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The Phoenix Gate

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When did Ted Grant become Wildcat?
When did Wildcat join the Justice Society?
Did the real T.O. Morrow act on his own initiative to destroy the Justice Society, or did he do it at someone else's behest?
How is Professor Ivo capable of eluding telepathic probing and which telepath did he face before?

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Fantomask writes...

Don't you think that you're dangerously falling into silly positive discrimination by making so many characters bisexuals or LGBT ? I mean, that's really taking huge proportions in YJ and I find it to be pretty disappointing and worrying...
You said in a precedent answer that "maybe you weren't woke enough", but precisely, woke is only reverse discrimination,
don't you think ?
With all due respect !

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

How did the Terror Twins get their powers?

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Anonymous writes...

This might be a really weird question, but... how did Bio-Ship feel about Conner and M'gann's break up in season 2 since basically she had a front row seat to the two of them discussing their break up in Depths! That was just so heartbreaking and since Bio-Ship can communicate with M'gann, did she express any opinions to her about the situation with Conner and her powers?

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Secret writes...

How did Superman and Martian Manhunter feel about Superboy and Miss Martian getting married and the fact they were about to become in-laws themselves? J'onn and Clark becoming in-laws since his niece and his brother were about ready to become husband and wife?

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Alex writes...

Does Wizard call himself a wizard as opposed to a sorcerer like Wotan, because he studies spells like a scholar would building aptitude over time?

Likewise would a sorcerer call him/herself a sorcerer/sorceress because it is more of an art for them like being able to sing or draw art really well? In previous answers you said they were like synonyms but what I laid out is the Dungeons and Dragons/fantasy explanation and I was wondering if on Earth 16 practitioners would follow a similar train of thought?

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Michael writes...

1. While the situation on Earth was atypical and agreed on by both sides, what would the Lords of Order do in a similar situation to balance the scales when Chaos was giving extra power like they did with the Child? Nabu said it was not their way to directly give power but surely they would want to balance scales or am I being too hopeful of said Lords of Order?

2. Was that spell that Wizard used in S4 EP 12 a reference to Gentleman Ghost or a coincidence? And what exactly was that spell he was using?

3. What type of magic does Wizard specialize in?

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Mr. Fan writes...

What caused Jefferson Pierce and Lynn to divorce?

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Windona writes...

I'm curious, did you ever nail down an age for the Reach Ambassador? Reach Scientist? Even just a rough equivalent age?

Thank you.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I’ve been a long term follower of Young Justice, and I just want to say thank you for creating such an amazing show.
1. What constitutes into what Beast Boy is able to turn into, like does something he turns into have to be considered an animal species, or can he turn into a humanoid version of an animal? Could he turn into a green version of King Sha’ark or something
2. In seasons 1&2 when J’onn or B’arrz used their psychic powers, their eyes would glow red and opposed to M’gann and M’comm’s glowing green, but in Season 4 J’onn’s eyes glow green, is there a specific reason this change?

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