lowenthal performed Lagoon Boy, and Roger Craig Smith was L-5.
Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Superman Created By
Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Aquaman Created By
Paul Norris
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
Matthew Benzinger
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim

Prop Design
Andy Chiang
Alexander Kubalsky
Eugene Mattos
Jay Baker
Tim Divar
Phil Langone
Lauren Montgomery

Storyboard Clean-up
Brendon Clogher
Owen Sullivan
Olga Ulanova

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Jan Browning
Annamarie Costa
Chuck Gefre
Chuck Martin
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Wut It Is
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.
Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Christopher D. Lozinski
Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Doo-Hyung Lee

Background Director
Jung-Ho Park

Production Managers
Young-Soo Yoo (Director)
Min-Sung Park
Pan-Seob Kim
Su-Mi Beck

Production Coordinator
Hyosun Ryu
Layout Artists
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim

Color Stylist
Min-Yi Kim

Byoung-Ryul Kim (Director)
Hyo-Yoon Beck
Kyoung-Hee Kang
Sung-Ho Jo
Soo-Jin Yu
Jeong-Mi Lee

Model Checkers
Yang-Sook Kim

Key Animation
Byong-Eui Gwack
Kyong-Ho Lee
Bum-Seok Lee
Kyong-Ah Jang
Eun-Hee Ba
Chang-Ho Park

Gyu-Han Yoo (Director)
Gyu-Sung Oh

Final Checker
Nam-Gyu Lee
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Athena Wingate
Luisa Guzman

Production Support
Audrey Kim
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Business And Legal Affairs
Lori Blackstone
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Dan Soulsby - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator

I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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The last Spartan writes...

Hey Greg.

I am doing a research regarding fantasy an escapism.I wrote an article here pointing why We enjoy fantasy so much.Wich it can bee seen here http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/Escapism.

And I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on it.Given that fantasy-escapism is something you do great. Thanks!

Greg responds...

I'll try to get to that soon...

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What do I respond to this, in a smartass funny way, that makes me look cute?: "I think you may have gotten the names mixed up. See that's ... I'm ... Clearly I am the stunner. Its ok. I know you just got a little confused. "

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Becky writes...

Hey! As a fan of Gargoyles and of the Nostalgia Crigic, I was just wondering if you ever got around to seeing the review that the Nostalgia Critic (Doug Walker) did of Gargoyles? While usually he bashes everything about every show and movie he reviews, (even the ones he likes) he surprisingly gave a pretty generous review to Gargoyles. Actually, that's the reason why I started watching the show.

Greg responds...

I have seen at least some of them. And I do always appreciate nice notices.

Response recorded on February 01, 2011

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Xander writes...

As the conspiracy buff that I am, I found a few references to the Erisian's Law of Fives on Gargoyles (most of which from "Revelations") that I would like you to bear in mind:

a) Mace Malone's key number was 23 (2+3=5).
b) Matt's key number was 13 (23-5-5=13; or 5+5+13=23)
c) Elisa and Matt work on the 23rd precinct;
d) and the most creepy of them all: this episode is the 36th to be produced, which means that by subtracting the 13 episodes of season one, it becomes the 23rd produced episode of season two!

I was wondering if these references were intentional or are just coincidental.

Greg responds...

Feels a little like answering could unleash a curse or something.

Response recorded on January 26, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What happened to Disney gargoyle Avalon archives? Did the owner shut the site down, and where can I download more pictures?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Is it gone?

Response recorded on January 20, 2011

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Cal writes...

Not a question, but I left out a word in my conclusion. Its meant to say this: "Thanks and I hope you'll work with those two guys again".

Greg responds...

Uh... which two guys were we talking about?

Response recorded on January 14, 2011

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Eric Moore writes...

You've made it clear that you won't be giving heights for most of the characters, but you did mention in a January '08 response that you thought of Xanatos as being about six feet tall. I am a fan of numbers. Would you object to fans (me in particular) calculating heights rather than leaving them vague?

Greg responds...

Knock yourself out.

Response recorded on December 10, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Who would you rather be trapped in an eight hour car ride with; Demona; Nerissa; or Green Goblin?

Greg responds...

Nerissa, I guess. She'd have less reason to kill me at random. She might even appreciate the company.

Response recorded on November 23, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

what is 7/100

Greg responds...

A math question.

Response recorded on November 03, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought you might like to know that somebody did a humorous comic strip adaptation of Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur" for his webcomic "Litbrick", which, in the final instalment (Bedivere returning Excalibur to the lake) mentioned that Arthur was borne away to Avalon, where he slept until being awakened in an episode of "Gargoyles". Here's the link to it:


I thought you'd be pleased to see the series still being remembered after all this time.

Greg responds...

It's a nice shout out.

Response recorded on September 14, 2010

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Adrianaa writes...

should i get married?

Greg responds...

Unsurprisingly, I have no idea.

(I thought about doing a Magic Eightball style smartass response, but was terrified it might be taken seriously.)

Response recorded on August 17, 2010

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Richard Jackson writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm a big fan. I work in South Korea teaching English and I thought you would be interested in your creations' progress over here.

I did some research on the internet and Gargoyles: The Movie and some season 1 episodes were released on VHS over here. What a collector's item those would be? The official translated name of the show is "Champion Goliath", but happily enough online Korean fans just call it "Gargoyles."

Channel surfing, I did see The Spectacular Spider-Man on the cartoon channel, 5:30, Saturday morning. That's actually a good time, since Korean children have Saturday school and 5:30am would be just the right time they're waking up.

Keep up the good work and hopefully I'll see Young Justice in Korea.

Greg responds...

Very cool! Thanks, Richard.

Response recorded on August 13, 2010

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Mo writes...

One more thing: I don't know if you've seen this yet but here's a video review of Gargoyles. It's actually pretty funny and I thought you might get a kick out of it:



Greg responds...

I've seen it. Thanks.

Response recorded on June 28, 2010

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Noah wotring writes...

I dont know if you seen this yet, you'll want to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeMnUuoeCwI

Greg responds...

Sorry. It was blocked when I tried to watch it.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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Gargoyleslady writes...

Hi Greg! I have a question about the Manhattan Clan. I know this took place in Colorado but... what would the Clan's reaction be to the Columbine High School shootings in 1999? I imagine Broadway or Hudson would have read about it in the New York Times. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

They'd find it upsetting.

Response recorded on March 23, 2010

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

Being the huge fan I am of you, I'm always curious about your work beyond Gargoyles (even if coming across the work can sometimes be difficult for me for whatever reason). I think one thing that's always fascinated me is Rain of the Ghosts. I understand that it was done as a Radio Play during one of the Gatherings, but seeing as the Gathering is now over (until someone new steps up to organize it or a new con), would you be willing to disclose information about it or post the script itself?

Greg responds...

No. I'm still trying to sell it in one form or another.

Response recorded on March 17, 2010

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allyson writes...

I desperately need some gargoyle jokes for halloween
know any?


Greg responds...

Not off the top of my head, no.

Response recorded on March 17, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was rereading "Quidditch Through the Ages" (a small book put out by J. K. Rowling a few years ago as part of a support to a British charity group) last night, and came upon a passage that mentioned a Quidditch match between the Toyohashi Tengu (a Quidditch team from Japan) and the Gorodok Gargoyles (a Quidditch team from Lithuania) in 1994. Now, this is probably just a coincidence (I don't know if Rowling's even ever been that aware of "Gargoyles"), but I thought that you might be amused at the notion of two teams with those names having a match in the very year that "Gargoyles" premiered.

Greg responds...

That is very cool. Thanks.

Response recorded on October 21, 2009

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isabel writes...

how to go on the show ruff ruffs man and be a contastent

Greg responds...

And gobbledee-gook to you too!

Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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XenothranHero writes...

Dear Greg,
First off, just wanted to say that I love Gargoyles; great show, very inspirational in my own work. That being said, here's my question:

If you recall, Doug Walker of Nostalgia Critic fame added lyrics to the Gargoyles theme a while back. This time, he has released a full fledged review of the series as the Nostalgia Critic (Which, unsurprisingly, is a very positive review).-http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/8726-gargoyles
My question is, does Walker express the kind of things in his review that you had hoped would result from Gargoyles (ie, is his review the kind of review you would have been hoping to hear when Gargoyles first came out)?

Greg responds...

We had many good reviews when Gargoyles first came out. I liked NC's review too.

(I can't believe I'm actually being asked to review the reviews! ;P )

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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This Is My Screen Name writes...

What did you think of the Nostalgia Critic's review of Gargoyles?

What was your favorite part? Any parts you didnt like?

If you havent seen it, here is the link.


Greg responds...

It's been so long since I watched it, I don't remember too many details. But I liked it. He liked us. We liked him. It was a whole mutual like-fest.

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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Alice Vandermark writes...

what does roman numeral lxm stand for

Greg responds...

It seems an incorrect form to me. L being fifty, I believe, and X being ten, and M being a thousand. It would seem to indicate 1000 - 60 = 940. But no self-respecting Roman would write it that way. I'd think 940 would be written CMXL. But I'm hardly an expert.

Response recorded on July 31, 2009

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haley writes...

i have loved gargoyles for a long time. I have seen all the episodes and has inspired me to write a book. But with my own twist and characters. Do u think useing the same location as the tv series is copying your work?

Greg responds...

Uh... well, not that I want more specifics, but it really depends on how many specific touchstone points you're using. I hardly have a monopoly on either Gargoyles or Manhattan, but if you're doing "Gargoyles in Manhattan", you're already treading pretty darn close. You put them atop a skyscraper, you're in very dicey terrain. Frankly, if you have to ask, I'd guess that, yes, you're too close to copying us.

In any case, I can't get very enthusiastic for you no matter what you're doing. I'm glad we've inspired you, but I'd rather we inspired you to something way more your own than something that is close enough that you are merely bringing your "own twist and characters" to the project.

If this is merely intended as fanfiction, fine. But if you have some desire to release this commercially, than I'd rather you didn't compete with me on my turf, using work inspired by my show. Does that sound selfish?

Response recorded on July 30, 2009

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Lylat-Warrior-Galaxia writes...

You know the funny thing is? I played Star Fox 64 on my Nintendo Wii and I had noticed that there are two characters and two planets are named after th animals and history stuff. Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnell (Fox Xanatos and Wolf of the Pack) while Titania and MacBeth are the planets (Queen Titania and MacBeth Xanatos hired). Pretty funny huh? Next thing you know, Star Fox might have another character and/or planet named after the Gargoyles character's name.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

What would you say is your favorite mythological creature/character (not including any from the Shakespeare mythos)?

Greg responds...

Uh... gargoyles?

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Daniel Abraham Raviv. writes...

Hey Greg, may i ask you something? What would you do If Disney decided to put Gargoyles In Their Kingdom Hearts Series, or they and Allan Moore decide to Put Gargoyles in The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen? If you know what those series are? Would you want to have anything to do with it? I know they won't be considered canon, but would you want to work on it, after all they're your characters and you're with them to the end, would you want to help with those series, like you'll guide the others on what Goliath would do or what he wouldn't do, or you know just try to put them in the Universes of those two series? What would you Do?

Greg responds...

Well... I'd be all for Gargoyles going into Kingdom Hearts, and I'd be happy to work with those folks. Unfortunately, no one has asked.

As for, LOEG, that's seems an even more unlikely hypothetical. But what the hell? If Alan and Disney somehow made a deal ... and if Alan wanted my help... well, both scenarios are just nonsensical, but, yes, I suppose I'd be game to play along.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Derek R. writes...

Have you ever considered writing for video games? You're really good at creating unique worlds within the shows you've worked on... everything and everyone seems connected and intertwined in the new spiderman and gargoyles series. I think you could write a killer game franchise.
PS maybe pitch a gargoyles game or spectacular spiderman game... ;)

Greg responds...

I'd love to, but nobody has hired me to write one.

Response recorded on April 01, 2009

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James Lipton writes...

I would like to thank Greg Weisman for being here today and to share with us. Many of us know Greg's work as a writer in the comic medium and his endeavours into animation. I myself am particularliy fond of his forays into the world of self expression through the form of facial hair combined with hawaiin shirts. And now the questionnaire used by Bernard Pivot:

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

What sound or noise do you love?

What sound or noise do you hate?

What is your favorite curse word?

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

What profession would you not like to do?

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?

Greg responds...

Sorry James and/or Bernard... but I can't even summon up the energy to make smartass responses to these questions. They just don't interest me.

Response recorded on October 09, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

when will i get pregnat?

Greg responds...

Did you mean pregnant with two Ns?

Response recorded on September 26, 2008

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Movie-Brat writes...

Hi, me again. Um, listen about the last question, excuse that, I was nervous. It's just that whenever I meet someone I admire and really like, I can get nervous. I mean, in my mind I'm like Wayne and Garth from wayne's World saying "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"

You know? XD

Anyway, for a real question, aside from your spinoffs and such, any unused ideas you had in mind for not just Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H. but for any other show you worked on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 26, 2008

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Clock purdy writes...

Greg I have a question for Greg Guler.....Does he remember filling boots with Box Elder Bugs in kindergaden?

Greg responds...

You'd have to post your question at "ASK GREG...GULER".

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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jon writes...

What is my real name?

Greg responds...

You mean it's not "jon"?

Response recorded on June 18, 2008

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p-tri writes...

are there any gargoyles in elkton maryland

Greg responds...

Don't turn around.

Response recorded on May 16, 2008

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Dylan Zimmerman writes...

Hi Greg I have been a fan of Gargoyles since I was a kid and I have a comic book I am writing that I will be sending to Darkhorse soon and I was wondering if you would take the time out of your scedule and check it out now I am sure you get asked this millons of times a day so if no responce I get it no harm no faul but I would love an honest opinion from someone experenced if you want to contact me outside of your website my Email is Madprofecer340@aol.com but please leave it out if answer my question

Greg responds...

Sorry, Dylan, but I don't have time to do all the stuff I'm being paid to do. But good luck.

Response recorded on May 08, 2008

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Greg responds...

Ahhh, yes, the tragedy of A.S.D.

Really, I shouldn't joke. Cuz I have NO IDEA what the heck it is, but it doesn't sound funny.

Response recorded on May 07, 2008

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TAMEKA writes...


Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 06, 2008

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg, just thought I'd clarify something I read in one of your recent responses.

On the 14th of March you wrote "I'm not sure I know what 616 means". As I understand it in the context of Marvel's fictional multiverse, Earth-616 refers to the mainstream Marvel Universe that read about in the comics every month. As opposed to the various alternate universes like Ultimate Marvel and those old issues of What If? The term was allegedly first coined by Alan Moore in an old Captain Britain story.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 03, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Silverstar Online Lottery, from Hohannesburg,2040, South Africa a legitimate bussiness?

Greg responds...

Is this Michael Vogel posting this? Or Diane Crea? It's Vic, isn't it?

Response recorded on April 23, 2008

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Wesley Nichols writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

I had a thought and would like to hear youre opinion. I had been to a site that listed cartoons from the eighties (Such as Thundercat, the Littles, and Bravestarr) and began to compare them to todays cartoons series. I wil admit that I don't normally watch cartoons, but I sometimes see the cartoons my young cousins watch and from what I can tell most of todays cartoons are sacrificing content for modern animationj techniques and political correctness. Admittedly, the snippets of the Avatar series, shows that it is one of the more unique series, but most other shows are either copies of older series (Spiderman, Batman, X-men) or possess very little complex plot.

I am not trying to insult you or accuse you of anything. I still think Gargoyles is one of the best young kid shows out there and one of the things I liked about the show is that it was one of the last shows that truly had a morale lesson (such as guns are not toys and there are always consequences for your actions)but alot of the cartoons shows I see seem to emphasize shallowness and I think encourages children to act spoilt and do what they want. For example, in many cartoon shows, such Fairly Odd parents, the main characters parents and adults in general are shown to be bumbling fools, and I saw an episode of Dexters laboratory that emphasized that Christmas was about materialism instead of spending time with family.

I hope I did not offend you and I admit that I don't normally watch television. I just want to hear your opinion.

Greg responds...

I think in pretty much any era there are great shows and crap shows.

Response recorded on April 22, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

How long does it take to get a divorce if you file it yourself in the Florida courts

Greg responds...

It's really hard to answer that question given how little information you've provided. And, uh, given that I have absolutely ZERO knowledge on the subject. So... did you see the big GARGOYLES logo at the top of the page?

Response recorded on April 18, 2008

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Chelsea Schuchman writes...

What's gonna happen to the show? Is it really gonna show some of Chiro's past? Will Skeleton King win? Are you really going to end the show. Will someone die again?I hope not. I don't want the show to end. What about the Alchemist? What about Valina, Mandarin, and Sokko?

Greg responds...

What the heck are we talking about?

Response recorded on April 14, 2008

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alex writes...

hey greg wats upp! ur a good wirter but bad guy. why did u end gargoyles u @ss. u suck really. come on ! u mad epeople sad when u ended it and now i will get my revenge lol joking.

Greg responds...

You're a riot, alex.

Response recorded on April 07, 2008

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Herr_Shredder writes...

Ever think of a TMNT-Gargoyles cross-over?

Greg responds...

Not really. Not much on crossovers, really, despite the semi-canon Team Atlantis crossover.

Response recorded on February 05, 2008

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Hello my frist qustion here writes...

hello Greg ,I was doing some research for my finals
and I had to look son zoidack symbols. so any way I notice that the star sings
have a color that is appealing to those borne under that specific sign.
anyway here is my question do you think the people borne under the sign of Scorqpio (fond of dark colors. dark reds ,blacks .ect )
would be more tempted to favor brooklyn, as a character, and or fiend him Physically attractive.
(hope I did not sound to perverted)

thank you for tacking the time to read this

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on January 21, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 25th...

William the Conqueror is crowned King of England.

The Stone of Destiny is stolen from Westminster Abbey by Macbeth and four Scottish patriots.

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Andres writes...

Does melissa garcia like me.

Greg responds...

She hasn't said anything to me, one way or another.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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zach writes...

do i have power if not how ca i get them

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 17, 2007

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Kristen Brown writes...

I Wanted To Know Is There Going To Be A Season 4,5,6.... Of Winx Club Because I really Like That Show And I want To See Season 4,5,6...? Please Answer This Question As Soon As Possible.

Greg responds...

I have no knowledge of Winx Club at all.

Response recorded on December 11, 2007

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odd baller writes...

what is your opinion on gargoyles xxx rated content??

Greg responds...

It depends on the context. We're not going to put even single x rated content in the series. But if fans want to do it, well, more power to them. I won't be reading it, as I don't read any fanfiction, but I've got no problem with it.

Response recorded on October 22, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

how are gargoyle and dragon relations,good/bad?

Greg responds...

You're assuming facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Joyce writes...

I have a situation I don't know what to do with. I am what is known as a reborn doll artist. Recently, I came across an outfit by a well known seamstress on Ebay. I purchased the outfit to put on one of my dolls I will be creating to sell on Ebay. The problem is, the outfit has Minnie Mouse in the material. Will I be in infringement of a copyright if I use it?

Greg responds...

I guess. But I'm not a legal expert.

Response recorded on September 04, 2007

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Derek writes...

Could you list the following characters in order of natural intelligence?
Sevarius, Xanatos, Fox, Goliath, Angela, Broadway, Hudson, Elisa, Brooklyn, Lexington, Delilah, Demona, Desdemona, Coldstone, Coldsteel, Gabriel, Ophelia, Princess Katherine, Magus, Tom, Titania, Oberon, Halcyon, Puck, Fang, Talon, Claw, Maggie, Finella, Mary.
P.S I know its an odd question but i'm just curious about a lot of hypothetical questions and i think this could clear things up for me. Just some examples of the questions i think could be cleared up by this question.
1)Could Goliath have the same potential for magic as Demona? 2)Could Demona have the same potential for science as Sevarius etc.
I'd assume Hudson and Broadway or Fox and Xanatos would have roughly the same natural intelligence level in cases like that could you list character of the same intelligence in a row.
I didn't include the clones with exception of Delilah because they'd all have the same level of natural intelligence as their counterparts wouldn't they?

Greg responds...

Ranking intelligence?

No thanks.

Response recorded on August 24, 2007

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brooklyn the red one writes...

greg do u think if there was a medical procedur to change a human in to a gargoyle,(full blown everthing glowing,eyes'stone skin,ect)
peopel would it do you think most of all the fans would do it. how would you feel about fans turning them selfs in to real gargoyles
would have it done
thanks for your time

Greg responds...

Seriously? Tattoos make me squeemish.

Response recorded on August 24, 2007

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Zach Baker is a Jeopardy GOD!

Some of you may remember fellow fan Zach Baker. He's been to multiple Gatherings, performed in multiple Radio Plays, married a fellow Gargoyles fan (and had a kid with her, thus insuring us future generations of fans). He's a former student of mine, and a very funny guy.

And Zach Baker has been kicking butt and taking names on Jeopardy the last two days. He's won $44K already. So tune in tomorrow to your local Jeopardy station and send Zach your psychic best wishes. (It's a syndicated show, so check local listings. It's on ABC, channel 7 at 7pm in Los Angeles.) And yeah, I know the episodes were taped weeks if not months ago, but it's good karma! Trust me.

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever seen, or are you a fan of Stargate SG1? If you have and/or are, what did you think of their use of the Arthur legend in the shows last two seasons?

Greg responds...

I do watch SG1 -- but in syndication on broadcast, not on SciFi channel, so I'm a year behind. I've got no real opinion of how they've used Arthur stuff in the season I've seen. Not enough info for me to get where they're going with it. Ask me again in a year.

Response recorded on July 05, 2007

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Cyoti writes...

Is there any chance of you writing the Aquaman Sword of Atlantis book?

Greg responds...

I doubt it. Not that I'd turn it down, but it seems they've already got a great writer on that book.

Response recorded on July 05, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I asked you what your favorite rides are at Disneyland and when you said a Small World and the one where you go into the snowflake, I had to write back. (I might as well put in here that we were at Disneyland over Spring Break and it was great; the scavenger hunt made it even more interesting). For the snowflake one, I asked my parents and they said it was called the molecule ride. They said there was some sort of microscope involved. I think that's the ride where Star Tours is now. I know this because they pay tribute to the molecule ride by putting the microscope on the Star Tours ride. I don't know if you've been on the Star Tours ride or not, but when you first take off in the space station and drop for the first time, look to the bottom right corner and you'll see the microscope on the screen. I didn't think it'd be a big deal, but I looked for it, and sure enough, there it was!

Now for the Small World. I'll never be the same since the last time I rode it. I got on with my family and I ended up in the very back seat. I stepped in and water poured in over the edge and got me soaked! I had no idea why until I looked ahead of me and saw that there were 3 men who were over 300 pounds each in the middle seats. You'd think the people working on the ride would've caught this, but they didn't. We got into the first room and our boat stopped. I could hear the boat scraping the bottom of the ride. Every time someone moved, more water sloshed into the back of the boat. The people sitting on the sides of the boat had to grab the sides of the ride and push the boat along. It took us over 45 minutes to get to the end of the ride. There were no boats in front of us and a lot of boats held up behind us. When we finally finished the ride and heard the song "It's a small world after all…" over 20 times, all the people in the boats behind us started clapping and cheering while we took turns giving bows and waved as we crossed the bridge into the Small World store. That is why I won't get on the ride for another 10 years.

Thank you for you time.


Greg responds...

Sounds like a nightmare. And yes, the snowflake ride was replaced by Star Tours years ago...

Response recorded on June 06, 2007

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Meg writes...

I know you've said that Demona cast a spell on the Manhattan Clan right before they woke up in the 20th century that allowed them to understand modern English. My question is, how does Angela understand modern English? I would assume that she grew up speaking Old English, as she was raised by Tom/the Magus/Katharine.

Greg responds...

Avalon compensates when it sends people to where they need to be...

(How's that?)

Oh, and by the way, Demona casting a spell is just a possible answer to the original modern English question. Not a definitive answer.

Response recorded on April 26, 2007

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Silvia Song writes...

Sorry, me again. Incase you want to see my Facebook group, here's the link;


Thanks again.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm not sure what a facebook is. Gotta check with someone who knows to see whether I can look without creating potential legal trouble for myself.

Response recorded on April 20, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

I read somewhere that you've been to Disneyland many times. What is your favorite ride there?

Thank you in advance for your answer and for your time.


Greg responds...

I'm not sure I have one favorite. (Today's questions don't seem to be provoking much in the way of definitive response.) I enjoy a bunch of rides, including but not limited to Pirates, Matterhorn, Haunted Mansion, Peter Pan, Small World (yeah, you heard me!), Space Mountain. There are rides that are gone now that I used to love, like that Innerspace one where they shrunk you down into a snowflake, etc. I'm probably forgetting some...

Response recorded on April 13, 2007

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Gantros writes...

I was watching "Hellboy: Blood and Iron" on television when I noticed that the businessman Oliver Trumble is almost identical to Xanatos, differing only in a few personality traits. Do you think Gargoyles could have had some influence on the character, or is just a coincedence?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I haven't seen the movie myself, though some good friends worked on it. I don't know whether the character you're referencing pre-dates Gargoyles or not.

Response recorded on March 30, 2007

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Danny Dyche writes...

I noticed that Weird Al's song "Cable TV" mentions a show called "Celebrity Hockey".

Greg responds...

News to me.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Danny Dyche writes...

I've read a book which might interest people who understand certain references in "Gargoyles". Ruled Britannia by Harry Turtledove is an alternate history novel in which William Shakespeare writes a play about Queen Boudicca.

Greg responds...

Sounds cool.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Antiyonder (AKA Axem Gold) writes...

It was habit to type here as Axem Gold, so here's my current alias. It's based of:

Beyonder (from Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars)
Anti-Monitor (from Crisis On Infinite Earths)

The idea to merge the names were based of a crossover Marvel and DC Comics did from 1995 to 1997 called Amalgam Comics. Ever read the Amalgam Comics? Anyway, on to the topic.

Given that you address a lot of the Gathering attendees as your enemies, do you have any Steel Clan robots or Grimorum spells to back up your comments? Just joking.

Greg responds...

Never read Amalgam, I'm afraid. Did it really start in '95? I didn't really stop reading comics regularly until '96, so it's odd that I would have misse the early issues...

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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tommyfear78@sbcglobal.net writes...

Is there a club in NY to save gargoyles from bldgs. being demolished?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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nivekious writes...

Greg, this is my first time posting here, but I've been a fan of the series for a long time. I was wondering if you have ever spoken to anuryone about getting a Gargoyles level put into a Kingdom Hearts game. The games feature various Disney worlds, and many people play them that have probably never heard of the show before. If "Gargoyles" were to find its way into one of these games in one form or another, it could spark an interest with a whole new group of people, which might lead Disney to realize that there is still plenty of potential left in the series. Also, I'm not sure how all the rights stuff works, but the games are currently produced by Buena Vista which might make things slightly less complicated.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

I think it would be great, but I have no idea how to make it happen. Don't even know whom to talk to about it. If Disney or Square or whomever decided to include Gargoyles, I would hope they'd come to me. But I can't be sure they would.

Response recorded on January 11, 2007

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Flip Books...

Our good friend Dennis Woodyard, one of the producer-directors on the second season of GARGOYLES, has a website I'd like to plug...


Check out his cool flip books!

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kool writes...

why does pop go flat

Greg responds...

Cuz his kids won't stop hopping on him, right?

Response recorded on January 02, 2007

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Axem Gold writes...

These questions are about comics/comic related material:

1. Have you watched the following Marvel Films? If yes, what were your thoughts on them?
1a. X-Men 2
1b. Daredevil
1c. Hulk
1d. Fantastic Four
1e. Batman Begins
1f. Daredevil The Director's Cut (The novelization is closer to this version, than the theatrical)

1g. Not a Marvel Movie, but "Justice League Starcrossed The Movie"
2. What were your thoughts on Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends. Frank Welker did quite a bit of voicing for this one (Bobby Drake/Iceman, Flash Thompson, Ms. Lions and Matt Murdock).

3. I believe a copy of your resume mention you doing work on the Spider-Man Animated Series from Sony for MTV.
3a. What episodes if any did you help with?
3b. Any opinions on the series as a whole?

4. Did you get a copy of "The Batman VS Dracula"?

5. Last question. Did you think the DC Comics Universe was better with or without the Multiverse? I prefered the multiple earths. I recently picked up the Trade Paperback "Crisis On Multiple Earths The Team Ups", which made it possible to finally read Flash #123 (Flash Of Two Worlds).

Greg responds...

Geez, this could take me hours to answer...

1a. Saw it, and generally liked it. My main complaint on all three X-Men movies is the casting of Scott Summers. He's blown off the screen by Wolverine, and thus in X-2 is relegated to a very minor role, and in X-3 is unceremoniously killed off (for no good reason).

1b. Saw it on an airplane, and I'll admit I'm less picky on airplanes. Not a great movie. Was a bit disappointed in Kingpin. That guy so looks the part, but he seemed feeble to me.

1c. Haven't seen it. Would like to, actually. I'm curious.

1d. Ugh. AWFUL. Honestly, I've seen both the new version and the old version that was never released. Both are equally awful. Production values may have been better on this one, but the story is atrocious. The characterizations pathetic. And would it have killed them to make Johnny Storm blond? I mean Jessica Alba died HER hair. Also, Reed is horribly miscast. So is Doom for that matter.

1e. I've talked about this one elsewhere. I'll admit it's the best Batman movie to date, but I'll point out that that's not saying much. I found much to like. Much that raised the bar. But ultimately a movie that did not make it over the bar it raised. (Still, better to try and fail then not try.) The ending for me was particularly disappointing and non-sensical.

1f. Not sure what you're talking about here. But I guess I haven't seen it.

1g. Never heard of it.

2. I doubt I saw more than an episode or two and it was ages ago. I don't remember caring for it much -- Frank's work aside -- but then I wasn't exactly the target audience either.

3. I did briefly, but nothing I did ever made it on the air. My story editor on that show was let go, and the new story editor wasn't interested in pursuing anything with me.

3a. None. See above. I wrote one outline. But I'm not sure anyone ever read it, because my story editor was fired the same day I turned in my outline.

3b. I've never seen more than a couple of clips. No opinion.

4. Nope.

5. I preferred multiple earths. I think they made a classic error at the time. They would have been better off RENUMBERING their Earths. With what was then known as Earth 2 changing to Earth 1. The then current Earth 1 changing to Earth 2 and then SIMULTANEOUSLY launching Earth 3 in the eighties. The idea being that the "Heroic Age" begins anew on a new world every twenty years. That way they don't have to rewrite existing continuity, but they can still start fresh, i.e. have their cake and eat it too. And they'd still be able to do the occasional cross-over. (If you're stingy with this, it's really not that complicated.) They'd have two lines, but what's wrong with that? In essence, it seems to me, that's what Marvel did with Ultimates. The side benefit is that it also allows your characters to age naturally. It bugs me when characters can't grow. That's why Gargoyles is fixed in more-or-less real time.

Response recorded on December 22, 2006

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Shannon "Shan" Muir writes...

About four years ago now, we had a lively discussion about the portrayal of disabilities in animation. With the queue briefly open, and with the episode initially featuring Jeffrey Robbins ("A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time") now out on DVD, I wanted to revisit that subject.

With the huge strides that have been made in Assistive Technology for those who are impaired, do you think that it provides more opportunities for storytelling? Or does it in any way reduce the level of dramatic opportunities available to you as a writer?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know, as I haven't dealt with these technologies in story. Which may say something not-so-positive about how inclusive I've been in my storytelling recently.

Response recorded on December 21, 2006

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Brenda writes...

What is the diffenece between reptiles and leathery birds also what is the same about them?

Greg responds...

Probably lots of stuff.

[Okay, I grant that the name "Ask Greg" is pretty generic, but how would one get to this website and what about the look of it convinces people that they're going to get any useful timely answers to general questions? I mean "useful"? "Timely"? From ME?!]

Response recorded on December 18, 2006

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Betty writes...

Have you heard any new movie roles in the future for Gerard butler? After
"Burns" I've heard "Marlowe" anything else been offered to him

Greg responds...

Uh... Phantom of the Opera?

O.K. you're totally in the wrong place, but I do seem to recall that he was in that movie.

Response recorded on December 11, 2006

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everything is connected...

So is Paris Geller (of GILMORE GIRLS) related to Monica and Ross Geller (of FRIENDS)? And if so, would she also be related to Rachel Green the mother of Ross' child? And is Rachel Green related to the late Mark Green (of E.R.)? I mean, it can't just be a coincidence that Mark's eldest daughter was also named Rachel Green, can it?

Bookmark Link

courtney writes...

What is a chimeras

Greg responds...

You mean in the Gargoyles Universe?

Response recorded on November 02, 2006

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J. Pattison writes...

I looked at your resume and saw that you worked on Robotech: Mars Force. Is there any information you can divulge about that project? Such as when it might come out on TV. Any info about the show would be greatly appreciated.

Greg responds...

I signed a confidentiality agreement, so the ONLY info I have for you on the project is that my development was passed on.

Response recorded on October 25, 2006

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BB writes...

Do know any international, national, and or local heroes here in the town of quincy?

Greg responds...

Quincy, Mass?!

Response recorded on October 20, 2006

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Matt Hancock writes...

What's the best pie?

Greg responds...

The funniest pie is Banana Cream.

Response recorded on October 17, 2006

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Stu writes...

Hey Greg,

You recently announced that you had previously worked on a 'Spider-Man' series in 2002. Is this the same show that Jeff Masuta worked on, based on some designs on his site?

What happened to the show?

How much was done?

Greg responds...

I briefly worked on the MTV Spider-Man series. I'm not sure if Jeff also worked on that one. (I've worked with Jeff on other shows.) The series did indeed air. But none of my work saw the light of day, as the story editor I was working for was booted before I even got my outline approved.

Response recorded on September 18, 2006

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Joshua writes...

What is the highest point in North America

Greg responds...

I give up. What is the highest point in North America?

Response recorded on September 12, 2006

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Lord GargFan writes...

How would the gargs vote in the election 2004? Also please include the votes for Owen, Elisa, and Xanatos.

Greg responds...

I'm still back in 1996.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Michael Melnikoff writes...

My question relates to the video game "Kingdom Hearts" made by Disney and Square-Enix. For those who haven't played it, the game features worlds, plots, and characters from Disney's many movies and cartoons, even going so far as to get many of the original voice actors to voice the characters. Disney/Square are currently making the sequel Kingdom Hearts 2, and if that game does as well as the first, possibly even a Kingdom Hearts 3. It may be entirely possible that the Gargoyles could be added into one of these two games. Would Disney even consider doing something like this? If it happened, would Disney contact you about a possible plotline for the Gargoyles section of the game? Thanks a bunch.

Greg responds...

I think it would be great, but I have no idea how to make it happen. Don't even know whom to talk to about it. If Disney or Square or whomever decided to include Gargoyles, I would hope they'd come to me. But I can't be sure they would.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Sam writes...

What kind of buildings were gargoyles found on originally?

Greg responds...

In which culture?

In western culture, mostly cathedrals and castles. But there are a ton of gargoyles on less impressive buildings as well.

Response recorded on August 21, 2006

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GargFan1995-Present writes...


I have some questions about Gargoyle TV viewership.

1. Did the Gargoyles watch American Idol?
a. If they did, who were they cheering for in each season?
2. What feelings, if any, did the Gargoyles have about the finale of "Friends"?

I would like to thank you so much for answering our questions.

My guess on when you answer this - June 2006!

Greg responds...

How'd December 2005?

But I'm sorry, but I just have no opinion on this stuff.

Response recorded on December 16, 2005

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Fraternal Cross-Promotion!

I am pleased to announce the release of "The Best of Dodger Thoughts," a
325-page book featuring the top selections from my brother's Dodger Thoughts website (www.dodgerthoughts.com). Since 2002, Dodger Thoughts has been the leading independent source online for information and insights on the Los Angeles
Dodgers. Now, the best pieces have been compiled in print, with sections on:

--The 2002-2005 seasons
--Dodger history
--Key Dodger players
--Dodger atmosphere: the stadium, the fans, the broadcasters
--Coaching and managing
--The GM's Office
--Baseball and writing
--Plus, a foreword by longtime Dodger broadcaster Ross Porter

Besides providing immediate enjoyment this offseason, "The Best of
Dodger Thoughts" will have long-term worth as a historical resource: a
you-are-there record of an important chapter in Dodger history, as well as
the first printed compendium of blog coverage of the Dodgers. For longtime
readers of the website as well as those who have never seen it, "The Best of
Dodger Thoughts" will be well worth owning. 

"The Best of Dodger Thoughts" can be ordered though this link at Lulu.com -
http://www.lulu.com/content/164688 - or by visiting the Dodger Thoughts

Thanks ...

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Emperor Auladarr I writes...

Not really a question but a bit of info:

Mr. Weisman,
You said you wished to know what had happened to the elves at Helm's Deep in LOTR: The Two Towers. It is my belief (if I'm reading Tolkien's original work correctly) that the elves there all "died." The quotation marks are used because on Middle-earth, the elves are immortal. If they are killed, they are re-born, so to speak, some time later with full memories of their past experiences.
Just thought I'd share that...although, by the time you read this, I'm sure you'll have sated your curiosity.

Greg responds...

It's been years and years since I read Tolkien, and it may be true that in the book the elves all died. But I see NO indication of that in the movie. So when I comment on the movie version of Return of the King, I think it's fair to ask the question what happened to the elves from the movie version of TT.

Now of course, we very dramatically see one elf die. The guy we've met before, whose name escapes me at the moment. But I saw no indication that either he was the last one left and/or that all the others died after him.

Given how the movie presents the elves as SO much better fighters than anyone else we meet, I likewise find it hard to believe that so many humans survived and not one elf.

Keep in mind, though, that I DO love these movies.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is probably going to reach you such a long time from now that the "freshness" will have most likely gone out of it by the time that you read it, but:

You raised the question as to what happened to the Elves who fought at Helm's Deep in the movie version of "The Return of the King". My own impression from the "Two Towers" movie was that they were all slain during the battle(except for Legolas), of course. Admittedly, they didn't refer to it in the dialogue for the "Return of the King".

Greg responds...

I've seen that movie at least three times now, and I NEVER got the impression that ALL were slain. Perhaps after the battle, they all headed for the coast. But there was never any indication that they were massacred down to the last elf. And it's tough to buy.

I love the trilogy, but if I have one complaint, I would have liked to have seen more elves and dwarves beyond just Legolas and Gimli fighting at the Gates of Sauron.

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Battle Beast writes...


Do you still watch "All My Children?"

What do you think it CURRENTLY?


Greg responds...

I rarely get to actually see it. But I do religiously read the synopsis every day.

Di isn't Dixie. That's all I have to say.

Response recorded on September 29, 2005

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rikki writes...

can i use some of the pictures for ideas for my corsework in art

Greg responds...

Some of what pictures?

Response recorded on September 28, 2005

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Siren writes...

Okay, one more question for now...

I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. And the more I have read the behind-the-scenes on it, the more I see Joss Whedon, the creator has done a lot more then I thought and I apparentlty have been watching his works longer then I thought. As I have with you as well. I was wondering if you ever worked with him on anything? I know he has jumped around studios for years, even wrote Toy Story and whatnot, so he has been with Disney as well.
Also, have you watched either Buffy or Angel? And if so, what do you think of them?

Greg responds...

I've never worked with or met Joss Whedon, though I'd love to. I'm a HUGE fan.

I'm also a HUGE FAN of Buffy, Angel and Firefly. By now many of you know that I'm working on this strange anal project calculating the top 40 most important characters in the Buffyverse.

And I can't wait to see SERENITY. I'd see it the day it comes out, except that I'll be camping with my son on Catalina Island. So I probably won't see it for a week.

Response recorded on September 22, 2005

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Don Ferguson (rodimus@mindspring.com) writes...


My name is Don and I wanted to ask if you could share some of your memories of working with the cast and crew on Talespin. Up until Gargoyles came along, Talespin was one of the most in-depth shows Disney had done to date, and had a noticably darker tone (such as Kit Cloudkicker episodes) compared to their earlier shows like Rescue Rangers. Any thoughts or comments from your time -and about Ed Gilbert who brought Baloo the bear to life-would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Greg responds...

Let me start with Ed, who was great as Baloo. I never met him. Not back in the Talespin days. I only went to some Talespin pick-up sessions, and we had no lines for Ed to pick up.

Of course, I later met Ed working on Gargoyles, where he played the Captain of the Guard at Castle Wyvern. He was terrific. I can't say I got to know him as a person, but I was very impressed with his abilities as an actor.

Anyway, the Talespin days...

When I started at Disney in 1989, production on Talespin was already underway. The big mucky-mucks on that show were Jymn Magon & Mark Zaslove. And I'm afraid I didn't really get to know either of them all that well. I later worked a bit more with both of them, but my job at the time was to give notes (both creative notes and S&P) directly to the individual story editors. I do recall having great sit-down conversations with Story Editor Karl Geurs. Karl really welcomed me to Disney... and we'd sit in his office and talk about the scripts, about animation, about storytelling for ... well... for longer than we probably needed to.

I thought/think that Talespin was a great fun idea. I think some of the episodes are just amazing. There's some really gorgeous stuff there. And I loved Shere Khan. I suppose to Jungle Book purists, it might have been problematic, but if you see the Disney characters evolving into actors, for me it was fun to see them playing different roles.

Response recorded on September 19, 2005

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Anti-Fllay Allster writes...

1. In Gargoyles, is the Bermuda Triangle:

a) A natural phenomenon, just like some scientists explained (no mystery, but a scientific rational explanation) ?

b) Something interesting, with a background story, that you came you with ?

2. In any case, will the Bermuda Triangle be part of one of your stories?

Greg responds...

1. All things are true.

2. Eventually -- given enough opportunities -- we'd cover everything.

Response recorded on September 15, 2005

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Abby writes...

In your August 1, 2003, response to F7 Addict regarding the dates and names of the various full moons, you asked about information regarding the origins of these names. As an amateur astronomer, I may be able to help. Various cultures, such as Europeans and various Native American tribes, named all the full and new moons of the year. Specifically, the Harvest and Hunter Moon titles come from Europe and colonial America. The names came from the behavior of the full moon at that time of the year. Normally, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night (and up to 80 minutes later each night in the spring). The geometry of the moon's orbit in September and October means it rises only about 30 minutes later each night (in the Northern Hemispere), and this extra light was helpful for farmers at harvest time (especially in the days before motorized farm machinery and electric lights). The full moon in October also provided early-evening light and coincided with the fall hunting season, so it was called the Hunters Moon.

Incidentally, the definition generally accepted by astronomers is that the Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest the September Equinox, and Hunters Moon is the next one after that.

I enjoy "Gargoyles" very much, and consider myself fortunate to have most of the episodes on tape. I am looking forward to the DVD release. Thanks for creating a show in which the characters grow as a result of the consequences of their actions, and with such complexity of plot.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. And thanks for the info...

Response recorded on March 08, 2005

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Audra writes...

Hey Greg, you know how Goliath and the rest of the clan always wanted to see daylight? Well, since the Gargoyles have a TV, when they watch a movie, a TV show and/or the news, don't they see daylight on the TV? Of course it's not the same as being out in the sunlight in person, but they see what it's like. Didn't they ever see what it's like during the day on TV?

Greg responds...

Yes, but as you pointed out, it's not exactly the same, is it?

Response recorded on February 24, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

I found information on the Internet about teleplay writing contests. The prizes consist of money and the submission of you script to an agent. I was wondering if these were for real, or just a scam? Also, if they are real, which ones would you recommend, if any?

Greg responds...

I have no idea about any of this.

Response recorded on February 15, 2005

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A Big Gargs Fan writes...

I've a question when did Goliath say the opening monologue?
For that matter when did the guys for Dark Ages and Future Tense: 2198 say theirs?

Greg responds...

I'm a bit unclear. Keith David recorded the opening monologue for Gargoyles between the first and second seasons.

To ask specifically when "Goliath" spoke something that at best can be regarded as symbolic is something I've never considered. But if you want to be literal about it, I guess he "recorded" it sometime after waking up in Manhattan.

As for Dark Ages and Gargoyles 2198... I don't know what you're talking about.

Response recorded on November 18, 2004

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XanaToast writes...

Hey, its me again. You seem to be more than a year behind. or maybe you just gave up on answering our questions. well I won't worry about it. I have a question concerning international rights.

Has Gargoyles been released to countries outside North America. Such as foriegn non-english speaking countries? if so, then have they beed dubbed or fansubbed? or did they just leave it as it is. and if it's being dubbed globally, then can you please tell me what continents and major countries have purchased dubbing rights to the series.


Greg responds...

I don't have access to all that information, but I do know that the series was released internationally and was dubbed into multiple foreign languages.

Response recorded on November 11, 2004

Bookmark Link

Gwen vs. Mary-Jane

Okay, I haven't seen the second Spider-Man movie yet, so this is mostly based on the first (and commercials for the second).

But am I the only guy out here who thinks Kirsten Dunst is a perfect Gwen Stacy?

I think she's wonderful in the first film. Bu I mean, aside from the hair color (which, from other movies, we know is artificial), her persona is totally Gwen. Yeah, yeah, she's an actress, but she's got nothing of that John Romita tigress that is Mary-Jane Watson.

She's Gwen Stacy.


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Forliya writes...

hello agen, If you could most dearly tell me the script to the final episode I would be abliged if you could help.

toodles gargoyle frends!

Greg responds...

The title of the final episode of the first season was "Reawakening".

The title of the final episode of the second season was "Hunter's Moon, Part Three".

The title of my final episode was "The Journey".

The title of the final episode of the Goliath Chronicles was something like "Angels of the Night". But I'm not sure.

Response recorded on June 30, 2004

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Trenchcoat Spook writes...

What IS with leaders having long hair?


Greg responds...

Some do and some don't.

Response recorded on June 29, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

I have just finished reading the original book 'Magic' by William Goldman, which was made into the movie starring Anthony Hopkins. I have not seen the movie in many years, but I recall most of it quite well except for the final freeze-framed scene after what happens to Corky. What was the final scene of that movie?

Greg responds...

I loved that movie, but I haven't seen it in years either, and I have no specific memory of the final scene. Sorry.

Response recorded on June 21, 2004

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Bigduo writes...

This is in line with Balrog's questions. Anyway did you have plans to add the Silent Knight, the Black Knight, the Shining Knight or the Demon Etrigan into Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Those characters are owned by Marvel & DC Comics. So obviously, the answer is NO.

Response recorded on June 21, 2004

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Babs writes...

To go with my other question I forgot to throw in, even though they are immortal, they can still be killed correct?.
and they still do age, so what is thier age rate?
Gargoyles Forever !

Greg responds...

Uh, what other question? Who are we talking about?

Response recorded on June 15, 2004

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Heather Haskett writes...

Are you happy how The Gargoyles Saga is turning out?

Greg responds...

I've never seen it. I have no opinion on how it turned out and mixed feelings about it existing, which I've spoken to before.

Response recorded on June 15, 2004

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KRysten kastberg writes...

What is the name of the Happy Gargoyle and where can i find history on him?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know who you're referring to. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 27, 2004

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Rob writes...

Hi Greg, I have an idea for a show that will redefine American animation. I need your help. Just hear me out. My email is vegetassj21@yahoo.com.

Greg responds...

Hey Rob,

So not going there. Good luck though.

Response recorded on May 26, 2004

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Anne Marie writes...

I have been looking for 4 days and i can'tget an answer si I'm hoppen that you can help me please All I want to know is what place is 800 miles east of Montreal Canada And what place is 800 miles weast of Montreal
I hope you can answer this for me Greg
Maybe it's not a very inporten question but it is to me
I Don't know if u need my email to send me an anser but i'm going to give it to youn
cause I would be great ful to u if u would send me a answer please Tank you so much Yours Turly Anne Marie

Greg responds...

Anne Marie,

This is not a general information site. For the most part it's designed to answer questions about the GARGOYLES animated series, and other related topics. General geography is not one of my specialties.

As to your question, I have no idea of the answers off the top of my head, and assuming TWO YEARS LATER that -- as unlikely as it sounds, you are still interested...

Well, kiddo, you can check a map as easily as I can.

Response recorded on May 19, 2004

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Spacebabie writes...

For a while I was a fan of the Files..so I have to ask this.

1.Does the clan like the X-Files?

2.If so what did they think of the gargoyle episode?

3.What does Matt think of Mulder?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I did skim through the archives and I never found anything simular.

Greg responds...

1. Opinions vary.
2. Opinions vary.
3. I have this notion that Matt might not consciously see any parallels between himself and Mulder, and he might find Mulder annoying. Or maybe the reverse.

Response recorded on April 06, 2004

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Sparky Genocide writes...

Have you ever watched the cartoon show "X-Men: Evolution?" If so, did you know that your old pal, Frank Paur, works as a director and story-board artist for the show? Has he ever offered you a job as a writer for the show?

Greg responds...

I've seen one or two eps of X-Men: Evolution. I knew Frank worked on the show, but he's not the story editor and is hardly in a position to offer me writing work.

Response recorded on March 19, 2004

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Star Sighting &tc...

I just saw wecently wed Wesley & Willow walking arm-in-arm down Wittle Santa Monica Blvd. It was pretty cute...

Have I mentioned this before?:

I think one (though certainly not the only) visceral appeals of the E-Street Band is its archetypal relationship to Robin Hood & his Merry Men.

Bruce Springsteen = Robin Hood (complete with a "rob-from-the-rich-and-give-to-the-poor" mentality)
Miami Steve Van Zandt = Will Scarlett
Max Weinberg = Friar Tuck
Patti Scialfa = Maid Marion

and of course

The Big Man, Clarence Clemons = Little John

I'm not sure which of the following is Alan a Dale...

Garry Tallent, Roy Bittan, Danny Federici or Nils Lofgren.

(The truth is Bruce/Robin is his own Alan, I guess.)

When it comes down to it, I don't know the names of enough Merry Men to make every parallel work. But I'm sure you can see the connections.


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Marcus Palmer writes...

OKay, First of all, Vulcan is the Roman God of what?

Please Answer ASAP..

Greg responds...

The Forge.

And that's ASAP. Less than two years. Worth the wait?

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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Ian Salter writes...

Dear Greg,
My name is Ian,and like most kids,I want to be an actor,and was wondering,do you know of any way I could into the High School of Performing Arts?

Greg responds...

Do MOST kids really want to be actors?

Man, that's depressing.

And no, I don't have a clue.

I don't even know WHICH High School of the Performing Arts you're talking about. The famous one from FAME in N.Y.?

Most major cities have one. I know L.A. does.

Anyway, try asking a guidance councilor, I guess.

Response recorded on February 04, 2004

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This is an interesting exercise for me. One which mostly demonstrates how few movies I get to see.

The Oscar Noms came out and are in today's paper. So I'm going to list my choices.

But here's the main rule. I can only choose from movies I've actually seen. The result is that there are entire categories (including at least one major category) that I can't vote in at all:

Supporting Actress
Foreign Language Film
Documentary Feature
Documentary Short
Animated Short

Of course, I reserve the right to make changes later if I see more movies. Also, these are NOT predictions. I'm not trying to guess who the Academy will chose. I'm simply stating my preferences...

Haven't seen Mystic River or Seabiscuit. Didn't care for the tiresome Master & Commander. I enjoyed Lost in Translation, a movie which snuck up on everyone, but I don't think it was quite as good as everyone said. I'm sorry that The Cooler didn't get nominated, but in any case it's hard not to vote for LOTR: Return of the King over either Master or Translation. I think that both of the first two movies were better than the third, but as I've stated, this isn't a Return of the Jedi scenario. This is an amazing movie on every level. The bar was set incredibly high by Jackson's first two films. And he still made it over by any reckoning.

ACTRESS: Keisha Castle-Hughes, WHALE RIDER
Well, I haven't seen In America, 21 Grams, Monster or Something's Gotta Give. So Keisha was my only option. But that's okay. I wasn't too wild about the 2-D movie, but the kid was great. Doubt she'll win, but, hey, I'm routing for her.

Haven't seen Mystic River, Cold Mountain or House of Sand and Fog. That leaves Depp in Pirates and Murray in Translation, both terrrific comic performances. I'm choosing Depp, the more obvioulsy comic turn, because (a) comedy is rarely rewarded by the Academy and like to break that barrier and (b) as good as Murray is, he's kinda playing himself. But this was a VERY tough choice for me.

Haven't seen 21 Grams, In America, Mystic River or the Last Samurai so all that leaves is Alec in Cooler. But even more than Keisha above, I'm thrilled to have Alec as my choice. I saw The Cooler this past Saturday and REALLY loved it. William H. Macy and Maria Bello are also brilliant in it, but I'm not at all surprised that Baldwin was nominated. He's a great actor.

Haven't seen Mystic River or City of God. Didn't care for Master & Commander. Liked Lost in Translation, but Jackson's efforts on Return of the King are stunning.

Havent's seen American Splendor, City of God, Mystic River or Seabiscuit, leaving Rings my only option. But again, I like the screenplay so it's a fine choice. Looking forward to the extended version though.

Haven't seen Barbarian Invasions or Dirty Pretty Things or In America, which leaves me a choice between Lost and Finding Nemo. No contest. Nemo is a cute little movie, but it's far from being my favorite Pixar script. Translation is fascinating.

Haven't seen Girl with a Pearl Earing, Last Samurai or Seabiscuit. Which leaves me with a contest between LOTR and M&Commander. This was actually a tougher call. I didn't care much for M&C, but it looked damn good. But I think LOTR was a greater overall achievement.

Haven't seen Brother Bear or Triplets of Belleville. So that leaves Nemo only. Again, not a brilliant film, but it has some brilliant stuff in it, so I can vote this way with a vaguely clear conscious.

Haven't seen City of God, Cold Mountain, Girl with a Pearl Earing or Seabiscuit, which leaves only M&C, which again looked great. So, fine.

SOUND MIXING: Boyes, Semanick, Hedges, Peek, LOTR: ROTK
Haven't seen Samurai or Seabiscuit, but it leaves three great choices, M&C, ROTK and Pirates. I'm gonna give the edge to ROTK. I seem to be sweeping with them. Can't help it. Note that Christopher Boyes is up for bother Pirates and Rings. That's pretty good odds, but an even bigger bummer, I'd imagine, if he loses.

Boyes is looking good for some award. Sound editing on Nemo, Pirates and M&C were probably all great. But I have a softer spot for the fun of Pirates. One of the few categories where I HAVE seen all of the nominees.

Haven't seen Big Fish, Cold Mountain or House of Sand & Fog, which leaves Howard Shore's brilliant ROTK work and Nemo, which was just okay.

ORIGINAL SONG: "Into the West", Walsh, Shore, Lennox, LOTR:ROTK
Well, I'm a big Annie Lennox fan to begin with, and the song was very moving to me, so this is an obvious choice. Throw in the fact that I haven't seen Mighty Wind, Cold Mountain, Cold Mountain or Triplets and it was also my only option. The good news is that so far, there hasn't been a category where I have declined to pick a winner because I only had one option. So far, even in categories with only one option, I've genuinely liked that one option.

Haven't seen Girl with Pearl, Samurai or Seabiscuit, which again leaves M&C and LOTR. Went with LOTR for cause. Great costumes across the board.

Haven't seen City of God, Cold Mountain or Seabiscuit, leaving YET again M&C and LOTR. No brainer. Half the time in the M&C battle scenes I couldn't keep basic track of who was doing what.

Another of the categories where I have seen all the nominees. Pirates had great make-up, truly. And I came very close to giving this one to Pirates. But just that one Orc was so damn good, and he was just the tip of the iceberg. M&C is also in the running, but why?

I haven't seen the other four options, but I have seen Two Soldiers, based on a William Faulkner short story that just happens to be my all time favorite short story ever. I made a point of seeing this short and was not disappointed. It's really great.

VISUAL EFFECTS: Rygiel, Letteri, Cook, Funke, LOTR: ROTK
And the last of three categories where I've seen all the nominees. Any other year and Pirates (but not M&C) would have challenged for this award. But ROTK, right?

So what's the final tally...

11 for LOTR: ROTK, including picture, director, song, score, screenplay and a half-dozen tech and craft awards. I think that's a clean-sweep. And I'm not generally a sweepy kinda guy. But the true geek in me has been awakened by this trilogy.
2 for Pirates, including Depp's brilliant performanceand a tech award.
1 for WHALE RIDER's kid actress.
1 for THE COOLER's Alec Baldwin.
1 for LOST IN TRANSLATION's keen screenplay by Sofia Coppola.
1 for FINDING NEMO. Best animated feature, won perhaps by default, though I liked the movie.
1 for MASTER & COMMANDER for cinematography, another default win perhaps, though it certainly looked gorgeous.
1 for "Two Soldiers", a personal favorite that may be the award I'm most routing to be right about.

And then five categories where I couldn't vote at all.

That's it.


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Anonymous writes...

You know how in most comic books that super-villains end up in mental hospitals for the criminally insane instead of prison? Two examples are Arkham Asylum in the DC comics and Ravencroft in Marvel Comics. Out of all of the Gargoyles' enemies, who would most likely end up in an insane asylum? Fans have to admit that villains like Demona, Dr. Sevarious, Castaway, Thailog, Hyena, Jackal, Proteus and Coldsteel are all nuts! Plus, Wolf and Fang seem to have some issues.

Greg responds...

I don't think that either Wolf, Fang, Sevarius, Thailog or Coldsteel are "criminally insane" by its legal definition. I think it's a stretch for Demona, Jackal, Castaway and Proteus as well. That is, all these characters know right from wrong.

Of the characters you named, Hyena and Proteus are the most psychopathic. But I think Proteus knows what he's doing. He just revels in his evil. Hyena, frankly, isn't that bright. She has no control at all, beyond some semi-affection for her brother, i.e. her anchor.

Clearly, many of these characters COULD wind up in someplace Arkhamesque. But that would depend on lawyers and judges and juries. Obviously, the one trial we know that Hyena faced landed her in a regular prison cell right beside Fox. So even for her, a legal argument could obviously be made that she was criminally sane.

Response recorded on January 22, 2004

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Sam writes...

Would we maybe see Jesus in an episode?

Greg responds...

It isn't likely.

Response recorded on January 20, 2004

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Art Carney (1918 - 2003)

Growing up and living most of one's life in Southern California makes having a number of so-called "Brushes with Greatness" inevitable.

Sunday, I saw Tony Shaloub in Larchmont Village, but since I had recently seen him at Los Angeles International Airport AND spoken with him at Logan International Airport, I refrained from accosting him again, lest he think I was stalking him or something.

And just yesterday, I rode up an elevator with Florence Henderson, who looks great, by the way.

So the fact that I once met Art Carney is, in and of itself, not particularly remarkable. But his passing seems an appropriate time to relate this story.

In the mid-seventies, I was in Junior High. I read a LOT. I had somewhat eclectic, and geek-leaning tastes, but most of what I read were mystery novels, especially mystery novels that were part of on-going series. One such series was Harry Kemelman's Rabbi David Small mysteries. (This is a series that I highly recommend. The more recent books aren't quite as strong, but the original seven are terrific.) Each book's title began with the day of the week. And the first mystery was called, "Friday the Rabbi Slept Late."

One day, I came home from school and found that my street was, as they say, "bustling with activity". An army of humans and trailers and equipment had descended on Queen Florence Lane. In the seventies, in the San Fernando Valley, this was still something of a rarity. But in any event, I was fascinated. They were filming a movie in and around the house directly across the street from ours.

Soon, I discovered that the movie was a telefilm called, "Lanigan's Rabbi". It was an adaptation of "Friday the Rabbi Slept Late." I'm not sure how I managed this, other than persistance and the chutzpah that comes with not knowing anything at all, but I kept telling people that I had read the book that the movie was based on. At some point someone grabbed me and introduced me to the director. I have no idea if he was humoring me or truly interested, but he asked me a number of questions about the original novel, claiming that he -- and that in fact NO ONE on the set -- had actually read the thing. There were, I was told, certain things in the script that weren't tracking for him. So I answered his questions and told him how the mystery played out in the book. He took it all in and seemed grateful for the insight.

In any case, he then did something fairly astounding. He let me hang out. That's it. But I was allowed to watch filming. I was allowed to get food from the catering truck. I was allowed to sit with the actors and talk with them. Now, this couldn't have gone on for very long. It's not like I was employed by the movie company or anything. I didn't follow the shoot to its next location. But they spent at least three or four days in the cul-de-sac where I lived. They gave me a copy of the shooting script, which I then had autographed by the movie's two leads.

One of those leads was Stuart Margolin, who's probably most famous for playing "Angel" on THE ROCKFORD FILES. "Lanigan's Rabbi" wound up spinning off into an on-going series, and for some reason Margolin didn't end up playing Rabbi Small in the series. But he was terrific in the movie. And he was an extremely nice guy, who didn't seem to mind chatting with a thirteen-year-old, who was hanging around the set.

But the part of Police Chief Lanigan was played by Art Carney. Now Art Carney is a certified genius. Emmy winner. Oscar winner. Of course his performance as "Ed Norton" in THE HONEYMOONERS is nothing short of brilliant. His on-screen teaming with Jackie Gleason, a match-made in sitcom heaven. Among other things, Ed Norton was the clear inspiration for any number of cartoon characters, ESPECIALLY "Barney Rubble". People often forget, however, what a wonderful dramatic actor Carney was. How he brought a touch of humanity to every role he played. Rod Serling knew this. Art is unforgettable as a drunken department store Santa in "The Night of the Meek" episode of THE TWILIGHT ZONE. A part that Serling wrote especially for Carney. He is also truly wonderful in a number of movies: "Harry & Tonto" and "The Late Show", among others.

I knew almost none of this at the time. I didn't even know Ed Norton. In New York, the Honeymooners has probably NEVER been off the air, but Los Angeles was and is an I LOVE LUCY town. It would be nearly a decade before I would move to New York and learn to appreciate Ralph and Ed and Alice and Trixie.

What I knew at the time, all I knew at the time, was that this was a big time star -- in the middle of shooting a movie -- who spent time with me. Time by the catering truck. Time on the set. He explained how things worked. He explained why things were done the way they were done. He was just so damn nice -- nice enough that as ignorant as I was -- I didn't take it for granted. It impressed me even then.

A few days later, they were gone. Stuart, Art, all of them. The movie finished shooting in my neighborhood and moved on. Some time later, the movie went on the air. We didn't have a VCR back in those days, so I don't have a copy. I followed along on my shooting script and took note of all the little changes in it. It seemed to me (though I might have been seriously kidding myself) that the final version of the film leaned a bit closer to the original novel than the shooting script in my hand. I was certainly kidding myself when I took credit for that somewhat dubious conclusion. And without a doubt the coolest moment was watching Rabbi Small and Chief Lanigan (Stuart and Art, as I called them) walking down the hill of my street and turning a corner and suddenly being at the Rabbi's Temple. There was no temple around the corner from Queen Florence Lane, but the transition was so seamless, it seemed miraculous. A true bit of movie magic before I understood movie magic. Before I was even vaguely jaded.

I just now spent a half hour looking for that shooting script. I couldn't find it. I hope it turns up eventually. I'm sure I wouldn't have thrown it out, but there's a good chance it was in one of my boxes that was in my parents' basement, part of my past which was destroyed by a flood caused by the Northridge Earthquake. I hope not. I haven't thought about any of this in years, but now it's something I'd like to revisit in more detail.

I wrote about Bob Hope a couple of months ago, when he passed, and I suppose this is a very similar kind of tribute. Others will, I'm sure, write more important, more personal and more informed things about Art Carney in the next few days. But I wanted to add my bit.

Not just for the incredibly talented performer, a loss we should all feel, though not too intensely as he has achieved a meta-Xanatosian immortality through the many great performances we will always have to rewatch time and again. And not for the friend and/or family member, because he was none of these things to me, and I was none of these things to him.

But oddly, I wanted to write a tribute to the stranger. To the nice man, who was patient with a dopey know-it-all kid. He was warm and funny and made me feel welcome.

And for that I am truly grateful. Thanks, Chief.

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The Cat writes...

Hey Greg,

How are you?
I'm well, as of today.

I was checking out web sites that had anything to do with Gargoyles and I found one that actually said that Gargoyles is a show that promotes demonology! I'm thinking, 'Whoa! Hold on there.' So, I figured I'd invite this boy/girl or whatever to one of the Gatherings or flame him/her/whatever.

But in all do respect I didn't flame them. I couldn't find the e-mail address. Apparently, I wasn't the only one that wanted to flame them.

Anyway, question, Why did you create Gargoyles? I'm pretty sure that it was not to promote demonology.

See ya, The Cat.

Greg responds...

I'm well, as of today too.

Safe bet that anyone who thought that about the series never watched it. I don't actually know much about demonology. Or anything other than the obvious linguistic fact that it's the study of demons.

Response recorded on November 03, 2003

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Aaron writes...

If this gets through in time, great, if not, Todd can just delete it.

It's Oscar time again, and so it's time to Ask Greg... for his picks.

Best Actor
• Russell Crowe in 'A Beautiful Mind'
• Will Smith in 'Ali'
• Denzel Washington in 'Training Day'
• Tom Wilkinson in 'In the Bedroom'
• Sean Penn in 'I Am Sam'

Best Actress
• Halle Berry in 'Monster's Ball'
• Judi Dench in 'Iris'
• Nicole Kidman in 'Moulin Rouge'
• Sissy Spacek in 'In the Bedroom'
• Reneé Zellweger in 'Bridget Jones's Diary'

Best Supporting Actor
• Jim Broadbent in 'Moulin Rouge'
• Jon Voight in 'Ali'
• Ethan Hawke in 'Training Day'
• Ian McKellen in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'
• Ben Kingsley in 'Sexy Beast'

Best Supporting Actress
• Jennifer Connelly in 'A Beautiful Mind'
• Hellen Mirren in 'Gosford Park'
• Maggie Smith in 'Gosford Park'
• Marisa Tomei in 'In the Bedroom'
• Kate Winslet in 'Iris'

Best Picture
• 'A Beautiful Mind'
• 'In the Bedroom'
• 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'
• 'Moulin Rouge'
• 'Gosford Park'

Best Director
• Robert Altman for 'Gosford Park'
• Ron Howard for 'A Beautiful Mind'
• Baz Luhrmann for 'Moulin Rouge'
• David Lynch for 'Mulholland Drive'
• Ridley Scott for 'Black Hawk Down'

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
• 'A Beautiful Mind'
• 'Ghost World'
• 'In the Bedroom'
• 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'
• 'Shrek'

Writing (Original Screenplay)
• 'Amelié'
• 'Gosford Park'
• 'Memento'
• 'Monster's Ball'
• 'The Royal Tennenbaums'

Animated Feature Film

• 'Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius'
• 'Monsters, Inc.'
• 'Shrek

(What do you think of the creation of this awards category? Is animation finally getting the recognition it deserves in America, or is it that now that they've solidified their position as the only game in town, Disney wants some Oscars to bolster box office?)

That's all the major races, so... Pick 'em. Tell us who should and/or will be in those envelopes. :)

Greg responds...

Well, stretching my memory (and I don't pretend to remember who won)...

Best Actor: The only performance I saw was Crowe's. I thought he was good in a movie that wasn't.

Best Actress: The only performance I saw was Berry's. I thought she was great.

Supporting Actor: Only performance I saw was McKellan's. He was great.

Supporting Actress: The only performance I saw was Connelly's. And again, I thought she was good in a very flawed film.

Best Picture: Only saw Beautiful Mind and Lord of the Rings. And between those I'd have given it to Rings in a heartbeat. Instantly.

Director: Only saw Beautiful Mind and Mulhulland Drive. Liked Mulhulland Drive a LOT more, but I can't say I'd be eager to give the award to either Howard or Lynch. It wasn't either man's best work by a long shot and both pictures were very flawed in my opinion. For very different reasons.

Adapted Writing: Only saw Beautiful Mind, Rings and Shrek. Once again, Rings takes my vote by a landslide.

Original Writing: Only saw Memento and Monster's Ball. I only saw Memento once, but I still suspect that at a second viewing I'd confirm my suspicion that clever as it was, the plot doesn't quite hold up to scrutiny. So I think I'd go with Monster's Ball.

Animated Feature Film: Saw all three of these. (The dis/advantage of having small kids is that you see all kids movies and very few grown up movies.) I actually liked all three of these but didn't love any of them. I think at the time I'd have gone with Shrek, which had the most sheer enjoyment. But having seen them all again more often than I'd care to, I think Monsters, Inc. is the one that holds up the best.

As to the category itself, I find it a mixed blessing. A guarantee of some recognition for a tremendous art form. And yet a ghettoization of that same art form. Disney may have supported the creation of the category for obvious prestige and monetary reasons, but that has little to do with my mixed feelings about it.

Response recorded on September 23, 2003

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Zurist@aol.com writes...

How can a person locate and join a fan clun in Maryland?

Greg responds...

I have no idea. The internet?

Response recorded on September 17, 2003

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Greg Stones writes...

Have you ever considered working for Warner Bros. animation? You could no doubt do amazing things for a poorly written show such as Justice League.

Greg responds...

I would love to work for Warners, but so far no one there has wanted to hire me. But I wouldn't agree with your assessment of Justice League. Admittedly, I've only seen one and a half episodes, but they seemed fun to me.

Response recorded on August 26, 2003

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Havn't looked at the site since december, and now, I've just detected, that all my posts got deleted by Gorebash. Well, doesnt matter.
I just wanted you to ask, what where your top ten and top-garbage movies of 2001.
Hope there comes a new contest soon (by the time you'll probably read this, there surely was one:-).
CU, John

Greg responds...


I'm afraid I don't have a clear memory of what I saw in 2001.

I know I loved Fellowship of the Rings. What else came out that year?

Response recorded on August 26, 2003

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F7 Addict writes...

Creamy writes...
1. Is Hunter's Moon a specific day or week of the year?
2. If so could you give us the date(s)?

Greg responds...
In 1996, Hunter's Moon was on Saturday, October 26th. I doubt it's on the same night every year, since we operate on a solar, rather than a lunar calender. Anyone else know how this works?
recorded on 01-15-02

The Name of the moons are based on 12 lunar cycles per year, first is Jan or Wolf; 2 Feb or Storm; 3 Chaste; 4 Seed; 5 Hare; 6 Lover's; 7 Mead; 8 Wyrt; 9 Harvest; 10 Oct Blood or Hunter's moon; 11 Snow; 12 Oak. And on the odd chance of two full moons in a month, the second is called the blue moon.

Greg responds...

So, if I'm getting you right the Hunter's Moon (a.k.a. the Blood Moon) is the first full moon of October. (Or the only full moon of October, most years.) Right?

Thanks. That's very helpful and useful. I'm writing this down.

So a couple more questions...

Do you know the origin(s) behind these names? And if so, what are they?

And what is a Wyrt?

Response recorded on August 01, 2003

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Vanity writes...

Elvis is not just "a king" like a Macbeth, Duncan, Arthur, or an Oberan, but is THE KING. Will we see him in the future of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I don't think Elvis is public domain. I think his estate is very protective of his image. So I'd guess, if this is a serious question, that the answer is no.

Response recorded on July 25, 2003

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Vanity writes...

Is Elvis Presley still alive?

Greg responds...

In my opinion, no.

But his clone is.

Response recorded on July 24, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Santa Clause of the GU based on the one in pop culture?

Greg responds...

As opposed to what?

All are based on a core truth, and as we know, "All things are true."

Response recorded on June 11, 2003

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Friendly Fan writes...

Why havent they shown all of the goliath chronicles episodes on toon disney? (such as future tense)

Greg responds...

"Future Tense" wasn't Goliath Chronicles. It was second season "Gargoyles"... And I'm quite sure they have shown it more than once.

As for Chronicles episodes, I'm surprised they haven't. But since you were wrong about the above, I'm not sure it's true.

Response recorded on June 11, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Mind telling us what your plans for Santa Clause were?

Greg responds...

Yes. Certainly not to an anomymous poster.

Response recorded on June 11, 2003

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julio writes...

hey greg are you looking for some laughs go to www.madblast
.com IT has funny osama bin laden video clips

Greg responds...

Nothing sounds less appealing.

Response recorded on June 11, 2003

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puck<40> writes...

Back when someone asked you a question in reference to dragons. You responded....

Greg responds...
Who said there are dragons in the gargoyle universe?

heres my question.

Aren't All Things True? :)

Greg responds...

Yes. But that doesn't answer my question, which was "Who said?"

Response recorded on May 30, 2003

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matt writes...

this may or may not be a tough question:

if you were given a choice to either run a Gargoyles series again exactly how you wanted to or given $100,000, which would you choose?

Greg responds...

Are we assuming I get paid to do the Gargoyles series or does this preposterous hypothetical assume I have to work for free?

If the latter, than I'm afraid I'd HAVE to take the money.

If the former, well, then I'd wind up doing okay financially, and I'd much rather do the series.

Response recorded on May 23, 2003

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Aaron writes...

In a similar vein to the question about Back to the Future 2, how do you feel about movies where, via the magic of makeup, Eddie Murphy plays something like half the cast?

Greg responds...

Well, I haven't seen most of those Eddie Murphy movies where he does that, so it's not really fair for me to comment. A lot depends on tone. But it seems to me that there's a certain amount of winking at the audience implied at the very least. A certain complicity.

Response recorded on May 13, 2003

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Aaron writes...

Artemis writes: "They can't flip people off either!"

Sure they can! Not having a ring or pinkie talon (consensus differs as to which gargs don't have) doesn't mean you don't have a middle talon, and thus, still have the ability to flip people the bird. (Yes Greg, we have sat around and debated this)

Greg responds...

No argument.

Response recorded on May 09, 2003

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Aaron writes...

Greg writes: "Reboot is fun."

Hmm, of course, it'll be in reruns by the time you see this, but has anybody told you about the 4th season starting on Cartoon Network this year?


Greg responds...

Nope. Of course, I haven't seen many episodes total. Just a handful. But I enjoyed what I saw, especially the X-Files parody episode.

Response recorded on May 07, 2003

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Aaron writes...

Greg writes: "I read the entire L.A. Times Comic section everyday -- even the ones I hate -- out of habit and compulsion."

That sounds familiar. It's taken me years just to stop reading The Family Circus. But what the heck is Get Fuzzy? (Obviously it's a comic strip, albeit not one syndicated in my area) What's it about?

Next step, get Greg hooked on webcomics...


Greg responds...

It's about a guy named Rob and his two pets, a sweet dog named Satchel and a semi-psychotic cat named Bucky. Animals talk in the "Get Fuzzy" world, though otherwise the human pet dynamic is pretty much what you'd expect.

The strip is often laugh-out-loud funny.

Response recorded on April 23, 2003

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Aaron writes...

Greg writes: "Dead Again. Is that the Branaugh/Thompson movie?"

Yep. It also has Derek Jacobi, Andy Garcia, and an uncredited Robin Williams. Nifty little bit of film noir. Also interesting in being the only Branaugh/Thompson project I can think of that's not written by The Bard. I recommend it highly.

Greg responds...

I've seen it. Back when it first came out.

Response recorded on April 22, 2003

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Daphne writes...

you said that eventually the Gargoyles would attend night classes at colleges. would high schools or younger hold night courses for young gargoyles, or would they be generally homeschooled? and how would the schools adapt for the difference in aging rate?

Greg responds...

I won't pretend I've thought out all these details. Any change would be gradual at best. Homeschooling would predominate at first, certainly. Age would fundamentally have little to do with aptitude, I would think. But that might be controversial. It would be fun to explore, given the opportunity.

Response recorded on April 21, 2003

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Azrial writes...

I want to join a Gargoyle mush do you know where i can go to hook up? Who so i talk to about making a character etc?

Greg responds...

What's a Gargoyle mush?

Response recorded on April 14, 2003

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Galvatron writes...

Tell me something interesting about gargoyles! (insert smart-ass response)

Greg responds...

Let me guess. On October 20th, 2001, you were procrastinating or killing time, right? And decided to kill it here.

Response recorded on March 19, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned having seen one episode of "X-Men: Evolution". Just out of curiosity, which one was it, and what did you think of it?

Greg responds...

That was a while ago now. It's very vague in my memory. There was a lot of back and forth with Quicksilver -- who winds up in charge of the bad guys, I believe.

There was an attempt by the bad guys to break into a prison transport truck. Rogue and Sprite (Shadowcat?), I believe, try to stop it. The humans have an opportunity at the end to attack the heroines, but one of the humans recognizes the fact that Rogue and Sprite were trying to help.

Or something like that.

It didn't really stick in my head too well.

I'm also a bit vague on the set-up. The kids go to normal school and mutant school?

Anyway, there's a lot to recommend, but the truth is I burnt out on X-titles a long time ago.

Response recorded on March 12, 2003

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Drew Thomas writes...

Hello, Sir.

I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Wiseman, but what I meant to ask was, how many floors does the Eyrie Building have?

I'm curious because my friend, Andy Morrison, wanted to make certain he had the right number in his tale about the Eyrie Building.

Thank you for your precious time. I can imagine that these questions are pestilential, but some good does come from answering them, I promise you.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know the answer.

And I wouldn't use the word "pestilential" to refer to these questions. Even if that was a word.

Response recorded on August 13, 2002

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Greg

1)I just wanted to know what is the status of the Islamic religion in the gargoyles universe?

2)Also in the gargoyles universe do muslims have to live with the stereotype of being terrorists and oppressors of Woman?

Greg responds...

1. I don't have a clue what you mean by "status". Perhaps the best answer I can come up with is that it's no different both in its strength and exceptional abuses than it is in the real world.

2. Again, no real difference between Garg Universe and our universe here.

Response recorded on June 10, 2002

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The Cat writes...

Hey Greg,

Ok, this might be a bit of a wake up call to the rest of fandom, but I don't think that it is even a possibility to get Gargoyles back. I mean with there about to be a war and all. It is hard to tell. Perhaps later, but I don't think so.

If so, will The World Trade Center be in the show or not?
And, what would the gargoyles think about one of New york's buildings getting smashed to rubble?

Ok, Bye

Greg responds...

Well, with months of hindsight since you wrote your question, let me start by saying, obviously, that the two factors have little connection if any.

As to the WTC, it's presence would appear in any flashbacks dating before 9 Sept 2001. And would not appear in anything dated after that.

As for the gargs reactions, I think they'd be pretty obvious. With the exception of Demona, our cast would feel helpless and horrified. Angry, etc. Everything that the rest of us felt, I imagine.

Response recorded on April 29, 2002

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The Cat writes...

Hello Greg,

Ok, stupid human technology! Sorry, had to get that out off my chest. The computer is going really slow and I'm trying not to look at the screen because I'll type the same word about a thousand times before it'll come up. So anyway a question.

In the future (if there is any for Gargoyles) will the computers be just as slow as they are now or will humans finally catch up with the rest of the universe and stop all these annoying problems? Thank You.

Greg responds...

Uh... there are always improvements. And with most improvements come glitches that create problems that must be solved by improvements, etc.

Response recorded on March 28, 2002

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Audra writes...

Was Gargoyles animated in the widescreen version? I know Gargoyles is a TV show, so it was meant to be seen in standard version on a standard TV, but I know movies like The Lion King II Simba's Pride was direct to video, and never shown in theaters, but there is a widescreen version of the movie. Thanks, I just was curious.

P.S. What do you think of both Lion King movies?

Greg responds...

No. Gargoyle's aspect ratio was strictly designed for the tv set.

I thought the first Lion King was wonderful. (Not perfect, but wonderful.) And the opening still gives me chills, despite the fact that at one NATPE, I must have seen it five hundred times in one day.

As for the second one, I've never seen the whole thing. Just glimpses here and there, so it's not fair for me to comment.

Response recorded on March 28, 2002

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Galvatron writes...

Would we have seen the World Trade Center if you revive gargoyles?

Greg responds...

It depends, obviously, on WHEN the episodes were set. GARGOYLES: THE DARK AGES would probably not include the WTC.

Response recorded on February 14, 2002

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Monzo writes...

All Batman (animated) questions:

1.What are your favorite episodes in "Batman: The Animated Series"?

2.a)What do think of the episodes in "The New Adventures Of Batman And Robin" compared to TAS?

2.b)What do you think of the change from Robin to Nightwing and the arrival of Robin II?

2.c)What do you think of the design (look, costume, voice cast, etc) changes in mostly all the characters compared to the 'TAS'?

3.What do you think of the episodes in "Batman Beyond" compared to the two previous series?

4.a)Have you seen any Batman animated movies "Mask of the Phantasm", "Sub-Zero", "World's Finest" and "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker"?

4.b)Any favorites among them? What's your opinion?

5.What do you think of Harley Quinn (I think she was first introduced in the Batman universe through the animated series)?

6.What do think of Mark Hamill's performance as the Joker?

Greg responds...

1. God, it's been SO long. And there were so many in those first 65, particularly after Alan Burnette took over as Producer. It was great stuff though. And I loved Mask of the Phantasm.

2a. I don't think I saw any of those.

2b. Didn't see how they handled it. Never loved it so much in the comics.

2c. See above. I didn't see them.

3. I've only seen a few Batman Beyond. And while I think it's well-made I don't quite love it. I guess the new Batman reminds me too much of Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man, but I don't really want to see Batman acting like Spider-Man.

4a. I've seen the first and the uncut version of the last.

b. I liked them both, actually. But Mask blew me away.

5. She's fun.

6. Amazing.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Do Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Neverland exist in the gargoyles universe? (I think their copyright has expired and they've become public domain, btw)

If so, did you have any plans for them which were more specific than "Eventually, everything."? ;-)

Greg responds...

I'd have to WELL CONFIRM the public domainyness of the property before I would dare to answer this question in print.

Response recorded on January 16, 2002

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Random Mook writes...

Do you think you're better than Rob Leifeld?

Greg responds...

At what?

Response recorded on December 06, 2001

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Vorath writes...

Questions about dragons in Gargoyles...

1.Are they able to speak English (or any known human/gargoyle language)?

2.Do they have individual names?

3.What are they anyway? Animals? Sentinent beings like the gargoyles and the New Olympians?

4.Beside fire, can they breathe something else?

5.Does multi-headed dragons exists?


Greg responds...

Who said there are dragons in the gargoyle universe?

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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DragonWolf writes...

I noticed something during a viewing of Vendettas. In the background, there's a building with a sign on it reading 'ELEXEM'.

Hmmm... Elexem. El-ex-em. L-X-M. LXM.

Now, what could that stand for? Lexington-Xanatos Matrix, perhaps? A hint, could it be, for the future? ;)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Ricky writes...

Subject Atlantis: Serious Real-Life

My question is, do you believe the lost city (or island) of Atlantis once existed, as written in the writings of Plato?

Greg responds...

I tend to believe in everything, but if you're confronting me, my answer is "I don't know."

Response recorded on November 06, 2001

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Steven L writes...

You said a while ago that you found Back To The Future 2 "masturbatory". I was just curious why that was. (Not asking in any hostile way. Just genuinely curious.)

Greg responds...

I enjoyed the first film. I even loved the ending and was looking forward to the sequel.

But the sequel was disappointing. It's been awhile, so my full grasp of my specific gripes are vague, but...

The way that Elizabeth Shue (MJF's recast girlfriend) is shunted aside suggested that they weren't interested in really expanding on the previous movies' situation but were really just interested in doing a CRAZIER version of the first film.

MJF plays his character's own kids. Why? He didn't play his own parents in the first movie. What's the point of casting him as his own son AND DAUGHTER, except to mess with our suspension of disbelief for the sake of showing us just how undeniably talented MJF is.

All the intercutting with the first film was interesting at first, but ultimately served to undercut the first film in my memory.

All this struck me as masturbatory. The film-makers (particularly Zemekis and Fox) having their own good time at the expense of what could have been a really fun movie.

Just my opinion, of course.

Response recorded on November 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Do you know who Hob Gadling is?

Greg responds...

Is that the character from Sandman?

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Does Sherlock Holmes exist in the GU since he was mentioned several times in the series?

Greg responds...

One way or another, yes.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What do you think of the DC Captain Marvel?

Greg responds...

I've always been semi-fond of the character. Why?

Response recorded on October 16, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever read the Lensman books by doc smith?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What do you think of Simon Furman(Roswell Conspiracies, Transformers UK comic, Beast Wars and X-Men Evolution)?

Greg responds...

I'm unfamiliar with the name.

And aside from one episode of X-Men Evolution, I'm unfamiliar with all the properties you named.

Well, obviously, I have some familiarity with Roswell Conspiracies, but I've never seen the version that aired on television. Only the work I did.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you seen Batman Beyond?
What do you think of it?
I've been told that the design of Terry McGinnis from BB is similar to that of Terry Chung of the NO any truth to that?

Greg responds...


I think it's very well made. And I like certain things about it. But it just feels more Spider-Manish to me than Batman.

Well, there's no final model for Terry Chung, but from what I've seen, no. For starters, Terry Chung is Chinese-American. Terry McGinnis isn't. And Terry Chung wears contemporary clothes. Terry McGinnis wears... well... clothes from beyond.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever watched Reboot, Beast Wars or War Planets? What did you think of them?

Greg responds...

Reboot is fun.

Haven't seen the other two. (Well, I've seen a clip here and there, but never an entire episode.)

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What do you think of the work of John Ostrander(Spectre, Firestorm and Hawkman), Walt Simonson(Orion and Thor), John Byrne the King of Retcons, J. Michael Straczynski(Babylon 5, Ghostbusters the cartoon and Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) and Harlan Ellison

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, I haven't read comics since 1996.

John's work I generally love. Loved his Grimjack especially. Liked his Spectre. Didn't much care for his Firestorm. Hawkman seemed to have potential, but... The one thing of his that I really disliked was the issues of Captain Atom he did right after I left. I really feel he didn't get the character. But of course, I'm biased.

LOVED Walt Simonson's Thor. Loved it. Don't think I saw his take on Orion.

Byrne -- Loved his work on Fantastic Four. Didn't care for his Superman at all.

Straczynski (is that spelled right?) - I didn't care for the original pilot of Babylon 5. So I didn't watch that show. By the time people mentioned that it was great and I tuned in, I'm afraid I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. Didn't see the other things you've mentioned.

Harlan - is a master.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Justin writes...


You have mentioned that you are color blind. I believe you said you are red-green deficient. So my question is,
What colors do you see the gargoyles as?

Because you said you thought Goliath was blue, when he really was purple.


Greg responds...

See, now this sounds like...

All right.

Brooklyn looks kinda burnt red to me.
Hudson... I don't know. Brown maybe.
Lex... Brown or green.
Broadway... green/blue.
Kai... hell, I don't remember. Blue or purple?

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Laura Ackerman writes...

A few weeks back you posted an explanation for Goliath and crew speaking modern English that you had seen and liked. It involved Demonia casting a spell before they awoke. There are a few problems with that theory, (sorry, I seem to live for nitpicking).

The most notable problem is how to extend it past the original seven that woke up in Manhattan. Excluding modern World Tour characters, who, it can be argued might have spoken English and were being polite to the Avalonauts by using it, (a stretch, but not the worse one to make, especially after hearing how Bushido orriginally started;), most everyone else had some connection to Avalon. I would find it easy to argue that the magic of Avalon made different languages moot, but only while on Avalon. Though I have been raised a Trekkie, a Universal Translator without explanation doesn't really fit into the Gargoyle world (IMHO).

Also, if there was a magic that acted on the Island (maybe extending to the skiff on the way to and from) there could have been fun effects of Angela suddenly being heard in a Medieval Scottish French blend, which Goliath doesn't realize is incomprehesible to Elisa. If I wanted to get fancy I would say that the Avalon clan was raised by a noble and would then have french and germanic languages, as well as possibly Latin, and thus made modern English less difficult to pick up- but there would still be a time of confusion.

Basically, I wonder if there is a way to explain the language problem away, or is it best left as a known element of suspension of disbelief? [Sorta like the scale in the Cloisters in Temptation :)]

Greg responds...

Michael Reaves idea, which I only heard second hand, is pretty new to me. So I don't pretend to have fully thought it out. I feel like there's something in it. But I just haven't dedicated the time to doing that mindwork yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Andy Morrison writes...

How many stories is the Eyrie Building? (I hope I have the spelling right.)

Was there an episode that mentioned how many stories or is it a figment of my imagination?

If there was an episode, which one is it please?

Thanks for your help.

Greg responds...

You do have the spelling right.

I don't recall us ever establishing the exact amount of stories in the buidling.

Of course we told 66 stories, but they weren't all set there.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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Patricia writes...

Hi Greg!

In response to the Tootsie Pop commercial: I've seen it within the past year on TV, so.. it's still making its rounds on TV. And yes, I know the commercial, but.. I'm an early 80s baby (born in the early 80s). And that response fit with the question, very much so.

I'm running out of things to say.. whee.. ahem...

Oh! I found a quote or a poem or something about the "Hobgoblin of Little Minds," but I've forgotten where I put the paper that has it.. hmmm Maybe (hopefully) when I find it, I'll remember to type it up for you.. and see if that's what you're talking about.

Ok, general question that isn't really on Gargoyles or any of your other projects, but you might know.

What's the plural form of series? Is it series or seria? Or none of these? If it's not one of these, then what is it?


P.S. I can't wait for the next Contest to begin ;) Though I respect if you take a break, I just want to see how well I think I can do in them.. hehe... Umm.. yeah. Boy this covered alot of ground...

Greg responds...

The quotation I'm thinking of is by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

As far as I know, it's one series. Many series.

Yeah, I'll start the next contest soon. Heck. Maybe tonight.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Greg responds...

The world may never know.

(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.)

If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to be 20 in August, and I remember it.

Greg responds...

That's nice.

Although, I just saw that commercial (from the dark ages) redone with monsters in CGI. It was freaky and weird and vaguely distasteful.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

"The world may never know.
(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.) "

Its not that old. Im 21 and I get it.

Greg responds...

Well, then that commercial must have been running forever. Because I remember it from when I was VERY young. Like before you were born young.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Ricky writes...

Do you believe in Psychic Powers? I do! I believe when one becomes a powerful psychic he/her is known as a Psi-Lord. The definition of a Psi-Lord is: One who is all powerful, God-Like! What's your take on psychic powers?

Greg responds...

All things are true.

But let me clarify -- you believe that when one becomes a powerful psychic he or she becomes known as a Psi-Lord?

That's automatic?

What if he or she wants to be called a psi-Lady or a psi-warrior? Is there any choice? Who enforces these rules?

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

1) Was their a reason in your mind why Goliath and his friends are destened to descover all (or a lot) of the earth's secrets? Such as the fae, loch monsters, golems and magic of all sorts, which most people will discount as ficton or rumours?

2)could you tell, or give some sort of hint of what the reason is and who is behind it(if anyone is)?

Greg responds...

1. I never said THEY were going to discover this stuff, I said WE were.

2. I like to be inclusive.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

i sent you this quote from St. Thomas Aquinas cuz of its implications in the gargoyle universe:

"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact angels have no religion as we know it...
their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."

-St. Thomas Aquinas

and you asked if i had the dates of the quote, and as hard as i searched i couldn't find any, but i did some very interesting reading on him. Thomas Aquinas was an Italian philosopher and theologian who worked at various colleges in the Mediterranean world. he was probably born in 1225, and died in 1274, so most likely the quote was said between those two dates, LOL. hope thats helpful...

Greg responds...

It's cool anyway. I love this kind of stuff.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Gabriel writes...

In your latest Random Stuff, you said you thought Michael Reeves' thing about Demona casting a spell on the gargoyles the night before they woke up would make them switch to modern English...that doesn't work:
They were speaking and reading modern English syntaxicly (is that a word, syntatically) and verbally in the 10th century when they should have been speaking and reading Middle English. The familiar form of you (thou) wansn't even close to being uttered.
However, it could just be that "Awakenings" was just made into modern English so we could understand it; sort of like if an American wrote a novel about Russians, the characters' dialogue would be in English, but we're just supposed to know that it is really Russian. Get it? Is that what we were supposd to assume what was going on?
I just had trouble accepting the rambling as a concrete reason behind the Gargoyles' language.

Greg responds...

If you buy into Michael's explanation, then yes, I think you have to assume that the tenth century sections were translations for the viewers' benefit. I haven't STUDIED Michael's idea or thought about it's ramifications. So I'm not saying that the idea is canon (there's that word again) in my head yet. But I think it has promise.

As I've mentioned before, originally it was a cheat that we thought we could live with artistically.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you seen the Final Fantasy movie? If so what do you seek of it?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it yet.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Johnner writes...

While reading a book of "Unsolved Mysteries" today I came across the case where two English girls back in the early years of the 20th century made hoax photos of "fairies" supposedly living in Cottingley.

Many decades later they made an odd confession about how the photos were faked but they (at least one of them) *had* seen fairies...and the other had recently had some kind of supernatural experience so she believed her...and faked the photos so adults would take it seriously...anyway *realizes I'm rambling*...I was just wondering if in the "Gargoyles" series this would've ever turned up eventually...as the show seemed to draw on such supposed real-life strange events in addition to the legends & myths.

As I recall Conan Doyle was one of the believers in the photos...which brought up another question in my mind...did you ever have plans to integrate literary characters like Sherlock Holmes into the Gargoyles series?

Greg responds...

Characters NOT in the public domain were obviously off limits.

Characters IN the public domain would have been handled on a case-by-case basis. Some might have remained fictional. Others would most certainly have been as real as Arthur Pendragon.

I'm personally not convinced those kids did fake those fairy photos. I think they were pressured into saying that they had. (They're names were never supposed to be revealed to the press. When they were, a huge amount of publicity made their lives VERY difficult.)

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr.Weisman

Certain minor things tend to really tick people off like me singing oprah in in shower which really annoys my father to people on this question server asking questions that already have been answered which proberly annoys you.
My question is what minor things could really annoy the following characters










David Xanatos

Fox Xanatos


Princess Katherine





Maggie Reid


Elisa Maza



Coyote (Fay)



King Author




Greg responds...

Did perhaps it occur to you that posting a laundry list of characters for me to list a laundry list of their peeves, might perhaps annoy me, perhaps?

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Shan writes...

The "Lighthouse in the Sea of Time" episode just finished and I realized there might be an error in how Jeffrey Robbins' dog is portrayed. I did temp work for a while at the Braille Institute here in Los Angeles (about six weeks in three departments) and I seem to recall that you're not supposed to get friendly with/pet the dogs, and likewise guide dogs are trained not to do so with humans (at least outside of their owner). It distracts them from doing their duty. While Jeffrey's dog might have reacted favorably upon seeing Hudson the second time, the dog actually licking Hudson I believe is not correct. Do you know if any research was done into this aspect of the episode that could prove me wrong? It's been several years since I worked at the Braille Institute, though of course it's been a few years since the show too...

Greg responds...

There may have been research done. I can't recall. Or I may not have been aware in the first place. But by the time a script goes through board artists and animators etc, whatever research is done may not still be reflected in the visuals.

Having said that, I'm not trying to blame the artists or the writers. I'm not even sure IF we made a mistake. But if we did -- whoever made it, I'll take responsibility for it.

Response recorded on August 10, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Will any gargs attempt to participate in the government or general politics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

OK, in the near future when humans finally take action to consider gargs as equal, sentient beings, would gargs (mainly Goliath's clan) be liable to pay taxes considering they are now citizens living in the U.S.?

Greg responds...

Near future? Dream on.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Ever read anything by T.S. Eliot? If so, what do you think of his work?

Greg responds...

I've read many of his poems. I think his work is brilliant, and some of it touches me deeply. And yet, he's not a favorite of mine. Not sure why.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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matt writes...

suddenly all these people started coming out of the closet in the Comment Room, and i thought of a question:

you've said there are gay gargoyles, and there are certaintly gay humans, so if S & P had not been around or had approved it do you think you would have ever made on episode based on homosexuality?

are any known characters gay in "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer the last question at this time.

I try not to do episodes ON things. I know, I know, you'll point to THE GREEN or LIGHTHOUSE or DEADLY FORCE, but these are stories first and foremost. OUTFOXED was in many ways more about "Integrity" than Deadly Force was about gun safety.

Having logged that whole caveat, I think we would have eventually introduced the existence of homosexuality in the context of a need to tolerate differences and diversity in humans and gargoyles alike (at a minimum -- as I've mentioned before, I find tolerance by itself insufficient).

Is that clear as mud or does that make sense?

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

In reference to earlier questions on the god of the Torah, Bible, and the Koran you said that there is a sepreme god in the gargoyles universe but he/she/it is not the god defined by the narrow views of the Abrahamic faiths who is in reality a god of one nation. my questions are

1) What is the personality of the sepreme god of the universe in the the gargoyles universe is he/she/it mean, kind,or neutral.

2) If the god described in the Torah, Bible, and Koran is not the god of the universe then is he a make believe deity or was he a fay in disguise playing tricks on the ancient Israelites before Oberon ordered his children not to directly interfere in the lives of mortals at large?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to define GOD for you. Not even in the Gargoyles Universe.

2. An interpretation of the whole.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

When a gargoyle walks across a hard wood floor do they leave claw marks in it?

Greg responds...

I have no more funny answers to this question.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever seen Babylon 5? It's quite good and could give Gargoyles a run for the money.

Greg responds...

I saw the pilot and didn't care for it. Later, people I respected told me the series was great. So I tried a couple more times to watch. But I just couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.

It's a concern I have for Gargoyles as well. Tried to make each (non-multi-part) episode stand alone. But maybe people had trouble coming into the middle of our stuff too.

All I know is that I had no luck finding an entry point on Babylon Five. And no way to go back and start over. That doesn't mean the series wasn't great. Just that I missed the boat at the beginning and couldn't find my way aboard later.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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matt writes...

i was looking at sites on Angels and angel names to try and discover possible Avalon clan names and i found hundreds of angel names, pretty crazy, anyway, i found a quote from St. Thomas Aquinas about angels that i found interesting if put into gargoyles context. afterall, are gargoyles the angels and demons of legend? anyway, heres the quote:

"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact angels have no religion as we know it...
their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."

St. Thomas Aquinas

Greg responds...

Great quote. Do you have a date attached to it?

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Demoness writes...

What ever happened to the Gargoyle's Helicopter from "Her Brother's Keeper"?

Greg responds...

They turned it into a planter.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I was reading some of the old arcives, and I found one of your responces listing a bunch of movies you liked. A few hours ago, I just saw a movie called "Ladyhalk" (which was great) and I suddenly felt the need to ask you I you have seen and/or liked it.
Well, while I'm at it, and since I don't have any Garg questions right now, how bout your views on these other movies: Somewhere in time, dead again, bram stokers Dracula(the newest), frequency, Indiana Jones(all), Scarface and uummmm, One flew over the cucu's nest. Be as brief as you want to be, or go on about some or even wright full reviews for all of them, I'll leave it up to you cause I'm just curious.
Thank U

Greg responds...

LadyHawk. I LOVE this concept. I'm not as thrilled with the execution. It's been TOO long since I've seen it to go into detail, but I felt with that cast and those ideas it should have been a MUCH better movie. I actually tried to get Disney to option the rights to turn it into an animated film. But TPTB weren't interested. I do recall that the music is really dated and inappropriate to the subject matter.

Somewhere In Time. Which one is that? All those time titles melt together for me.

Dead Again. Is that the Branaugh/Thompson movie?

Dracula. The Coppola one?

Frequency. Didn't see it.

Raiders of the Lost Arc - Loved it.

Temple of Doom - Hated it.

Last Crusade - Hated it.

Scarface - Which one?

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Amazing film.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Greg you said something about Demona having two more loves in the future by any chance will any of them be human? Oh by the way I'm sorry I've asked to many questions on homosexuality on past questions, I'm also sorry I made you growl like a gargoyle for asking these silly questions.

Greg responds...

I don't mind questions about homosexuality. I just didn't feel like going through every character one by one ad infinitum.

As to your Demona question... NO INFO AT THIS TIME.

Response recorded on June 28, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Another thing I have to ask you:
Have you ever planned, or, if the show continues, would you like to write an episode, in wich will be shown, what would have happened IF... Manny shows tried to do that.Some were good (like Futurama) but others were just awfull (like in TGC).
OK, that was it for today. Have a nice day.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Again, John, I don't know what you mean.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

where did the clan get their food while living at the Clocktower? did Elisa really support herself and six others that whole time? thats alot of money!

Greg responds...

Keep in mind that the clan gets most of their energy from solar power. But they also supplement it with food. Elisa provided some. The clan managed in other ways too.

You'll note the series kept it vague. You'll note I'm doing the same.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jacqui writes...

I was ask to paint a statue of a gargoyle for a friend of mine. I am a portrait artist and never painted a statue before. I have been searching the internet to get ideas on what a painted gargoyles looks like. All I have been coming up with are stone gargoyles that aren't painted is there a reason for this?

Greg responds...

It's not generally part of the mystique, is it?

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Did you ever have any plans for incorporating the Carolingian cycle (Charlemagne and his paladins, the Song of Roland, etc.) in "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...

Eventually, everything.

C'mon Todd, you knew the answer to that.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

In the episode where Goliath and company was in Australia stoping the Matrix from taking over the Earth. The shaman said to Goliath that the dream time is in another Dimension.
My Question is what is a dimension? Because when I see different movies and shows I hear phrases like "This portal leads to another dimension" or "I am going to send you to another Dimension" l keep on wondering what is a Dimension?

Greg responds...

A side-step from our reality.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

*LOL* Matt, I actually thought you had lost your mind there for a minute. But you forgot a few, like:

-What do the Lost Race look like?
-Who is the newest addition to the Pack?
-Do/did dragons exist in the Gargoyles universe?
-How did the Phoenix Gate end up in Elena's dowry?
-Who are Demona's next two loves?
-How did Xanatos's mother die? Or Malcolm's wife or Hudson's mate?
-Do Gargoyles leave marks on hardwood floors?

See Greg, you still have a few secrets left. ;) Out of curiosity, which of the questions that Matt and I brought up are you least likely to answer some day, and which are you most likely to answer?

Greg responds...

I already answered one. Many are (I hope) likely to be answered some day. If I have my way.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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matt writes...

hey Greg!

what did Titania whisper to Fox in "The Gathering"?

where will Arthur and Griff find Merlin?

who is Lexington's mate?

how will Goliath and Elisa have a child?

did Iago have a mate? does he have a kid on Avalon?

what are the answers to 74 and 517 in the G2198 contest?

where do Jade and Turquesa go when they leave Avalon?

will Puck's prophecy from "Future Tense" come true?

how will Macbeth and Demona die?

will Jason Canmore ever be healed from his injuries?

will Xanatos and Fox have anymore children?

who will Delilah end up with?

and please fell free to describe the origens, workings and all available information concerning the Illuminati, the Korean Clan, the Space Spawn, locations and dates of Brooklyn's Timedancing, the story behind Hudson's death, the Redemption Squads adventures, Una's childhood, how the Banche regains her voice, Demona/Angela relationship, the economy of Ishimura, and what your favirote color is...

just kidding! April Fools!!!

Greg responds...

I will answer one of those questions.


Have fun guessing which one.

Thanks for warning me that it's April 1st, by the way.

As it's June when I am, I could have easily gotten fooled by the posts that follow, I imagine.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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Siren writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe how much truth is in horoscopes?

Greg responds...

All things are true.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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White Lady writes...

Hi there, Greg. I just want to say I think Roswell Conspiracies, Max Steel and Gargoyles rock this world... If you don't mind, please could you take some time to answer these questions?

1. In "The Partnership", what did Hanek [Vampire Leader] see as perfect in Joanna Wickham - Simon Fitzpatrick's old flame. And why didn't he choose Nema, or some-one connected to the Alliance?

2. Did Hanek ever have a romantic involvement with Valra, the over-ambitious red-head? [Before she turned renegade].

3. How old was Hanek suppposed to be?

By the way, I think the Gargoyles Forum/Questions section is really interesting and intellectual! Thank you, see ya!

Greg responds...

I literally don't know ANYTHING about the version of Roswell Conspiracies that hit the air. I didn't work on it and have never seen it.

I wrote the original pilot. Which the people at Bohbot threw away (or so I'm told). I do know that they were contractually obligated not to use the NAMES I used.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Someone asked about sources on clothing from 1000 AD so I found these two books and figured that I would post them.

The Book of Costume
-Millia Davenport

What People Wore
-Douglas Gorsline

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

Is there any TV show or book that you would like to be able to crossover with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. That doesn't drive me.

But that doesn't mean it will never happen.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Spore-chan writes...

Well, you said in SoCal we have 5 subtle seasons. Gee, and here I always thought we had 2: summer, and not summer. Of course, these don't actually correspond in any way to the time of year. (It was summer on Christmas, 80 degrees!) Ok, so what 5 seasons are you talking about?

Greg responds...

Sometimes I just talk because I'm in the habit.

Who knows what I was talking about?

No, seriously, we have Fall, Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer. None as severe (generally) as most places. The changes are subtle but distinct, in my mind.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Eliza Pettit writes...

Dear Greg, I was looking at Todd Jensen's questions on Roswell Conspiracies and since I am a fan Roswell Conspiracies... Please answer these questions:

1. I was wondering where you got the Vampire anatomy/body-structure from. Were you thinking of the Lamia, when you designed the Vamps, or was there another source of inspiration?

2. This is a strange question, but who are the male counterparts of the Banshee. Are they parthogenic, or do they actually have consorts which wasn't shown in the series? And how old is Queen Mab supposed to be?

3. What was the basic premise in the episode "Father of Terror". Who is Sethaka, and I was wondering how a thousand year-old Vampire could be resurrected? [Because I missed it, and it hasn't been showing repeats in the U.K.]

I'd be extremely grateful if you could take some time to answer these, since you are the main founder of both Gargoyles and Roswell Conspiracies.

Greg responds...

I have never seen the show. I wrote a pilot (but not THE pilot they ultimately used). People who attended Gathering 1999 in Dallas heard a Radio Play version of my pilot. Otherwise, I had no involvement in the series (unless Bohbot kept some of my concepts without telling me).

So I'm afraid I can't answer any of your Roswell questions.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

matt told me that the garg off to the right on the latest responses page (holding the surfboard) is of Brooklyn, which I sort of can make out better now (considering that I first thought that it was your drawing of your garg-self when I first found this site). Anyways, what is the deal with the thing on his shirt?

(Stupid question, I'm expecting a smart-ass response to this)

Greg responds...

No smart ass answer. No answer at all, actually. I didn't design the site. Gorebash did. You'd have to ask him.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Blah writes...

Want to know something creepy? There is a real company called Xanatos Enterprises, and the guy who owns it is named David Xanatos. Check it out at www.xanatos.com

This company designs websites and has only been in existance for the last 2 years or so. But seriously, that's the guy's real name. He didn't get the idea from Gargoyles.

Just curious... if there ever was a spin off or continuation of Gargoyles, as you hope, would the fact that this company now exists cause name problems for the fictional Xanatos Enterprises? I mean, I know that Disney, as well as any other company involved in show business tends to stear away from potential legal issues like this. It's true that the name has been with Gargoyles longer, but I've seen similar changes made for lesser reasons.

Greg responds...

Well, you're not the first to mention this guy. And I'll simply repeat what I've said all along. There was no Xanatos Enterprises when the show began. There was a "Xanacorp" however. I know this because Disney did a very thorough legal search. That makes us safe to continue using our name.

Someone once told me that this guy's middle name is "David". And that he got the name for his company (and the idea to feature his middle name over his first) from our series. I'm not sure if that's true. But if it is, it's flattering.

Response recorded on April 17, 2001

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Luis Reyes writes...

Dear Greg,

I am a journalist who will also be attending Fanime and, without any other recourse to get a message to you, I've found this route to try to relay a request for an interview. I will also go through the Fanime staff. I write for several publications including the LA Weekly and the LA Times, but my main job at the moment is editing a news magazine dedicated to covering anime. However, I am trying to push the boundries of this subject and include the American animation industry. So, basically, what I'd like to chat with you about is the developments in both the Japanese and American animation industries that will eventually bring the two together or solidify the borders that keep them apart. My email address is lr@emanga.com. Please let me know if I can speak with you at Fanime.


Luis Reyes
Editor, Akadot.com

Greg responds...


I'm glad Patrick told me about this message, because obviously, ASK GREG isn't a timely way to communicate with me.

For the record, Luis did interview me at Fanime Con -- twice.

Hope the material was useful.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Goliath and Elisa have carried the theme of inter-species love throughout the "Gargoyles" series. You also implied that Terry and Sphinx's relationship would create a similar theme in the "New Olympians" spinoff. Did you have in mind any other such relationships for the other spinoffs? If so, which ones?

I always post the most right before huge exams. Ask Greg is a great de-stressor (or means of procrastination, whichever you prefer)

Greg responds...

Probably the latter. It certainly is for me.

It's always a possibility in the Garg Universe, but I wouldn't want to make it seem too commonplace.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Angel Prewitt writes...

Do you know what people in Ireland and Scotland wore in the tenth centry or during midevil times? Because I am wanting some idea of what they look like for a book I am writing.

Greg responds...

No, I don't know with enough accuracy to allow me to tell you in a few paragraphs here. I suggest you do some research.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Aaron writes...

<<1. What are my options?

The truth is, I've seen so FEW movies this year, I'd be a lousy judge. Why don't we wait until the nominees come out,
then ask me again.

(And did we do this last year? I have no memory.)>>

Yes, I think Aris asked last year.

Anyway here goes: (Apoligies in advance for the length)

Here's a quick look at the big races:

Best Picture:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Erin Brockovich

Best Actor:
Russell Crowe (Gladiator)
Javier Bardem (Before Night Falls)
Tom Hanks (Cast Away)
Ed Harris (Pollock)
Geoffrey Rush (Quills)

Best Actress:
Joan Allen (The Contender)
Juliette Binoche (Chocolat)
Ellen Burstyn (Requiem for a Dream)
Laura Linney (You Can Count on Me)
Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich)

Best Supporting Actor:
Jeff Bridges (The Contender)
Willem Dafoe (Shadow of the Vampire)
Benicio Del Toro (Traffic)
Albert Finney (Erin Brockovich)
Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator)

Best Supporting Actress:
Judi Dench (Chocolat)
Marcia Gay Harden (Pollock)
Kate Hudson (Almost Famous)
Frances McDormand (Almost Famous)
Julie Walters (Billy Elliot)

Best Director:
Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot)
Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
Steven Soderbergh (Erin Brockovich)
Ridley Scott (Gladiator)
Steven Soderbergh (Traffic)

Best Original Screenplay:
Cameron Crowe, Almost Famous
Lee Hall, Billy Elliot
Susannah Grant, Erin Brockovich
David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson, Gladiator
Kenneth Lonergan, You Can Count on Me

Best Adapted Screenplay:
Robert Nelson Jacobs, Chocolat
Wang Hui Ling, James Schamus and Tsai Kuo Jung, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Stephen Gaghan, Traffic
Steve Kloves, Wonder Boys

I know you're probably not pleased by 12 nominations for Gladiator, but if it's any consolation, I have figured out why Senator Gracius (sp) isn't executed by the Praetorians. He just told them he was the reincarnation of the Emperor Claudius, and they let him go. ;)

Greg responds...

Picture: Well, I've only seen Crouching and Gladiator. So it's Crouching by default.

Actor: I've only seen Crowe and Hanks. Both in pictures I did not like. I guess I'd give it to Crowe by default.

Actress: Seen none of these. No opinion.

Sup Actor: Phoenix by default. Though I thought he was much better in THE YARDS.

Sup Actress: Saw both ALMOST FAMOUS and BILLY ELLIOT (the latter on video). Three good performances. I'd give it to Frances by a nose.

Director: Ang Lee (though I've seen neither Soderbergh film).

Orig. Screenplay: Cameron Crowe by default.

Adapted Screenplay: Crouching by default.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

when the clan moves into the clocktower, the clock doesn't work and later on it does, i'm assuming because Lex fixed it like he said he could. what did the people of New York think when suddenly the clock was working again, wouldn't someone go up there to investigate at least?
i realize its another stupid question, but i figured i'd ask anyway...

Greg responds...

Lex was constantly fixing the clock. It was constantly breaking down. (You'll notice that sometimes the time on the face made sense. Sometimes it made no sense.) Before Lex, workmen did the same thing but had largely given up due to municipal budget cuts. No one noticed that it continued to be inconsistent.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Tom writes...

Why in genisis undone wasn't Elisa there?
I mean surely Delilah would have needed some of her D.N.A. to stay alive. Or wasn't she there because she hasn't met Delilah yet and you were trying to keep it to a one episode show?

Greg responds...

I had nothing to do with that episode of Goliath Chronicles. I have no idea.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Anne writes...

I am currently undertaking restoration work on an internal wall afresco which depicts an animal with the body of a horse and the tail of a lion. The head is missing. Could you direct me to something on the internet concerning mythological animals at all. The building is a historical home (castle) which dates back to 1529 in Tuscany Italy.

many thanks

Greg responds...

Whoah. No, I'm sorry. I'm amazingly incompetent with regard to most internet stuff. And that's way outside the perview of this site.

Good luck though.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

Could you please give up a short overview of what HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE MINDS would have been about?


Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

hey Sapphire, great questions, but couldn't you have grouped the ones of homosexuality together, geeez...

in 1996, in the garg universe, what is everyone's view on homosexuality?

hehehe, sorry for picking on you, Sapphire :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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jesster writes...

would gargoyles also be known as "stone protectors"?
have they been known as such in the past ( an alias?)
i dought it, but i can only ask!:-)
THIS IS NOT A SUGGESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }>]

Greg responds...

It sounds like our ad copy.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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clarissa r writes...

have you ever thought of a Dune and gargoyles crossover?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

According to legend demons are adraid of gargoyles. Is this same concept true in the gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

Haven't met any demons. We'll have to see ;)

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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DrFaust writes...

Idle question from idle fingers: how many of the original Beatles were alive at the time of "Hunter's Moon"? For that matter, how many were there to begin with? Inquiring minds (all right, just my mind) want to know!

Greg responds...

Unless you're trying to be tricky and include folks like Pete Best and Stu Sutcliffe, and all the various other "Fifth Beatles" I've heard about...

There were four Beatles... John, Paul, George and Ringo.

At the time of "Hunter's Moon", three of them were alive. Paul, George and Ringo. Those three are still alive as I type this.

Now did we really need to waste all of our time on this?

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Chelsea writes...

Did you know Dave Anchors?

Greg responds...

No. Who was Dave Anchors?

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

How long would a gargoyle last in college? And would he be able to afford it? :)

Greg responds...

That would depend on the gargoyle. And the financial aid package.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

Just out of curiosity and no other reason, how do you feel about crossovers?

Greg responds...

Some are great. Some are feeble. I generally take these things on a case by case basis. Did you have something particular in mind?

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Scientists say that if humans survive for a couple thousand more years we could evolve to be taller, our fingers longer, and our brains larger. We could sort of resemble the alien from the episode 'Sentinels". What would gargoyles evolve to become or look like thousands of years from now (thinking chronologically and evolutionary) ?

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

Bookmark Link

Code Name: Heero Yuy writes...

What is your general views on clipshows? I know when you worked on Starship Troopers, they did a few to make up for the slow production and episodes airing in the wrong order?

Greg responds...

No, that's not what happened. On Starship, they did a few clipshows as replacements -- to save money so that they wouldn't have to produce the expensive last three episodes (that ended the war) -- allowing them to ultimately deliver 40 "episodes" as required by their contract.

Occassionally, a clip-show can be mildly entertaining. The Simpsons have done a few good ones. Friends did one that I kinda liked. But generally, I dislike them. And I particularly didn't care for the Starship clipshows. But I'm biased, as those last three episodes (that didn't get made because of them) were mine.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Aaron writes...

Hope this gets through in time. The annual ritual of consulting Greg's Oscar picks.

So, who do you like for Best Picture? Actor? Actress?

Greg responds...

1. What are my options?

The truth is, I've seen so FEW movies this year, I'd be a lousy judge. Why don't we wait until the nominees come out, then ask me again.

(And did we do this last year? I have no memory.)

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Going over various lists of voice actors, writers, producers and such for various TV shows, as is a hobby of mine... And under listings for "Captain Simian and the Space Monkies", there is a writer named Marlowe Weisman. Relation or just a coincidence?

Greg responds...

I know Marlowe. In fact, I once hired him to work at Disney, when I was an exec here. But we're not related.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Were you or Disney aware that one of the villains in a new Star Wars novel is called Xanatos? Is this legal?

Greg responds...

I wasn't aware. I doubt Disney is. And I'm not a lawyer, so I have no idea if it's legal or not.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Why did Goliath never attempt to unmask that weird hunter guy in the episode "Generations"? You know, that guy that had the cool, stealth-cloaking suit...Who was he? And what was your reasoning for leaving the audience in suspense by not telling us who he was?

Greg responds...

I had nothing to do with "Generations".

I left the series after "The Journey".

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

Bookmark Link

matt writes...

what is the one thing you wished you could have kept a secreat about longer in the series?

Greg responds...

Among the original 66 episodes. I don't have too many story regrets there. Can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Joxter writes...

Seeing as how its December when I write this (who know when you'll see it tho...) I thought I'd ask...

What do you think of fruitcake? (The "food")

Greg responds...

Not much.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Duncan Devlin writes...

I liked the proto-names people came up with. Will I get into any trouble if I use the names that didn't nake it for some of my general fiction (which may make it into publication).

Greg responds...

I'm no lawyer, but I wouldn't be too quick to appropriate names that you didn't come up with yourself into your published fiction. At the very least, it won't look to good should it ever be revealed.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Concerning Zot! you said:
<<I'm just sorry that it's over. Do you know if he has any plans to continue? >>

Just today, Scott McCloud wrote the following in the Zot! Message board:

Haven't worked out the details yet, but check back here and on the Zot! Main Page occasionally during the next week or two for announcements regarding further Zot! Online stories.

It is a distinct possibility!

<<It's also too bad that you never got to see the original color and Black & White Zot comics. They're amazing! >>

Yeah, too bad... I also have to wonder: Seeing how Scott McCloud is able to use the potential of a pageless online comic, it might seem weird to me to see him restrained into a normal page-by-page comic. Heh...

Greg responds...

Eh, it was still great storytelling. ZOT! RULES!!


Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

You said that a gargoyle in the past has converted to a human religion, what religion did that gargoyle convert to?

Greg responds...

I was being general, assuming that over the course of centuries of human/gargoyle interaction, that there had to be at least one in the whole group that converted. I didn't have something specific in mind.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Hello, Greg!

I was wondering which side of Goliath's brain is dominant.
If it's the left side, then Goliath is right-handed.
If it's the right side, then Goliath is left-handed.
If it's both, then Goliath's ambidextrous.

Which one is it then? I wonder because I've seen him punch with the right fist, but at times I see him punch with the left. Sometimes he even punches with both fists with equal ease.

I realize that this has a lot to do with the animators. If it's easier to use one hand instead of the other, then the animators use it, not minding which side of the brain is dominant, if not both.

Some animators do mind little details like these, so they animate according to what the creator has established.

So. Which side is it, if not both?

Thank you for your time. :)

Greg responds...

I think he's a well-trained warrior. But also TV animation never pays much attention to what handed someone is. It's a luxury that we generally don't have.

I'm somewhat ambidextrous. Write with my right hand, throw with my left. So let's let Goliath be ambidextrous too. In fact, let's let everyone be ambidextrous. You too!

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maria writes...

How would the clan react to Christmas? Would they have like it once they were able to understand it better through Elisa? Would they enjoy sharing the holidays with her?

Greg responds...

Christmas existed in the tenth century. What part of it would Elisa have to explain?

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Something I had forgotten to do, but which needs doing:

Thank you, THANK YOU, for the link to Zot Online! In these last few weeks I've fallen in love with the comic, and I think that Scott McCloud has become one of my favourite creators.

Let me just give the link again:

and for that matter:

Greg responds...

Yeah, it's great.

I'm just sorry that it's over. Do you know if he has any plans to continue?

It's also too bad that you never got to see the original color and Black & White Zot comics. They're amazing!

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

Bookmark Link

Sapphire writes...

Is the god that christians, jews, and muslims worship exist in the gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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Ed writes...

Regarding the points raised by Sapphire and Todd regarding a 'Buffy' crossover: although I'm not massively well-versed in 'Buffy' stuff the biggest problem (and quite a big one at that) strikes me as the difference in views of good and evil. 'Buffy', as I see it, takes the footing that there's good and there'd bad, so you kill the bad guys and have a nice day. 'Gargoyles' always picked up on shades of grey though - 'there is good and evil in everybody' being, I suppose, the obvious quote. I don't know if this is misrepresenting 'Buffy' - or even 'Gargoyles'. Greg?

The only characters who strike me as really being evil for the sake of it are Jackal, Hyena, Wolf and maybe Iago. Demona is bad, but we saw her capable of goodness in 'THE RECKONING' and to an extent in 'CITY OF STONE'. Or at least we saw her reasoning. But even the above four characters seem evil by circumstance - Jackal and Hyena seem to be motivated by money and thrills, Wolf by action and the 'thrill of the hunt', and Iago by lust (love?) for Desdemona. But these aren't presented as evil simply because they're demons and that's what they do.

Greg, do you think there is a race that is innately evil?

Greg responds...

I don't, no.

The Buffy Universe has it both ways. They show plenty of well-meaning Demons and vamps, like Angel. Plenty of grey in the Buffyverse. But also plenty of pure evil. Pure good? Well, that's harder to find. Duller too.

Response recorded on November 16, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Note to Sapphire about the "Gargoyles/Buffy" crossover possibility:

While my thoughts on this one probably count less than Greg's (he's the creator of the series; I'm just one of the fans), I do think that such a crossover, while in some ways more feasible than, say, "Gargoyles/Batman" or "Gargoyles/Superman", does have a few snags to be overcome. One is legal ownership (Disney owns "Gargoyles", WB "Buffy"). Another is geography (Buffy and Co. live on the West Coast, the gargoyles on the East Coast).

(Of course, there's no danger as yet of "Gargoyles Universe" vampires being incompatible with the Buffyverse, since all that we know about "Gargoyles Universe" vampires is that they're vulnerable to silver - Princess Katharine mentions this in "Ill Met By Moonlight" - which doesn't contradict any statements about vampires in "Buffy").

But as I said, I don't view such a crossover as something all that likely for the near future, myself.

Greg responds...

Not at all likely. But it might be fun to think about in a non-canon vein.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

If you were to do any crossovers between Gargoyles and another show what will they be?

If Gargoyles were to come back I would like to see a Gargoyles/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover

Greg responds...

I answered this recently. Mostly, I think there are a lot of shows that would be fun in a parallel universe non-cannon way.

I love Buffy, but I'm not sure how the two universes would interact.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A rather silly question, admittedly, but:

What has been the impact of Goliath and his clan in Manhattan (particularly Bronx) on the pigeon population in the city?

Greg responds...

Little. They don't hunt them. After a while even a pigeon will learn that there are certain places (like the Clock Tower and the Castle) that you just don't want to hang at.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Joxter writes...

Semi-personal question for you Greg... Have you ever seen the series Robotech or Starblazers? If you have, what did you think?

Greg responds...

Is "Starblazers" the big battleship Yamamoto thing? cuz if so, I think decades ago I saw a tv movie version.

I've never seen Robotech.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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Weirdwolf writes...

1.Does Wolf have any problems with fleas?

2.What about the Mutates at the Labyrinth?


Greg responds...

Do you?

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Revel writes...

Hi, this is something that just recently started bugging me. Did you and the others make up the term "By the Dragon"
just for a figure of expression or does it have historical reference? (Just one of those things that get stuck in your head and your not happy till you figure out why, you know?)

Greg responds...

I'm not saying.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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BS writes...

What would the gargoyles think of the likes of Britney Spears and all that other pop music?

Greg responds...

Which one?

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Are there any non-magical 'traditional' ESP/psychic powers in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Siren writes...

In another sense of voting...
1.) In the gargoyles universe, could they fight for citizenship?
2.) Could they vote for a govenor or even a president?
3.) Could they run for office?

Greg responds...

1. Citizenship of what?

2. At what point in time?

3. When?

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Vendettas", after Vinnie creams Goliath with his pie, he walks off humming the theme music to "Gargoyles". How does he know the tune? After all, I think that we can safely assume that the television program doesn't exist in the universe that it creates.

Greg responds...

I think he made it up. But mostly it's an in-joke. The homeless guy in 3x3 Eyes also hums the Gargoyles Theme. (Said guy voiced by yours truly). Also an in-joke.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Emmlei writes...

do you know of the poem Tam Lin?

Greg responds...

Of it, yes.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Just read your last ramble (the one posted a few minutes ago about deciding to make Goliath one of a species rather than a human turned into a gargoyle) and thought that I'd ask this: What is "Zot!"? I can't recall hearing of it before.

Greg responds...

I could tell you, but you'd be better off hearing it from the source, i.e. Scott McCloud. Check out:


In brief, ZOT! is one of my all-time favorite comic books. Now it's on-line.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In the opening sequence to "Gargoyles", Goliath talks about how his clan was "betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect". One thing that puzzles me a bit about that line, however, is that only one human in the community of Castle Wyvern took part in the betrayal of the castle to the Vikings - the Captain of the Guard. Which makes the use of "humans", plural, a bit puzzling. How does it fit in? Is Goliath in the opening speech refering to the unfriendliness and ingratitude of Princess Katharine and her subjects as well as the Captain's deal with the Vikings? (The former is a bit of a stretch as "betrayal", admittedly).

Greg responds...

I think there's a general bitterness there. Princess Katharine created the environment that fostered the betrayal. Also, it's narration. Goliath is speaking (on some level at least) of the generic treatment that gargoyles received at the hands of humans.

Mostly, it just sounds better.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Siren writes...

What would Lexington think about this whole Napster deal?

(it's late...insomnia makes me think of strange things)

Greg responds...

I don't know what Napster is.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Who, in your opinion, is the most dangerous villain in the Gargoyles universe in the epic sense?

Greg responds...

I don't like quantifying things.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Matthew Smith writes...

Regarding Mr. Freeze:
Well, I don't read much batman comics, but I do recall one that I did read where Batman mentions he originally fought mr Freeze as Mr Zero. So, i think that Freeze and Zero are in fact the same person.

Greg responds...

Maybe. Or maybe that's retcon at work.

I'm pretty confident, even though my old WHO'S WHO IN THE DC UNIVERSE are packed for the move. God knows I may be wrong, but I was a DC employee for about eight years.

And by the way, it's refreshing to have a post that is NOT related to the contest.

Response recorded on September 30, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

re: klingons
i never read it but a friend has a book on all the ins and outs of the trek universe. he said that the original series klingons were a sub race created by the ridge headed klingons to infiltrate the humans. or something to that extent.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Ray Kremer writes...

Clearing some things up:

"One question: I saw a scene in the preview that I don't think was in the movie. The villain is cut in half and then mends himself immediately."

Here's a quote from the movies.ign.com review of Endgame:
"(Oh, and if you were going to Endgame to see the cool effects from the trailer -- Kell splitting himself in two, or stopping a sword in mid-air -- then you might want to know that those bits aren't in the movie. I've heard that the effects stuff was cut because they didn't want the big villain to be "super-powerful" -- if Kell could beat Duncan and Connor early on with his superpowers, why not at the big climax? By making Kell simply an immortal that had killed more immortals than anyone else, it levels the playing field and doesn't give him the cop-out of superpowers, but means that Duncan and Connor have to simply be more skilled (their combined effort) to defeat him, not suddenly come into some superpowers. I liked that they changed it, actually, as it makes him a much more believable villain.)"

"And Mr. Freeze, was , by the way a creation -- i'm pretty sure -- of the Adam West Batman series."

I don't remember where I saw it, but on some sort of Batman documentary (webpage? book? TV show?) they showed the cover of the comic with Mr. Freeze's first appearance. He wasn't even Mr. Freeze, he was called Mr. Zero (Captain Zero? Something like that). So I think he does predate the Adam West series. But even then it looks like the cold thing was originally just a gimmick like you said.

Greg responds...

Thanks for the Endgame info. I agree that the super-powers wouldn't have helped. Just better motivation.

But I think that Mr. Freeze thing is a stretch. There have been a TON of "cold" villains, going back at least to the forties. None of them were Mr. Freeze. I'm pretty sure, still, that Freeze was a creation of the Adam West Batman Series.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

I was wondering if there are different implications in your answers--"maybe" and "not saying". The former, at least to me, seems to imply that you may not have worked out the answer yet. Then again, rather than "not saying"--which clearly states that you don't want to reveal the answer because it's information that you want to keep secret--saying "maybe" could be your way of hiding the significance of an answer. You don't want to say "not saying", because then the fan will become suspicious that the answer might reveal more than originally thought.

So are there different meanings behind the two answers? I was just wondering because they seem to follow most of my questions of late. =P

Greg responds...

Maybe. :)

O.K. Maybe serves a lot of functions for me. You can't pinhole it that much, because I don't.

Not saying, is pretty self-explanatory.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In reference to the Lloyd Alexander question that you got and your own answer to it:

Yep, the Disney movie "The Black Cauldron" was based on Lloyd Alexander's books - the first two books in his "Chronicles of Prydain" series.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Some more Highlander discussion. (I must be on the wrong board or something)

"But I kinda liked endgame. I just thought the villain's motivation was beyond feeble. O.K. for a tv episode. But not nearly potent enough to cause the end of Connor."

Agreed. Clancy's Kurgan reigns supreme as the series best villain.

"One question: I saw a scene in the preview that I don't think was in the movie. The villain is cut in half and then mends himself immediately. Did you see that or am I imagining things?"

As far as I know that was from Highlander 3.

"And also I saw something in the preview that wasn't"

??? This appears to be an unfinished statement… Or a rather disjointed thought. Either way some clarification would help. (HA! When was the last time one of us got to say that to you?)

Okay, how about a question? (Or two, counting this one) Why do my questions appear so eloquent when I write them, yet seem to exasperate you when you read them? On second thought, this is probably best left to introspection. Or sarcasm. ;)

Greg responds...

The last guy got what I was talking about and confirmed I wasn't crazy. Disjointed maybe, but not crazy.

Sometimes, it's just my mood. Don't take me too seriously.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Joey Aspenwall writes...

This has to do with highlander: ENDGAME

you asked a question about previews with the bad guy being split in two.

I did see that preview, but it wasnt in the movie. Also i saw a preview with him having a bubble with connor's face in it, and he blew it away, and connor screamed.

Greg responds...

Yeah, so what's the deal?

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Adam writes...

"Splinter of the Mind's Eye," right? Had to be; it was the only Star Wars novel produced between '77 and '93. It's probably the worst Star Wars book in existence. Definitely not representative of the stuff that has been produced since 1993. The relationship between the quality of what you read and the quality of the current books is similar to the relationship between The Goliath Chronicles and Gargoyles. If you ever do decide to read another Star Wars book, I can guarantee you that you won't be as disappointed as when you read this one.

Greg responds...

It sounds familiar, but I'm not sure. I think I'd recognize the Author's name, though I can't summon it up at the moment.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Frederick writes...

Do any gargoyles believe in communism?
Have any read Marx?


Greg responds...

Anything's possible.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

I'll have to agree with 'puck40': Timothy Zahn's Starwars trilogy was great. All the rest of the Starwars books I've read have truly, *truly* sucked but Zahn's trilogy is different... And it has an absolutely *amazing* villain, someone whose brilliance you can truly respect. No 'Return of the Jedi'-Emperor this one.

Anyway, assuming you *ever* choose to give a Starwars book a chance, Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire' is the thing.

Greg responds...

O.K. I'll keep it in mind.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Another one of these "fan questions":In an Episode(I lost the name again...should look more videos) the trio returns from an concert. my question is, what band was it(I first thought the Smaching Pumpkins are doing a gig aroud that day)? Please help me with that. For now no more questions...FOR NOW!
CU, John

Greg responds...

Sorry, John. You'll have to give me a bit more clues as to the episode.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Siren writes...

Just out of my own insane curiosity...If you could do one crossover, just one, with Gargs and something else, what would it be? Could be anything from a tv show to a movie to a comic. Disney, Warner Brothers, Universal, etc.
On a personal standpoint, I like the idea of X-Men/Gargoyles. They have pretty much the same goals and are treated the same. They want to protect the people who hate them because they are different and the characters are so very colorful in both sets.

Greg responds...

X-Men/Gargoyles leaves me a bit cold.

Nothing immediately grabs me. It all feels kinda forced.

Batman in a vacuum maybe?

There aren't any easy fits that come to mind. Did you see the Gargoyles/Justice League Europe cross-over? It was palatable because it was played for laughs.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Recent posts have brought up Sean Connery and First Knight, which as you all know, was a horrible translation of the Arthurian Legend. So much of the epic was mutilated that I'm surprised they didn't just start from scratch. But Connery almost saves it. Almost. He's so perfect for the role that whenever he's onscreen all the crappiness of the rest of film seems to blur into the background. He uplifted Dragonheart the same way. The two films were released around the same time and I had high hopes for both. Unfortunately neither lived up to my expectations. But Connery did. He's was perfect as Arthur and perfect as the dragon Draco. I only wish those films lived up his skill and their original premise. He's an actor that can single-handedly turn an atrocious movie into a tolerable one (Highlander II). Truly one of best out there. I just wish he'd done a voice on Gargoyles. Hey, a guy can dream can't he?

Greg responds...

Wasn't Dragonheart YEARS after First Knight?

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Have you ever read the children's book "God Bless the Gargoyles" (I forget the author's name)? It's a book written for young children dealing with gargoyles, in a way that struck me as thematically close to the series (the gargoyles are portrayed as having been raised up on churches to protect them from evil, but then humans come to fear and dislike them, grieving the gargoyles - until a flight of angels come to comfort them).

Greg responds...

No, never have.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Some of your posts indicate that you're a Highlander fan, or at least are familiar with the original movie and some of the T.V. series. I was wondering if you'd seen Highlander: Endgame yet. While not as good as the original, it was easily the best of the sequels, taking the best from the show and first movie and combining them into a poignant package. I went into this movie with a sense of despair (understandable, due to the last two big screen fiascos) and came out pleasantly surprised. The battle choreographing was topnotch too, on par with The Matrix and The Phantom Menace. Overall I consider seeing Highlander: Endgame a good use of an afternoon.

Greg responds...

I did see Endgame. I kinda enjoyed it. I agree it's the best of the sequels.

The property as a whole is wildly inconsistent.

It's full of terrific ideas that never quite jell together, never totally make sense.

Some of the tv episodes were truly great. Others were just o.k. Some were godawful.


But I kinda liked endgame. I just thought the villain's motivation was beyond feeble. O.K. for a tv episode. But not nearly potent enough to cause the end of Connor.

One question: I saw a scene in the preview that I don't think was in the movie. The villain is cut in half and then mends himself immediately. Did you see that or am I imagining things?

And also I saw something in the preview that wasn't

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Hey there, Greg. Since my last questions seemed to have been devoured by the Internet Goblin, I'll repost them, rather than trying to ask you directly using 'The Force'. ;)
1. When asked about Mab not long ago you wrote: 'She's MAD, I tell you, MAD, MAD! BWAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAAAA'. Putting all jesting aside, is she insane?
2. If the answer to #1 is yes, was she this way prior to her incarceration/banishment or as a result of it?
3. Do the Fae in general feel that Oberon was justified in overthrowing her? Or are there holdout followers of the former ruler? Old school Mabites. =)
4. How can Oberon be so petulant and conceited? Despite all the centuries he's been around he still hasn't learned how to act like an adult. It's highly ironic that he banished the Fae from Avalon to teach them humility when he has so little himself (not exactly a model of introspection is he?). Not to mention that his son Merlin is renowned for his wisdom and for mentoring the noble Arthur. Yet Oberon himself seems devoid of all leadership qualities. He forbids his people from directly interfering with mortal affairs then blatantly breaks his own edict when he tries to kidnap Alexander. How can he be the ruler of an entire species and be blissfully ignorant to the fact that no one is above the law, especially the ruler? Sorry, that was more of an opinionated comment rather than a question.
5. Merlin is Half-Fae. So does he use human magic, Fae magic, or a combination of both? I am assuming that he was the one who enchanted the iron suits of armor guarding the sleeping Arthur. Such a feet of conjuration seems very difficult for someone who uses just Fae or human magic, but if Merlin used both then I can see how it's feasible. However, wouldn't that be mixing magics? And isn't that inherently dangerous?
(Listen to me! Talking about magic being feasible! This reminds me of all the discussions I've had with other Trekkers about why/how modern Klingons possess ridged heads and Original Series Klingons don't. Obsession on minutia: the hallmark of the fan. You can quote me on that).

Greg responds...

1 & 2. I never said she WENT insane, which I think is what your question implies. She is what she is. Mad, I tellyou, Mad, Mad!!

3. In general, a sigh of relief was breathed. But nothing's ever unanimous.

4. I know a lot of adults who behave MUCH worse than Oberon with a hell of a lot less justification for their arrogance. Don't you?

Everything's relative. Oberon is hardly devoid of leadership qualities. You don't like him so you're not paying close attention. He's the one that banished his arrogant race and caused many if not all of them to learn something about mortals. The old Titania in particular made Oberon seem like Mr. Maturity. Admittedly, she changed and he didn't. But she wouldn't have changed if HE hadn't forced her to learn certain lessons. He's also the guy who created the non-interference law. He didn't have to do that. He wanted to.

You accuse him of blatantly breaking it, but how human of you. He didn't feel he was breaking the law at all. As the ultimate Supreme Court Judge in this matter, he "ruled" that Fox was human, but that Alex was not. Taking Alex would therefore not be breaking his law.

Look at Elian Gonzales. Literally millions of well-meaning people disagreed on how to handle that. Some thought he should go back to his father in Cuba. Others believed he should stay with relatives in the U.S. Oberon acted as a judge in (what he honestly believed would be) the best long-term interests of the child. You and I may disagree, but we're clearly as biased as he is. And when another viable option was presented to him, he relented. A truly immature un-leaderlike guy would NEVER have relented. It's not like he was defeated. It's not like Fox's one surprising powerblast represented any real threat to him.

Try to stand in his shoes for a minute. You see a child, who runs the risk of being crippled if he stays with his real parents. On the other hand, there's a grandmother (who happens to be your wife) who can raise the boy to be happy and healthy on the paradise of Avalon. Who's to say Oberon was really wrong? [O.K. I think he was wrong. On the other hand, I think Elian's relatives were wrong to keep him from his father. And I'm sure to this day, they sincerely believe they were right.] My point is that people of good intentions sometimes disagree. So when you judge Oberon so harshly, who exactly is being immature?

5. Both, but never at the same time or on the same thing.

As for Klingons, I always had this theory that Q altered the entire Klingon race without telling anyone as an experiment. That the Klingons weren't this race of honor until Q messed with them, changing even their memories, history and religion. I think someday, he might offer them the chance to change back.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for answering my question about "Roswell Conspiracy". Here's another one, while I'm at it.

In the completed pilot that I saw, the Banshees were ruled by Queen Mab and were described as vulnerable to cold iron (among other things). Were these two details from the original script that you wrote for it that got extensively revised by your successor? (Knowing you, I suspect that they were, but I just wanted to make certain).

(Incidentally, I thought that the Banshees in that one looked very much like Luna (the silver-haired Weird Sister).)

Greg responds...

I had some specific kind of space iron that they were vulnerable to. (I had a name for it. I can't remember it now.) I had a whole LONG family tree leading to Siobhan (my female lead) worked out. And a time-line which they were, NOT supposed to use, but which I gather they adapted. There was a Mab equivalent in the family tree. Probably at the head of it. And there was a Shee Mother figure that was Siobhan's mother.

Suddenly, I have a bad taste in my mouth.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

A rather different question from the odd ones I usually deluge you with..

You said you had watched the Anthony Hopkins movie MAGIC, which, if it's the movie I'm thinking of, I enjoyed greatly. Still, I haven't watched it in years, and I can't remember the ending(I was sick while watching it), except that it was one of those surprise interesting endings..

1) Is this movie about Hopkins playing a ventriloquist and the dummy talking to him?
2) If so, then it's the movie I'm thinking of..what is the ending?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.


2. It's grim. He kills himself to keep himself from killing Ann-Margaret.

Great film. Great performance. Hannibal Lecter's got nothing on this guy.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Emmlei writes...

This isn't a question about TGC so much as an aspect of the show:
I know the Quarrymen was one idea you had a hand in that was put into TGC. I was wondering about the PIT Crew. They kind of struck me as a cross between a regular political activist group and those idealistic, over zealous animal lovers that I keep hearing about(y'know, the ones that believe all animals are noble and pure compared to humans, which could be but I digress). Clearly, they were the foil to the Quarrymen.
1) Did you have anything to do with adding the PIT Crew? if so, answer number 2.
2a) What were some plans you had for the group over the length of the show?
2b) Was it possible that a couple new major characters were going to come out of the group?

Greg responds...

I had nothing to do with the PIT Crew.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

ok, heres one i didnt see in the archives. i looked! im sure it must have been asked at one time, and if so, just tell me to go find it, but JUST IN CASE it hasnt been asked:

the fact that gargs carve in to the stone when they climb it should technically dictate that there are lots of little holes on the outside of the castle. we dont generally see these per se, but that doesnt mean theyre not there. did prince malcom or does xanatos have masons going around filling the holes? ^_^ (dumb question, sorry. ;P)

Greg responds...

Kelly, I need you to audio-tape your questions. I miss hearing that voice.

Not Malcolm. And Xanatos would only initiate repairs if the aesthetic of the castle (or it's pragmatic functions) was damaged. Most of those little holes wouldn't qualify.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Bråndeewine writes...

[Todd Jensen (repost by Aris) writes...
In the recent "Meet the Pros" chat, Cary Bates said that there might have eventually been introduced into the series a gargoyle named "Staten". Is that the case, or was he just joking?

Greg responds...

Joking. Trust me. Joking.]

My question is: What was the joke?

Greg responds...

Staten Island.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Siren writes...

If all the planets aligned just right would you ever consider doing s cross-over? Like Gargs/Batman. Gargs/X-Men. Gargs/Spider-Man Etc. There shall be a 20 year blizzard in the Sahara when if it happened, but just hypothetically...

Greg responds...

Maybe. But not with any of the shows you named. They're all parts of LARGER Universes that I don't think would fit, unless the idea of the cross-over was like that old DC Earth-1/Earth-2 thing. Where the various characters are traveling between dimensions. Otherwise a story with these characters would have to be non-canon.

But if you want to see a Garg/Justice League cross-over, check out that parody story I wrote for DC Comics.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Does the survival of the Loch Ness Monster have anything to do with the fae or the Zeroth/Lost Race?

Greg responds...

Again with the Zeroth? What is that? Did I use that term? If so, I don't remember.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Do any other dinosaurs besides the Loch Ness Monster survive in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Wing writes...

Hi Greg,
Congrats on catching up to the queue somewhat.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Gargoyles, I promise.
Have you read any of the Harry Potter books?

Greg responds...

I've just started reading the first one and it's so great.

I'm way jealous.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Chris writes...

Dear Greg,

Hello! I couldn't find this in the archieves so I was wondering if you had ever seen the Gargoyles paroday Lawn Gnomes and if so if you had any thoughts on it. It aired as part of one of the Freakazoid episodes (currently being rerun on Cartoon Network). Thanks for your time and for Gargoyles!

Greg responds...

I saw it at a Gathering. I think in '98. I thought it was mildly amusing.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000