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Maria E writes...

Do you prefer the longer opening sequence back in most of season one or the shorter one with just the title?

Greg responds...

Well, I prefer the long one - but not at the expense of episodic content.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Josh writes...

Hi Greg, love the show.

I was just wondering if that after season 2 finishes will we be allowed to see the timeline you have been keeping and if we'll be allowed answers to some questions you have deemed spoilers so far e.g. Jason Todd's age

Greg responds...

1. Absolutely not. Only Brandon and I get to see that timeline.

2. Mostly, no. If it's a spoiler, it's a spoiler. And I've already stated my reasons why I'm not going to spoil. Check the archive.

3. As for Jason Todd, I will say that at the end of Season One, he was eleven.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Maff_234 writes...

Hi, my questions are related to the the comic book because is not quite clear what´s going on with Dick Grayson´s sort of "love" life.
It is somehow clear that he is looking for a relationship with B.Gordon so then, 1) why the whole Bette and Zee situation? (issue 20) I´m pretty sure you have your reasons but I really will love to know why, only if it´s possible, of course.
And finally since I became a fan of Dick/Zee as a couple I have to ask 2) around what time did the two broke up and under what circumstances they did and how they feel about it now? And again all this is because the kiss in issue 20 makes things quite confusing.
By the way, sorry if my question has already been asked, but if it is I will happily search for it in the Archive.
After reading the final issue my dream of seeing Dick and Zee together....died mostly because I´m not too fond of Dick/Babs since they are canon in most comic books and animated movies, but in general it is an AWESOME show full of suspense and Lex Luthor. I really enjoy it and thanks for it. Hope we get to see more of it in the future.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what to add beyond what Barbara and Dick discussed at the end of issue #25.

Dick's in love with Barbara, but she doesn't believe he's ready to settle down, and she's probably right. So he had a one-night stand with Bette that might develop into something more. And he's had a relationship with Zatanna that dates back at least to the end of Season One. (And, no, I'm not going to SPOIL the details of that relationship here.)

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Faisal A. writes...

Long time reader, second time poster, ...

So you have commented in the past that at some point the characters take a life of their own and begin to write for themselves and dictate their actions (rather than you, as a writer trying to force it). Building off that premise ...

1) For Young Justice, is there any character that took a story in a direction other than the direction you were initially envisioning? (i.e. maybe you weren't expecting a story arc to go one way but one character's presence just shed a new perspective on the situation that took the arc in a new direction (or at least new side trek) than originally planned) If so, who/how/when?

2) was there any character (of the primary cast anyway) that took longer (even if just by an episode or two) to come in to his (or her) own in terms of taking a life of his own? if so, who?

as a general comment, i really am enjoying all the characters and their design, stories, and growth. so a thank you to you and your team for all the enjoyment i've gotten (and continue to get) out of YJ/YJ:I/YJ comics :)

incidentally, the same is true for Gargoyles and Spec. Spidey (i still watch dvds of those shows - as recently as this morning - and STILL get enjoyment out of them - the same is not true of many other shows)

Greg responds...

1. I'd say that was true of nearly all the major characters, but especially Aqualad, Artemis, Wally, Bart, Superboy and Miss Martian.

2. Not that I recall. Screentime helps, so some of the characters that didn't appear as much may not have grabbed a hold as firmly. But you also need to remember that we had way more stories for EVERY character than we had the opportunity to present in either the comic, t.v. series or video game. So they may be more alive to us than to you guys.

3. Thanks.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was just watching Satisfation agian, and my curiosity was peaked. Is there anyway to learn how Crispin felt about playing not only Red Arrow, but Arsenal and Jim Harper as well. I know NOlan voices SUperman and Superman, but it's easy to do 2 characters I've watched Batman enough to see that with the Justice League two part episode A New World. Three Characters, one with a totally different personality from the other.

One other thing, there should be no coinsidence that Jim could be Red's twin, is it possible that Jim is actually a clone of ROy with the real jim harper's memories?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Crispin how it felt, but he's hardly the first voice actor to play three or more characters in an episode.

Jim (Guardian) and Roy (Red Arrow) are both clones of Roy (Arsenal). Jim does not have the memories of the original Jim Harper (i.e. the Golden Age Guardian, Roy's Great-Grandfather), but then again, Jim never thought he was the original Jim Harper. He THOUGHT he was that Jim Harper's grandson and namesake.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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K writes...

I loved seeing the closet full of board games at Wayne Manor.

1. Was this in your script, or was it Chris Jones' idea?

2. Did the games belong to Dick, or were they from when Bruce was a kid? Or some combination of the two?

3. Do Bruce, Dick, and Alfred ever have time to play all those board games?

Greg responds...

1. It was in my script.

2. Alfred bought them all.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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MasterGhandalf writes...

Just a quick Queen Bee/ Bialya question- Bee, of course, presents herself as a monarch and I believe you've previously stated that if asked she'd describe Bialya as a constitutional monarchy (but that just about anyone else would call it a straight-up dictatorship). So is she the actual, hereditary monarch of Bialya, or is that propaganda she uses to make her regime look more legitimate?

Greg responds...

A little from column A; a little from column B.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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JSA Fan writes...

With the appearance of Dr. Cross in the series, I was curious about Dr. Mid-Nite. Does the original Dr. Mid-Nite, Charles McNider, exist in Earth 16? If so, was he ever part of the JSA and All-Star Squadron?.... and how long did he serve?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes and yes.

3. He joined the All-Star Squadron upon its formation in December of 1941. Then in 1945, when the A-SS disbanded, he joined the Justice Society of America and stayed a member until it disbanded in 1951.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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Fernando writes...

Hi Greg! I was wondering, does the fact that Red Arrow's house (that we see in 'Salvage') looks a lot alike Red Hood's in "Batman: Under the Red Hood" hold any significance, was it a coincidence or is it spoiler territory? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Do you mean Red Arrow's Washington D.C. apartment, which was the same one he was using in "Auld Acquaintance"?

I don't recall if it was reused or not, but if so, I'm sure it was done to save manhours.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In the comic issue #7 Artemis tries to be a hero on her own
1.Why is it that before Artemis became Green Arrows protege her costume matched his?
2.Is it just a coincident that she choose green?

Greg responds...


2. No.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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