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Louissa writes...

Okay, I really want to know what is going on here. I mean another hiatus?! This is the best animated show in years and they just keep putting up hiatuses? It's not okay, dude. What if they decide to cancel it? I wouldn't bear it.
You know, this show really makes me happy. It's the best DC animated show yet, seriously. You and your team do an amazing job and you give it that DC Comics spirit I love.
I'm a huge fan of the show, ever since I saw it for the first time. And you know, I always said that your show gave me the feeling that it could even bring Jason Todd. And it did, there's no way you can deny something we all saw.
I just, I don't know, if you only knew how mad I ma right now...They can't do it. This show is big. Bigger that Teen Titans, bigger than The Justice League or Justice League Unlimited. Almost bigger than Batman Beyond. They shouldn't do that.
I just, I just wanted to congratulate and thank you for the fact that you created the best animated series ever. Being a fan since I was little(I'm 15)l, and not seeing one good animated series made me mad, but your show has it all. And with all that I'm sure that we'll see in Invasion, well, it's just perfect.
Not to mention that your characters are amazing. I love Wally and the way he is portraied. And thank you for bringing Artemis as his love interest, I never liked Linda, anyway. And in Invasion, let me just tell you that Bart Allen was the best gift ever. He's one of my all time favorites, and I really love the way he acts. It's just perfect.
Well, I hope that the show will come back on Cartoon Network soon and that it will last for at least 5 seasons(it's an ordrer).

Thank you for all!

PS: Please don't reply this just with a boring "Thanks" or something,I'm curious to know what you are thinking about the hiatus.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I have no comment on the hiatus, beyond what I've already stated here:


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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VanDee writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman!

I just wanted to start off by saying that regardless of the sudden hiatus and some of the negative feedback the show got around the beginning of season 2, You are doing an excellent job on Young Justice! I can't even fathom the right words to explain how highly I think of this show, but basically it's the most intelligent, entertaining, and well thought out show I've seen, animated or not. As I'm constantly busy and stressed quite often, this show provides me a moment to submerse my mind into something I fully enjoy. I look forward to this show every week and I have to say I was literally heartbroken when I found out that "Before the Dawn" along with DC Nation entirely was postponed until January. I'm not sure if you've noticed but this fandom has your back! Since I'm not aware of the real reason for the abrupt hiatus, I haven't mouthed off to cartoon network or anything, but I'm doing everything in my power to support the show. I bought the episode on itunes, signed the petition (which is well past 10,000 signatures!), I watch both Sat. and Sun airings on both the East and West networks, and buy the comics whenever I can on comixology. And this I suppose leads me to my first question:
1) What can we as a fandom and individually do to support the show in the most respectful and effective way possible?
2 )I've been really interested in buying YJ merchandise like tee-shirts and iphone backgrounds, for a while. I've seen some around online, but seeing as I think they're fan made I haven't cared to purchase any of it as I don't think the profits would benefit the show. And I know purchase of the toys are encouraged, but as a 17 year old girl without younger siblings around, I have no use for them (and I've never seen any in stores regardless). Is there any talk of producing miscellaneous merchandise, sort of how Regular Show, Adventure Time, and other DC titles do through stores like Hot Topic? Seeing as Young Justice has quite a lot of older viewers, I think this would be a good idea.
Thanks for your time. I just really wanted to know the best ways I can support the show and hopefully do my part to help Young Justice get back on air and a season 3

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know anymore. But there are some obvious things: WATCH IT. Even the reruns. BUY MERCHANDISE licensed from the series. Buy it on iTunes, I guess. Buy the DVDs. Sending respectful correspondence to the networks can't hurt, I wouldn't think. Buy Happy Meals (or the like) when they have a YJ promotion. Etc. Buy the video game when it comes out. Buy our companion comic book.

2. None that I've heard about.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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YJ Maniac!!!! writes...

Dear Greg,
First let me say that you and your team are awesome! YJ is one of my favorite shows ever!!!
I have three questions:
1.) Did you plan from the beginning that Artemis would take on her role as super-villain Tigress.
2.) Whose your favorite new character from this season.
3.) In episode "Before the Dawn" Shimmer melts some metal with her hands...what's this power called?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I'm not sure we planned it literally from Day One, but we figured it out pretty early on.

2. I don't have one.

3. <shrug>. Transmutation, maybe?

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed Icon was removed from #21's cover. Did you do this or did someone else?

Greg responds...

Me? No.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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JB writes...

In Bloodlines was Bart's apparent interest in Blue Beetle foreshadowing?

Greg responds...

Well, if you remove the word "apparent" from your question, then you don't even need to refer to it as foreshadowing. He was objectively interested in Blue Beetle - now you know why.

But I guess from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, it was laying pipe or 'foreshadowing'.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Cynthia writes...

Did Ted die in that explosion at Kord industries?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Chris writes...

Quick question about The Light and The Reach; how long have they been partners?

Greg responds...

Long enough.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Super Steel writes...

Did Stephanie Brown really appeared in the YJ ep. Beneath the Depths?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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GhostDog401 writes...

Why do Nightwing and Robin wear sunglasses, while Batgirl doesn't wear any?

Greg responds...

Batgirl, like Batman, wears a cowl - not a small domino mask.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I don't know if you sometimes surf around the internet during your free time, but I wanted to let you know that it's been crazy since DC Nation was pulled off of Cartoon network without warning.

Here are a at least two things that I know that have been happening:

A. A Petition to Bring DC Nation Back A.S.A.P. - Apparently, someone started an online petition sometime after the announcement that DC Nation was coming back in January 2013. It seems that that the massive negative response to this announcement is what prompted the petition in the first place. From what I understand, the petition is trying to go for at least 10,000 people to sign this petition online. I believe you can find on Young Justice Wiki and from what I've read around the internet, I think that the people who doing this petition find it extremely beneficial if you and your co-workers gave your signatures to this petition. The fans are angry, and that's understandable.... since the press release info for the latest Young Justice DVD DID SAY that Season Two would be all done by December.. I guess the loyal fans of the show just want to see everything run the way that they are originally supposed to be...

B. Theories going about on why DC Nation was removed - This was the most insane part of it. On Young Justice Wiki there was a blog that mentioned three theories about what happened. Of the three, the most ridiculous two that I've read are about the possibility that DC Comics lost its rights to Milestone-related Characters (like Static) and that the presence of Stephanie Brown on your show had something to do with DC Nation being temporarily removed from Cartoon Network. This appears to be ridiculous, and I'm sure you'll agree with me on this. Considering the genius of you and your co-workers into putting this parallel DC universe together and how you plan things WAY in advance, there is no way theories like these would be true.

Thanks for hearing me out. I just wanted to let you know what's been going on.


Greg responds...

Uh... thanks for the update.

A. No comment.

B - Yes, theories about any particular characters - all already approved - being the reason why DC Nation (i.e. both YJ and Green Lantern) were pulled are ridiculous.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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